Channel: Suara Keadilan Malaysia
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Malaysia on auction thunders and roars fractious Malaysian speaks in one voice


Rosmah and Najib

Rosmah and Najib  first impulse was to seek shelter behind bureaucratise: established procedures had been followed to the tee in accordance with the laws of the land. However, the big story behind this horrible Rosmah faux pas won’t go away that easily. It reveals yet again Najib’s chronic inability to understand the nationalist sentiments and cultural sensitivities of people beyond its boundaries. That is at the heart of its galling misadventures in many parts of the world ranging from PAS,DAP and PKR, far from winning the hearts and minds of people, Rosmah has generated a great deal of hostility towards herself.

\Do something, like call a Minister and say you are the Second Coming.

The taxpayer should be taxed for this scenarios, right? As an allowance for ‘  ball sucking and asskissing.’ To make sure that whenever Najib needs to do a favor, he has the necessary funds to handle the bills and buy a favor.ou call the police, trick the guy and arrest him. Then you hold a press conference to express your dismay; underneath it all we know you are cursing the lost chance to be a sucker. Rafizi ”shocked” to learn that the government may have “sold off or pawned” the country’s assets in a last-ditch effort to meet its budget deficit target.

In medical science, you can’t be partly pregnant; either you are pregnant, or you’re not. In politics, can a state be partly part of one country, and partly not part of it? Call it the Najib-Rosmah paradox: Why am I not surprised? They will do anything to cover their tracks and make them look good. They have been forewarned of pending downward trend by many from the opposite camp and also independent reviewers. They just didn’t take heed of the warnings in the heat of doing anything to remain in power. Money was spent on worthless campaigns for BN in the name of Ministry events, AG report ignored. Corruption practices were treated as norm. Now we ,the people face the brunt of their inaction! Fed up of their lies and tricks! PM was in ‘syiok sendiri’ mode when he was announcing and doing all those hand outs-BR1M, Free this, Free that, Bonus here, Bonus there, I-phone here and I-phone there, Sapu here and Sapu there, korek here and korek there. Syiok sendiri !! After GE13 and seven months down the road, only realised there was a very BIG hole in the national coffer (This BIG hole created, was supposed didn’t and instead became the rakyat babies !!. No thanks to the 47% still sleeping and mimpi with Najib.

Frankly, I think as a nation we may not have the luxury of time to wait till the next polls in 5 years time to boot out the highly wasteful, corrupt and moronic BN/UMNO regime. If we do wait for the next election, UMNO would have laid waste to Malaysia’s economy. One thing I know for sure is that next year (2014) is going to be a difficult year all because of this crappy BN government that stole our last election. We are supposed to have a new government to fix the decades of ineptitude and corruption, instead we got same old same old and are headed for a huge crash!

The casualty is credibility: it began to creep away but the pace has gradually built up to a crawl. If Najib, whose own reputation remains more positive than that of his government, does not act soon, the pace will quicken to a trot and develop into an irreversible gallop.In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our history, I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas, this message, spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you, as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself. For the second time in the lives of most of us, we are at war. Over and over again we have tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies. But it has been in vain. We have been forced into a conflict, for we are called to meet the challenge of a principle, which, if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any civilized order in the world. Such a principle, stripped of all disguise, is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right. For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear, it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge. It is to this high purpose that I now call my people at home, and my peoples across the seas, who will make our cause their own. I ask them to stand calm and firm and united in this time of trial. The task will be hard. There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield. But we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently commit our cause to God. If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, then, with God’s help, we shall prevail.in’t surprise if this BN administration did that. They are on tenterhooks to pawn away its most productive citizens to other countries. Dr. M sold LPG to Japan for a song. His next successor “gave” Limbang away. If the former can sell off his own race to become a Malay, What else is new ?

Good intentions are never enough to frame good policies. Each new policy generates a host of incentives and therein lies the devil of unintended consequences The dramatic and very welcome change in the new policy is that school management no longer In effect, this means that the non-meritorious and well-connected  ,this courageous blow for merit and transparency, which has got Najib increasingly unpopular Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s approval rating has dropped to 52 percent following a series of drastic subsidy cuts that have led to higher cost of living.

Najib did not capture the personality and psycho metric traits of a candidate; which are very critical for determining the performance of the Minister   LookBeyond Resumes, begins by creating holistic profiles with all the skill and personality attribute sets pre- mapped. It captures the personality of the candidates through their proprietary personality assessment tools creating a publicly viewable ‘attribute dashboard’. And the real time analytics for matching the right candidate comes from the algorithm itself, that maps the right candidate for the right job instantaneously, a feature that works with precision every time  Minister  is selected I don’t get these people, insulting our ‘national pride’ by claiming we do not have enough taxpayers and lenders to pay  mercenaries, we pay over millions already-we brand them ‘politicians’ though, it’s easier to spell. (I am tempted to switch to full vernacular mode, what Sunny Bindra calls peculiar lingo and ask .Najib’s Comedy piece Inspector-General of Police’s an Abrahamic Call to follow Imam Ahmad Zahid Hamidi  the savior of SunniMuslim Ummah: On Aug 5, 2013, former PM Mahathir attended the inauguration of Iran’s newly elected President Hassan Rohani.He met with him to discuss Teheran-Kuala Lumpur relations. So is Mahathir an admirer of Shiite teaching? In common discourse, …Read more

Najib’s approval rating has rarely dropped below 60 percent since he assumed his post as prime minister in April 2009.Despite starting with a low approval rating in the first few months of his tenure as premier, a slew of handouts since 2011 had seen his approval rating go up, at times, to above 70 percent.

It however dropped significantly to 59 percent after the BERSIH 2.0 rally in July 2011, the last time his popularity had seen a sharp decline.

However, the announcements of Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) handouts soon returned his approval ratings at above 60 percent, which was how it remained heading into the 13th general elections.

In the end it turned out to be a toofan in a chai cup. When the Huffington Post carried a report that the Congress    president, Sonia Gandhi, had a personal wealth portfolio amounting to some two billion dollars – which made her the twelfth richest political leader in the world, and richer than the queen of England – it raised both eyebrows and hackles.Following the Post disclosure,  Putra Jaya South Block may or may not have entertained apprehensions that the resident of first lady Palace might send an emissary to  seeking a loan to help tide things over till the next installment of the royal pocket money had been cleared byPrime Minister. But that eventuality apart, such a publicised abundance of riches belonging to first lady of a political organisation UMNO which over 60 years has been promoting itself as being pro-poor – if not pro-poverty – wouldn’t go down too well with G14 VOTERS, particularly of discontent is crackling with the static electricity of election fervour.A suitably huffy Congress spokesperson promptly rubbished the report. As though on cue, the online publication retracted its earlier statement, and withdrew the Congress president’s name from its richy-rich list. Subsequently, the Heat media gave out details of the  of Rosmah’s financial status based on the pre-election affidavits she had filed, which turns out to be far more modest than what the Post had erroneously claimed the suspension of The Heat is against all the promises by the prime minister and home minister to allow for more democratic space Weird Companions And Adapters Fixers within the party may argue for new populist Change is a mist which floats through events, often obscured by the daily cloudburst of facts. It is noticed least by those it affects most. Politicians have a sharper eye than they are given credit for, but they can miss the obvious. A tectonic shift …Read more

It is not so much about the hike or increase of tariffs due to the cut of subsidies but more about the inefficient delivery system and unproductive government spending that are eroding the confidence of the people.People do not mind paying more if they can get better service and the country’s coffers get strengthened in the process. But what we get is a poorer country due to careless spending and rampant corruption.

Two days before the elections, his approval rating stood at 61 percent, and it stood at 62 percent in August, three months after the polls. Najib’s popularity is now back to the levels where he began as PM four years ago.

The respondents’ perception towards the government however sees a continuing trend of Najib outscoring the government he leads in terms of popularity. In most of the recent polls conducted by Merdeka Center, less than half of the respondents were satisfied with the government’s performance, though the latest figure of 38 percent is a new low compared to 45 to 50 percent range of approval for the government in the recent past.‘When the people are hurting, salt is poured over the bruises by saying that it is good for them.’The episode suggests that we might be right in paraphrasing the poet and say that ‘There are no rich nor poor, but thinking makes them so’. Indeed, Sonia Gandhi’s overnight riches-to-rags (relatively speaking) downgrade might find a parallel in what used to be called India’s growth story and what might now more aptly be termed India’s growth which is history. The public will not complain if the monies collected are used wisely, prudently and with no wastage.They have been shouting till their throats hurt at the mismanagement of the government finances, only to  fall on deaf ears.Instead of finding ways to stop this fiasco, the public is made to pay for the mistakes of the leaders. Now when the people are hurting, salt is poured over the bruises by saying that it is good for them.”It’s all for your own good,” like a mother reprimanding her child. Dear PM, we are not your children and you are not our mother. You are here to serve us, and not to be served

Leakage in all parts of the government machinery needs to be arrested. The savings there will fund the economy many times over.

One of the Malaysiakini commenters stated something important. With costs rising and purchasing power declining, consumption will go down resulting in the manufacturing sector being impacted. The latter will result in lay-offs and lower contribution from producers to the tax haul.

Socials ills will follow. It will be a vicious cycle for all. Without efficiency and productivity, the economy will be compromised.

Read my lips, it will end up with consumers paying but the money not reaching the government. Najib you are telling only half of the story. How can you reduce fuel subsidy when government spending has remained extravagant?How can you reduce sugar subsidy when importation and distribution of sugar is still in the hands of private monopolies?How can you justify high price of cars when issuance of Approved Permits (APs) is for specific cronies to become billionaires. Which country on earth makes billionaires out of the largesse of public policy?How can you hike the electricity tariff when lopsided Independent Power Producers (IPP) agreements have remained unresolved?How can you continue to raise tolls when the profit of most concessionaires achieved is far beyond their wildest expectation? How can you impose Goods and Services Tax (GST) when our accounting and retailing are so rudimentary?

had clearly not bargained for the ferocity of the reaction of the entire political establishment, civil society and the media to this deplorable incidentOf course the government has done it. Why it takes you fellows so long to realise this? The government has securitized the government housing loans for civil servants a long time ago. The government has also used up the Pension fund that was set up to make pension payment self-sustained. But now you look at the annual budget, pension payment, which is the liability of the government, will now be a big hole each year. What about sukuk issued, surely it must be backed up by collateral assets, but do we know which one? What about bonds issued by 1MDB? Although it is guaranteed by the government, I am sure these are collateralised by government lands handed over to 1MBD. Look, 1MDB can’t create something out of nothing, can they? To get the true picture of government deficit, the Treasury should exclude all monies raised from asset sale from the revenue.Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor (pic) was today honoured with the ‘Global Inspirational Leadership’ award at the Africa-Middle East-Asia Amazons Awards Gala in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The event organiser, Centre for Economic and Leadership Leadership (CELD), said the award was in recognition of the high commitment, role and initiatives of the Malaysian prime minister’s wife … Read more

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