It looks like MCA has stirred up another of cauldron of fire and hypocrisy that critics say can only burn up the last shreds of whatever credibility the party has left Umno secretary-general told reporters after attending the MCA Annual General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur today. warned the MCA today that it would tell the Malays not to vote for MCA candidates in the next general election if they fail to stand up for the Malays and Islam .Disgraced former-MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek for blaming the loss of Chinese support on UMNO the Malay daily, saying that the party’s “immoral leaders” were the cause instead.He was referring to the sex video that surfaced at the end of 2007 which led to Dr Chua resigning as health minister and MCA vice-president.Although Tengku Adnan again criticised Dr Chua for using UMNO as a “punching bag” today, he supported the announcement that the MCA wantt government posts Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor warned not come at the expense of Umno, MCA cannot perform in the next general election.
“This is an honourable move. I hope this time to make MCA aware that they will not be represented if they don’t get the Chinese support,” he told reporters after attending the MCA Annual General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur today..
Earlier, he had told the Chinese should be satisfied that “they can do anything in business including prostution.”
“They control gambling, alcohol and entertainment centres. These are worth billions. Do Malays stop them? Does the government stop them?
“Still they are not satisfied. What more do they want?” he said Chinese-based parties would not win any seats without Malay votes and cautioned them”“We will see whether candidates defend Malays and Islam. If not he will give the green light to pancung (cut off) them in the coming general election,” Putra Jaya MP extended this threat to all candidates for a general election GE14 , he singled out the MCA and Gerakan as those that needed Malay votes to win.“With no Malay votes, not even one can win. A majority VOTERS are UMNOmembers , the dominant partner in BN.
If our flamboyant Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor has said what he is accused of, his crime would list in the last and most despicable category. But my intent here is not to tar him. There are enough people around to do it. My concern is Tengku Adnan, who is UMNO and Barisan Nasional (BN) secretary-genera will loose the woman votes , half of UMNO members are women. I am NOT BOTHERED ABOUT MCA votes but if I had hurt the feelings of wanita UMNBO, I apologise as I had no intention of hurting them, .Currently we are putting the cart before the horse. While the truth may look obvious, facts have a curious habit of flipping themselves. So till the case of truth dispensed with, it may be a good idea to stop paying for cosmetic chinese womanan.
There’s no real difference between the guy who sneaks flunitrazepam into his date’s Bloody Mary when she goes for a quick loo break and the one who clumsily gropes an unwilling woman in an empty lift in the hope it may lead to something more exciting. It rarely does. A grope remains a grope. A groper, just a groper. He never quite graduates beyond that. But the most tragic figure of all is the pigtailed Romeo in the corner office flaunting his authority all day long and then, when the sun drops, tries to lunge at his juniors. That’s not seduction. It’s crass power play.
The tosh men speak when accused of sexual misconduct always makes for funny reading. The reason is simple: Most men think it’s their birthright to sexually prey on women. They are brought up to believe that’s what all men, if they are real men, do. It has been said in a million ways, in books, songs, popular movies and yes, repeatedly in advertising, the most persuasive foreplay of our times, that when a woman says No, what she actually means is Yes.
Not only men say this. Women do too. That there’s no woman ever unwilling for sex; all they need is a little persuasion. Perhaps Soi Lel just being his usual witty self. But men, I suspect, have largely taken the advice to heart. Different men ofcourse look at persuasion differently. So while someone may clobber a woman on the head with a baseball bat and drag her to his bedroom, another will drop a 4 carat solitaire in a champagne flute. It’s just a difference of technique, not intent.Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor has not apologised to women who felt offended by his recent statement which compared the gender to property.
Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said MCA Youth’s demands for the Chinese community should not come at the expense of Umno,in support of Perlis Umno Youth chief Syed Atif Syed Abu Bakar yesterda
In fact, the website is frequently used by pro-Umno bloggers to unleash their anti-opposition propaganda. The website had shown photos of the faces of several ‘Beliawanis members’ superimposed on figures in pornographic poses.
“Mirror websites are so common. One of the most famous is freemalaysiakini. Then in Selangor, Umno Selangor openly prints their version of Selangorkini to out-shout Pakatan Rakyat. To pretend he doesn’t know such things exist shows Wee is either not up-to-date in his knowledge or he is pretending not to know. But it is no excuse. As deputy Education minister, he must not try to deceive the ignorant, he should raise their knowledge, not try and bluff those who don’t know,” said Eddie.
“I felt sick and angry as the website tarnished my reputation, image and insulted me,” she reporters on Thursday.
‘Luscious babes’
Apart from pin-pointing her, the website also posted pictures of a group of women youth members or ‘Beliawanis’, superimposing their faces on figures in pornographic poses.
“The website has also insulted the young and pretty Beliawanis MCA women. Their image too has been ruined by the website, which labelled them as prostitutes for Umno,” said Tan.
She appeared oblivious to a denial by PKR that the website belonged to them.
MCA is hoping to ride on the issue to gain public sympathy from the Chinese community. However, the issue looks like boomeranging with netizens quick to expose that four of the 10 stunningly pretty girls whom MCA claimed were Beliawanis members were actually professional models.
The netizens also alleged the four were not MCA members at all.
MCA Youth’s demands for the Chinese community should not come at the expense of Umno, said Perlis Umno Youth chief Syed Atif Syed Abu Bakar yesterday.
In a statement, Syed Atif said as a member of BN, MCA too needed to understand the grassroots sentiments of the respective race-based parties.
“Telling the government what MCA Youth and the Chinese community want and need as a whole does not mean that he should ask the government to neglect Umno demands.
“Nor should he stop Umno from voicing issues concerning the Malay and bumiputera,” he said.
Syed Atif was responding to outgoing MCA Youth chief Wee Ka Siong (above) who during the party’s meet this week warned Umno to tread carefully with extreme statements as it has driven Chinese voters away.
He said Umno Youth has been very conscientious in avoiding negative remarks against BN component parties and Wee’s statement came as a “shock and disappointment”.
He added that MCA Youth should not rock the boat by “crafting a wreckage” and instead embrace the present interparty formula.
“For Umno Youth, we definitely have a lot to say about MCA should we follow his step in the ‘bashing business’ for personal popularity ,” he said.
For example in Perlis, Syed Atif said MCA lost BN’s traditional state seat of Indera Kayangan despite being given the privilege of millions in funds to pour into the constituency in the last general election.
“Umno does not even have the luxury to make such request (for funds),” he said.
Syed Atif said he hoped Wee’s statement was merely populist in his bid for the MCA deputy presidency.
However, he congratulated the newly elected MCA Youth chief Chong Sin Woon, describing him as a “humble leader”.
t’s been standard medical practice to think of narcissists as overcompensating and hyperinflated braggarts working very hard to cover up a sinking sense of self, desperately and secretly sad attention-seekers with sagging self-esteem.
But that may not be true.
According to new research, the medical axioms may be far out of touch with reality and the Average Joe’s street sense more on the line. A braggart really does think he’s all that and more.
In recent years, the
media have made a culture of it: narcissists now are not only shamelessly narcissistic, they will tell you that they are. They are the fundamental reality in reality shows.
But, they are not without self-awareness, as the old psychology would have us believe. They strut their pathology as if it were a float in their own parade. Their lack of empathy? No problem for them. Their lack of interest in you? Likewise, not an issue.
The researchers initially administered a number of clinical measures of narcissism to college students. Is there a psychology department that hasn’t done that since the 1960s? But then they did something different and decidedly interesting: they looked at how those who scored high on the narcissism scale were seen by others, how they saw themselves and how they believed they were seen by others. They considered numerous variables, running their analyses across social contexts and interviewing new acquaintances as well as friends and family. The studies produced strikingly similar results.
What they found was that narcissists were impressed with themselves and that their personal “puffery” was not hiding a depressed sense of self. They truly thought themselves to be utterly grand!
Those scoring high in narcissism tended to rate themselves as more intelligent, physically attractive, likable and funny than others. They also saw themselves more accurately than anticipated and rated themselves as having higher levels of negative aspects of narcissism, such as being power-oriented, impulsive, arrogant and prone to exaggerate their abilities! The understanding the researchers took away? Narcissists know they’re narcissistic. And they like it.
There was more: Narcissists are not private, and their self-aggrandizement is not in the closet. There was also a strong positive correlation between clinical narcissism and having a reputation for narcissism. Their friends, family, co-workers and acquaintances knew them for who they were and saw them as narcissists.
The sad caveat: The observers (regardless of intimacy level) didn’t seem to perceive the narcissist in the same grand terms that the narcissist did. They may have known them to be grandstanders, but they did not see them as being quite as attractive, personable or fascinating as the narcissists themselves did.
And the wistful irony? The narcissists knew this, too. Who would have imagined?