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Najib: my wife is priceless Rosmah to de-stress his peace of mind must fly in private jet


Rosmah Mansor, the controversial wife of prime minister Najib Razak, looks set to be thrust into public limelight again, following the appearance of a new YouTube video.

The blurry two-minute video clip (click here), uploaded very recently alongside many duplicate clips, shows the 61-year old taking centre stage among other performers dancing to the tune of the Hindi hit song ‘Jai Ho’.


Are you a woman in your 40s struck by strange restlessness, angst, and a feeling of something missing? Wonderful! You have hit the mid-life crisis, which today is nothing short of an opportunity to reinvent your life and live the way you wish to.


n Samuel Beckett’s brilliant absurdist drama, Vladimir and Estragon are two down and out tramps who keep waiting for a person, whom they know only by reputation, to turn up to change everything in their lives for the better. To keep busy while they wait, the two argue, sing, sleep, philosophize, and even contemplate suicide.

Every now and then they cry, “We’re saved”, whenever they feel Godot might be near. By the time ‘Waiting for Godot’ ends, the savior doesn’t turn up even as other characters, one of whom the tramps initially mistake for Godot, float in and out of their desolate lives. Like most great works of literature, the play is open to myriad interpretations – religious, ethical, existential and so on – but let’s look at it from a political angle that might capture the collective sentiment of many Malays today.this is the question put forth by the Federal Territories Umno headed by Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor  in defending Rosmah Mansor who has been criticised for using the government executive jet for her travels.Najib’s ‘love’ can fly in private jet for his own peace of kind. But he must pay for the costs himself, not get taxpayers to foot the bill. There is no parliamentary provision for the PM’s wife to enjoy private jet privileges by herself, whether on official business or not. The only exception is when she accompanies the PM while he is away on official duties.f this is the crap they can turn up with then it is a crying shame. If the love is in danger flying commercial airlines like our national carrier, then heads must roll in MAS, not that only the FLOM can and must travel by private airliner. If Sri Perdana is over spending on electricity bills then they should cut down and use maybe solar or LED lights. Dont just say they must live in darkness. Just like Jibs should not have suggested that he dines in candlelight, no one is suggesting that the first fat family live in darkness. Dont be a smart alec.  Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor

This is the question put forth by the Federal Territories Umno headed by Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor  in defending Rosmah Mansor who has been criticised for using the government executive jet for her travels.Now the plot is getting more interesting, this Federal Territories delegate Affandi Zahari is saying Shahidan was really stupid because Shahidan did say flying by private jet could be cheaper than commercial flights! A delegate and just mere UMNO member was outrightly saying a Minister in the Prime Minister Department Shahidan is a stupid or was he attempting to do damage control for Najib again?

We must be thankful that our Govt uses only a simple jet to travel. Like U.S., they use a 747 Jumbo or very soon maybe the Airbus 380. Maybe got kitchen inside to cook their favourite recipes with 5 star chefs, physio for heart problems, toilets with perfumed water for flushing, full bath whenever feel like bathing, iPad to play games and pets to pamper. Malaysia is so humble, compared to all this.Can you imagine the emotional strain Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak will endure should something unfortunate happen to his wife when flying in a commercial airline?Don’t ever let anything happen to (Dr) Rosmah Mansor or else Najib will be wailing and moaning and groaning non-stop for 1000 days—and if he still breathes at the end of that period, he will strangle himself, rise from the dead, strangle himself again, rise from the dead, strangle himself again, on and on. Now, we wouldn’t want that to happen to Najib, would we? He is such a lovable, living, walking saint if ever there was one. Do let the honorary doctorate holder use the private jet whenever she travels out of and returns to into his armNajib’s ‘love’ must fly in private jets, bring along her posse of minsters’ wives at taxpayers’ expense, spend millions of ringgit on overseas shopping junkets, buy US$24 million diamond ring from Jacob & co, and manage billions of ringgit worth of federal funds on behalf of Permata. Yes, Najib really sayang his wife.


Datuk Seri Azalina Othman yesterday gave the prime minister a hint of what to expect during this Parliament meeting – a rougher ride from the Barisan Nasional backbench.You don’t need to undertake that arduous journey, why hold your heart in your hands as you negotiate that slippery slope on the perilous path to UMNO president.READMOREhttp://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2013/07/02/azalina-to-najib-stop-being-an-armchair-pm-why-women-has-beg-to-get-what-is-rightfully-theirs/

An interesting week this with two people I enjoy following on Twitter being at war with each other on a popular social networking site and beyond. It all started when Modi’s following on Twitter crossed the all-important million-mark and he thanked his followers for the love and appreciation. Tharoor like a provoked panther whose nose had been gently rubbed with a generous dose of pepper sarcastically sneezed in his ever so articulate fashion, “ Alas, most followers aren’t fans!” Now, maybe Mr. Tharoor has a point, but there is no guarantee that all of Tharoor’s 1.5 million followers are fans too. Was this Mr. Tharoor turning green, for now there is another politician in the ‘million’ club? A worthy competition in cyber world perhaps that irks Tharoor no end? Frankly, besides Modi and Tharoor, I see no other politician who can amass popular support on social networking forums. The rest are far too boring or far too corrupt for most to be wasting time over, with love or hate alike.

Tharoor hits back at Modi, tweets wife Sunanda is 'priceless’
Shashi Tharoor described his wife, Sunanda Pushkar as “priceless”, reacting to Narendra Modi’s barbs at her.
And then the war of words continued between these two men. It was time to hit each other in the most sensitive of areas, below the belt danger zones. Mr. Modi chose to tread on precarious territory in retaliation to Tharoor’s tweet and to his resurgence post the Union cabinet reshuffle. Modi quantified Tharoor’s love for his lady with a ‘figure’. The charming Tharoor, with his impish grin and boyish waves of salt and pepper bristles and with his ‘Stephanian’ aura brandished his steely sword below Modi’s belt. The Union Minister roared, his wife is “priceless”, but the Gujarat chief minister needs to be able to love someone to understand that he exclaimed. Tharoor also said his wife was worth a lot more than Modi’s imaginary Rs 50 crore”. Ouch. Tharoor and Modi are now in a catalytic areas, ones that have caused the great Trojan war, the war at Kurukshetra and the destruction of Lanka. The impetus of love, the test of loyalty and honor have made many men wear fists of fury. The same men who would move mountains and the heavens for their love would think not twice to raze those who ridicule and scorn their lady.

Fine, I understand Modi’s irritation, I understand Tharoor’s fury, I understand their choice of words too, albeit both being in extremely bad taste. But, what I fail to understand, is when somebody like Khurshid beats his chest like King Kong and shouts from the mountain top in a voice that can split the trembling oceans below that he can die for Sonia Gandhi, I am extremely bewildered. What kind of a role is Khurshid playing here?  Is he playing the Salman of “ Maine pyar kiya” and sending his love messages tied to tender pigeon’s claws? Or is he playing a bogus Benhur and would not mind being pulled apart by horses veering off in opposite directions? Whatever act he is indulging in, the pigeon has surely carried the message to 10, Janpath. If the Law Minister of our country can stake his life for the Chairperson of his party in such a theatrical fashion, then there is no surprise why such Law Ministers get promoted to Foreign Affairs after ‘alleged’ robbery of wheelchairs and hearing devices.

Holistically speaking, neither should Modi have ridiculed Tharoor’s love nor should Tharoor have taken a dig at Modi’s singularity nor should have Salman been stealing from the specially abled. But, we are far removed from such holistic environments. Politicians by and large (with extremely few and rare exceptions) are the most thick-skinned of all breeds, a shameless lot. They would put a crocodile to shame with their tears, they can make a rose wilt with their fake sensitivity and make legendry thespians like Dilip Kumar appear quite mediocre.  Loyalty, love, faithfulness have no permanent place in their lives. Everybody swims with the current, nobody dares to oppose, it would be perilous for them to do so. Love affairs, treachery, deception and drama in Indian politics are not new. Our Politicians being public figures cannot expect their personal lives not to be dragged into an open arena. If they do, then they better learn to live with disappointments, just like the way we have, when promises in plenty made by our Politicians have not been kept. Its time for us to change.

They need to be slapped for their lethargy, corrupt practices and treachery to the public, just like the way

Friday 12th October, onlookers in the Wisma Bapa Malaysia in Kuching were treated to an astonishing scene.

The elderly Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud and his very young wife Ragad indulged in a public row in the foyer of his office building.

Ragad had apparently turned up at the building and demanded to see her husband, for whom she waited until he came downstairs. As one person reported:

“after words were exchanged, the poor old man was subjected to a violent assault as his retiring bride kicked him in the shins in public!”

The couple then departed, in separate cars.

This is not the first sign that Sarawak’s ‘First Couple’ are enjoying a far from perfect union.  On another recent occasion where Ragad again resorted to violence, she threw Taib’s briefcase at him in front of his assembled household.

Of course, Taib is no stranger to violence himself.  Shortly after the marriage back in December 2010 he terrified people around him by picking up his golden gun and shooting it into the air in frustration after Ragad had apparently disappeared without saying where.

If that is how they act in public…..

Needed: A playmaker, not centre-forwards

We have political clowns dominating the national stage but unlike in Shakespeare’s plays, they provide no entertainment or anything of merit or significance to our conflict-ridden society. Instead, they simply push up our stress levels.

The most recent examples of political clowns the parliamentarian, Bung Moktar Radin.

The last in this group, Bung Moktar, the MP for Kitabatangan had previously made the headlines with various political antics and a polygamous marriage which did not meet the procedures and conditions required by Islamic law.

How can one person or a single emotion have so much hold on you as to wipe away the rest of your life? When a lover walks out on you…

One of the most painful experiences of romantic love is when one partner loses interest, while the other retains his or her romantic illusions. Ensconced in the illusory world that lovers create, it takes time for one partner to realise that the other has burst the bubble and escaped.

And with that realisation come immense pain, disbelief and denial. You feel wronged, and like a fish out of water, try desperately to flip back into the earlier equation. People try pleading, cajoling, emotional blackmail, manipulation even threat — anything to get back the magic. Some like Jiah Khan, even give up their lives. But that is no way to love or be loved. You cannot, and should not, force anyone to stay in a relationship, because an unwilling relationship causes unhappiness and is unnatural, often bordering on the dangerous.


Rosmah Mansor, the controversial wife of prime minister Najib Razak, looks set to be thrust into public limelight again, following the appearance of a new YouTube video.

The blurry two-minute video clip (click here), uploaded very recently alongside many duplicate clips, shows the 61-year old taking centre stage among other performers dancing to the tune of the Hindi hit song ‘Jai Ho’.



Kids flew the nest? Marital problems? Bored with your job? Lonely? Or, just irritated with the sameness of everything? You could be facing questions in your personal or professional life, or accosted by existential queries — do not just go with the flow. Get a grip on life and lead it where you want it.

I recently attended a Life Alignment group healing session with healer Jeff Levin in Delhi. Whether or not I managed to align my life through his revolutionary healing system is a moot point, but the day did turn into an interesting session that included therapy, some confessions, non-religious chanting and vibrational healing.

This group had almost all women in their middle years. The themes that emerged were: being taken for granted, forced to conform to social conditioning, arrested dreams, and unfulfilled aspirations. As Jeff encouraged each woman to speak, what reveal;ed itself was a group of women, who have purportedly lived a wonderful existence, undisturbed by major upheavals. They all considered themselves a happy, blessed lot with caring families — and yet there was a feeling of something vital missing.

Most of them had led protected lives, conforming to societal expectations. As one woman put it revealingly, “I went to college, got married, had children….and my husband has never restricted me. Yet, I always wanted to be an architect, and now I think it is too late.”

This panicky feeling of having done one’s duty to others, but not enough for oneself is a repeated motif in the lives of women of a certain age in India. As the years move on inexorably, women start feeling deprived. They have lived as daughters, wives, mothers and friends, but not really as themselves. What is it that you really want for yourself? What is the true purpose of Your life?

A tough question for women, especially Indian women, who grew up before the media explosion that brought in Hannah Montana and Lady Gaga into our living rooms. Few of us were lucky to have enlightened parents, who taught us to think for ourselves. For the rest, submission was the norm; rebellion, very rare.

Thankfully, today when mid-life crisis strikes, there are still a good many quality years left. Good education and independent incomes have ensured that women at this stage can still bring in powerful changes that give a new wonderful twist to their lives.

As natural creators and lifelong multi-taskers, women are far better equipped than men at reinventing their lives. But deep emotional attachments make it tougher for them to move on. Reaching for what you want involves a trade-off and so we tend to stick to our comfort zones.

However, so long as you are clear what you want, it is never too late to salvage a dream — so what if we can live out just certain aspects of it? And so, if not an architect, what stops you from creating beautiful spaces around yourself ? If you wished to be a doctor and couldn’t, what stops you from healing now?

After all, what’s in a name?

Sometime ago, a reader wrote to me in utter distress about a girl he met through social media. They (let us call them Rajan and Priya) struck up a relationship, and Priya waited three years for a commitment. Rajan told her to move on as he was not ready to commit. After a year, he realised he was unable to forget Priya and decided to get back with her. But by now, Priya had actually moved on and was in love with someone else. When he wrote to me, Rajan confessed he was so obsessed and regretful that he could neither eat, sleep nor work. He had taken to stalking Priya and the more he saw her, the more he regretted his mistake. This self-destroying obsession cannot be termed as ‘love’!

I was reminded of Rajan when I read actor Jiah’s suicide note where she says, “the pain that you (Suraj Pancholi) caused me everyday has destroyed every bit of me, destroyed my soul. I can’t eat or sleep or think or function. I am running away from everything. The career is not even worth it anymore…”

How can one person or a single emotion have so much hold on you as to wipe away the rest of your life? There is certainly something abnormal in this. People like Rajan and Jiah are so firmly locked within their own emotions that they fail to notice that their love is not reciprocated anymore. For, how can you love someone who doesn’t love you back? How can you suffer abuse and keep going back for more? And if you really love someone, how about giving them the space to choose who they want to love and live with? Where is your pride, your dignity, your love for others in your life, or even for yourself? Obsessive personalities love disproportionately, lavishing all attention on one individual, to the exclusion of all others.

Let’s take a look at what Jiah accuses Suraj of in her letter — she says life is not worth living when the person you love “threatens to hit you… cheats on you, telling other girls they are beautiful… throws you out of their house… lies to your face… makes you chase them in their car or disrespects their family… You didn’t even meet my sister, you didn’t bother buying me something, you chose to be away from me on Valentines Day.”

If anything, what emerges clearly is the picture of a young man raring to get on with his own life and end this relationship. And, unfortunately, Jiah comes through as highly emotionally-disturbed and not able to deal with reality, insisting on clinging to a relationship that is clearly dead.

Of course, this in no way exonerates Suraj, whose responsibility it was to try and help Jiah deal with her emotional distress. Instead, he not just closed his doors on her and openly flaunted other girls, but in an unforgivably cruel gesture even sent her a ‘break-up’ bouquet that reportedly proved to be the last straw for the distraught actor. When one lover walks out of a relationship, it is his duty to help the other get over the hurt.

Why would a woman want to stay in an abusive relationship? Jiah says, “I didn’t see any love or commitment from you. I just became increasingly scared that you would hurt me mentally or physically. Your life was about partying and women”, and accuses Suraj of “cheating and lies”. If that was so, she should have given up on him in any case and worked on freeing herself of any emotional distress. But she chose to remember all that she had done for him, and then gave up her life as well.

In her letter, Jiah talks of all that she gave to the relationship and almost seems to be demanding a price for her love, loyalty, time, obsession, and the gifts she gave Suraj. If a relationship leaves you with a gaping void within, why give so much to it? “I have no confidence or self esteem left, whatever talent whatever ambition you took it all away. You destroyed my life… you made me feel alone and vulnerable. I am so much more than this.”

One should give only as much as one can comfortably give to a relationship — be it emotions or gifts. The moment you give much more than you receive, or more than the relationship deserves, you raise your own expectations unrealistically and are bound to be disillusioned.

And nobody, I repeat, nobody can destroy you or make you feel powerless in a relationship unless you allow them to!

Did Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin  marry the wrong person?

Most couples past the initial flush, start to wonder if they married wrong. Truthfully, there is no right person; there is only a right attitude

Watching a couple in their mid-30s with two young children talk intimately and smile at each other in the Shatabdi train, brought a smile to my face. It is heartening to see a married couple of some years with eyes only for each other. God knows there are so few around.

Interestingly, I had seen another on my way to the station in Chandigarh; a Sikh couple, well past middle-age eating chaat at a roadside vendor’s and talking animatedly with each other. “It’s praying and eating together at the gurdwara that keeps them so close to each other,” explained my mother, as she saw me admiring them.

Goodness, are we on our way to becoming cynical with regard to matrimonial bliss minus special divine blessing? I hope not. But the number of unhappy, disgruntled couples one comes across does make one wonder. A few years into matrimony, once the initial charm wears off, most start believing they have married the wrong partner. As the march of years weighs one down and the panic of approaching mortality strikes, it is common to list marriage to the ‘wrong’ person as one of life’s biggest regrets. This is the easiest way of externalising all blame for what one perceives as failures of life. It is easy to imagine that you could have achieved more and been a happier person, had you married someone else.

This regret is not unlike the hypothetical thought — “Had I been born richer, wealthier, better looking, I would have done far better in life!” The only difference is that you cannot hold yourself responsible for the facts of your birth, but you have only yourself to congratulate orblame for your choice of a partner.The more choice one has, thegreater the stress and scope for regret and what-ifs. You do not blameparents, siblings or children as being ‘wrong’ for you; since you never got to choose them, you just accept and work around them. But that doesn’t hold true of your spouse. You choose him or her out of many, and so keep wondering all through life, if you did actually end up with the ‘right’ one. And the fact that you wonder, is what causes the problem.

Also, romantic literature and art have infused unhappiness in love with a certain romanticism that seems attractive. So, it is not uncommon to see lovers of literature indulging their romanticism by imagining themselves trapped in marriage with the wrong partner. One such ‘sufferer’ dramatically told me in a conversation, “I am leading a suffocating life, with no ventilator for self-expression.”

However, truthfully, the only cases where we can say one is stuck with a wrong spouse are those of domestic abuse, unhealthy practices such as substance abuse or chronic infidelity. The rest, I believe, can all be overcome.Maudlin self-pity, the resort of the weak and cowardly, keeps us from taking a hard look at ourselves and examining if we really made the effort to do better in life and marriage, or were just content with our lot? Did we even make an effort to make the marriage work, rather than take refuge in declaring we got married to the wrong person? Do we even know who is, or was, the right person to marry? The truth is that there is no such one right person to marry. It is all very romantic to believe in soulmates and the one person God made for you, but the practical truth is that the success of a marriage lies not so much as in marrying the right person, as in adopting the right attitude towards your marriage and partner.

What then is the right attitude that ensures your marriage isn’t wrong? The most important is the sincere intention to make your marriage work. Mutual respect comes a close second, followed by patience and the ability to strike an emotional interdependence and so, form an enduring attachment. It is important to surmount your ego and never stop making efforts to keep up a channel of constant interaction and some shared interest. The important thing to remember is it is never too late, if you make the right effort. You would be surprised; scratch the surface and you may find your partner just as eager to meet you half-way.

It is easy to figure out the health status of a marriage by just watching a couple when they are together or out amongst other people. Indeed, my respect for a man goes up several notches after studying the body language of his wife. Is she confident and fearless as she talks? Does she have an opinion to share? If yes, then she has surely been given due regard and space in her marital home. And if a man is well-groomed and steady, surely he is well-looked after and respected at home.

So either all of us are married ‘wrong’ or all of us are married ‘right’. I tend to believe the latter.

To Rosmah with love yours loving hubby PM


Rosmah (2nd from right) with Puan Sri Noorainee Abdul Rahman (2nd left), wife of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, listening intently to the speeches at the Umno General Assembly in PWTC today. The Malaysian Insider pic by Nazir Sufari, December 7, 2013.

Men find it difficult to deal with strong, capable women colleagues!

But is this really a gender issue? Najib defends Rosmah, lists her unsung deeds

Federal Territories Umno delegate Affandi Zahari, in defending Rosmah’s use of the jet said, her safety is paramount and if anything happened to her, it will only upset the prime minister.

  • An older, single woman usually has had her fill of “meaningful relationships” and “long-term commitments.” Can’t relate? Can’t commit? She could care less. The last thing she needs in her life is another whiny, dependent lover!
  • Older women are sublime. They seldom contemplate having a shouting match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive dinner. Of course, if you deserve it, they won’t hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it.
  • Most older women cook well. They care about cleanliness. They’re generous with praise, often undeserved.
  • An older woman has the self-assurance to introduce you to her women friends. A young woman often snarls with distrust when “her guy” is with other women. Older women couldn’t care less.
  • Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to an older woman. Like your mother, they alwaysknow.

Yes, we geezers praise older women for a multitude of reasons. These are but a few.

Unfortunately, it’s not reciprocal.

For every stunning, smart, well-coifed babe of 75 there’s a bald, paunchy relic with his yellow pants belted at his armpits making a fool of himself with some 22-year-old waitress.

Ladies, I apologize for my fellow geezers. That men are genetically inferior is no secret. Count your blessings that we die off at a far younger age, leaving you the best part of your lives to enjoy and appreciate the exquisite woman you’ve become. Without the distraction of some demanding old coot clinging and whining his way into your serenity.

A young woman will say nothing, fearing that you might think worse of her. An older woman doesn’t give a damn.
desi girl sex scandle photo
I am a young man in love,
In an old man’s body.
In love with an ageing woman,
Who is a young girl inside.
To find spring in autumn,
And blossoming as leaves fall,
Ripens fruit in my life
That summer never bore.
I see you run to me
As desperately as I need you,
The grey hairs no hindrance
To the young girl shining through.
– Tony Crisp –
Beauty of a Woman

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,
The figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart,
The place where love resides.

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole,
But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It is the caring that she lovingly gives,
The passion that she shows.
The beauty of a woman
With passing years — only grows…..
Sam Levenson
There’s a kind of build-up of attraction that happens when a man and a woman meet. You could say that the more attraction happens, the more attraction it creates. This process happens very differently for men than it does for women. For men, it can happen instantly, and be over instantly. For women, it tends to build up over time, and then go away over time. I call this concept: “ATTRACTION MOMENTUM.”

now RosMAH is seen at par and on the same league as Hilary Clinton. She should be appointed as our new Secretary of State of Bloated Budget Ministry. Move over, Anifah, we don’t need a Foreign Minister anymore  this must be the weakest Foreign Ministry ever. We have a Foreign Minister who is most of the time invisible. I often wonder what he does. What Rosmah is claimed to have done should be a function of the Foreign Ministry. What is Wisma Putra and our Foreign Embassy doing? Wah must fly there and make phone call. Here at home too far or signal not good. Is our Foreign Embassy sleeping However and whichever way Najib or anyone justifies it, the use of Government plane for Rosmah’s personal use is still against the law – ILLEGAL! It goes to show the brazeness of UMNO and its mentality that it is alright for them to go against the law with impunity

“This involves the security of his wife. If anything happened to her, it will affect him emotionally,” Affandi had said.

The delegate then slammed the opposition for making such a big fuss over the issue.

Is it true that men constantly try to pull down women at the workplace? Why? Perhaps they do so because they consider the office, and in particular, the corridors of power, their original territory! And a woman walking down the same corridor is something they still haven’t got used to.

Most of us invest far more energy and strategy in choosing things such as a car, a house, or a holiday package than we do in selecting a life partner. Though it is de rigeur to be extra careful about your choice of vegetable, meal, restaurant, shoe or outfit, it is considered indecorous to strategise for the selection of the right spouse! Such a critical decision of life is left to Destiny, or at best, the vagaries of the heart!

Charles Darwin proved more than 150 years ago that animals’ choice of mating partner isn’t random, but a deliberate, well-worked out process that ensures and influences evolutionary patterns. The female of any animal species will not submit to just any male, but will be very selective and attentive to her choice. It is not by chance that even amongst animals, it is the best looking and strongest of the males that get their choice of females. A female looks out for the strongest of the contenders and a male looks for healthy females in order to pass on genes to the next generation.

The process is no different in humans, whatever we may imagine. Women are naturally attracted to healthy, strong men who can be good providers. A successful man, or one who is dynamic and ambitious, and so poised for success, attracts a woman. Men are attracted to women with a waist-hip ratio of about 70 per cent – actually an indicator of high fertility in a woman. All men love breasts and cleavage, and find a rounded, protruding behind attractive – a symbol of fertility since time immemorial. So, a man is naturally attracted to a woman who can bear him children and will in all likelihood, be a good mother.

So, even without our realizing it, there is some sort of sexual strategy naturally ingrained in our DNA! The heart may know no reason, but our instinct certainly does! It is another matter, however, that sometimes we close our mind and heart to the signals that instinct may hand out and make the mistake of imagining things will work out once we start living together.

What to look for!

In order to identify the perfect mate for you, it is important to understand yourself. Before embarking on this critical quest, you need to have a clear idea of the kind of life you wish to lead. Are you looking for someone who can be a counterfoil for your dynamic energy and restlessness, someone who can keep you grounded and build a steady home for you? Are you looking for someone who can give you the required impetus, some encouragement and that one push to help you on in life? Are you looking at bettering your material circumstances or shoring up your emotional fronts? Are you attracted by a life that takes you round the globe or would you rather strike root in one place? Once you understand what your triggers are, it is easier to identify people who would make good potential partners for you. How frustrating it would be if you are forced to kill your dreams or are stifled in a relationship that requires you to take paths contrary to your urges!

Communication is essential. Common areas of differences and clashes should be discussed with a potential partner and understood before launching onto a life together. Areas such as religion, finances, children, career, living within a joint family or independently are key issues that may lead to clashes. Do not turn a deaf ear to anything negative you may hear about your potential partner at this stage, nor turn a blind eye to any flaw you can see clearly.

Sometimes a process of elimination is a great way of working backwards towards a choice. The logic you employ for elimination reveals a lot about you and helps arrive at great conclusions about what you really want! Identify values and characteristics that hold the utmost importance for you. Can you live with a partner who is dishonest or has no sense of integrity? Can you tolerate living with someone who has no sense of humour? Someone to whom a job is just a way of earning a living? Someone changeable? Someone who is cruel or uncharitable? Someone who may be honest but will not stand up for another? Cold and calculating?

Do not be rushed into a choice. This is probably the most critical decision you are likely to make in your life and you cannot be pushed to decide either way. It takes a long time to understand another human being, particularly because during the initial phases of a relationship, one is on one’s best behavior. For your part, be as open and honest as you can from the beginning. Do not play down your own needs and requirements, and be clear about where you draw the lines.

To me the most important points to consider in the choice of life partner would be…

  • Basic values and core beliefs
  • A match in level of intelligence and emotional needs
  • Ability to arouse respect
  • Level of ambition and style of living
  • Vision and dreams about the future and level of commitment to make the marriage work!

This list is by no means the last word on the matter! Do help add any more points you consider essential…

So sack the Foreign Minister, appoint Ros as senator and then make her the new foreign minister and deputy PM

It is a nonsensical logic by Najib to defend the indefensible act of Rosmah being allowed to use a tax payer funded state asset for her personal trip. He must be thinking that we are a bunch of simpleton and will swallow wholesale what he says. If Najib wishes to reward his wife for meddling in the affairs between states, he will need to pay for it himself. Personally, I will say that she should not have been directly involved in appealing on behalf of Malaysia to Egypt and Saudi Arabia because she has no official executive position in government. Thanks but no thanks I would say. To those UMNO dimwit apple polisher, it is completely irrelevant if Najib sayang Rosmah or otherwise. We all realize it is very convenient and classy to be flying around in private jet but the truth of the matter is she just don’t qualify to fly solo in an aircraft funded by tax payer (which by the way are mostly non UMNO members).

Or, maybe men are convinced that women are inferior, and so give them short shrift. Or, is it because knowing the weakness of their own sex, men fear that susceptible male bosses may give women colleagues more attention and bigger promotions?   It is a nonsensical logic by Najib to defend the indefensible act of Rosmah being allowed to use a tax payer funded state asset for her personal trip. He must be thinking that we are a bunch of simpleton and will swallow wholesale what he says. If Najib wishes to reward his wife for meddling in the affairs between states, he will need to pay for it himself. Personally, I will say that she should not have been directly involved in appealing on behalf of Malaysia to Egypt and Saudi Arabia because she has no official executive position in government. Thanks but no thanks I would say. To those UMNO dimwit apple polisher, it is completely irrelevant if Najib sayang Rosmah or otherwise. We all realize it is very convenient and classy to be flying around in private jet but the truth of the matter is she just don’t qualify to fly solo in an aircraft funded by tax payer (which by the way are mostly non UMNO members).

Whatever the reason, the fact remains that a woman with a strong personality and even average looks can strike terror in the hearts of male colleagues for no fault of hers. If a woman has a mind of her own and dares to question a decision or make a point strongly, she is instantly labelled “enemy” for she has violated the traditional code of conduct between the sexes! And so as a protective response, men label her “difficult to work with”, “hard to get along”, “tough to handle” or “not willing to listen”. This is the global mantra of guys who find it difficult to accept a woman on an equal footing, intellectually or professionallySome amount of intuitive choice of the right mate is ingrained in us, but the selection of a life partner requires far more strategising than most are willing to invest

That is what we call Leadership by example in Malaysia and when Malaysians are told to tighten their belt for the good of the country,with the price of Petrol going up from RM1.90 to RM2.10 per liter,sugar price has gone up to save Malaysians from diabetes, which might end-up with the amputation of the legs,electricity will go up by 15% wef 1st Jan.2014 to be followed by Cukai Tanah.The best part is when Najib defended his wife Rosmah flying around the world on personal business,with UMNO delegates in tow,using PM Executive Jet.To those 47% Malaysians who voted for UMNO/BN during the 13th GE,you have been screwed.The crime of Apartheid is defined by the 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court as inhumane acts of a character similar to other crimes against humanity “committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” On November 30, 1973, the United Nations General Assembly opened for signature and ratification the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. It defined the crime of apartheid as “inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them.”

Men are very visual and they are instantly attracted to a woman, sometimes so much so that they lose all sense of reality and their surroundings. Women are initially attracted to a man’s looks, but beyond that something else is also happening. Women are also attracted to a man’s energy, confidence, the tone of his voice, and the way he listens when they speak.

A woman’s attraction to a man is complicated, while a man is overstimulated on the visual side like a giant Scooby Doo. To attract a man, a woman needs to be able to seduce his eyes with her sex appeal. To attract a woman, a man needs to intrigue and seduce her mind.

This is where men lose the connection. They tend to try to “wow” a woman in the same way they would go about trying to impress a fellow man.

Let me go further into this. A good woman friend once told me “The more a man speaks, the drier I get. I wish sometimes he would not say a word so I can remain turned on and attracted to him.” This is the cold hard truth. Most men have no idea that in order to create attraction, they need to shut up and listen.

Men tend to try to close a woman by selling themselves to her. What happens in reality, however, is that the more they sell the less the attraction to them becomes. Men are what I call “wing flappers.” They think that by trying to impress a woman with their life accomplishments, they will seduce her and attract her . . . which is far from the truth.

The key to attracting women and creating the “attraction momentum” is a 3 step process.

Step 1 is the initial approach. Women can see you coming from a mile away. They smell you, and if they are attracted to you they want you to approach them. But it is the way you approach that will cause the attraction momentum to either rise or fall.

Men that walk over immediately are ones who tend to be received well by women. Ask any woman what her feelings are about the way a man approaches, and she will tell you that if she hears the “Jaws” theme playing in her head she will lose any of the initial attraction that she was feeling. Most men tend to circle like sharks for hours before they approach, and by the time they finally do approach the woman is turned off by him.

What happens next, i.e., Step 2, is another attraction key that will either raise her level of interest or decrease the attraction.

Most men will talk at a woman with random thoughts. Men tend to speak in random circles . . . That works in the man world. Take the following example. Two men are sitting in a café watching a game on TV. This is how a conversation would typically go:

Man 1: “You hungry?”

Man 2: “Yes.”

Man 1: “Wow! Did you see that throw?”

Man 2: “Yes, that was great. Hey . . . Check her out!”

Man 1: “Hot!”

Man 2: “Yeah, really hot. So, how’s work?”

Man 1: “Good. Any you?”

Man 2: “Good. What do you want to eat?”

Man 1: “Sandwich maybe . . . Wow! Look at that play.”

Man 2: “Forget the play. Look at her!”

Man 1: “Hot.”

Man 2: “Yeah, I think I want a sandwich too. Let’s order.”

So now that you’ve seen what “man talk” looks like, let’s look at the conversation of two women in the same café so you can understand how women react to each other and how they speak to one another.

Women 1: “How was your date last night?”

Women 2: “It was ok.”

Women 1: “Just ok? Why? What happened?”

Women 2: “He was really funny, but…”

Women 1: “But what?”

Women 2: “He did something when the waitress came over that really made me think.”

Women 1: “What did he do? Was he checking her out?”

Women 2: “I am not sure. I have been running it through my head, and I just can’t get a reading on it.”

Women 1: “Details please! Let’s figure this out…”

Do you see the difference? Women get deeper in one conversation, while men talk in random circles eventually getting back to the original conversation.

So now you can see how attraction momentum works. Men need to learn the trigger points in women . . . how they think, how they react, and how they speak. Most men will talk to a woman in “man talk” and when they do, they will cause the attraction momentum to go down instead of up.

For every woman that is sitting in a café reading the newspaper, there is a man thinking that he can just walk over to her with some canned line and a few follow-up questions. Men believe that there is an approach that will work in all situations, or that there are custom approaches that will work regardless of what she says. It’s that mindset that kills all attraction for women, yet men think that there is some magic approach that will work in all situations.

Men will actually spend time looking for someone who can give them that answer, that “magic approach,” so they will be attractive to all women in all situations. Men will use an approach over and over, memorizing it so they can perform it in front of a woman. The truth is that women are looking to connect with a man . . . not to watch a one man show.

That alone will kill the attraction momentum for women. Women are present in the moment whereas men think about what they have to say.

So let’s see how the attraction momentum is killed in a café . . . and this is after a woman has smiled and checked out the man.

Man: “Can I borrow a section of your paper?”

Woman: “Yes, you can.”

Man: “Are you having a good day?”

Woman: “Yes I am… but this story about Iraq is really disturbing.”

Man: “Do you live here?”

Woman: “Yes… around the corner. I love this area.”

Man: “What do you do for work?”

See, a man walks over and he has these predetermined questions that he wants to ask her already in his mind. And not once did he pick up on anything that she was saying, which in turn is causing the attraction momentum to go down as each word comes out of his mouth. Because they don’t listen, men tend to kill the attraction once they open their mouths.

Step 3, therefore, is to remain present in the moment and to listen to what a woman is saying.

There are also many other ways a man can kill attraction.

Another way that a man kills the attraction momentum is when he looks at a woman like a desperate, hungry wolf staring at its next meal. Or when he’s out with a hungry testosterone-laden wolf pack, he will poke a friend five times before talking to a woman. Women don’t communicate like hungry wolves about to eat a meal.

Women communicate in a whole different language. When they look at a man, they admire a man. They don’t look at him like he’s about to be put on the grill.

Women like to be looked at a certain way in order to build attraction. By looking at a woman with a very seductive, sexy, George Clooney smile, you will be able to turn her on in ways you’ve never imagined! In order for attraction to build in a woman, you need to do it slowly and seductively. You also need to jump into her head and start a conversation based on thoughts she’s already having.

So . . . how do you do this?

First, you need to observe what she’s doing so you can jump into her head when you talk to her. This way, the conversation is based on something she’s already feeling or doing so it’s natural. Most men will walk over to a woman and do the exact opposite like the example above. In a second, I am going to show you a conversation that you can have anywhere that will get you to bond with a woman and create far greater attraction than you’ve ever had before.

The second tip before we go through that conversation, is to keep present in the moment so that the conversation is just an extension of her thoughts. If what you say is an extension of her thoughts, she won’t even realize what’s happening. She won’t have her defenses up, and by doing this you will be bonding with her about the things she’s already thinking.

The third, and most important, thing that makes the attraction meter go up instead of down, is to listen and to react to what she is saying. In my earlier example, I talked about two women and how they have a conversation. Women start on a subject and then go deeper into it, creating a bond between them. That is the exact type of bond you need to create with a woman in order to cause the attraction to rise instead of fall.

Most guys when they approach a woman, create a whole new feeling, thought and conversation. Take, for example, a woman who might be eating a peach at a farmer’s market. A typical guy will walk over and ask her a question about the weather, instead of picking the obvious thing like I’m about to show you.

Let’s take the peach example. You see a woman eating a juicy peach at a farmer’s market. So how do you come across as the confident male instead of the bumbling guy that has nothing to say? The first step you’ve already done, i.e., observed what she’s doing. The second step is to walk over immediately. Walk over with authority and confidence. When you approach her, be playful and say:

Man: “That looks great. Can I have a bite?”

Woman: “I don’t know . . . I don’t know if I’m in the mood to share today.”

Man: “What, you don’t like to share?”

Woman: “I love to share, but I don’t even know you.”

Man: “What do you need to know in order for me to get a bite of that peach?”

Woman: “Well, we could start with your name.”

Man: “So all I need to do is tell you my name, and I’ll get a bite of that peach?”

Woman: “Maybe . . .”

Man: “I’ll tell you what. Take me to where you got that peach and I’ll get my own. Then we’ll compare and see who got the better peach. We’ll go bite for bite.”

Woman: “You’re on . . .I’ll go bite for bite. I believe in my peach.”

Man: “What else do you believe in?”

At this point you’ve now segued away from the peach, and opened the door to her sharing her thoughts with you. You’ve also been very playful and you’ve challenged her. You’ve turned a simple approach into a fun game. Plus the game was all about something she was already doing. Most men fail to create attraction because they talk in random thoughts, which is not “woman talk.” I have found in coaching thousands of women over the last 10 years that the only way to build attraction in a woman is to bond with her in the moment and jump inside her head.

Don’t believe me….. So you have to understand, to meet the most amazing women everyday and have them desire you, you have to connect with them on a higher level than you ever have before.


Did ‘Shiite’ Mat Sabu made Maria Chin Abdullah arrogant and cocky ? ask Zahid


What a script! What a star cast! And what a finale.  Pas  elections were what Bollywood would label a full paisa vasool production. At a time when sensible folks in the Capital should have been gorging on gajar halwa with dollops of rabdi, and enjoying the cool weather , here they were battling over votes, seats, numbers and completely missing the point weddings are defined by mayhem and chaos. Generally, the bridegroom is the most ignorant fellow in the set up. People fool him into believing anything. He is the last to know the bride has fled the pandal, for example. So it was in . Poo r’Shiite’ Mat Sabu  was still dimpling away shyly, even  arrogant and cocky  Bersih leader Maria Chin Abdullah  ducked uncomfortable questions and put on a brave face. who really needs to work on his baraatis. Meanwhile, the rival DAP was busy gloating, even though his party’s showing was not exactly spectacular.

Bersih leader Maria Chin Abdullah has been labelled ‘arrogant and cocky’ by EC chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Yusof for a petition drive calling for all commission officials to step down.  – The Malaysian Insider pic, December 7, 2013.

The structure of government does not change, whether it is brilliant or awful. A prime minister presides. A Cabinet sits in attendance. But government collapses when common purpose is lost, when every minister becomes his own master and the prime minister turns into a helpless spectator. Government degenerates into a circus without a programme; acrobats become indistinguishable from clowns. The next prime minister must be able to exercise something more vital than the tenuous authority of an office no one takes seriously . Pakatan has had a resigned air without anyone actually having resigned.  this will be  the original sin of bad government is arrogance , with complacency as a silent partner electoral watchdog Bersih 2.0   Pakatan began to believe that because they had got away with a lot, they could get away with anything. Should inflation be considered an obvious manifestation of political mismanagement? A major reason for today’s street rage is certainly the fact that this can be manipulated Bersih 2.0  and Pas ’Shiite’ Mat Sabu

Change  UMNO  in the air, and regardless of how the experts process the data, aware we Malay at least have read the writing on the wall. They have voted in numbers. They have voted dimaag se. And they have overwhelmingly voted for change. As it generally transpires during any key transition, a new lingo has emerged. It has captured the imagination of the public. Bewildered citizens are looking at one another and wondering, “Are we really the twilight voters television anchors keep referring to?” Yup. It’s the twilight voter who has altered the well-calibrated political equations and upset  Mahathir’s camp  applecart.

The Umno president’s first two messages for his party grassroots to take home represent the party’s hopes to get back flagging support among urban Malay Muslims and check the influence of its main political rival, PAS.

The first was that the party was taking back the mantle of “true defender of Islam” from PAS.

The second was that the party was going full steam ahead with its Bumiputera Economic Empowerment Agenda, which seeks to serve the interests of Malay-Muslim businessmen.

The Barisan Nasional, which Umno leads, was returned to federal power by a combination of votes from Malay Muslims, Sabahan and Sarawakian Muslims and non-Muslim Bumiputera.

And then in his speech at the start of the assembly, he said those two communities make up 67% of the population.

So by simple math, if Umno and the BN can harness the support of at least 60% of them, it can return to power in the 14th general election.

As was repeatedly said by the party’s grassroots, and reaffirmed by Najib during the assembly, these are their hardcore supporters.

To increase its support among urban Malay Muslims, Najib himself said that he will personally see to it that the CEOs of government-linked companies help Malay Muslim contractors and vendors.

“They will be getting a KPI on this and they will have to submit report cards on how they have met their targets,” said Najib to rapturous applause from the audience at the assembly.

The first message, on the other hand is more subtle in its aim but has a far reaching impact.Wise sages tell us to learn from our mistakes. Politics, that clever art, suggests a brilliant variation — learn from   Mahathir’s mistakes of your predecessor. As long as the next government, born from the 2013  general elections, understands why Pas  lost its popularity, the country will be comparatively safe and possibly healthy. Bad governance is primarily the sacrifice of national interest for partisan gain. This can operate as straight corruption, as in the spectrum fire-sale. Or it can maim policy,  partner like  DAP’s  political blackmaiL  in  PAKATAN . A national government cannot abandon what is right and hope to retain its credibility. There is a visible and vocal sense of crisis in the present PAS  — which affects everyone —  The anger is not just about economic decline, inflation unchecked and corruption rampant — which affects everyone   but also about aspiration denied which is why the young are in the demographic vanguard of opposition to the establishment. Incidentally, this is not the first crisis that India has faced. While its intensity can hardly be denied, it might be the most easily remedied. Since 1957, Tanah Melayu has  a crisis in search of a solution. But here is the astonishing thing. UMNO rises to its most resilient when challenged by its biggest dangers. Despair serves as an invitation to good government. The first challenge,  under control and laid the basis of a new economy through the framework for industrial and then agricultural production UMNO abandoned its shibboleths, particularly socialism, and set us on a road that promised prosperity.

UMNO  is on an evolving, not a stagnant, journey. It can absorb a limp on the road, but it will not be crippled. And the most effective medicine is always, but always, a curative  general election.

Najib then told the crowd that Malaysia, as a moderate Muslim nation, has been acknowledged by well-known Palestinian groups Fatah and Hamas.

Umno’s religious credentials, he claimed, was also acknowledged by the imam of the Al-Haram Mosque of Mecca, Syeikh Dr Khalid Ali Al-Ghamdi. The mosque is a revered site in the Muslim world.

A party insider said that the strong stance on Islam was to capitalise on PAS’s internal rifts which have seen it sending mixed messages on religious issues, notably the spread of Shia Islam and the Allah issue.

PAS’s views on matters related to Islam are often sought by Malaysian Muslims who believed it is a more trustworthy authority compared to Umno, said the party member who declined to be named.

But because PAS leaders have sent conflicting messages about the Allah issue in the run-up to the general election, it was seen as playing politics with religion.

The same thing occurred during its own party elections where rivals would label each other as Shia. PAS has been unable to give a consistent view on the issue of Shia Islam in Malaysia, a subject that is already generally misunderstood by many Malaysian Muslims.

“PAS has shown that it is compromising on Islamic matters because it wants to win votes,” Umno supreme council member Datuk Seri Idris Haron said.

There was also a third dulha crashing this wedding party, and that was Tien Chua. Let’s call him the forgotten bridegroom or the neglected damaad of Pakatan. Armed with nothing more lethal than a jhaadu, his party performed beyond all expectations and astonished skeptics. This was pretty good going considering nobody offered Anwar Israhim  a dowry. His support came from ordinary people who wanted change.

People are talking about rainbows and wake-up calls. They are dreaming of a corruption-free Capital . All such talk is nonsensical. The G13results are merely the latest expression of people’s frustration . This emphatic mood swing of the voter was something very few analysts had anticipated. The fact that the female vote made the difference is being acknowledged only now, that too, in hindsight . The female vote is going to be a significant game-changer in 2018. Women sickened by Zahid ’s apathy, starting with the shabby handling of  Mariam Mokhtar who  waiting-list for membership of the exclusive ‘Sedition Club Uniting Malaysians’, (SCUM) which has several distinguished members like Adam Adl Talking up its religious credentials also makes sense for Umno as its internal studies show that more and more Muslims, old and young, are seeing themselves as Muslims first, Malays second.“This is where Umno has to step in and show we will not compromise on matters related to Islam,” Idris, who is also Malacca Chief Minister, added.

Yet for all the bluster about the state of the Malay economy and Islam, there are still bread and butter issues that Umno has to tackle if it is serious about wanting to regain lost seats.

Of particular importance, says Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin, is the rising cost of living and pricey houses that are hurting young people.

Khairy has been the lone voice urging the leadership to act on government corruption and wastage as seen in the Auditor General’s report every year.

He feels that the government must do more to rein in uncontrolled spending and corruption if it wants to win the youth vote.

“If you want the youth to tighten their belts, you have to also show that the government is going to do the same.”

Going after Shia Muslims is an important concern, he says, but so is stamping out corruption and wastage of public funds.

“Otherwise, no matter what we say in the assembly next time, the youth, especially, will not vote for us.”

Concurrently, Bollywood too, was changing the old rules and presenting bold new perspectives that focused on the female narrative. The exciting part of the Delhi elections is how we have judged it as a teaser-trailer that provides a tantalizing glimpse of the main feature — Elections 2014. But as avid movie goers will tell you, never judge a movie by its trailer. Too many artificially propped up blockbusters have collapsed at the box office after the first weekend. Audiences, like voters, expect to get their money’s worth when they enter an auditorium. results are telling us just one thing.readmore  Umno Youth chief Khairy asked Can Lim Kit Siang walk his

Sheridan Mahataver in politics, you are pregnant, or you’re not


kua kia soong

Beware of predators!

 Dr.Kua Kia Soong’s Racism and bigotry you just cannot be charged because your a minority Desire or dharma: Dilemma that is as old as the vedas ’The Rigveda says, “The cosmos emerged from the seed of kama, ‘desire’ , in the mind of the One”a element’  Chinese chauvinist’-

Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has spoken against non-Bumiputera companies for not hiring Malay chief executives, unlike the Malay-led government which had non-Malay secretary-generals. - November 4, 2013.

Over the past few weeks,we have been mesmerized by

the tragic story of Malay bashing http://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com a moral voice to a whole generation , looked up to for courageous and uncompromising journalism, Dr.Kua Kia Soong’s Racism and bigotry you just cannot be charged because your a minority Desire or dharma: Dilemma that is as old as the vedas Millions of words have been written on this story but no one has explained why men in positions of power behave badly. We need to try and understand the nature of human desire in a patriarchic society where Chinese  narcissism is an ever-present reality  is rooted chauvinist in a subtext of  Chinese . He keeps the   element’chauvinist’-Chinese sotto voce while the governance story occupies centre stage. Remarkably, Dr.Kua Kia Soong  makes few concrete promises, nor he does he offer sops Chinese  are meant buy into Lim Kit Siang and Karpa’sl  Racism and  bigotry in Islam
Desire is instinctual energy deriving from primal biological urges. Human beings are not only governed by instinct. Desire travels from our senses to our imagination, and often gets focused onto a specific person. Society exploited this idea by creating  his familiar MAY 13 ghosts, pace and bounce, return to haunt Malaysia. his Racism and bigotry  institution of  for the purpose of social  disharmony.

When Umno started out in 1946, it united many Malay groups and organisations in the pursuit of Merdeka, an independent Malaya which later formed Malaysia with Sabah and Sarawak.

It fought for the race, religion and rulers. And it ruled Malaysia with its allies, MCA and MIC, and later expanded that to Barisan Nasional in the aftermath of the May 1969 race riots.

Its mission never changed and every annual gathering was focused on race and religion. But now, that is being used to profit the few rather than the many.

This year’s assembly is no different, especially at a time of rising costs and shrinking surplus in the country. Malaysians are told to tighten their belts as assessment rates and electricity tariffs go up. Soon, toll rates will be raised while a consumption tax comes into effect in April 2015.

The Face of Sheridan Fascism

Sheridan Mahavera (above): he writes in a colonial language called English, has never spoken to the Chinese a word of hanyu, but he calls the Chinese ‘a barrier’ to integration. To remove the barrier why not dump the Chinese into the Malacca Straits, Sheridan? That would be freedom from the Chinese – right, Botak Pig?


In Malaysian Insider Sheridan Mahavera writes a lot about Malaysians – Chinese in the Sibu election for example. Then one day he went out into the streets in, he says, the ‘Chinese enclaves’ of Jinjang and Sepang to interview 107 Chinese. Thinking he has made a profound discovery, in that most Chinese don’t use Malay regularly or proficiently, only interact with other Chinese, creating a barrier for greater inter-ethnic integration in plural Malaysia.


In medical science, you can’t be partly pregnant; either you are pregnant, or you’re not. In politics, can a state be partly part of one country, and partly not part of it? This question has once again been raised in

Most rakes are pathological liars. If you happen to catch his lie, do not take it lightly. Be alert and watch out for further untruths.
Most sociopaths have a grandiose sense of themselves. They will exaggerate and try to portray themselves as highly important. This may or may not be to impress you; it is just the way they are.
Their emotions are pretty shallow and sociopaths rarely have friends.You will be able to figure this out by checking on his relations with relatives and friends.
They have poor control over their emotions and find it difficult to control their anger or irritation. They also do not respond with emotion to good or bad news.
A sociopath will not find it easy to apologise. In fact, he will almost never accept his fault, preferring to blame others.Anyone who is unbelievably good has to be unreal. This may sound cynical, but when have you ever seen a perfect hero walk out of a book or movie and enter your life? The good guys are the real guys, the ones with all their foibles and follies, the ones who forget to wish you on your special day, but are always there to pick up the broken pieces when you most need them.
Watch out for flowery compliments that ring untrue. While some concession can be made for a heart touched by romance, an overflow of compliments that are unbelievable even to your own ears should be taken with fistfuls of salt.

This time around, Dr.Kua Kia Soong’s remark that Article of the Constitution – which provides special status for Malays needs to be subjected to public debate.

Immediately, UMNO clarified that Dr.Kua Kia Soong’s remark did not in any way compromise the long-held DAP’S demand that Article be scrapped; there was no question of debate about this.

On the other side of the political fence, Dr.Kua Kia Soong debate on Article, which according to Dr.Kua Kia Soong had effectively kept the non Malays out of the national mainstream and hampered its development.

Article is like one of those theological riddles that monks in medieval Europe endlessly discussed to help pass the time, a typical example being: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? As angels are insubstantial beings, the answer could be anything from one to an infinite number.

Article is rather like that imaginary pin acting as a dance floor for angels. Constitutional experts, jurists, historians and scholars have endlessly argued about its validity and its implications.

Shorn of jargon, Article gives the Malays special status in that, barring defence, foreign affairs, finance and communications, other laws passed by Parliament will be subject to ratification This was part of the deal, the Instrument of Accession, by which the pre-independent ruler of Tanah melayu, Chinese and Indu leaders have always argued that if Malaysia’s does away with Article, it simultaneously does away with the constitutional umbilical cord that links it with Malays. Critics of Article have contended that it is discriminatory between This is the political equivalent of part-pregnancy: being part of a nation, and yet not being part of it

once again become the subject of an impassioned – and inevitably inconclusive – debate.

over at the Putra World Trade Centre where Umno has its annual general assembly, it appears to be more like a gathering of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves as delegate after delegate speak about the economy and the need to reward only those who supported BN and Umno in the 13thGeneral Election.

They are all trying to parcel out and get more for themselves in the name of protecting the Malays! It is still about business opportunities just for Malays and corporate positions just because they are Malays.

There is so little talk about how far behind Malaysian students are lagging in mathematics, science and reading in the PISA rankings this year.

Not one squeak on the ticking time-bomb of household debt and income inequality in the country, except that people should tighten their belts. Even the cash handouts are a miserly amount which some delegates now want to restrict to just their supporters.But what makes the special status of  Mal ays particularly controversial is the centre of the 50-year old dispute between Malaysand non Malays which continues to occupy what it calls DAP

Just gimme gimme gimme.

Everything is for them and pity those who stand in their way and question what they are doing.

All the government-linked companies are for their own economic development and not for the rest of the country.

How then can we still have 1Malaysia? Even that might give way to 1Melayu if some delegates have their way.

Let’s just cut the fluff and call the Umno assembly what it is: officially sanctioned plundering of Malaysia.

There can be no other reason to meet, except to find ways to profit for themselves at the expense of their community and country.

Datuk A. Kadir Jasin want Najib to be replaced by Rosmah



Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should consider appointing his wife as de-factor Prime Minister as she seems to be adept at carrying out the duties of several ministers, said former New Straits Times group editor-in-chief Datuk A. Kadir Jasin as she seems to be adept at carrying out the duties of several ministers, said former New Straits Times group editor-in-chief Datuk A. Kadir Jasin

Kadir pointed out that it was fine if Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor’s man  Affandi wanted to defend Najib and Rosmah as that was the duty of a delegate during the Umno general assembly.Personally, I feel this model has worked very well. Because,Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor feel there should  be two power centres and   think  the  PM and his wife must have the authority to function,” the UMNO  general secretary said in a TV interview.”KU NAM probably means that Najib has the power and no authority andRosmah with Authority without power.One tends to agree with him excepting the last bit about Najib with- out Power.While reinforcing apprehensions in some party quarters that she continued to be a reluctant leader despite her elevation ”But if he did say that other men did not love their wives, then that is a terrible insult,”Kadir said based on the revelations by Najib, Putrajaya should re-evaluate the positions of several Cabinet ministers including Datuk Seri Anifah Aman (Foreign Affairs), Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed (International Trade and Industry), Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (Education) and Datuk Rohani Abdul Karim (Women, Family and Community Development).

“It is very apparent that none of these ministers are as effective as Rosmah in handling international crisis,” Kadir said in his blog posting today.

He suggested that these “non-performing” ministers be dropped, which would also see a reduction in the number of ministeries. This, he said, would also save Putrajaya a lot of money.

Umno secretary-generalTengku Adnan Mansor   is reponsible for   UMNO’s failure in getting the support of non-Muslims in the 13th General Election now is  now saying Utusan Malaysia’s warning today of an impending “Malay tsunami” in the next general election, saying that it is impossible.Please login to read full story.

Although the 13th general election was over, Kadir said that Najib and Rosmah’s supporters could push for her to be appointed as a Senator before she is made as de-factor Prime Minister”Even the prime minister’s position might not be beyond Rosmah’s reach if she can win the trust and support of the public,” Kadir noted.”Once she has been made a minister, then nobody can accuse Najib and the Cabinet of abuse of power for allowing Rosmah to use government facilities.

Kadir then expressed his disappointment at Federal Territories Minister and his  Umno delegate Affandi Zahari for accusing all men, except Najib, of not loving their wives. Kadir said he was completely against the statement made by Affandi.

Affandi said it was better for Rosmah to use the government jet in order to give Najib peace of mind. He raised the prospect of the emotional stress Najib would have to endure if something untoward happened to Rosmah while on a commercial flight.

Acknowledging it was more expensive to fly with an executive jet, Affandi still insisted that critics should look at the issue from a safety standpoint.

“We must look at the issue of Rosmah flying on the government jet from a safety point of view. Can you imagine the emotional stress Najib would suffer if anything happened to Rosmah? He loves his wife, not like other men,” Affandi had reportedly.

Kadir pointed out that it was fine if Affandi wanted to defend Najib and Rosmah as that was the duty of a delegate during the Umno general assembly.

“But if he did say that other men did not love their wives, then that is a terrible insult,”

In a debate at the general assembly, Affandi had defended Rosmah’s use of a government jet when she attended a business forum in Doha, Qatar last month.The aftermath of an election in UMNO what do you see in  Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor eyes?,which heralds the mischievous politician within him.  It is like seeing a new person into the mirror. His eyes changes moods often, and we have to then spend time unravelling and understanding what his moods portend for the coming … Read more

Khaled Meshaal to Najib and Anwar Be true to your self, let Much Good from Palestinian Islamist movement be a lesson to Muslims


Do you never begin because you fear the end?

Dream first sketched in “An Area of Darkness” ? Away with the frozen frown! We must be sunny and optimistic. Let us look at the positive side and list the great achievements that await us We Muslims  have, regrettably, forgotten our true strength. Do we remember that we were the nation of  Islam to defeat European colonialism? Dont let the CIA and Israeli Mossad to take over Malaysia The CIA provides the core inner ring which pumps blood into the heart of the current ruling class of our country. CIA is: Corrupt Incompetent Arrogant. There is only one reason China is ahead of  Malaysia; because it is run by the CPC: Corrupt, Perverse but Competent.

Indeed, in every beginning is the end. At the start of life, when one is born, the only surety is that life will end one day. The rest is all shrouded in a mystery to be unfolded as life goes on. The fear of ending is experienced in so many, much smaller things as well. people like Mahathir smart enough to realise when an ending is near, and instead of waiting for and dreading it,

they find the strength within themselves to end a cycle, so that another may begin. Creative destruction leads to fresh, more promising beginnings. And so, if in the beginning lies the end, it is important to understand that in every end, there lies a better, more promising beginning. The end of childhood is the beginning of a promising adult life; ending of passion in a marriage can be the beginning of abiding love and care; the end of novelty in a friendship can lead to a new cycle of maturity, the end of one assignment means you move onto another with more value addition.

Palestinian resistance group  leader  Hamas, Khaled Meshaal, who was in Kuala Lumpur.Hamas leader advised both Najib and Anwar that if they were indeed serious about reconciliation, they should forget past wrongs .Meshaal was instrumental in negotiating peace talks between his party and Fatah, a faction of Yasser Arafat’s Palestinian Liberation Organisation which retains control of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. Anwar travels to Doha to meet Khaled Meshaal, the leader of the Palestinian Islamist movement,  Hamas have something new to offer?

he senior PKR leader told The Malaysian Insider that he was contacted by a senior Umno official soon after Khaled left Kuala Lumpur.

“In my discussion with the senior Umno official, I told him that if Umno was serious in holding reconciliation talks, then all attacks against Anwar at the general assembly must stop,” said the PKR leader, referring to Najib’s attacks on Anwar during the Umno president’s policy speech.

“I received his assurance that there will be no more attacks against Anwar and they kept their word.”

The PKR official is confident that the reconciliation talks this time around will not fail, unlike the “unity government” talks between Umno and PAS during the administration of former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

“During that time, the discussions were behind closed doors with both sides clamouring for positions in the Government.

“Anwar knows that PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat will not accept secret discussions and that is why he has, on two occasions, called for a dialogue with Barisan Nasional.”

The last time Anwar offered the olive branch to Umno was on Thursday night, hours after Najib had accused Anwar of lying for saying that thousands of Bangladeshis were brought in to vote at the last polls.

After attacking Anwar, Najib had said, “This party will never tire of offering the hand of unity to any political party”.

The Malaysian Insider was told that Anwar’s offer to Umno for a dialogue session was issued after both PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang and DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang gave their approval.

The statement on the offer to Umno was issued by Anwar in his capacity as opposition leader and not as PKR de facto leader, said opposition sources.

Despite the moves towards national reconciliation, Umno ended its annual general assembly on Saturday with a call to investigate PAS leaders who they said practised Shia Islam in the country.

While Shia Islam is not banned in the country, religious officials have stressed that it was deviant and should not be preached in the country, which is predominantly Sunni. This is despite both branches of Islam are recognised officially under the Amman message ratified among others by Malaysian leaders in 2004

A six-member team had arrived in the Jordanian capital, Amman, a week before the date set for the assassination of the head of the Hamas political bureau who was living in exile.

The Israeli agents had entered through Jordan’s Queen Alia International airport from Amsterdam, Toronto and Paris using false Canadian passports.


Interviewed in the film, Meshaal says: “The Israeli threats started that summer. Israel had tried but failed to prevent Palestinian operations. So it escalated its threats especially against Hamas leaders abroad. With hindsight, those threats reveal what the Israelis were planning. But at the same time we felt relatively at ease since Israel had never carried out an operation in Jordan.”

Mossad’s move to assassinate Meshaal came in the wake of a series of suicide bombings Hamas carried out in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The attacks had left over 20 Israelis dead and hundreds injured.

Israel was enraged and Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, called for an urgent meeting with his security services, including Mossad. He wanted a significant and telling strike against Hamas.

The objective was clear: retaliation.

At the same time there was a growing sense of mutual irritation at the heart of the Jordanian-Israeli relations. With this backdrop, Netanyahu gave the green light for the Mossad covert operation against Meshaal.

It was to involve a slow-acting but lethal poison that would gradually shut down the brain’s respiratory centre, leading to death. The plan was to spray the toxin into Meshaal’s ears, leaving no apparent trace of any weapon, and leading to death within 48 hours.

One of Meshaal’s bodyguards, Muhammad Abu Saif, had chased the two Mossad agents who had carried out the operation and, with the help of a passing Palestinian Liberation Army officer, later captured them.

The failed assassination proved to be one of the greatest fiascos in the history of special operations, and a pivotal moment in the rise of Hamas.

This two-part film features exclusive interviews with Meshaal himself as well as with Danny Yatom, the then head of the Mossad, who masterminded the attempt to kill the Hamas leader, and who later fled to Jordan with the antidote that saved Meshaal’s life.

the failed assassination attempt, including behind-the-scenes discussions during the diplomatic struggle involving Jordan, Israel and the US.

Retired Major-General Ali Shukri, who was the manager of the office of Jordan’s King Hussein back in 1997, played a key role in managing the crisis that ensued following the Israeli attack on Meshaal.

“King Hussein called President Clinton and informed him of what had happened. Clinton listened with astonishment. He couldn’t believe that could happen in Jordan. By the end of the conversation Clinton was angry and said: “That man is impossible!”, referring to Netanyahu.

“King Hussein informed Clinton of his demands – the antidote and the nature of the [toxins] used against Meshaal. He told him the peace treaty between Jordan and Israel would be over if Meshaal died.”

At the same time, Danny Yatom, then chief of the Mossad, immediately travelled to Amman to meet King Hussein, who was reportedly furious with Yatom.

The aim of Yatom’s trip: To contain the situation.

With tensions running high, King Hussein ordered his security forces to surround the Israeli embassy in Amman, where other members of the Mossad assassination squad were believed to be hiding.

Meanwhile doctors at the Hussein Medical City hospital were struggling to diagnose Meshaal, who already lay in a coma.

After expert consultation the doctors concluded that a large amount of an opiate-like drug had been administered to Meshaal. Tests showed it was a drug similar to morphine, which if administered in high doses, would have the effect of disabling the body’s respiratory system.

On September 27, Meshaal came out of the coma, appearing to return from the dead.

The media knew nothing of the secret negotiations between Jordan and Israel, or King Hussein’s demand for the antidote, until later.

The Israeli government and the secret service came under Israeli media fire for a double humiliation – of failing to kill the Hamas leader without being caught and of being forced to release the founder of Hamas from jail in a prisoner exchange deal.

Kill Him Silently is the story behind Mossad’s bungled bid to assassinate Meshaal and the part the operation played in the Palestinian group’s rise to power.

Singapore Prime Minister; Why allow Singapore to burn just to accommodate drunken Indian monkeys


Singapore MP wants to turn Little India into alcohol-free zone

The incident was the first in Singapore’s history since the 1969 communal riots which lasted for seven days and resulted in four deaths and 80 wounded.

The Case of the Toxic Spelldump (Harry Turtledove) …… .Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong I’ve heard it has described Indians, mostly monkeys the Little Indiamonkeys riots on Sunday night as a “very grave incident” and said the government will spare no effort to identify the culprits and deal with them with the full force of the law.

Ten police officers were injured and five police vehicles, an ambulance and several privates vehicles were damaged in the Sunday night riots that erupted following a fatal road accident.

Twenty-seven people, all from South Asia, were arrested following the incident. No Singaporeans were involved in the incident.

According to the police, at 9.23 pm on Sunday, a fatal traffic accident occurred between a private bus and a 33-year old Indian national at the junction of Race Course Road and Hampshire Road.

Shortly after, a riot broke out involving a crowd of about 400 people who damaged five police vehicles and an ambulance. Several other private vehicles were also damaged, while 10 police officers were injured.

Singapore’s Little India could be declared an alcohol-free zone soon if several MPs and business owners had their way.

The “Straits Times” reported that the idea had the full support of the shopowners who were previously against it.

The daily reported that the Ministry of Home Affairs had mooted the proposal and is now seeking the views of the people on two aspects which are – “banning alcohol consumption in common areas like void decks and pavements and limiting the hours during which stores can sell alcohol”.

According to the police, at 9.23 pm on Sunday, a fatal traffic accident occurred between a private bus and a 33-year old Indian national at the junction of Race Course Road and Hampshire Road.

Shortly after, a riot broke out involving a crowd of about 400 people who damaged five police vehicles and an ambulance. Several other private vehicles were also damaged, while 10 police officers were injured.

The police activated resources from the Special Operations Command and Gurkha Contingent to the scene and brought the situation under control. People in the area were advised to remain indoors.

The police advised members of the public to stay calm and not to speculate on the incident.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs Teo Chee Hean said in a statement: “This is a serious incident which has resulted in injuries and damage to public property.

“The situation is now under control. Police will spare no effort to apprehend the subjects involved in the riot.”

In a separate statement, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said: “SCDF was alerted at 9.25 pm to a road accident at the junction of Race Course Road and Tekka Lane.

Upon arrival, there was a man trapped under a bus. An SCDF paramedic pronounced him dead. SCDF rescuers removed the body using a hydraulic rescue equipment.

Projectiles were thrown at the SCDF rescuers while they were extricating the body. A total of nine SCDF vehicles were damaged in the incident.

By early today, SCDF had sent 18 people, including four SCDF personnel, to Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

File photo shows demonstrators during a protest in New Delhi against cases of attacks on Indian students in Australia. A report by the Australia India Institute’s Perceptions Task Force suggests a dramatic improvement in the perception of Australia in India since concerns about the safety of Indian students.

When Asians don't hold their liquor as well it's probably because of their genes.

When Asians don’t hold their liquor very well it’s probably because of their genes.

A bit of a controversial post for some perhaps, but we’re gonna take a look at the genetic differences between races in relation to alcohol. elebrated Muslim poets like Omar Khayyam and Rumi often wrote about wine and intoxication, while there are claims that Allama Iqbal and Jinnah used to indulge in a little ‘suroor’ (intoxication) themselves. The modern Muslim world isn’t any different; the Middle East experienced a 70% growth in the sales of booze from 2001 to 2011. It has a high Muslim population in countries like Lebanon, Turkey and Egypt that have legalised alcohol. Malaysia, another Muslim dominated country, has been titled the “world’s tenth largest consumer of alcohol” by WHO.

So let’s start with the alcoholism part. How Zaid  hooked on booze? Zaid may drown in liquor  It’s all because their bodies usually break down ethanol into water and acid way slower than the other races. Let’s first describe this process. When you drink alcoholic drinks the ethanol is metabolized (transformed) into something called acetaldehyde. This is being done by an enzyme in your body called alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). So the more ADH your body produces, the faster the process. Apparently a lot of Native Malaysian miss out on this enzyme (according to analysis on chromosome 4 and 11) and that increases the risk of becoming alcoholic Zaid said UMNO made me rich.Despite coming under an onslaught bloggers who have posted doctored images in a bit to smear his reputation, Zaid Ibrahim said .”I won’t name those leaders in Umno who had done the same. drinking alcohol. like me  a womanisers, to casino and other stuff that other rich people would do now he say thatUmno is “a true blue extremist, racist and religious party.It’s a party that panders to emotions about religion and race, and feels no remorse about attacking others.”n a Malaysia without Umno, Malays would be more civilised and would accept the plurality and diversity of this country, said former minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim

Zaid said the delegates used the assembly as an opportunity to ask for “goodies” from the government, including more contracts and the appointment of more party members to the boards of state companies.

The lawyer  singled out important national issues that did not reach the podium, such as economy and education.

“There was no debate on the rising cost of living, the lack of affordable homes for the lower-middle-class or even the National Education Blueprint,” he said.

In a response to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s question to the delegates, “Where would Malays be without Umno?”, Zaid pictured a Malaysia with a freer press, Malays who are “reasonable, humble and kind … religious and pious but without the need to show off.”zaid a drunken monkey when posted his  opined.

Yesterday evening, a private Singaporean bus driver knocked down and killed a pedestrian in Little India. This sparked a large, angry riot with more than 400 people marching through the street shouting, throwing bottles and causing havoc.

While it is clear that this fatal accident was what sparked the protest, we can also reflect to see why such an incident could cause such a huge reaction.

If everyone was happy with their lives and there was not much stress, an accident such as this would usually result in a few police and an ambulance being called, followed by friends and family of the victim going to the hospital or otherwise mourning and helping authorities take down statements.

Why was there such a violent outburst?

Some witness reports indicate that the police had perhaps not handled the situation well.

On the surface, this could easily be put down to the foreign workers being more rowdy and less law-abiding than Singaporeans but in reality everyone has a boiling point and people are not naturally violent or blood-thirsty.

The big difference might be that we are taught from young to be fearful of the Government and listen to authority.

When foreign workers come to Singapore, they do not have the same “training” and can become more rowdy more easily.

This is particularly a problem when the Government brings these FTs here in large numbers and they bring with them their values and cultures and do not learn from Singaporeans how they should act here.

Last night, this was clearly a problem with a riot breaking out.

Many netizens commented that the photos and videos looked like they were not taken in Singapore and further raised concerns that if this is happening, it is not a far stretch to say that other problems such as higher crime rates and more occurrences of rape might be happening soon too.

Although the Government was quick to condemn people for politicking the situation, some reflection is necessary.

Tan Chuan-Jin posted on Facebook: “Stay Calm. Don’t speculate. Singapore Police Force is on the ground. This is not a game. Nor time for politicking. Our guys are on the line. Support them please.”

Now that the situation is over and under control, reflection on the real cause of the incident could help to prevent such issues from occurring again.

These people must have been stressed out and otherwise frustrated with their lives to so eagerly break out in a riot.

This could be due to work-related factors such as long work hours, low pay, no welfare and other forms of exploitation from their bosses. Singapore has many reported cases of foreign worker exploitation so this is really not an unrealistic possibility.

Singapore has no effective workers’ unions and so workers’ complaints and concerns are rarely heard.

When people are oppressed in such a way with no way to vent their frustration or get recourse, they will eventually boil over. All their frustration and stress is like fuel awaiting a spark to ignite the flame. Perhaps this is what happened yesterday evening.

Of course, it was still wrong for the people to act out in such a way so as to endanger lives and property but it is not fair to make racist remarks.

These people are not too different from Singaporeans, it’s just that they might not be as “well trained” as Singaporeans to not act out.

When Singaporeans are angry, we “riot” online through social media and alternative news sites.

What is worrying is that the PAP is also interested in clamping down on online freedom and dissent. When Singaporeans turn to the online space to vent their frustrations, it is dangerous for the PAP to stem such discussions as it effectively closes to stress release valve and Singaporeans will continue to get more and more frustrated.

If the government never listens to the people and never changes, how much longer do you think Singaporeans can just quietly take it?

Singaporeans continue to work the longest hours in the world, have high levels of stress and high suicide rates and many go online to vent. Meanwhile, thousands of foreigners are brought in in the name of pushing GDP growth.

Perhaps Singapore should take this riot as an opportunity to reflect on the current situation and decide what Singapore’s priority should be.

Should we continue to chase GDP at the expense of workers, exploiting foreigners and locals alike and allowing stress to boil over, or should we look more into welfare and keeping stress at a manageable level?

Perhaps nurturing local talent and ensuring “undesirable” jobs have a living-wage could help the situation. If only the government listened to the people’s concerns more. – The Real Singapore,

There is still more research to be done about why the metabolism of certain races is different. And maybe even a solution can be found to optimize the alcohol related fun for everyone. I mean White people run the highest risk for skin cancer, while Blacks suffer most from prostate cancer and we’re looking for cures for that too right? So let’s not be racist and help the Indians and Asians too.

Celebrated Muslim poets like Omar Khayyam and Rumi often wrote about wine and intoxication, while there are claims that Allama Iqbal and Jinnah used to indulge in a little ‘suroor’ (intoxication) themselves. The modern Muslim world isn’t any different; the Middle East experienced a 70% growth in the sales of booze from 2001 to 2011. It has a high Muslim population in countries like Lebanon, Turkey and Egypt that have legalised alcohol. Malaysia, another Muslim dominated country, has been titled the “world’s tenth largest consumer of alcohol” by WHO.

Alcohol is neither alien for the Muslim world in general nor for Pakistan in particular. It was served at state-level get-togethers till the late 1970s and accounts of its undeterred consumption in the army circles have also been narrated. This was before Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto banned it to appease the religious elements – something which later took shape of the contentious Prohibition (Enforcement of Hadd) Order, 1979 during Zia’s dictatorship.

Advocate Bilal Shadani explained the statute is divided in two parts; punishment by Hadd and punishment by Tazir.

“Hadd punishment of 80 lashes is passed where the Muslim accused provides a confession of having imbibed alcohol, and/or a testimony by two others who have witnessed the accused drinking.”

On the other hand,

“Tazir punishment of 30 lashes and/or up to three years imprisonment,” he added, “is awarded where the accused is found with alcohol but its purpose cannot be ascertained.”

This strict legislation is aided by the social repulsion that is observed against alcohol. Despite all this, Pakistan, a country with 97% Muslim population, still hosts parties and raves like Anthony Papa where alcohol and substance consumption is common. Although these are usually attended by the upper-crust of the society, the poorest of the poor also buy substandard liquor to quench their thirst, even at the cost of their lives.

Since there are only a few licensed distribution channels of alcohol, bootlegging has become a lucrative business. It has been observed that while a regular Murree Brewery vodka costs around Rs800, bootleggers charge double the amount in the black market. Imported booze are available from Rs3000 to Rs10, 000 a bottle and a high profit margin has encouraged many bootleggers to sell only those. Many also provide home delivery, reaching you ‘quicker than a pizza would,’ according to Sadaqat Ali who manages rehabilitation centres set up for alcoholics in Pakistan.

It doesn’t end here; officials who are expected to assist the cause of this legislation are found unabashedly flaunting it. Maybe this explains why the only licensed brewery is thriving while illegal ones have also been set up. The business is in such boom that many people now also work as part-time bartenders, ardently shaking and adding ingredients to serve complex cocktails across Pakistan.

In light of the high alcohol consumption and failure of the current law to act as a deterrent, it is time for less stringent but smart policies. The demand is not to make booze freely available as our MPA, Mr Khokhar and his likes are vocal about. The demand is to evolve the law in respect of the changing circumstances, as has already been laid out in the case of Muhammad Aslam Khaki vs. Federation of Pakistan;

“Court while convicting an accused is to take into consideration the overall condition of society at large.”

It suffers from many ambiguities and defects as it stands now, as the ex Chief Justice of Federal Shariat Court Haziqul-Khairi pointed out. The law works on the presumption that there will be a preference by the accused to file for an appeal or bail. In case of a failure, he/she will remain in prison till the time for filing them expires.

This imprisonment acts as double punishment – neither given in the Quran nor Sunnah and in contradiction of Article 13 of the Constitution.

Punishment by Hadd according to the Prohibition (Enforcement of Hadd) Order, 1979 is contradictory to Islamic teachings. An accused can be charged under Hadd and awarded 80 lashes. But Islam has only confirmed some specific offences as Hadd (heinous crimes) and alcohol is not one of them.

In light of Verse 2:219 of Surah Baqrah, the Holy Quran has recognised some of its ‘benefits,’ and so, the sin of drinking is not absolutely haram. It is but a minor sin.

Instead of half-heartedly enforcing ineffective and authoritarian laws like the Prohibition (Enforcement of Hadd) Order, 1979, the government can allow its sale on regulated prices in a controlled environment. It can discourage consumption through heavy taxation, which will not only generate hefty revenue but also discourage people from drinking. Muslim countries like Bangladesh have already put in place similar models.

The argument that drinking ought to be a personal choice which the state should not dictate is also put forward by many. If it is forbidden in Islam; instead of the state enforcing strict legislations, Muslims should themselves resolute to not drink, it is argued.

Shouldn’t faith be a stronger limitation than laws imposed by the state? readmore  Flirtation League PM Lee Hsien Loong want all Singapore Woman .

DAP’s existential dilemma Lim Guan Eng dont accused Datuk Jahara Hamid


Come elections and  DAP’s existential dilemma gets more pronounced. The party, founded on t the mind of the One a element’ Chinese chauvinist  ideology, has failed to come to terms with the changing political narrative in recent years. Even veteran leaders like   Karpal Singh were not spared when they tried to do what was seen as course correction.  The run-up to 2018 elections looks no different. Since his ascendency after an intense succession battle,  Lim Guan Eng  seems to be finding it difficult to choose between the devils and angles , despite all talk about his  Penang state’s ‘development model’. His  master’s voice, couldn’t resist the racist grandfather ’ temptation  sending signals that may not augur well for the DAP- electorally speaking.accusing opposition leader Datuk Jahara Hamid of being a “racist grandmother” when she alleged there was selective prosecution of Malay hawkers in the state.

In debating the 2014 Budget, Jahara had questioned why no action was taken against Chinese hawkers who operated illegally at Pantai Bersih in Butterworth while action was always taken against Malay hawkers by the Seberang Prai Municipal Council (MPSP).

Lim (DAP-Air Putih) accused Jahara (BN-Teluk Ayer Tawar) of taking a racist line and trying to “twist the issue” when she could have just questioned why the local councils were not acting against illegal hawkers.

Then came Lim Guan Eng  anti Islam ’s  analogy and Burqa remark. Deliberate or not, it was perceived as giving a definite colouto his campaign. It was a communication disaster for a leader who is being projected as the prime ministerial candidate in a country where any brand of exclusivist politics is bound to fail in garnering a pan Malay appeal.
Malay’s political space and culture is inherently centrist in nature and it can brook only a marginal deviation on either side of the spectrum. Appealing to any exclusivist or identity-based agenda limits the political space. Perhaps that’s the reason  why even at the height of the reformasi movement with Malays comprising 80 per cent of the population, the   Pakatan’s tally fell far short, something theUMNO achieved without any perceived wave in the 2013 elections. PAS has so far failed to get any toehold in the Malay constituency is spread across  the country.

In Malaysia, multiple identities are entwined in a manner that excludes most parties pandering to religious, linguistic, race or other such identities from the national political space while they might have strong following at the regional level. It’s the mushrooming of such parties that has led to the coalition era which has seen a fractured mandate in successive parliamentary polls. The  BN system’ – seen in the decades post Independence – may have collapsed, but UMNO still has a presence across the length and breadth of the country that few parties can singularly match.

Like the DAP, the Left parties also seem to be in a denial mode. Both have failed to analyse the mindset of the rising middle class. This aspirational class is neither bothered anymore.  They want the focus to be on wealth creation through growth-oriented policies.  They need answers to the larger ‘political economy’ questions.

All this explains why UMNO, though having lost influence in many states to identity politics, still maintains a pan- Malaysia presence which the other parties, including the PAS, have failed to achieve so far.

Keeping this in mind, I had done my own table-top projections for the  polls in 200413 and 20018,  much before the first vote was cast and it was not a surprise to see the final outcome on those lines  might have been anointed to spearhead the PAKATAN ‘s campaign, but 2018 elections may not redefine the ground reality-  Malays’s centrist political culture.Najib and his battery of strategists need no expert advice. They just need to get their basics right for political success.

All politica lheros have their own agenda. So who is being racist?” Datuk Jahara Hamid  asked.

Apart from the hawker issue, Jahara was criticised for making allegations that developers have to get the nod from MPs and assemblymen for their projects.

She also mentioned claims that Pulau Jerejak had been renamed “Mazu Island” and that the state had approved land to build a statue of a goddess in a temple on the island.

Jahara had shown pictures of Batu Maung assemblyman Datuk Abdul Malik Abul Kassim handing over aid to the temple, and a banner of Lim inviting the public to a DAP “Ubah” fundraising event in January this year.

She obtained the photographs from the temple’s Facebook page, which also showed a photograph of Lim shaking the hand of an unidentified person.

Pakatan Rakyat backbenchers hit back and demanded that Jahara retract some of her remarks but speaker Datuk Law Choo Kiang asked her to continue her speech, debating the state’s 2014 budget.

However, in a show of support and solidarity towards Jahara, all 10 Umno assemblymen staged a walkout.

At the press conference, Lim denied his administration had given consent to change Pulau Jerejak’s name or to build a statue of a deity on the island.

He said he is waiting for a report on the matter from the Land Office before he responds in detail.

“This is another lie, a thousand naughty lies (by Jahara). Just because someone takes a photo with me does not mean I know the person,” he said.

“Many people want to take photos with me and I do not know some of them, unless they are reporters.”Politicians cannot settle dispute,  and this is not a question of striking some compromise between rival litigants in the title suits over the piece of land on which the Babri mosque stood till December 6, 1992 and which many Hindus believe to be the birth place of Lord Ram. Nor is it a question of … Read more


The DAP belief that the minority votes will save them with Zaid Ibrahim as PM


DAP has roped in former law minister Zaid Ibrahim (left) to address a multi-racial crowd of some 1,000. He wasted no time to help Kit Siang dispel the anti-Malay allegations.

“I have known Kit Siang for a very long time, inside and outside of Parliament.I know him as a brave MP. I have never heard him attacking Islam or belittling Malay leaders in Parliament, never,” said the former UMNO minister, who was sacked for protesting the use of the Internal Security Act in 2008.

“He always talks about the issue of good governance, corruption and others. In the past, if Mahathir (Mohamad) has succeeded in convincing Malays that Kit Siang is against the rights of Malays, that is a lie! “How can he fight against the rights stipulated in the federal constitution? He can’t,” he stressed, reminding the crowd that Malays still dominate the country with a majority population of 62 percent.

Instead of being racist, Kit Siang is one one of the most important leaders in the future of Malaysia, Zaid said, drawing rounds of applause from the animated crowd.

The DAP belief that the minority votes will save them and bring them to power  with Zaid Ibrahim as PM Without DAP, Chinese would be more accommodative a Malay frog to jump into DAP’s Chinese chauvinist Pond  is this time likely to prove wrong. Minorities constitute 15 per cent of the electorate in a country that follows the first-past-the-post mode of elections. By this ‘winner takes all’ system, only 30 per cent of votes are required to sweep a party into power. With 15 per cent of the minority votes in its kitty, the Congress feels that it is not too difficult to garner another 15 per cent. But this time the minorities are apprehensive of the DAP using them perpetually to ride to power. They might not vote for the DAP-PA but their votes will be diffused across many parties. More importantly, because of the strong against  PAS, there will be a massing of non-minority votes in favour of UMNO. This massing by itself be more than the 30 per cent required for winning.

But no battle is lost before it is actually lost. Elections, like cricket matches, are marked by glorious uncertainties. If the DAP wishes to be back in the game it has to take drastic steps. This is not a guarantee of success but may retrieve the UMNO s position.

Former Umno member Zaid Ibrahim  the man had to be the center stage shamelessly. From profundity to profanity, men have invaded, interfered, and interjected at will.delivered this view in a stinging riposte to party president Najib Abdul Razak’s remarks during the annual assembly over the weekend.Not surprisingly, men falter whenever it comes to heart or heart related issues. They seem completely unable to handle this organ. Politically, financially and emotionally, heart has ruined men there’s the alcohol factor and its aftermath. So manly and yet so pathetic. Thus from alcohol related liver diseases, to alcohol driven motor vehicle accidents, men traverse the entire path of self annihilation. Even Shakespeare understood the folly when Porter in Macbeth warned about alcohol that ‘ increases the desire but takes away the performance.’  Yes, sexual drive too.r Zaid Ibrahim  suffer, going for that extra peg.  DAP people are not very bright. If they were they would not be doing the many silly things that they are doing today. Even their spouse and children. So like a wicked and incompetent emperor who’s struggling to retain his throne they would resort to do anything just to stay in power. The entire governing system has gone corrupt, the coffers are empty and now they want to bleed the rakyat dry just to retain their luxurious living. If they had read the trends of history the people has a limit in tolerating wicked and greedy chauvinist . DAP is very close in breaking that limit and when that happens they’d wish they were never born.Any Malay who has read and understand the Melaka empire history would know that it was diversity that helped Melaka to grow. DAP on the other hand have adopted a Nazi like stance that does not embrace diversity but enslave and blame it’s minorities for every bad thing that happens to them. This is NOT Islam, this is NOT Adat Melayu, so what is it? It’s   which is a replica of the destructive teachings of Nazism. How is it that the Malays in the Melaka Empire ARE STRONG while practising diversity  Zaid has called the UMNO bluff and he knows he is NOT right. Anyone can see that the DAP’s Chinese chauvinist Emperor has no clothes on. Professional Malays like Zaid do NOT  fear diversity because it is UMNO diversity that made him the competent very rich professional he is today. Nobody can destroy or enslave you when you know your stuff, the incompeten DAPon the other hand don’t know anything hence the need to grasp power at all cost. So who isweak? It  DAP’s Chinese chauvinist Elections 2018’s real victor is the  VOTERS, not just the party

As far as LIM GUAN ENG, nobody is required to replace him. He does not do anything (as perceived by the public) that a new person will have to be put in place. The suggestions made are very difficult for the DAP to implement – around one family as it does revolve. But without this we can write the party off right now. No need to wait for the general elections.

In the first place there should not be any parties based on racial lines. Imagine the Ku Klux Klan running for President? No way! The wise Onn Jaafar saw this coming . The kind Tengku thought he could control it   the very thing that Onn Jaafar was afraid would happen. Now DAP has become  a racist, wicked and greedy party that no longer resembles the Malaysia for Malaysian  agenda of the past but a DAP monster created by that foolish Lim kit Siang. A Pandora box has been unleashed and Malaysia is suffering from it. Things will get worse when all the check and balances have been removed and racist lies are believed and taught to young Malaysians. We are creating future racist monsters and  DAP is the mother of  Chinese chauvinist  there are more progressive, intelligent and brave Malaysin UMNO! There are already signs that the ranks of people of calibre among the young Malays are increasing. I look forward to the day when we have a dynamic leader supported by people of the same ilk who can bring Malaysia forward as one nation devoid of racism and religious bigotry. Then you can see Malaysia progress and advance to a level higher than that of Singapore! Everyone knows of similar communal conflagrates that follow till today. Who is the final beneficiary? Over the last 3 decades, the power people in  Malaysia have emerged from mostly faceless people writing  star out of people. Which in a way says it all – media stars were not faces, and as a result, they lacked the … Read more









Ridhuan Cock to Teresa Kok, Signs you are ready for marriage.   Marriage is a huge decision and it’s best to think things through before you take the major step. It’s one relationship that changes your life forever. Here are ways you can find out whether you are ready to make this big decision in your life,Dr Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, an associate professor, to address the Member of Parliament for Seputeh, Teresa Kok, as “kiasu spinster’. This is totally uncalled for and proves that Ridhuan Tee is unfit to lecture at National Defence University Malaysia (UPNM).

It is shocking that as an associate professor, Ridhuan Tee has failed to understand that every individual has the right to decide if he/she wants to marry, and if so when to marry. This is a very personal matter and not a subject that should be mocked or ridiculed.

Ridhuan Tee’s sexist remark shows that he is a male chauvinist who cannot debate based on facts. It is totally unnecessary for him to come out with such gender discriminatory remark in his reply to Teresa’s criticism.

Ridhuan Tee should retract his remark and apologize to Teresa Kok immediately. At the same time, he should be removed as an associate professor in UPNM.

It is worrying that if we allow him to continue teaching in UPNM, a male-dominated university, will our future military officers be gender sensitive and know how to respect female?

You’ve found your Mr Right Cocky Ridhuan Married but available to Teresa Kok, Signs you are ready for marriage

Pre marital sex is a reality. As much as some may be against it, it is not behave in a against the law to indulge in it. Sometimes couples forget to use condoms, or the condoms may burst. A girl may get pregnant. She may opt for an abortion. As much as some may be against it, it isn’t the law to do so. What’s horrible is bearing a child when you’re not ready to be a parent. Sometimes relationships do not work out. It isn’t a crime to date someone and not take it to the altar. If you don’t feel the person is the right person for you, you have every right to walk away from it and look for someone you feel is a fitting life companion. It’s not against the law to want a better life partner. Sometimes relationships bring out the worst in you. You manner that is perhaps alien to even you. To recognise this and move away from destructive or violent dynamics is not a crime. Why is it, that when two consenting adults decide to enter a relationship, its okay, but when one of them feels it’s time to move on it’s not okay? If you’ve invested a few years into trying to make a relationship work and despite all efforts it doesn’t work for one partner, why is it that you expect that person to stay on in a compromise for the next 50 years of their life? Why is it that a man is the “user” and woman the “used”? Did she not enjoy the sex, the romance or the relationship as much as him? So what if in loving moments there were commitments of marriage made? Isn’t that normal when you’re in love and everything is hunky dory to want that? Isn’t it equally normal to opt out of a bad or boring relationship? Those that expect sex= marriage should simply get married first. Everything else is just a blame game and blackmail by a once consenting

The first step of knowing that you are ready for marriage is knowing that you’ve found your life partner. Often we come across people who we instantly click with and know that this is the person you would want to spend the rest of your life with.

You love spending time with him

If you love to spend quality time with him, then surely the two of you should get married. Not only will marriage make your commitment stronger but you will have him for the rest of your life with you.

Bringing out the best

If he/she brings out the best in you as a person, then you should tie the knot soon. It is very important for your partner to bring out the best in you as a person.

Do you see him as your partner in the future?

Your list of signs is incomplete without the fact whether you see your partner in your life in the future. Couples who are ready to get married think in terms of ‘we’ and not ‘I’. If you are following the same line, then it’s time for you to get married.Your long-term relationship or marriage is over and you’re finally free from a life of neglect, dominance, adultery, abuse, boredom, aggression, or whatever it is that you escaped from. You breathe a sigh of relief that you don’t have to spend the rest of your life with someone who was not the ideal life companion for you. But rather than experiencing glee at the thought of “life space” being vacant, for someone whose yin matches your yang, are you filled with dread at the thought of history repeating itself? I believe in a life of no regrets. If you marry, do so for the right reasons, and with all your heart, and if you decide to end it and move on, do so for the right reasons, and do it with panache.The same is to be said for restarting life. We all have our inner demons, stubborn patterns that don’t serve us, and we are condemned to repeat mistakes if we don’t learn from them. So the key is in learning the lesson from every experience, identifying what you don’t want in your partner, because that is far more important than what you do want in your life partner, and also to accept that you are flawed, human, and need to work on your shortcomings. No two marriages are the same, so keep an open mind, a happy heart, choose wisely and be open to new beginnings. Everybody deserves one.

A recent survey states the average age for losingvirginity is 17. Is that so or are teenagers getting sexually active even earlier? Debarati S Sen explores …

Studies have revealed that children, these days, are losing their virginity at a very young age. Experts say that with the average age of puberty going down to 9-10 years for girls and 10-11 years for boys, the average age for losing virginity too is going down. And the deadly paring with this is — awareness about sex is more these days and information (not always from the right sources) is freely available. Television, movies and most prominently the Internet is loaded with extremely easily accessible information and graphic details. This, most of the time, helps to entice the youngsters to experiment, who already have hormones raging through them.

Anju Uppal, principal of an international high school says, “I have been dealing with children for a long time and I do believe that children these days are losing their virginity very early. They get attracted to each other and are tempted to take it all further.”

Curiosity killed the cat
Psychiatrist Dr Anjali Chhabria says, “It’s human nature to be curious. A teenager would definitely want to experiment and experience the information he/she has heard about sex. For certain kids who are more shy, withdrawn and introverts, social networking sites are best for communication. Kids who may be new to exploring sexuality or may have a high drive, do indulge in cyber sex or phone sex at times.” Anju Uppal adds, “They are much more aware of things these days and they are very keen to experiment.”

Lack of attention from parents
With most parents working, kids are without proper supervision (a maid would not even understand the nuances of phone or cyber sex) and free to do as they like. “Sometimes the attention from the parents is not enough, kids may indulge in these things just to attract negative attention from parents,” says Dr Chhabria.

Family history
Children who are from broken families are prone to indulge in flings with multiple partners without emotional attachments. Seema Hingorrany, clinical psychologist adds, “When there is a marital discord between parents the children may try to cling to their relationships and are ready to lose their virginity to hold on to it.”

Sex isn’t taboo anymore
Sex in our society is also not such a taboo as it used to be earlier and virginity is not such a big deal. Psychotherapist Shilpa Raheja agrees, “Virginity has lost its sacred value. ‘Saving your virginity for marriage’ is something that is even laughed at these days by some people.” This attitude, though not very common is accepted.

Influence of alcohol
Is influence of alcohol or substance abuse one of the reasons that lead to lowering the age of sexual activity among children? Dr Chhabria says, “It may not be one of the reasons but it may stimulate the sexual urge further for them to indulge in sex. Also substance and alcohol tend to reduce the anxiety towards sex and alter consciousness which definitely plays a major role in letting the person freely perform sex.”

Peer-group pressure
To have a boyfriend or girlfriend is like a status symbol say experts. “So much of ‘hanging around’ at pubs, cafes and discos are happening. You need a girl in your arms when you walk in to a party,” says Shilpa. There are children who have their reasons for absistence but sometimes they are counteracted upon in a very strong way by the friends and the peer group. “Friends often provide the means when a parent refuses,” says Anju.

Proper education needed
Yes we all know sex education is provided in schools. Period. But with rampant teenage pregnancies it obviously is not enough. Shilpa says, “Talking openly about sex is still not common. Parents usually want some other organisation to do the sex-talk with their kids.”

Effects on children
Seema says, “In the last five years I have seen the number rise rapidly. Around 50-75 per cent young girls and guys lose their virginity much before they are anywhere near adulthood. And this affects them mentally. When kids are in Std 5, they have crushes and before they are in college most lose their virginity. When such a relationship does not work out depression hits them. There are anxiety disorders, eating disorders and feelings of guilt that may ruin their childhood.”

Expert advice for parents
A good relationship between parents may be important where both have similar parenting styles. Parents need to be role models and need to make their child see how important is love, affection, care and commitment in a relationship. They need to explain that sex is something precious to be shared with the person you love and not just an act of physical satisfaction.The emotional problems that come up with losing virginity at an early age and that come along with multiple partners needs to be explained to your child with a lot of patience. Children also need to understand that their parents are the one who they need to confide into. Also all information from friends and elsewhere needs to be confirmed as it may not always be true. Children also need to judge better for themselves what is right and wrong and what will be good for them in the future.

Advice for teenagers
-The only way you can guarantee that you won’t catch a sexually transmitted disease and won’t get pregnant is abstinence.
- No one can force you into it. ‘If you loved me you’d do it’, can be countered with a ‘If you really loved me you would wait’.
- Saying a no to a person even if it is someone you have said a yes to earlier, is perfectly okay.
- Always keep in mind that despite what rumors and gossip may suggest, virgins are a majority in most high schools, not a minority.
- If you want to show someone how much you care intercourse is not the only way to go about it. Don’t let others try to convince you otherwise.
- If you kiss someone passionately does not mean that you have to go on to having sex with them.

The see-through bra was a definite plus. Her nipples look yummy as hell, wouldn’t you just love to suck on

Here is another Asian girlfriend posing for a few naughty pics for her boyfriend. And just look at her and her happy cock sucker smile, so cute. I don’t know where she is from or what she is but I do know she love to give head and that is the only important thing here. Anyway, send more interesting pictures and videos (of individuals 18 year-old or older)


People from the UK are enjoying a thriving sex-life well into their sixties, a survey has shown.According to a report published by Age UK, a quarter of over-65s claimed that their love life hasn’t changed despite their age, and 8 per cent of the same age group are keen to embark on a new sexual relationship, the Independent reported.A total of 2,000 over 65-year-olds were surveyed, out of which 12 per cent said that they would like to try out new things with their partners.

Meanwhile, 18 per cent of women and 27 per cent of men said that they would like to be more sexually active.

More than 25 per cent said that they couldn’t talk to their partners about sex and only 17 per cent felt comfortable talking to health workers.

Did he pop the question on V-Day? From getting the kisses right to fixing the meals, here’s a handy guide for lusty new loversLooking for ways to add some spice to your sex life? Here are a few tips to entice your woman…
MORE than 50 years have passed, but retiree K.S. Lim still remembers the first time he saw Malaysia’s Queen of Striptease, Rose Chan, perform.
It was in the mid-1950s when Lim caught the first show by Chan, who was in her 20s, in Batu Gajah, Perak.
“I was 18 years old when I saw her perform at a cinema in Batu Gajah,” he said.
Lim, 71, said he had joined his elder brother and several friends on that outing.
“Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to join them to check out for myself what was the big deal about Chan as I had heard so much about her.”
His interest was piqued as Chan, a cabaret dancer turned striptease queen, was purportedly able to perform “outrageous” stunts.
“I decided to check out for myself whether what I heard was true,” he said.
Chan and her troupe, said Lim, would normally perform in small towns like Batu Gajah, Pusing, Tanjung Tualang and Tronoh.
“This was because enforcement in these areas was not so strict,” he claimed, adding that Chan would perform in an area for only five days.
“After the five days, she would move on to other places,” he said.
At that time, the ticket to Chan’s show cost five dollars.
“Mind you, five dollars was considered a huge amount then,” said the grandfather of two.
The steep price did not deter her legions of adoring “fans” from coming back day after day. Some went for as many as three shows a day.
“The earliest show was usually at 7pm and each show could last for two hours,” he said, noting that each time Chan performed, the venue would be packed to the brim.
Those under 18 were barred from viewing Chan’s performances due to the nature of her shows.
A typical show by Chan, Lim added, would start with her singing and dancing.
“As the night dragged on, she would slowly strip and perform lewd, outrageous and dangerous acts,” he revealed.
She was also known to wrestle with pythons on stage.
Lim said Chan truly lived up to her Striptease Queen tagline. As such, members of the audience would usually wait with bated breath for the finale of her performance.
Lim recalled how Chan once invited her audience up on stage. “She dangled cash of RM1,000 to anyone who was willing to join her.
“There were, however, no takers as the men were afraid of being injured,” he quipped.
Looking back, Lim said Chan was ahead of her time.
“She awed spectators with her outrageous performances,” he said.
Despite her name, life was anything but a bed of roses for Rose Chan.
According to Wikipedia, Chan was born Chan Wai Chang in Soochow, China in 1925 to acrobat parents and was brought to Kuala Lumpur in 1931, at the age of 6, by her adoptive mother.
She had no formal education, save for eight months of schooling at the age of 12. She then worked in a button-making shop, earning six gantang of rice and one loaf of cornbread a month plus 12 cents per thousand buttons and later made mosquito nets from which she earned a lit bit more.
When she was 16, her adoptive mother arranged her marriage to an elderly Chinese Singaporean harbour contractor as his fourth wife.
Her marriage, however, broke up after a few months, when her husband got fed up with her adoptive mother’s constant request for S$1,000-$2,000 each time.
He sent Chan back to Kuala Lumpur and gave her S$600 a month, on condition that her adoptive mother got her a servant to do the housework. The mother, however, pocketed the money. One day, when her husband dropped by the house on his way to the Penang races, he saw Chan doing housework. Angered, he not only stopped sending money, but stopped seeing her entirely.
With her allowances cut, and her finances in dire straits, Chan sold her last gold bracelet for over RM300, and took a train to Singapore the following year to meet her husband. Unfortunately, he refused to accept her. She stayed behind to become a cabaret dancer at the Happy World, her husband’s favourite haunt, in order to spite him.
She proved to be an accomplished dancer and as a result of her success, she was in great demand, and started dancing at as many as five cabarets at a time.
In 1951, Chan opened her own show, touring the whole of Malaya. The turning point of her career came unexpectedly the following year, and transformed her from a cabaret girl to the “Queen of Striptease” at the age of 27.
While performing at the Majestic Theatre in Ipoh, her brassiere snapped. Encouraged by the enthusiastic applause from the crowd, Chan decided to make stripping a permanent feature in her performances.
She shot to fame overnight and the “Striptease Queen” was born. But Chan was just as quick to earn the “Charity Queen” moniker. Even before her unexpected fame, she had started to do charitable work by dancing in aid of the Nanyang University Fund. Chan brought her striptease act to Kuala Lumpur, Penang, and Alor Star, always donating part of her proceeds to charity, benefiting children and old folks’ homes, institutions for the blind, and tuberculosis patients.
Her daring stunts made her famous, and she took her act around the world, including to Germany, France, Britain, Australia, and Indonesia.
There was also a song composed in her honour, titled Rose, Rose, I love You.
In her later years, Chan was diagnosed with breast cancer. She died at age 62 at her home in Butterworth on May 26, 1987 and was interred at the Beow Hong Lim Columbarium in Air Itam, Penang.
 A typical show by Rose Chan would start with her singing and dancing.

Najib the Political grandmaster of bad moves, according to ex-NST chief editor


The  former New Straits Times editor-in-chief has mocked Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as a “political grandmaster”, saying the various mistakes  like  the ousting of opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from Umno on grounds of morality and going after him with the “Anwar Sodomy II Charges Cooked Up by PM’s Office” | Asia Sentinel.Anwar was acquitted of the sodomy charge in a Kuala Lumpur high … We Malays in UMNO deeply regret all the slander hurled against Anwar Ibrahim,  ’bad lapse of judgment’. Clearly, the end doesn’t justify the means. And, as you sow, so shall you reap.The  allegation has come to haunt Najib

Prime  Minister’s wife,Rosmah Mansor,has delivered a spectacular charges with help from Umno lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah against  Anwar since taking over the helm reflects his poor moves and judgement.Kadir did not mince his words when questioning the prime minister’s right to such a title political grandmaster , saying the Umno president botched his moves in giving green light to Umno lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah  as deputy public prosecutor (DPP)

Umno lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah  today claimed that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was making a deliberate second application to disqualify him as deputy public prosecutor (DPP) to further delay Putrajaya’s appeal against his acquittal for sodomy.

Shafee said the application was frivolous, vexatious and an abuse of court process, adding that Anwar had a history of disqualifying judges and prosecutors.

He said the current grounds raised by Anwar to disqualify him also had no bearing on his appointment and Anwar’s fear of not getting a fair trial was baseless.

There is much that is disturbing, if not outright shocking about  in Putrajaya’s appeal against his acquittal on a second sodomy charge.   It is not just that the evidence used to convict  is circumstantial at best, but it is in the manner in which speculative conjecture has become bland certitude and airy theories have been taken to be established facts. there is a larger, and equally perplexing question. Why has it become so easy  Najib to believe in   all the possibilities that could have been speculated upon, why has this been so easy to accept, not just for the investigators but for the larger publics becomes particularly mystifying because usually in cases involving political class, there is a pronounced bias in favour of  Najib’s own class. In this case, given that the other possible Rosmah.

Perhaps the biggest reason why the sentiment around the case has become what it has is the absence of any easy explanation for what happened. The vacuum created by the mystery around the  powerful wife (Datin Seri) Rosmah (Mansor) are involved,  has exerted an inexorable force field which demands that the consuming public’s hunger for an answer be satisfied somehow. The space created by the mystery has been filled in with any number of wild theories, half-baked suppositions and assertions based on empty speculation. The more intractable the mystery, the more open we become to believing that the truth must be something terrible. This is why Ghani Patail has got away with changing its mind so often, has managed to argue successfully that a key conclusion was a typographical error and presented experts that have modified their statements and passed off speculation as fact. As a result, the mystery has apparently solved with what most agree, is at best a theory but at least it serves the purpose of providing some kind of an explanation. The appetite has been silenced functionally, if not satisfactorily.

A former New Straits Times editor-in-chief has mocked Wanita Umno head Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil’s description of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as a “political grandmaster”, saying the various mistakes he had made since taking over the helm reflects his poor moves and judgement.

“Under Najib, Barisan Nasional performed worse in the 13th general election than under former Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in the 2008 election. BN failed to recapture the wealthiest state in Malaysia, Selangor, almost lost Terengganu and barely retained Perak,” Kadir wrote in his blog today.

“Worse, Pakatan Rakyat made healthy inroads into Johor, which had been a traditional BN stronghold,” he said.

“Mainstream media were unable to report on the full range of topics which were discussed during the assembly. But thanks to reporting of juicy topics by online news portals, there is a lively debate in 24-hour coffee shops.”

One popular topic of discussion is Shahrizat (pic) calling Najib a chess grandmaster.Suara Keadilan Malaysia blogged Najib the ‘Superman, AG and CJ can’t respond to judicial fixing claims

Najib You can run but you can’t hide.. Why Najib scared of strong Rosmah? this chief editor is asking the home minister to sue him to the facts that he had put here don’t go on cheating the Malaysians A new kind of freedom And so insecure people all pull down each other, but when … Read more

Kadir did not mince his words when questioning the prime minister’s right to such a title, saying the Umno president botched his moves in trying to regain Selangor.

“When Najib succeeded Abdullah as prime minister, he put former law minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim in charge of Selangor BN. After the 13th general election, Najib dropped former Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar from the Cabinet and put him in charge of Selangor BN.”

Kadir said it was obvious the “grandmaster” did not know what to do with Selangor and has given up.

He also cited the irony of the ousting of opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from Umno on grounds of morality.

“Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has been allowed to remain as president of MCA,” Kadir said, referring to the sex video featuring the former Health Minister.

Furthermore, Shahrizat, despite her husband’s involvement in the National Feedlot Corporation scandal, remains as Wanita Umno head.

“Shahrizat stayed in the same house and slept in the same bed as her husband Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail. But she claimed she did not know what he and their children were doing in the NFC,” Kadir wrote, adding the public was not stupid.

Mohamad Salleh had managed to secure the privatisation of NFC and a RM250 million soft loan from the government. During the Umno general assembly, Shahrizat proposed that a Bank Wanita be set up for women.

Kadir said it was fortunate that Najib ignored Shahrizat’s suggestion as the people would have asked whether the Bank Wanita was for the women or for Shahrizat.

He suggested the Auditor-General check the books of the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry to see whether the accounts were in order.

He also mocked Najib for attempting to appoint a PAS member to the Umno supreme council. Najib had invited Islamic religious teacher Ustaz Mohammad Kazim Elias to be a member of the Umno supreme council on November 29.

Mohammad Kazim declined the offer.

“Did the grandmaster not ask Mohammad Kazim if he was willing to join the supreme council? Luckily, PAS was not all that brilliant either as they had attacked Mohammad Kazim,” Kadir said, adding they should have allowed him to join the supreme council.

Kadir ticked off Najib for inviting Mohammad Kazim to join the Umno supreme council, speculating that perhaps it was because Umno was now the rakyat’s party, so anyone could join.

Further surprises could be on the horizon, he added, as Najib might soon extend the invitation to DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat members to sign up with Umno. -

VK Lingam Video – Part III

The dilemma Zaid Ibrahim, stop playing politics with your own race

There is a sense of horror that pervades the news in recent months.  It seems as is a basic form of humanity has been lost as one horrific instance of barbarism follows another.  It is as if routine exploitation and violence is no longer enough; we are seeing a new brutalities of a kind that are difficult to comprehend. What kind of a human being violates why are we seeing so many such incidents now?  It is true that the administrative machinery in Malaysia
is increasingly being exposed as being grossly inefficient and lacking in will, but tempting as it is to put the blame exclusively at the doorstep of the administrative and the political establishment, the problem is a deeper one. A strong law enforcement apparatus will certainly help curtail crime, but the issue here is not about the volume of crime, but its nature. The answer to that lies outside in society, and in the many transformations it is undergoing.

 Elitist like Zaid Ibrahim cannot  reminisce

Zaid Ibrahim  have caused the public to speak up and question sensitive issues which have hurt the feelings of the Malaysand Muslims, are no longer taken into consideration.. These include matters pertaining to the special position of Bumiputeras, Islam and the institution of royalty.A senator suggested today that Malaysia emulate the firmness shown by Singapore and Brunei in enforcing laws and regulations relating to the culture and public order.Senator Datuk Abdul Rahman Bakar gave the example of Singapore, which plans to impose a seven-year jail sentence on those involved in the rioting in Little India on Sunday.He told the Dewan Negara in Kuala Lumpur today that the Malaysian government was too soft in its handling of Bersih protesters, who were even given free drinks and food.

The senator said the government’s reluctance to enforce the law caused the Malays and Islam to be insulted and some people might take the law into their own hands.

He added if the existing laws were inadequate, then they should be replaced to empower the enforcement agencies.

Abdul Rahman also criticised the government for failing to enforce the Malay language in public places.

“The signages written in foreign languages does not portray Malaysia’s identity.

“I am impressed with Brunei with its identity of a Malay and Islamic country. At the airport, the only language spoken is Malay and the signages are in Jawi script.”

   Zaid Ibrahim began a career in electoral politics virtually from scratch. The circumstances surrounding the founding of this Party KITA were less than propitious; the party came into being as an act of desperation that followed the collapse of honeymoon PKR led Anwar. Much to the unconcealed glee of the political establishment  UMNO,   entered their arena and was considered by most  UMNO to have written his obituary from public life.is a self-serving speech by someone who has flourished and gotten plum appointments under this government.
I don’t know how many of you have seen the hate speech   delivered a few days ago, on  Malay soil. I am almost tempted to share the link but would not, for that would be playing into his hands  Zaid Ibrahim  wants peace (or whatever little of it exists) between communities, already polarized due to DAP  race  religious bigots of all hues, to be disturbed further. At a time when young Malaysians is waking up to fight the inept government,  Malays  want  to reclaim  their Tanah Melayu from those who have taken it for a long ride thus far, Zaid Ibrahim  is trying to take the nation back where it should never belong, in the dark ages. One feels for these constituents. For, in their uneducated, illiterate avatar, they are tailor made for such morons to exploit. When he speaks for them, he is fooling them. He only wants to exploit them. Things have not gone exactly to script  how does one control all hate mongers? How does one blunt these bigots? I don’t think there is anything as potent as education. As has often been said and debated, it is the educated that exploit the uneducated, the illiterates, to fulfill their own dreams. It is in their interest to keep the, deprived, underachievers, the way they are, for only then will they believe and lap up their drivel. Only then will their tall talk and absurd promises be taken at face value. Remember the talk of virgins in heaven waiting for you if you die for a cause?
Extremism everywhere, but  why not DAP which leads the pack
 the special privileges given to the Malays, but this special privileges must have a time frame. Initially at the founding of an independent Malaysia, the time frame was for 15 years for the Malays to catch up, but UMNO then extended it by another 18 years till 1990, and now UMNO has extended it till forever. In other words, if you extend the special privileges to another 200 years, the Malays can not catch up, so says  Zaid Ibrahim but being a Malay how did he manage to where is today many have thought had all the ingredients necessary to become a statesman. A clean image, articulation as good as any and despite  flirting. with Chinese chauvinist  ideology  people looked up to him with some awe, if not necessarily respect. Seems he has allowed all that to disappear in one go. More so, for although the party is showing that it is upset and will try very hard to make him change his decision, there are enough indications to show that they are actually relieved that he has got the message.
Extremism everywhere, but  DAP leads the pack the only majority that matters, the majority in law, is the majority in the legislature. The only minority that counts is the minority — the losing votes in a seat in the GE — and their right to be heard. That’s the essence of democracy. The majority in the streets or in the population has no basis in law.Zaid, you are Dajal, you only see with 1 eye. But you have a full big mouth because you talk. As for your brain, I reserve my comment because your words speak more of what is left in your brain. When UMNO is open, you said it leads the pack. I can assure you UMNO talks only. Other race based political parties do not talk but practise unlimited extremism to the detriment that national unity will be irreversible as only 1 race will dominate just like our southern neighbor.
But educating all is easier said than done, numerous schemes of various governments at the Centre and in states  notwithstanding. Not just religious bigots, most normal politicians would not like that to happen, for, an educated class cannot be fooled easily, for it can discern the right from wrong, can think for themselves. It would be an anathema for our politicians. Keeping people uneducated, low on awareness level, deprived is what makes them fodder for their nonsensical rant.There is UMNO that locates itself outside the local and assumes that its vision applies to the rest of the country. What we are beginning to see is a challenge to that conception of Malaysa. The result is unlikely to be pretty and the process of transition will by all accounts be painful, but in the end what we may get is a more real and representative form of democracy. Admittedly this can go either way, but for those worried by the prospect, it might help to remember that we are seeing now hasn’t that much to commend it.Chasing my Malay language dreams forever The Member of Parliament for Titiwangsa, Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani Like most of us, I dream. My dream of my malay language  are vivid, rich in colour and detail. They fill in gaps in my workaday life we are so mesmerised by the difference that we become indifferent to  our Malay … Read more

Lim Guan Eng Penang chief minister the chief reason for DAP collapsing in Penang


Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng  calling someone a racist for political gain a racist act in itself?

The Penang BN’s Pulau Betong assemblyperson Muhammad Farid Saad o clarify the meaning of ‘racism’.the belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.It has also been a major part of the political and ideological underpinning. If you are good at expressing yourself outwardly — either through a creative pursuit or by speaking your heart out — it will free your mind and connect you to the here and now Do you realise that almost everything we do is a form of creative.. Dr Deepak Raheja, psychiatrist and director, Hope Foundation, “When we talk of expressing ourselves, we are referring to our ability to sublimate the libidinal energy, which as Sigmund Freud says, is the basis of all biological fuels that drive us. For a long time, we have forgotten to sublimate this energy into creative expression. Today, we find more and more people able to do so. If the gap between the real and the fantasized self increases, it increases frustration in life. Self-expression helps us feel more complete and helps bridge the gap between the real and the imagined self. This brings us to a more philosophical and spiritual fulfillmen

This is  about Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng  ’s expanding girth.Manage Penang, but don’t try to play king

Racism is generally defined as actions, practices, or beliefs that consider the human species to be divided into races with shared traits, abilities, or qualities, such as personality, intellect, morality, or other cultural behavioral characteristics, and especially the belief that races can be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to others, or that members of different races should be treated differently.[1][2]
The exact definition of racism is controversial both because there is little scholarly agreement about the meaning of the concept “race”, and because there is also little agreement about what does and does not constitute discrimination. Critics argue that the term is applied differentially, with a focus on such prejudices by whites, and defining mere observations of racial differences as racism.[3] Some definitions would have it that any assumption that a person’s behavior would be influenced by their racial categorization is racist, regardless of whether the action is intentionally harmful or pejorative. Other definitions only include consciously malignant forms of discrimination.[4] Among the questions about how to define racism are the question of whether to include forms of discrimination that are unintentional, such as making assumptions about preferences or abilities of others based on racial stereotypes, whether to include symbolic or institutionalized forms of discrimination such as the circulation of ethnic stereotypes through the media, and whether to include the socio-political dynamics of social stratification that sometimes have a racial component. Some definitions of racism also include discriminatory behaviors and beliefs based on cultural, national, ethnic, race, or religious stereotypes

It’s about how archaic are our systems for “group think” on public affairs. It is not just about having to elect an MP, an   a Chinese CM’  to represent us.when viewed from one side and extremely illogical from another angle. Most people I know are oscillating between both the angles or are plainly indifferent. To be honest, I was indifferent too, but the more I think about the reasons why is a chinese Penang Chief Minister created, the more bizarre they seem to me. Through this blog post I would like to highlight some of those points.

Chinese and DAP have destroyed-suppressed the Malay and Islamic culture in Penang
The key things that define the culture of a place are clothes, food, music, literature, architecture and above all to be honest, it pains me a lot every time I see remnants of the bygone era vanish into thin air.Culture today as we know it is an assimilation of various influences, thanks to wide availability of choices right from choice of food to choice of TV channels, etc. It is unfair to say that one culture has suppressed another, if at all the blame has to be placed the guilty parties are many, why single out Andhra region, you would be better off blaming liberalisation. Also this isn’t an issue that is unique to we Malays.said the  state opposition leader Jahara Hamid

Penang opposition leader Jahara Hamid is upset and angry with Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, after he called her a “racist grandmother”It is the DAP targets with messages like this: We will remove poverty for you. We will save you from the majority religion, which you must be constantly scared of. We will sign papers that say ‘right to this and that’, but we will not have the resources to provide you this and that. So what if prices keep rising? We are there to ensure you won’t starve. Be happy now, OK? To the irritating educated middle class, these messages don’t work. They don’t believe the Congress. They want more. Fortunately, they have been in small numbers and so not enough to cause election upsets. Well, not for very long. The rising middle class means DAP support will dwindle every year, unless they make some radical changes to the way they look at common Indian and Chinese.

In particular, two major beliefs within the Congress party are seriously out of date. The first isDAP s’ feudal mindset. It believes in the mai-baap nature of the government, where citizens fold their hands and wait for the rulers to be benevolent. Their top leaders make statements like ‘we gave  PENANG computers’, ‘we brought in mobile phones’, ‘we passed this law’ or ‘we gave food’.

What are we supposed to do? Thank them for allowing us to use a mobile phone or a computer which, incidentally, were invented in the West? Or are we to applaud them for spending our own money? This king doing the plebians favours is far removed from today’s needs. Today, the government is supposed to be a partner with the commoners, in aiding a citizen to reach his or her highest potential. Empowered people create wealth in a nation, not DAP party. As managers of the nation, they can help create a good environment for people to thrive. If they project themselves as kings, it will only jar with the youth.

and most dangerous – DAP belief is that Malays have a lot of differences (correct), these differences need to be respected (also correct), and there should be no attempts to find common ground or homogeneity in the population (absolutely wrong). According to the DAP, all  Chineseand Indians are equal, but separate. Well equal but separate is not equal at all. Ultimately, we have to blend as DAP. We have to agree to a common ground on who we are as people. Where are we similar and where we are not?  state opposition leader Jahara Hamid say Penang is a garden with different flowers. Nice metaphors aside, do note any beautiful garden is manicured, trimmed and arranged in a certain order and symmetry. If you do not do that, you will not have a garden but a wild jungle, like we are today. A leader of this country needs to blend us all well. This is not majoritarianism. We need to define what it means to be  Malaysian, and abide by it, and then keep our differences. Otherwise, we will never progress, but remain a wild shrub.

Outdated values have alienated DAP from the middle class and are making it less relevant to the modern voter with every passing day. The party would NOT do well to reflect on this. Else, well, sitting in the opposition was never fun, was it?

“Group think” systems are institutionalized at various levels. In business and industry we have the “federations and chambers” which presumably represent business and “trade unions” who represent labour; in politics we have political parties; in communities we have Civil Society Organisations who claim to represent specific interest groups and of course every religion has its own management hierarchy.

Most of us have neither the time nor the capacity to contribute full time to public affairs and hence the need for a set of intermediaries to manage interest groups in public affairs. The question really is do we have too many people doing too little for us? Are intermediaries distorting our messages? Are we victims of the “agency problem” where the representative becomes the boss of the owner?

Can direct democracy help? Yes it can. Direct democracy cuts out of the “noise” of middlemen by giving voice to citizens. Direct democracy can work, even in a continent sized, heterogeneous country like India, thanks to social media technology. In the world of IT the strategy for managing a social problem, like high crime rates, is developed by convening a “hackathon”. This is a gathering of concerned citizens, who define the problem; babus, who identify the administrative constraints and geeks, who create techie solutions like mapping crime spots on a street map to check if crime clusters around poorly lit streets or is time sensitive.

Here are some options to cut the democratic flab:

1. Why is it necessary for MPs to attend Parliament/Assembly by being physically present? Why don’t they participate via video conferencing from their constituencies? Technologically, this presents no problems since most districts and blocks are now connected to broad band. Consider how this could solve the “agency problem”. MPs could not play football, as they do today, if she they were on camera. Imagine the sense of citizen participation, as MPs debate from their homes, whilst surrounded by their adoring and watchful constituents. This can cut the flab from Parliament by saving on travel cost and eliminate the time wasted in trooping into the well. Parliament would become as dry and efficient as a modern stock exchange, where people come to transact business not engage in theatrics. Also consider the number of productive jobs created across the country to expand the enabling IT eco-system.

2. Many of the issues, which are debated in Parliament/Assemblies, can be better informed by mobile phone based surveys conducted by a third party. Currently, mobile ownership is at 70% of households (with rural HH lagging) but ownership is growing fast and should be encouraged for a variety of social purpose applications, including mobile money. What do Malaysianss think about the need for a specific rape law? Should political parties come under the RTI? Should there be minimum academic qualifications for MPs? These matters are far too important, to rely on  to intervene, on our behalf (as he did in the case of the criminal bachao ordinance) every time. In any case, we don’tLim Guan Eng  want to “rely” on anything except our “group common sense” to guide babu actions via legislation

3. Decisions are best taken closest to the people affected by them. This is the time tested management axiom of “subsidiarity”. This implies large scale decentralization of decision making powers and finance from the central and state government onwards to district and block level elected bodies, where 85% of the elected officials are located but who have less than 5% of the powers. Decisions become less complex and easier to implement as the extent of heterogeneity decreases. The options and trade-offs are easier to understand to take a rational decision. The level of citizen participation is always higher because the issues are more immediate and relevant. Decentralized decision making fosters “innovation” and creativity. All these are good reasons for pushing decentralization without any enhanced fiduciary risk, which a technology enabled Public Financial Management system can ensure.

The Right to Information Act was the first “breach in the Bastille” which improved “access to information”. The second barrier awaiting removal is the noise of flabby “agents/representatives”, via whom citizens are forced to voice their opinions in public debate. Technology can help us to reduce the transaction cost and enhance the prospects for direct participation. Come elections and  DAP’s existential dilemma gets more pronounced. The party, founded on t the mind of the One a element’ Chinese chauvinist  ideology, has failed to come to terms with the changing political narrative in recent years. Even veteran leaders like   Karpal Singh were not spared when they tried to do what was seen as … Read more

Implications of Chinese FACTOR.hyperactive libidos without Penetration DAP harassment of opposition leader Jahara Hamid


Implications of Chinese. DAP have destroyed-suppressed the Malay and Islamic culture in Penang

Implications of Chinese. DAP have destroyed-suppressed the Malay and Islamic culture in Penang

“Free Women”, “No Sharia” and “No Oppression”

In a political landscape where thorns far outnumber the roses, sexism tends to rear its grotesque head often. The list of culprits is long, and the latest addition happens to be Lim Guan Eng.S Ambiga says that the term ‘grandmother’ is unacceptable and reminds Malaysians that no politician is above scrutiny and criticism Are  men in DAP sex-mad? Do they have uncontrollable libidos which compel them to make unwanted and unwarranted sexual advances towards women, even at the risk of having their own reputations and careers ruined? sex-mad? Do they have uncontrollable libidos which compel them to make unwanted and unwarranted sexual advances towards women, even at the risk of having their own reputations and careers ruined?Such questions became central to a study conducted by a group of international scientists following media reports about a retired Supreme Court judge and the editor of a well-known publication who, in their own ways, had allegedly behaved in what can euphemistically be described as an ‘inappropriate manner’ with young women.

That there is a lot of what presumably is consensual sex in Malaysia is evidenced by the country population of28 million, and counting. With so much of what might be called voluntary sex doing the rounds, why are there so many sexcapades – ranging from rape to stalking and other forms of harassment – in which women are the involuntary targets?

What made the matter even more puzzling for the team of scientists was that it was only  chinese men who seemed to have hyperactive libidos. Indian women seemed perfectly normal in this respect, cases of males being sexually assaulted by females belonging to the man-bites-dog category.

The baffled scientists finally turned to genetics to find the key to the mystery. And it was deep inside the genetic structure ofChinese  males, encoded in their DNA, that they found the answer to their question.

It had long been known to medical science that all Chinese have a genetic bias towards cardiovascular disorders and diabetes. Similarly, the scientists discovered a genetic aberration in the chromosome of Chinese males which predisposed them to uncontrollable sexual urges.

The scientists named this genetic anomaly – which was not present in the chromosome of CHINESE females – and related it to another behavioural trait common to almost all Chinese males but not to  Malay females: the compulsion to do what in the vernacular is known as No. 1 in public.

Experiments conducted under laboratory conditions had shown that, given a choice, seven out of Chinese  males would choose peeing in public rather than in a conveniently situated, free-of-charge, hygienic loo. It is not that they want to pee in public, any more than any of the male sex offenders want to be sex offenders. It is just that they are genetically programmed to do so, once again thanks to the Chinese factor.

At a press conference which witnessed a record turnout, the leader of the team of scientists hinted that there had been talk of the researchers being awarded a Nobel Prize for their discovery, though it wasn’t quite clear whether it was to be the Nobel Prize for Medicine or the Nobel Prize for Peace, for having pinpointed a major cause of gender conflict in south east asia.

When asked to do so by a correspondent, the head scientist obligingly spelt out the mysterious CHINESE FACTOR which is at the root of the DAP  male’s full-frontal sexual exhibitionism: Mine Is Longer Than Yours.

DAP objective is the outcome of the perception that DAP has to rectify the humiliation of past Chinese  MCA and GERAKAN rule in PENANG. The Chinese aggressive nationalism and irredentism have become the key features of DAP policy and aggrandisement. The Chinese policy makers and people feel that the area in its periphery belongs to  Chinese which must be occupied at all costs.  However it must be mentioned that  DAP has modified its strategy over the years from using PAS in finding suitable opportunities to occupy new areas outsise Penang like Perak to avoid conflicts and at the same time maintain a deterrence that would not allow UMNO to take the risk of  hostilities of voters.DAP’s move in this direction has been quite systematic and well planned.  TonyPua, DAP’s publicity secretary intensified its propaganda campaign the launch of the “Ubah Rocket Style to justify its claims.  to come out with justifications over its claims and propagate them. his effort involved twisting of historical facts. This was also accompanied with the cartographic aggression to project  in the periphery as parts of the DAP territory.Chinese appetite for territories like Singapore.

 Absence of any strong reaction  from UMNO as was seen during  when Lee Kuan Yew tried to wrest political power from Malays and how he tried to supplant the MCA as the political party representing the Chinese. He was derisive of Tun Tan Siew Sin as not being a pure Chinese and as such not fit to represent the Chinese community. The time has come that the major UMNO stakeholders for the malays in the party take concerted steps to check the DAP agenda.

Malaysians can still recall the manner in which Lee Kuan Yew tried to wrest political power from Tunku and how he tried to supplant the MCA as the political party representing the Chinese. He was derisive of Tun Tan Siew Sin as not being a pure Chinese and as such not fit to represent the Chinese community.However, the Chinese saw through his devious schemes and rejected emphatically PAP’s politics. Lee Kuan Yew thought he could out-maneuver Tunku and become the Prime Minister of Malaysia. But Tunku beat him at his own game and he was expelled from Malaysia.

Considering himself to be intellectually superior to Tunku, he could not accept that he was defeated so resoundingly by Tunku. He was devastated. When he announced that Singapore would be separated from Malaysia, he broke down uncontrollably. This was only to be expected as his dreams of being the Overlord of Malaysia, comprising of Peninsula Malaya, Sarawak and Sabah was shattered and he has to be content with being a bully of a city state!Given such a traumatic experience, and possessing a vindictive disposition, it is a given that Lee Kuan Yew would harbour a secret agenda against Malaysia. And over the years, he has sowed and continues to sow discord among the races in Malaysia.It was reported that one of the reasons for his recent visit to Malaysia is to find out how the Chinese are faring in Malaysia.

What arrogance! Umno raised racist issues because I am a Chinese CM ‘saidPenang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng the allegation by state opposition leader Jahara Hamid that he had renamed Pulau Jerejak to Mazhu Island was “very dangerous”

The Chinese community in Malaysia has no need of   Chief Minister Lim Guan Engto meddle in its affairs or wellbeing. The Chinese community working with the other communities is more than able to look after themselves.

Why is there a need for such an elaborate programme – meetings with the prime minister, the deputy prime minister, an audience with the Agong, the Sultan of Perak and more meetings with other political leaders?

The picture of Lee Kuan Yew and the leaders of MCA displayed in the front page of Sin Chew Jit Poh says it all – why, may I add, was he wearing a traditional Chinese attire? And why were the leaders of MCA so willing to honour him when he had tried to topple Tun Tan Siew Sin at a critical juncture of our history?

I take the view that had Lee Kuan Yew succeeded in toppling Tun Tan Siew Sin, and PAP supplanted the MCA, social turmoil would have ensued and we as a nation would not have been able to achieve our present status.

No country is perfect and devoid of problems. We had our fair share, but we are better off without Lee Kuan Yew.

Malaysians must be vigilant. Lee Kuan Yew cannot be trusted and while Singapore is our neighbour and a member of ASEAN, we must never forget that Singapore has never ceased to dictate terms to Malaysia whenever she perceives Malaysia as being weak.

Do not forget the 1997 financial crisis and how Singapore treated us when we were in need.

Today, Singapore is reeling under the weight of the global financial tsunami, but Lee Kuan Yew is behaving as if Singapore has a bottomless vault of financial goodies, ever ready to invest in Malaysia as a favour.

We don’t need Singapore’s sex hungry woman from Singapore!

Here are the photos that were taken professionally with Jamie Ang and the photographer’s name on the corner of the images:

And Malaysians have no need for a Lee Kuan Yew telling us how to develop our country!Come elections and  DAP’s existential dilemma gets more pronounced. The party, founded on t the mind of the One a element’ Chinese chauvinist  ideology, has failed to come to terms with the changing political narrative in recent years. Even veteran leaders like   Karpal Singh were not spared when they tried to do what was seen as … Read more

What’s wrong with Liar’s Club members Muhammad Shafee Abdullah –Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail team


Shafee’s affidavit a load of rubbish says ex-cop Mat Zain is still fighting for it in his own way, Mat Zain came out and took the political course to change the system. This change is not about changing the government alone but realizing true democracy by ensuring public participation in the decision making process.

Mat ZAIN  has embraced the Gandhian concept of Swaraj to bring the change. In fact, Swaraj is “the change”, which if understood, adopted and implemented with sincerity can provide solution to all the problems.

The real problem is  Najib’s degeneration into a bunch of powerbrokers that has completely forgotten the political party’s primal role, of empowering the people, of mediating between the people and the state. Only leaders and power matter for the party, the people have fallen off its map, except as voters who have to be managed with handouts, identity politics and poll-eve temptations.his is why it stands devoid of any organic emancipatory imagination of its own and its government needs an external brain graft in the form of Shafee Abdullah  . This is why Najib is oblivious  no advance the country has made over the last 5 years and is incapable of converting that to its credit.Real Swaraj will come, not by the acquisition of authority by a few, but by the acquisition of the capacity by all to resist authority when it is abused. In other words, Swaraj is to be attained by educating the masses to a sense of their capacity to regulate and control authority”— Mahatma Gandhi

Sins call for atonement, crimes must be punished. And what better, if such redemption can be detached from those really culpable and outsourced to some dumb creature that cannot complain? This was the idea behind the Biblical practice of casting a goat into the wilderness after ascribing all manner of ills and improvidence to it. Many virtues extolled by religion have waned over time; scapegoats have thrived.Lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah will be allowed to act as deputy public prosecutor (DPP) in the prosecution’s appeal against the acquittal of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on his sodomy charges.

Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah has been appointed the DPP in Putrajaya's bid to reverse the High Court ruling that acquitted Anwar Ibrahim of a sodomy charge last year. - The Malaysian Insider pic, December 12, 2013.

Datuk K.S. Nallakaruppan and Dato’ Muhammad Shafee Abdullah were behind the conspiracy to frame Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim on sodomy charges back in 1998. This was confirmed by Nalla’s driver, Thagarajoo a/l Thangavelu, in a Statutory Declaration signed on 21 August 2008.

This latest revelation puts to rest, once and for all, the speculation as to the real dalang behind the 1998 conspiracy. It appears like these same players are also involved in the latest sodomy allegation, dubbed as ‘Sodomy As people evolve and circumstances change, no decision seems too sacrosanct to be questioned again Between the two Liars , what a lesson learnt amidst the beautiful environs of Liars Club: Be true to your own self and cultivate passion for something meaningful… Is it okay to change your mind? How often can one do so without being labelled a weak-minded flip-flopper? Contemporary thinkers and successful people encourage thinking, revisiting issues and questioning decisions we may have once considered closed. Nothing is written in stone. We change our minds about small things almost every day and think nothing of it. But it takes courage to declare a change of mind about larger issues as we are scared of being labelled weak-willed or lacking in confidence. As a result we pressurise ourselves to take ‘firm’ decisions and stick by them. However, decisions are always taken under a certain set of circumstances and the context changes over time — as do people, their attitudes and beliefs. So, how can one not change his/her mind about decisions taken earlier as one learns and evolves?

Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim has described Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah’s affidavit in reply to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s second application to disqualify the Umno lawyer from acting as deputy public prosecutor as “a load of rubbish”.

The former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department chief also welcomed Shafee’s earlier statement that he would expose Mat Zain’s relationship with Anwar.

“I now challenge Shafee to demand the prime minister to order a full-scale investigation into my SD (statutory declaration).

Rajoo also confirmed that Shafee coached him on what to say and that his coached ‘statement’ was tape-recorded. Rajoo was also summoned to Bukit Aman by the current IGP, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, who was then in charge of the case, and subsequently was brought to meet Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad so that he can repeat what he had been instructed to tell the Prime Minister.

Howeve Liar Muhammad Shafee Abdullahr does not want to confirm the presence of others until he reads former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Mat Zain Ibrahim’s statutory declaration as he said it would be unfair to the former police officer.He added this was also to be fair to Mahathir. “Tun (Mahathir) is certainly not involved in all this rubbish.” If this fellow intends to be TRUTHFUL at all, – why on earth should he have to first sight Mat Zain Ibrahim’s statutory declaration? If anyone cares to ask Mahathi  what was discussed, he’ll say he cannot remember..a plot was made against Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail at an alleged high-level meeting at Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s residence three months ago. Denial is a very common way of trying to escape from the truth. Even though if there was a meeting to remove the AG, they have to thread very carefully. Well the AG is very powerful person. His loyalty to his political masters and the many secrets he holds will put him in a secure position to deal or not to deal.Whom do we believe – Shafee, Mahathir or Mat Zain. And why the AG is not suing Mat Zaid for what he mentioned in the Sd ?

If you wish to achieve anything in life, go for it with passion, cultivate a degree of madness, lunacy for it  Shafee Abdullah thundered.Malaysia today has everything we need, except the most essential thing needed for our future —  Mahathir and Abdul Gani Patail that’s what the youth must inculcate.”    Indeed, passion is a very strong emotion, which invariably acts like a magnet for whatever it is directed towards. It manifests itself as a stronger form of emotion, more intense, more driving and overpowering. In that sense, passion is not different from emotion. You have to feel deeply to want something badly, and try for it with all you have.

“I will scrutinise Shafee’s affidavit line by line and record my observations in my next SD. As it stands now, I can say that his affidavit is imperfect and a load of rubbish.

“I reserve my right to take on the next course of action,” said Mat Zain.

Shafee had been appointed DPP by Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and will appear for Putrajaya in its bid to reverse the High Court ruling that acquitted Anwar of a sodomy charge last year.

Anwar’s first application to recuse Shafee on grounds that it was against the law was dismissed by the Federal Court last month.

Anwar is now relying on Mat Zain’s SD in his second attempt to disqualify Shafee.

Shafee, in his affidavit, had said Mat Zain’s SD merely showed that the former police officer was an “angry man” over the way the authorities dealt with him regarding the 1998 “black eye” incident.

Mat Zain, in his statement today, said he knew Shafee’s intention was malicious but still welcomed the expose on his so called relationship with Anwar.

The former police officer said he had been labelled as Anwar’s lapdog, or “chief barua”, among others, for his refusal to unlawfully take the former deputy prime minister’s blood sample for a DNA test in 1998.

“So one more humiliation created by Shafee won’t make any difference. It may well be a blessing in disguise since the government might be forced to look into the cases I have mentioned in my SD,” he said.

Mat Zain said the people were more interested to know why Shafee called him to his office through former Commercial Crime Department director Datuk Ramli Yusuf and later took them to meet former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“Or can he tell the public, if it was really Dr Mahathir who wanted to see me or was it Shafee himself who planned the meeting for his own personal benefit?” he asked.

Mat Zain also pointed out that Shafee must explain to the court the reason he concealed a material fact that he had acknowledged receipt of a bundle of documents from him on September 24.

Mat Zain said his meeting with Shafee, together with Ramli, was on August 10, not a day earlier as mentioned in Shafee’s affidavit.

He also warned Shafee that he had proof to show that it was Shafee who had wanted to meet him and Ramli, and not the other way around, as claimed in the affidavit.

Mat Zain also asked Shafee to disclose what was discussed at his office and later at Dr Mahathir’s house in Seri Kembangan.

“If Shafee says that Gani’s conduct in the Pulau Batu Puteh was never discussed during the one hour meeting in his office and later for another hour in Dr Mahathir’s house, then he should tell what was the subject matter that was discussed,” he said.

Mat Zain said Shafee was a public servant in his capacity as DPP and under the law, he was required to provide information of offences allegedly committed.

“As a lawyer, he is bound by the Legal Profession Act when acting as prosecutor and he shall not surpress material facts establishing the innocence of accused persons,” he said.

Mat Zain said he would be making a second SD to further explain the full discussion Shafee had with Ramli in his presence with regards to Ramli’s suit against Gani and several others.

He said his SD could only be declared false only after an investigation, not based on what Shafee had stated in his affidavit.

“I challenge Shafee now to demand that the prime minister order a full scale investigation into the contents of the SD and he (Shafee) knows where he stands.

“Shafee may well find that his affidavit is the one that had been slanted,” he said.

Mat Zain, in his 31-page SD, had said that he went with Shafee and Ramli to Dr Mahathir’s house during the Hari Raya period this year where they allegedly discussed the wrongdoings of Gani.

However, Shafee had said that the idea for Mat Zain to go to Dr Mahathir’s house was only decided impromptu in his office and there was no agenda except to pay respect to Dr Mahathir during the festive season.

Shafee had also denied that he was involved in any meeting to discuss Gani’s conduct or the Pulau Batu Puteh issue. He had also said that he did not insinuate or mention about funds being transferred into a bank account in Hong Kong after the Pulau Batu Puteh case was decided by the international court.

Anwar’s application to recuse Shafee will be heard on December 19.

Anwar, among others, had disclosed in his application last Friday that Shafee knew of Gani’s actions but the lawyer deliberately suppressed important evidence, especially on the Pulau Batu Puteh territorial dispute between Malaysia and Singapore.

Further, the SD pointed towards Gani and Musa’s involvement in fabricating evidence in the infamous “black eye” incident.

As such, Anwar had said, Shafee was not a fit and proper person to be appointed deputy public prosecutor to lead the prosecution team.

He had added that Shafee would not be able to comply with the requirement of the Legal Profession (Practice and Etiquette) 1978 to conduct the appeal.

Anwar had also said that he would not receive a fair hearing if Shafee were to lead the prosecution team.

The text and scanned versions of the Statutory Declaration can be read below. In the meantime, let us ‘flashback’ to what happened during Anwar’s trial in 1998-1999.

The former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department chief also welcomed Shafee’s earlier statement that he would expose Mat Zain’s relationship with Anwar.

“I now challenge Shafee to demand the prime minister to order a full-scale investigation into my SD (statutory declaration).

“I will scrutinise Shafee’s affidavit line by line and record my observations in my next SD. As it stands now, I can say that his affidavit is imperfect and a load of rubbish.

“I reserve my right to take on the next course of action,” said Mat Zain.

Shafee had been appointed DPP by Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and will appear for Putrajaya in its bid to reverse the High Court ruling that acquitted Anwar of a sodomy charge last year.

Anwar’s first application to recuse Shafee on grounds that it was against the law was dismissed by the Federal Court last month.

Anwar is now relying on Mat Zain’s SD in his second attempt to disqualify Shafee.

Shafee, in his affidavit, had said Mat Zain’s SD merely showed that the former police officer was an “angry man” over the way the authorities dealt with him regarding the 1998 “black eye” incident.

Mat Zain, in his statement today, said he knew Shafee’s intention was malicious but still welcomed the expose on his so called relationship with Anwar.

The former police officer said he had been labelled as Anwar’s lapdog, or “chief barua”, among others, for his refusal to unlawfully take the former deputy prime minister’s blood sample for a DNA test in 1998.

“So one more humiliation created by Shafee won’t make any difference. It may well be a blessing in disguise since the government might be forced to look into the cases I have mentioned in my SD,” he said.

Explain meeting with Dr M

Mat Zain said the people were more interested to know why Shafee called him to his office through former Commercial Crime Department director Datuk Ramli Yusuf and later took them to meet former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“Or can he tell the public, if it was really Dr Mahathir who wanted to see me or was it Shafee himself who planned the meeting for his own personal benefit?” he asked.

Mat Zain also pointed out that Shafee must explain to the court the reason he concealed a material fact that he had acknowledged receipt of a bundle of documents from him on September 24.

Mat Zain said his meeting with Shafee, together with Ramli, was on August 10, not a day earlier as mentioned in Shafee’s affidavit.

He also warned Shafee that he had proof to show that it was Shafee who had wanted to meet him and Ramli, and not the other way around, as claimed in the affidavit.

Mat Zain also asked Shafee to disclose what was discussed at his office and later at Dr Mahathir’s house in Seri Kembangan.

“If Shafee says that Gani’s conduct in the Pulau Batu Puteh was never discussed during the one hour meeting in his office and later for another hour in Dr Mahathir’s house, then he should tell what was the subject matter that was discussed,” he said.

Mat Zain said Shafee was a public servant in his capacity as DPP and under the law, he was required to provide information of offences allegedly committed.

“As a lawyer, he is bound by the Legal Profession Act when acting as prosecutor and he shall not surpress material facts establishing the innocence of accused persons,” he said.

Mat Zain said he would be making a second SD to further explain the full discussion Shafee had with Ramli in his presence with regards to Ramli’s suit against Gani and several others.

He said his SD could only be declared false only after an investigation, not based on what Shafee had stated in his affidavit.

“I challenge Shafee now to demand that the prime minister order a full scale investigation into the contents of the SD and he (Shafee) knows where he stands.

“Shafee may well find that his affidavit is the one that had been slanted,” he said.

Mat Zain, in his 31-page SD, had said that he went with Shafee and Ramli to Dr Mahathir’s house during the Hari Raya period this year where they allegedly discussed the wrongdoings of Gani.

However, Shafee had said that the idea for Mat Zain to go to Dr Mahathir’s house was only decided impromptu in his office and there was no agenda except to pay respect to Dr Mahathir during the festive season.

Shafee had also denied that he was involved in any meeting to discuss Gani’s conduct or the Pulau Batu Puteh issue. He had also said that he did not insinuate or mention about funds being transferred into a bank account in Hong Kong after the Pulau Batu Puteh case was decided by the international court.

Anwar’s application to recuse Shafee will be heard on December 19.

Anwar, among others, had disclosed in his application last Friday that Shafee knew of Gani’s actions but the lawyer deliberately suppressed important evidence, especially on the Pulau Batu Puteh territorial dispute between Malaysia and Singapore.

Further, the SD pointed towards Gani and Musa’s involvement in fabricating evidence in the infamous “black eye” incident.

As such, Anwar had said, Shafee was not a fit and proper person to be appointed deputy public prosecutor to lead the prosecution team.

He had added that Shafee would not be able to comply with the requirement of the Legal Profession (Practice and Etiquette) 1978 to conduct the appeal.

Anwar had also said that he would not receive a fair hearing if Shafee were to lead the prosecution team.Mat Zain’s insistence that police could investigate Gani based on the contents of his statutory declaration (SD) without lodging a police report.Mat Zain drew attention to Sections 107 and 107A of the Criminal Procedure Code related to information given to the police and their powers to investigate. Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman said”I am saying … Read more

Mahathir’s alter ego,software to enable the institutions to function in a transparent lags behind its ‘hardware the judiciary ’


Seventy-five years to the day, the Nazi regime bared its anti-Semitic fangs with a ferocity that appalled and outraged even those who took a benign view of Adolf Hitler and believed that they could do business with him. They had paid scant attention to his rants against liberals, Leftists, moderate Christians, homosexuals and especially Jews before he rode to power in 1933. His speeches, delivered with mesmerising, oratorical flourishes, were widely reported in the press both in Germany and abroad.That sort of coverage encouraged him to project his image as a leader who would rid his country of venal politicians and artists and thinkers with a modern, secular and cosmopolitan outlook. The former, he argued, were responsible, along with Jewish businessmen, for Germany’s economic mess. And the latter threatened to emasculate Germany’s nationalism and its ‘authentic’ culture.

Ustad Mohammad Kazim Elias has a popular show on Astro Oasis and was offered an Umno supreme council seat to strengthen the party's Islamic programmes. He later declined the post.– The Malaysian Insider pic by Nazir Sufari, December 13, 2013.

The Germans, he emphasized time and again, had to sacrifice their individual freedoms to emerge as a united people who put the nation’s interest above all else under his firm, determined, even ruthless leadership.His painful history with PAS is the reason well-known Muslim preacher Mohammad Kazim Elias declined a seat on the Umno supreme council early this month. Mohammad Kazim, a popular… READ MORE

The effects of such leadership were evident in the very first year of the Nazi regime. Jews were summarily dismissed from the positions they held in the press, radio, theatre, cinema and in schools and universities. A year later, they were eliminated from the stock exchanges. On 15 September 1935, the regime promulgated the infamous Nuremberg laws which stripped Jews of German citizenship and relegated them to the status of subjects.

Thirteen decrees that followed to supplement the laws completely banned Jews from public and private employment. By 1938 they could no longer practice the professions of law and medicine or engage in any kind of business. This was not all. Signs of the social boycott of Jews mushroomed in cities, towns and even hamlets across the Reich.

Such was the background of the fateful events on 9-10 November 1938. The immediate provocation for them was a fatal attack on a German diplomat stationed in Paris by a 17-year-old German Jewish refugee. He sought to avenge the deportation of his father, along with ten thousand Jews, to Poland and the Nazi regime’s treatment of Jews. No sooner had the news reached Berlin than Hitler ordered his propaganda chief, Dr. Goebbels, to organize “spontaneous” demonstrations by the “German people” as a “natural reaction” to the diplomat’s murder.

On 9-10 November Nazi goons went on a rampage the like of which had never been witnessed before even as the police and para-troopers looked the other way. Hundreds of synagogues were set aflame. Thousands of Jewish shops were looted and gutted. The shattered remains of their glass fronts littered the streets for days on end. The number of Jewish homes that were torched or destroyed also ran into the thousands. Their occupants – men, women and children – were shot to death as they sought to flee the inferno. More than 20,000 Jews were arrested and dispatched to concentration camps.

Ustad Mohammad Kazim Elias has a popular show on Astro Oasis and was offered an Umno supreme council seat to strengthen the party’s Islamic programmes. He later declined the post.–  The Member of Parliament for Titiwangsa, Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani Among Nine Umno MT Members Appointed “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high Where knowledge is free Where the world has not been broken up into fragments By narrow domestic walls Where words come out from the depth of truth …Read more

Judged according to these standards, our Parliament and state assemblies are little more than a hotbed of interminable intrigue, confrontation, mud-slinging, filibustering and sometimes also outbursts of violence. This numbs the nerves of the executive and paralyses the legislature. The one cannot govern while the other cannot enact laws, adopt policies or, so far as the opposition is concerned, even act as a watch-dog of the government of the day. What stands out, therefore, is a mockery of their constitutional responsibilities.The intricacies of the cases continue to be subjected to close and critical scrutiny in the new media. But the larger picture they reveal hasn’t attracted the requisite attention: the growing disconnect between the “hardware” and the “software” of Malaysian democracy. The “hardware” of democracy include legislative and executive institutions (Parliament, state assemblies, and the judiciary, official statutory and non-statutory bodies, political parties and the media. And the “software” relates to the observance of rules and regulations, conventions and precedents to enable the institutions to function in a transparent, accountable and effective manner. What is the record?to this the growing interference of the apex court in legislative and executive areas that are, strictly speaking, beyond its remit. It is argued, doubtless with good reason, that such interference is inevitable when the government and the legislature are unable or unwilling or both to shoulder their constitutionally-mandated tasks. Governance, like nature, abhors a vacuum. But the danger in this argument is that it upsets the delicate balance of power between the three estates of the republic that the Constitution decrees. On this count, too, a lethal virus could render the “software” of democracy obsolete.That danger is no less acute when governments, both at the Centre and in the states, deploy official agencies to get even with rivals. More often than not, such deployment is initiated outside the framework of laws, rules and regulations. Fake encounters and fabricated cases are evidence of this conceited insouciance. But so is the intrusive surveillance of citizens suspected of making life difficult for the rulers of the day: rival politicians, nosey media persons, un-cooperative civilian and police officials, NGOs and, in one instance at least, an individual who posed no such threat. We recently witnessed such conduct in, among other states, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Gujarat. Surveillance of this nature, especially if it is pervasive, also contaminates the “software” of democracy.

Abdul Gani Patail guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity; crooked :debased in character; depraved; perverted; wicked; evil:The biggest irony of our times is that people perceive all politicians as ‘thieves’ but at the same time they are also forced to elect them to Parliament again and again to rule the country.  And, these administrative and legal processes  can now  get to the bottom of  high-profile cases involving, directly or otherwise, in  case is abuse of power that is in flagrant violation of the laws by those who are duty-bound – because of the positions they occupy – to uphold them the ailments of the judiciary, including, in the first place, that of the  alleged moral turpitude of some of the judges is only one of them. Even on this count, however, the judiciary is loath to allow an impartial and transparent probe by anyone other than the members of its own fraternity. … Read more

The political parties are no better. Their public spats are less about policies and programmes and more about the acquisition of power and pelf. Many of them are akin to privately-controlled family businesses. Inner-party democracy is a rumour to them.  Mahathir has had the longest innings in power since independence, leads the pack.  DAP and PAS are not far behind:But these permanently feuding parties from one end of the political spectrum to another can and do make common cause when their interests as a corporate class are in jeopardy. Consider their opposition to any serious effort to keep politicians with criminal backgrounds at bay. Consider, too, the alacrity with which they refused to come within the purview of the Right to Information Act. Such “software” contains far too many bugs to serve any worthwhile purpose.  They relate to an unforgiveable betrayal of trust reposed in them by their readers, friends, colleagues and followers. What makes the betrayal odious is that these individuals professed to promote highfalutin principles of moral and spiritual rectitude. All three of them emasculated the substance of their calling and, in the process, polluted the “software” that is expected to keep state and society in India in fine fettle. Why are the bloody MPs keeping. This treason of the highest order an unforgiveable betrayal of trust voters reposed in themThis has been morally degrading and has turned politics predatory. But things still remained functional. Till prosperity threw up a body of people whose progress in life has little to do with state patronage and who …Read more

Those who recall the entertainment the ‘Khairy Chronicles’ provided COVER BOOK_NAJIBInternet followers in the middle years of the last decade when the blogosphere began to draw Malaysians to it as an alternate source of news and comment will have sat up the past week to take notice that a reprise may be at hand.

The ‘Khairy Chronicles’ was a titillating amalgam of half-truths, gossip, rumour and conjecture that Raja Petra Kamarudin deployed in his blog Malaysia Today as soon as the new-broom sheen the Abdullah Ahmad Badawi administration sported on being installed in late 2003 began to pall by 2006.

Malaysians with access to foreign-owned regional periodicals have long suspected that the facts behind the published news on national politics are more riveting than the disinfected version the newspapers, all owned by the ruling class or affiliates, decided to print.

In the years before the inception of web news portals, readers eagerly waited for the periodicals to tell them what the mainstream newspapers found too risqué to disclose.

Thus when the blogosphere saw the emergence in the middle years of the last decade of a tattler like Raja Petra , he quickly gained a following for his irreverent musings, with followers of his stuff no longer reliant – for an inkling of what’s happening – on those foreign-owned periodicals which in any case were fast becoming defunct.

RPKAs quickly as he emerged, Raja Petra faded in 2011 as supplier of title tattle that kept droves on edge with his revelations. The reasons for his retreat were as mysterious as the sources that fed him grist for his mill when he hit out at targets which in his prime were the Abdullah family and, latter, the then Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak and his dear wife, Rosmah Mansor.

Since the time of Raja Petra’s evanescence as prime purveyor of editorial contraband in 2011, the void he left was somewhat filled by Rafizi Ramli, the strategic director of PKR, from under whose bonnet there steadily emerged news of shenanigans in high places.

The most sensational in this genre was the RM250 million national cattle breeding scandal in which the family of Wanita UMNO leader Shahrizat Abdul Jalil was embroiled. Juicy revelations were trotted out in the alternate media and remained as scuttlebutt for punch lines on opposition campaign circuits in the lead-up to the general election last May.

The source-field for that kind of stuff of which Rafizi became the go-to conduit appears to have been turned off, presumably by the recent passing of laws that impose deterrent fines and jail terms on those guilty of leaking any information that the authorities consider secret.

Shifting gears

With that cut-off, a void has developed into which has seemingly stepped a former top editor whose blog, when it was launched several years ago, was not known for more than its commentaries on public affairs. In the past week or so, the blogger has ventured on to turf once treaded by Raja Petra.

A Kadir Jasin, the NST group’s former editorial No 1, has shifted gears in his widelyA Kadir Jasin followed blog, perhaps opting to fill the vacuum left by Raja Petra. A staunch UMNO supporter, Kadir’s long smoldering distaste for PM Najib ratcheted up in intensity after the UMNO elections in October and broke out into the open at the conclusion of the party’s annual general assembly last week.

What appears to have got Kadir’s goat was Najib’s defence of wife Rosmah at the party meeting where the PM disclosed that Malaysian students stranded in Egypt during the Arab Spring were rescued from danger through Rosmah’s intercessory efforts with higher-ups she was acquainted with in the Arab world.

Dripping sarcasm, Kadir suggested in his blog The Scribe by Kadir Jasin that Rosmah ought to be made a minister because her talents have rendered redundant present holders of the portfolios of education, international trade and foreign affairs. He said there would be no problem about her lack of a seat in Parliament because there was the Senate to which she could be appointed, in readiness perhaps for her to contest for a seat in the lower house at the 14th general election.

Kadir’s sarcasm was too succulent for the other blogs and websites to ignore so thatrosmah-najib when one that had posted a piece had to take it down, reportedly on orders from the PM’s Department, the scribe’s gills overflowed, the sarcasm this time tinged with vitriol.

Kadir’s venomous squirts were reserved for Najib, but Shahrizat was also sprayed, his scorn for her description of Najib as the “grandmaster” of political moves – “chest master” Kadir punned – a term certain to acquire cocktail-party immortality.

That’s was not all. Kadir said he would soon have details of what the fawningSHAHRIZAT JALIL Shahrizat actually thinks about Najib, something if indeed Kadir follows through with will surely turn a cockpit into a cauldron.

Najib may have won the general election last May and was triumphant at the UMNO internal polls in October, but he cannot be certain of turning the double win into a sweep of all he surveys in the party.

Civil courts were asked to try the Nazi goons who faced charges of murdering Jews. There were no convictions. The courts accepted the argument that the murderers could not be punished since they had merely carried out orders from above. The one who forcefully made that argument – a certain Major Buch – was candid enough to say: “The public, down to the last man, realizes that political drives like those of November 9 were organized and directed by the Party, whether this is admitted or not.”

To add insult to injury, not only were the Jews who survived the barbaric attacks provided with no relief or rehabilitation, but they were compelled to pay for the loss of their own property. Indeed, as a form of punishment, a collective fine of one billion marks was imposed on them. And the state went ahead to confiscate the compensation they would receive from insurance companies.

This, then, was the prelude to the systematic liquidation of six million Jews and the uprooting of millions more. The chilling scenes of 9-10 November 1938 shocked political leaders and opinion-makers throughout those parts of the world that weren’t enslaved by fascism. Some had premonitions of the horrors to come earlier that year. One of them was Indira Gandhi. Writing to her father from England in September, she said she found the European situation “perfectly sickening”, expressed her concerns about Neville Chamberlain flying to Munich to cut a deal with Hitler, and praised him for his decision to visit Spain as a show of solidarity with the Republicans. The father whole-heartedly endorsed these comments.

The utterances of Mahatma Gandhi on the evils perpetrated by the Nazi regime are well documented. So are the views of the Indian National Congress. The resolutions of the party, drafted by Jawaharlal Nehru, leave not an iota of doubt about its uncompromising stand against fascism and militarism of all hues: German, Italian and Japanese.

But there were other voices that were heard in India at that time. Here is what one influential leader had to say in 1938: “German pride has now become the topic of the day. To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic Races- the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well nigh it is for races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindusthan to learn and profit by.” The author of these lines was MS Golwalkar who, two years later, would head the RSS.

Consider what was heard in Germany then – the talk of   a “spontaneous reaction to an action”, the plea for “unity”, the call to “put the nation first”, the rants against venal politicians and against “Jew-loving artists and intellectuals”, the yearning for a “strong and decisive leader.”  Consider next what has been heard in India in the light of the Godhra and post-Godhra incidents and during the campaign speeches for the forthcoming state and national elections, especially by an RSS-nurtured figure aspiring to lead India on the strength of his messianic conceits. The coincidence could well be fortuitous. But it still sends a chill down the spine.



The issue of 'The Heat' magazine which got its publishers into trouble with the Home Ministry. – December 13, 2013.

Do you believe in Rosmah’s one-sided love?

In a freewheeling discussion on love and life over dinner  , at least three women categorically stated that they believed in onesided love that could carry on forever, with no hope of being loved backAlong with most of the men present, I too was surprised, because one-sided love sounds more like a punishment than a happy state of being. To love someone who does not love you back seems like an exercise in disaster. I can understand such a love when there is some hope of it being returned in some measure some day, as happens in the movies. Or when you are, at least, admired in return. I can even understand a yearning for something you have shared and lost. But a love that continues with no possibility of return?    Famous women like Queen Elizabeth of England, Margaret Thatcher, Aung San Suu Kyi and Hillary Clinton, do frequently make the news but so do many scandalous women like Marie Antoinette, Marilyn Monroe, Lizzie Borden, Elena Ceausescu, Imelda Marcos and Winnie Mandela,  to name a few.

Very often, it is the infamous ones who create a greater ripple effect in the international news media, with the impact trickling down onto the local scene and even shaping a nation’s history.
Malaysia has its own version of a woman tainted with scandals all of her own making, because she tried to be much more important than her standing deserved, and because she sought to be over-influential and showed off too much and too often.
Some say this Malaysian woman is most akin to Imelda of Philippines, who had 3,000 pair of shoes
Tamil Nadu chief minister, who is the prime accused in the ongoing disproportionate asset case being held in Bangalore, told the special court that the sarees – some which are of very high value – watches, footwear seized from her residence during a raid were part of the collectibles as an actress in over 120 films of different languages spanning several years. Jayalalithaa said: “The sarees and watches were part of the costumes in her acting years, while adding that these items were kept as mementos as they were not used again after the shooting was over,” B V Acharya, advocate general appearing for the prosecution, briefed about her statement. These valuables assets with estimated number of 10,500 sarees, 750 pairs of footwear, watches, jewellery are in a safe custody in Bangalore guarded by the state police.

Shopping or as they call it RETAIL THERAPY, is like instant gratification, as in instant healing or therapy!!! It truly works for me, especially if I am stressed, depressed, or anxious!! In my case I have a passion for decorating my home, so anything  to decorate my home and dressing it up feels quite heavenly also I love clothes and anything to replenish my wardrobe  gives me an instant high!!!

We all are aware of shopping that how things are different to different people. Shopping is a therapy which is used to get out of frustration and for mind refreshment. Even some people take shopping as a reward, or as a justification to get out of the house or take it as a way to kill time. I remember a friend of mine who take shopping to get off with the aggravation and disturbances of life. It always works as a great therapy.

Too many, shopping is considered a recreational activity in which one visits a variety of stores with the intent to purchase a product. Shopping therapy also can be called retail therapy. As it makes you happy and helps you in outburst of your anger.

Psychologists say that if you are feeling sad you must go for shopping it would really makes you happy. The study on shopping says that whatever the motivator mood is, it uplifts the spirits and makes us feel better about our mood and also about our place in the universe. It is a great form of therapy.

There is a thought that “Any time you pursue something new and exciting, those natural narcotic flows into the brain’s primitive pleasure centers.”

Shopping is a great remedy. Shopping is certainly a popular pastime nowadays; some people enjoy it so much that they become shopaholics! If you are a shopaholic and don’t want to spend money but to distress just go for shopping when the shops are closed as you can only indulge in window shopping and there is no opportunity to waste your money.

If simply put, shopping just takes your mind off anything which is disturbing or negative, and it is a tiring yet rejuvenating experience!!!!

So, shop till you drop

Once inside the gates of Putrajaya!
Many Malaysians have watched the videos on Youtube that castigated her unabashedly, accusing her of all sorts of evil intentions and deeds. So far, she has not refuted these allegations or sued her accusers.
Then came the day when she finally got to stay in the official residence that she had always hungered for – the Prime Minister’s official residence in Putrajaya!
But if the closely-watching public thought that the achievement was enough to keep her contented, they were wrong. Straightaway, she ordered refurbishments to the tune of RM65 million as reported by some online media.
Then, she cast her sights on an official spot in her hubby’s office. Whether it was to keep an eye on him, to prevent him from further meeting Mongolian translators, or so she could piggyback on his bottomless expense account, she called her small little unit FLOM or First Lady of Malaysia.
So afraid or is it so respectful of her was her husband, the prime minister of Malaysia, that he sent her off to represent the country in several Middle Eastern states including Saudi Arabia.
Because she has no real official position, she has also been accused of meddling with the way her husband, Prime Minister Najib Razak, governed the country. Those in Putrajaya even whisper that she has been spotted reprimanding her lanky but timid husband.
What she has done so far
Let’s chalk up some of her ‘achievements’ so far.
FLOM Rosman Mansor has managed to organize a party for the First Ladies from amongst the commonwealth countries. For this, she came under heavy fire for overspending an already tight national budget on an event that left little lasting impression or impact on Malaysia’s society or economy.
Sad to say, Rosmah has also been accused of being involved in one gruesome murder, related to Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaariibuu. She has denied this and the police have slapped on a criminal defamation charge on her accuser. People say she always gets what she wants; just name it.
Rosmah has also been photographed carrying what appears to be a Birkin handbag, designed and manufactured by Hermès of Paris. Prices of the bags range from US$9,000 to US$150,000 according to the type of material used.
She has also been photographed as well wearing what appears to be a 65.77 carat white and black Zebra safari bangle bracelet made of white and black paved diamonds and 18-karat white gold. This ‘bauble’ came from Jacob & Co, where a grossly huge diamond ring costing USD24 million was also sent for her inspection.
Living the high life
Rosmah’s taste for the high life in New York and other top capital cities around the world is well documented, particularly because of her reported closeness to boy billionaire Low Taek Jho aka Jho Low, who seems to spend an astonishing amount of money courting starlets, movie actors and celebrities.
On April 16, 2010 according to the New York Post, she and her husband were given a star-studded party in honor of her receiving an inaugural award that many suspect her public relations firm had created specially for her.
The party was emceed by actor-comedian Jamie Foxx and attended by a flock of movie stars including Charlize Theron and Robert De Niro. There were also performances by Grammy-award nominee Leona Lewis and the Harlem Boys Choir.
Keeping a low profile until the Umno assembly is over
Despite her many accomplishments, and her never-say-die spirit, there is also a serious ‘dark cloud’ hanging over Rosmah Mansor. She is now touted as one of the main causes for Umno’s downfall.
With Umno’s annual assembly due early next month, it is not surprising that she has scurried ‘underground’, keeping the lowest profile until perhaps, it is safe to ‘party’ again.
She may criticize the opposition but shrewd as she is, she probably knows too well that her real enemies are from Umno, people whom she greets with a smile almost daily as she entertains them in her lavish home in Putrajaya, people who stand to gain from the downfall of her husband, the Umno president, whose position is getting shakier by the day.
Already, an anti-Najib book has been launched by an ex-Umno division chief, urging Umno members to dump Najib, who is perceived as a weak playboy and not the dynamic go-getter that Umno needs.
It will not be long before another of the poison-pen books that Umno is famous for will hit the bestsellers stand and further chop down the ample Rosmah down to size.
 Weekly news publication “The Heat” has been issued a show-cause letter by the Home Ministry, believed to be over a front-page article on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor’s expenditure.

The Malaysian Insider understands that although the letter did not specify the offending article, it was a report entitled “All eyes on big spending Najib” published in its November 23 to 29 issue.

It is also believed that “The Heat” editor-in-chief David Lee Boon Siew was summoned to the Home Ministry in Putrajaya a week ago and told to tone down its reports.“The Heat” received the letter a couple of days ago and HCK Media, the publisher, has 14 days to reply.

When contacted, Lee refused to confirm or deny the matter.

“We have no comments.”

Three days ago, The Malaysian Insider had reported that an alleged call from the Prime Minister’s Office apparently resulted in the Astro Awani website removing a report on a blog posting by former New Straits Times group editor-in-chief Datuk A. Kadir Jasin, which had suggested that Rosmah be appointed a minister.

The report was removed on Monday, a day after it was published.

Kadir had said he does not know of any directive to remove his post.

Rosmah had recently come under fire from opposition lawmakers for using a government jet to attend a women’s summit in Qatar last month.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim had said the Cabinet had approved Rosmah’s use of the government jet, causing opposition MPs to accuse the Cabinet of acting irresponsibly and in an undignified manner.

Umno’s Pengerang MP Datuk Azalina Othman, who had accompanied Rosmah on the trip, later revealed in Parliament that it was Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who had chaired the Cabinet meeting that approved the use of the government jet for the trip, not Najib.

The issue was also raised at the recently concluded Umno general assembly where Federal Territory delegate Affandi Zahari defended her use of the aircraft.

“Rosmah’s safety is paramount and if anything happened to her, it will only upset the prime minister.

“This involves the security of his wife. If anything happened to her, it will affect him emotionally,” said Affandi.

In his winding-up speech at the general assembly, Najib sang Rosmah’s praises, highlighting two instances when Rosmah had helped Malaysia.

One was when she contacted the Egyptian president’s wife to secure the release of a Malaysian student arrested on suspicion of being a spy.

The second incident was when Malaysian students were stranded in Egypt during the Arab uprising.

Najib said Rosmah had used her good relations with the Saudi Arabian royal family to allow the students to enter the country from Egypt although they did not have visas.

I don’t really know how to start something like this. I tried to write a joke — something about my friend being an elephant, and ‘no I don’t mean she’s a big lady’ kinda thing… Then I went the emotional route of ‘Imagine you were chained and electrocuted’… Then sarcastic — ‘ I mean come on, they’re just trying to make a buck. iPads are really expensive.’ But the thing is, there’s nothing remotely funny about this. Sarah’s story doesn’t need embellishment or a funny line to draw you in, just the facts:
Sarah is a 54-year-old wild-captured elephant with a chronic infection and symptoms of arthritis and she’s being forced to travel and perform with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus. In August, Sarah collapsed to the ground while being loaded into one of Ringling’s railroad boxcars. No one raced to help or make sure she was okay. Instead the handlers forced her back onto her feet and onto their train. She is sick, tired and in pain.
In the wild, like Sarah once was, elephants are roaming over vast areas following trails forged by their ancestors. They return to favorite watering holes, forage for their favorite foods and enjoy dust baths and swimming. They are among the most sociable of animals who thrive in the company of their extended families and friends. Elephants always know what’s going on within their family, they nurture the sick, collectively help in raising the young and pass knowledge and traditions on from one generation to the next.
In circuses, elephants are denied all of this and punished if caught attempting any of it. An elephant who reaches out her trunk to another in friendship or for comfort is punished with a whack of a bullhook — a heavy baton with a sharp point and hook on the end — the ubiquitous device used by Ringling to keep elephants fearful and compliant. The only exercise they get is the walks from the railway to the arena and the strenuous tricks they are forced to perform. About one-third of elephant deaths at Ringling have been attributed to either osteoarthritis or a chronic foot problem. If we don’t do something to help, Sarah could be next.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has already cited Ringling for failure to properly treat this ailing elephant, but as a recent exposé in Mother Jones documented, this federal agency routinely gives Feld Entertainment — the corporation that owns the circus — a free pass. Case after serious case is ignored, settled or allowed to fade away. Kenneth H. Vail, who served as the USDA’s legal counsel on Ringling cases for decades admitted, “If I were an elephant, I wouldn’t want to be with Feld Entertainment. It’s a tough life.”
Sarah’s “tough life” is spent mostly jammed into a railroad boxcar with up to four other elephants. Traveling 16,000 miles, Sarah is shackled and forced to stand in a thick stew of her own waste as they make their over 40-city circus tour. No wonder this aging elephant is lame and stiff.
Recent reports indicate that Sarah’s chronic infection and elevated white blood cell countare likely signs that she is suffering from a serious condition, including possibly tuberculosis.
It seems clear that Ringling Bros. Circus has no intention of giving Sarah relief, much less retirement. The USDA must seize Sarah before it’s too late and move her to a reputable sanctuary where she can get the medical treatment her body so desperately needs and begin the emotional recovery she deserves.
Elephants are known for having a great, long memory. But what if all you could remember is a lifetime of pain?
Don’t make this Sarah’s destiny. Her story shouldn’t end this way. And we shouldn’t let our stories show that we sat back and did nothing for Sarah.
She arrived in Chicago yesterday, Sunday, November 20th. Ringling Bros. will be there through the holiday weekend with performances almost every day, sometimes multiples times in one day.  Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should consider appointing his wife as de-factor Prime Minister as she seems to be adept at carrying out the duties of several ministers, said former New Straits Times group editor-in-chief Datuk A. Kadir Jasin as she seems to be adept at carrying out the duties of several ministers, said former …Read more  DATUK A. KADIR JASIN WANT NAJIB TO BE REPLACED BY ROSMAH

Reckless, arrogance Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor remarks can ruin peace Kuala Lumpur



So much ignominy, sadness and double-speak

A budget on corruption levels is also needed.

The morality of taxes and other stories

So much ignominy, sadness and double-speak angry KL-lites who want the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to roll back planned hike in property assessment taxes for 2014 have been told to hold street protests. the topic ‘Morality & Legality’Activists are today questioning engku Adnan Mansor ’s tax policy

There seems to be a lot of buzz about something called the  the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to roll back planned hike in property assessment taxes for 2014  It will, apparently, change the way the KL-lites  is headed. Amongst other things. However. Question arises:- Just where are we headed as  KL-lites anyways?

Let me try to articulate this question further – enough has been written about the way politician and  Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Mansor   yo yo man       Kuala Lumpur City support services have pushed towards the mouth of the abyss again, of late. Thejugalbandhi of the two major formations in power,Tweedle dee Dumb and Tweedle dee Dumber, take your choice, will ensure that for some time to come, we will not have much choice.

In short, almost everything appears to be headed in only one direction – down. With the specific exemption of levels of corruption, and individual enterprise across many levels despite governance, that is. Those appear to be headed upwards.

Take corruption – not too long ago, specifically early ’80s, I was in a foreign country best un-named when a major “agreement” for some equipment required was being signed. To even the most retarded of people, it was abundantly clear that the donor country was doing so because their economy depended on sea-trade, and it was essential that the Motherland, as a huge supplier of shipping manpower, moved its training in keeping with the times.

And also, perforce, increased its consumption.

In other words, it was supposedly a no-cost to us kind of deal, no strings attached. Sure,  KL-lites  would earn money, and hopefully buy consumer goods from that country, was the unspoken sentiment, and as a matter of fact, we now do. Buy a lot from that country. Of mostly useless consumer goods. And junk food. Horse meat and nuclear charged, get the picture?

The Thais are protesting because the Shinawatras easily con the poor rural folks by bribing them and therefore stay in power. Now, this is the exact mirror image in Malaysia and how BN has been in power all this while. BN and Kunan should be happy that Malaysians are not as aggressive as the Thai people and this is something for them to ponder. If you push the Malaysian people too much with such price hikes and other things, don’t be surprised, Malaysia will be another Thailand DBKL has undertaken many wasteful projects.One example is a Bullshit Flyover just completed in Segambut after a delay of 1 year.Now the traffic jam is even worse than before.Instead of widening Jalan Segambut they built this useless flyover and nobody is using it.Millions of ringgit have been lost.If the govt gets too corrupted the only way is to demo to save the rakyat:s future otherwise they will suffer

We are now in the 21st Century, not 19th or 20th Century. Any politician who thinks that their political position is a god given rights they better think again. Don’t ever think that they can steal or grab rakyat’s money without any repercussion. If they cannot perform to the rakyat’s expectation, they should just give up the position and balik kampong. Don’t ever think that they can dictate to the rakyat in the 21st Century not expecting any adverse reaction. Adnan is the crazy one not KL-lites.

Enrique Penalosa (left) is an influential thinker on urban challenges particularly those related to the relation between urban design and sustainability, mobility, equity, public space and well being. His vision and proposals have significantly influenced policies in numerous cities throughout the world. He is currently a consultant on Urban Vision and Sustainability Strategy and works with many local, regional and national governments as well as other organizations all over the world. He is President of the Board of Directors of ITDP (Institute for Transportation and Development Policy).

As mayor of Bogotá, the 7 million inhabitant’s capital of Colombia, between 1998 and 2000 he implemented profound changes which transformed the city and its citizens’s attitude towards it. He massively improved slums, built formidable schools and nurseries, beautiful libraries and hundreds of parks and other pedestrian spaces. He was a leading innovator in America in creating a 300-km bicycle path network, restricting car use and radically improving pedestrian facilities. He built more than a hundred kilometers of pedestrian-only streets and greenways, such as the Porvenir Promenade, a 24 km pedestrian and bicycle- only street that goes through the poorest neighborhoods, and the Juan Amarillo Greenway, a pedestrian street that goes from the richest to the poorest neighborhoods of the capital. Inspired in the Curitiba model he created the TransMilenio bus system which has been a model to many cities and it is now considered the best bus system in the world.

Penalosa has lectured at many universities throughout the world as well as many environmental, urban, and managerial forums. His work and ideas, as well as his articles, have been featured in publications from many countries.

Enrique Penalosa is an influential thinker on urban challenges particularly those related to the relation between urban design and sustainability, mobility, equity, public space and well being. His vision and proposals have significantly influenced policies in numerous cities throughout the world. He is currently a consultant on Urban Vision and Sustainability Strategy and works with many local, regional and national governments as well as other organizations all over the world. He is President of the Board of Directors of ITDP (Institute for Transportation and Development Policy).

As mayor of Bogotá, the 7 million inhabitant’s capital of Colombia, between 1998 and 2000 he implemented profound changes which transformed the city and its citizens’s attitude towards it. He massively improved slums, built formidable schools and nurseries, beautiful libraries and hundreds of parks and other pedestrian spaces. He was a leading innovator in America in creating a 300-km bicycle path network, restricting car use and radically improving pedestrian facilities. He built more than a hundred kilometers of pedestrian-only streets and greenways, such as the Porvenir Promenade, a 24 km pedestrian and bicycle- only street that goes through the poorest neighborhoods, and the Juan Amarillo Greenway, a pedestrian street that goes from the richest to the poorest neighborhoods of the capital. Inspired in the Curitiba model he created the TransMilenio bus system which has been a model to many cities and it is now considered the best bus system in the world.

Penalosa has lectured at many universities throughout the world as well as many environmental, urban, and managerial forums. His work and ideas, as well as his articles, have been featured in publications from many countries.He holds a BA in Economics and History from Duke University, a Master’s Degree in Government from the IIAP in Paris and a DESS in Public Administration from the University of Paris II. He was also a Visiting Scholar at New York University for 3 years and has taught at several Colombian universities.

Let us listen to him–Din Merican


  Party over at Federal Territories Ministry given that in any crisis, good, clear and honest communication has a far better chance of convincing people than taking Najib to  the Road to Disaster The election of 2018  will be about the future of the stomach.  Since we live in overriding virtually every other attribute, this week’s sordid scandal … Read more  NAJIB TO REPLACE TENGKU ADNAN MANSOR, PARTY OVER AT FEDERAL TERRITORIES MINISTRY

Najib what are you waiting for? Federal Territories Minister is a schizophrenic an asshole in UMNO


Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor has a disorder characterized by his severely disorganized thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. The word “schizophrenia” means “split mind,” Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, or Ku Nan, don’t be stupid.UMNO is not the  agent of confusion as you described.  positive feature of our electoral system should not translate into a potentia timebomb for Najib  purely strategically, it boggles the mind as to why  Najib has not sacked  the  Federal Territories Minister If there was an election for the Federal Territories minister, obviously Tengku Adnan  will lose. But the mockery of our democracy allows for Umno to take this position. It is frustrating for KLites The ‘demonstration’ will convey this message.

KL-ites voters   should file a complaint to  Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak  about his wife Rosmah Mansor insisted Tengku Adnan  her luxury lifestyle, huge handbag collections and her shopping spree?  why organise a protest march? Sins call for atonement, crimes must be punished. And what better, if such redemption can be detached from those really culpable and outsourced to  dumb Tengku Adnan that  we cannot complain? This was the idea behind the Biblical practice of casting a goat into the wilderness after ascribing all manner of ills and improvidence to it. Many virtues extolled by religion have waned Najib. He led the government but could not contain persistent inflation or reverse a crippling slowdown. That there would be corruption in the government is perfectly understandable (how else are parties supposed to mobilise the fortunes they need to function? said dumb Tengku Adnan  but did he even make an attempt to speak up in defence of the government when accused of assorted scams? Now, telecom is a scam in public perception, instead of the genuine revolution – which has spread to the remotest corners of the land, empowered people and raised productivity and economic growth – that deserves to be celebrated.

KL-ites voters has raised  their fist against Tengku Adnan  . The rest of us can happily smirk over the poetic justice: always so hung up on power, it quite rightly got a hung… as if the governing politicians are concerned about the livelihood of the common rakyat. it quite rightly got a hung. Unfortunately for Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor  can indulge in horse-trading. This time he dare not fall back on the old dependable: ‘money makes the mare run’, which had always helped  him make up the shortfall and scrape past the winning post. This time, voters have clearly shown that they will reject mere jockeying for position and loaded pockets.

World Bank already said 2014 will be a very tough year for Malaysians but not the ministers as they are rich through corruption.

The rakyat are facing electricity tariff hikes, GST (goods and services tax), taxes hikes, etc, in 2014 and 2015 and many will be suffering and could even be facing dire financial difficulties.

Demonstrations to bring down the cost of living is the right of the rakyat against a corrupt and tyrannical government.

Ku Nan, you were right that the demonstrations in Thailand caused the lost of billions – but did you also know the countless billions occurred due to illicit capital flight out of our country?

DBKL’s property assessment hikes are absolutely ridiculous and exorbitant. Is this one of your strategies to raise the government coffers due to overspending or the expected bankruptcy because rakyat’s money had been abused?

We are now in the 21st century, not 19th or 20th century. Any politician who thinks that their political position is a god-given right, they better think again. Don’t ever think that they can steal or grab the rakyat’s money without any repercussion.

If they cannot perform to the rakyat’s expectation, they should just quit and ‘balik kampong’. Don’t ever think that they can dictate to the rakyat in the 21st century and not expecting any adverse reaction. Tengku Adnan is the crazy one, not KL-lites. If we have true democracy, anyone of them would have been appointed minister instead of you, a shameless no locus standiperson elected by a handful of people who know not what paying taxes is all about.

If you are a competent minister, you would not have started the problem and then pretend to resolve it.
Are you stupid or arrogant to impose more than 200 percent increase in assessment rate without consultation? Why can’t the people show their displeasure when you are not known to understand reasons and arguments rationally and professionally? We are now in the 21st century, not 19th or 20th century. Any politician who thinks that their political position is a god-given right, they better think again. Don’t ever think that they can steal or grab the rakyat’s money without any repercussion. Ku Nan. Behave like a people’s representative, not a ruler. You are tax-crazy. Stop flip-flopping in your statements.

If  Ku Nan  cannot perform to the rakyat’s expectation, they should just quit and give others a chance . Don’t ever think that you can dictate to the rakyat in the 21st century and not expecting any adverse reaction. Tengku Adnan is a  schizophrenic  one, not KL-lites.If these idiot  Federal Territories Minister  can’t talk sensibility, what makes us think that they can read and understand the thousands upon thousands of ‘surat bantahans’ (protest letters).

Can  Federal Umno’s appointment of Mohammad Kazim Elias as its new supreme council member has left the party red-faced after the religious scholar admitted that he is a PAS member.How can Secretary-General of United Malays National Organization (UMNO) can not advice  UMNO Presiden. Doesn’t UMNO has rules and regulations governing such appointment?. Look like   Minister Datuk … Read more

Implications of Chinese Bigotry against the Malays is an Chinese essence.


Sins call for atonement, crimes must be punished. And what better, if such redemption can be detached from those really culpable and outsourced to some dumb creature that cannot complain? This was the idea behind the Biblical practice of casting a goat into the wilderness after ascribing all manner of ills and improvidence to it. Many virtues extolled by religion have waned over time; scapegoats have thrived.

Right now, Barisan really needs some scapegoats, big, healthy ones. We list a few suggestions for the high command’s consideration.

Barisan  government has stressed that it “does not deny” that crime, corruption and tax evasion led to the outflow RM173.84 billion in 2011.That there would be corruption in the government is perfectly understandable (how else are parties supposed to mobilise the fortunes they need to function?), but did he even make an attempt to speak up in defence of the government when accused of assorted scams? Nowa scam in public perception, instead of the genuine revolution – which has spread to the remotest corners of the land, empowered people and raised productivity and economic growth – that deserves to be celebrated.Despite numerous scandalous revelations, former transport minister Dr Ling Liong Sik is of the opinion that the government was right in its decision to set up the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ).Ling, a former MCA president, justified his stance by saying that PKFZ was now doing very well.

The real problem is the Congress party’s degeneration into a bunch of powerbrokers that has completely forgotten the political party’s primal role, of empowering the people, of mediating between the people and the state. Only leaders and power matter for the party, the people have fallen off its map, except as voters who have to be managed with handouts, identity politics and poll-eve temptations.

This is why it stands devoid of any organic emancipatory imagination of its own and its government needs an external brain graft in the form of a  MCA National Advisory Council.

Implications of  Chinese leaderes inBNhad hatched an elaborate   plan to bribe everyone, from cops to doctors to even judicial officers  so that he would BN leaders  not be convicted

I won’t mince my words.http://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com

Imam Khomeini perjuang menumbangkan regim Syah Iran, kata Ibrahim Ali. Gambar fail.

Implications of Chinese Bigotry is an Chinese essence. One doesn’t need historian Herbert George Wells to divulge the details. A cursory glance in the past will highlight the present.

The country has the longest list of goddesses and yet not very many days back had thrown fresh widows to the fire. This is a country where wine and warmth walk hand in hand with thirst and cold. This is the birth place of ambiguity where veiled idealism and virulent prejudice are one and the same expression. We have thrown the entire palette of criminal colors on his or her face? What mawkish moral justice is demonstrated when one completely shuts off visibility? Who exactly are these men and women stalking the corridors of  power

NEW DELHI: The government introduced an improved Lokpal bill in Rajya Sabha on Friday but its fate continues to hang in the balance because of stiff resistance from the Samajwadi Party which repeatedly disrupted the House to ensure that the landmark anti-graft legislation was not passed.

The government introduced the new bill accepting 14 of the 16 recommendations of the select committee of Rajya Sabha. This is an improvement on the Lokpal bill that the government had sought to pass in December 2012.

Although the majority in the House favoured passage of the bill, Mulayam Singh Yadav’s outfit, which has never disguised its opposition to the proposed Lokpal, managed to have its way because of the steadfast insistence of the chairman of the Upper House, Vice-President Hamid Ansari, that he would not allow passage of the legislation in the din.

Congress managers, who would in the past invariably manage SP’s support, pleaded helplessness in the face of SP’s intransigence and the chairman’s stand not to conduct business unless there was normalcy.

SP’s success can also be a warning shot for the government as to what could be in store when it brings the legislation to neutralize the Supreme Court judgment that has re-criminalized consensual sex among gay adults. SP has been opposed to the move to de-criminalize gay sex, and the indifference of large sections of the political class towards the demand of the LGBT community can encourage it to push up its ante.

The determination of SP, which sees the Lokpal bill as aimed against the political class, stood out because it defied the assessment that the spectacular showing of Aam Aadmi Party, which started as a campaign for the setting up of the anti-graft ombudsman, will chasten opponents of the bill.

The bill, which was languishing because of differences between government and opposition, was dusted off and introduced in the Upper House because of the fresh fast undertaken by anti-corruption campaigner Anna Hazare.

With the plan to pass the Lokpal bill running into a serious hurdle, the government will have to either get SP to give up its “principled” objections to the Lokpal bill or persuade Ansari to set aside his reluctance over the legislation being passed amid din.

Sources said SP has held out the threat that if its views on the Lokpal bill are ignored, it is prepared to back the notice for a no-confidence motion submitted by anti-Telangana MPs in Lok Sabha.

On Friday, SP, agitating ostensibly against price rise, managed to prevent Rajya Sabha from considering and passing the bill to set up an anti-corruption ombudsman.

EXCLUSIVE Crime, corruption and tax evasion – the hemorrhaging of billions of ringgit in dirty money from Malaysia, one of the world’s top countries in illicit capital flight, continues unabated.

Just be a Crony and you can get away with a lot of things

A total of RM173.84 billion (US$54.18 billion) was siphoned out of Malaysia in 2011, Washington-based financial watchdog Global Financial Integrity (GFI) says in its latest annual report that tracks capital flight.

NONEHaving catapulted into second position last year when close to RM200 billionof dirty money was siphoned out of Malaysia in 2010, putting the country just under Asian economic powerhouse China in global capital flight. Malaysia is ranked No 4 in this year’s GFI report.

GFI has yet to obtain data for 2012 and 2013, but these will be included in future reports.

For 2011, Malaysia is behind giants Russia (US$191.14 billion), China (US$151.35 billion) and India (US$84.93 billion). Still, the level of illicit cash flowing out of Malaysia is second highest in the past decade.

This is despite Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) having set up a task force in 2010 to implement measures to put a plug on illicit funds leaving the country. However, BNM has taken pains to stress that the estimates by GFI are essentially ‘unrecorded financial flows’, which are not necessarily synonymous with ‘illicit financial flows’.

The central bank also pointed out that, among others, the data does not take into account goods that are exported via re-export hubs.

“After taking into account Malaysia’s trade that is exported via Singapore and Hong Kong (re-export hubs), the estimate of trade mispricing between Malaysia and its top 10 trading partners were reduced significantly by about 70 percent,” BNM said in a statement in March.

“Since the estimates in the report of trade mispricing do not take into consideration such discrepancies in trade statistics, the estimates of illicit flows are overstated.”

The ‘Hong Kong Effect

GFI Chief Economist Dev Kar, who authored the 2013 GFI report with Junior Economist Brian LeBlanc, said the financial watchdog had taken cognisant of the re-exporting issue and this was addressed in its latest report.

World’s top 10 in illicit outflows 2011“We adjusted for the ‘Hong Kong effect’ in estimating trade misinvoicing by Malaysian traders. Essentially, the revised methodology involves taking account of disaggregated re-exports data published by the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department that breaks down re-exports to and from Hong Kong by destination and source countries, including Malaysia,” Kar told Malaysiakini.

“Because such a detailed breakdown of re-exports data are not published by Singapore, a similar adjustment of Malaysian exports and imports involving Singapore could not be made.However, please note that the adjustment involving Singapore would be far smaller (due to the fact that Hong Kong eclipses Singapore as a trade entrepot, i.e., the volume of re-exports) and are unlikely to impact the misinvoicing estimates significantly.”

BNM has also argued that the entire errors and omissions (E&O) figure could not be attributable to illicit activities, as it also includes genuine statistical errors from the compilation of statistics of external trade and cross-border financial transactions.

NONEKar (left) said BNM was correct that the net errors and omissions (NEOs) reflect both statistical errors and unrecorded capital flows.

“Economists have for decades used the NEOs as a proxy for illegal capital flight provided two conditions are met – (i) they are persistently negative and (ii) they are sizable.Both these conditions are met in the case of Malaysia whose reported balance of payments statistics are basically reliable (due to the fact that they average around 2 percent of total trade).We therefore feel that persistently negative NEOs under conditions of overall statistical reliability, provides prima facie evidence of illegal capital flight.”

Kar nevertheless commented Malaysia’s central bank for the formation of the task force following publications of GFI reports.

“At a minimum, such governmental actions convey to the public that it is serious in addressing governance issues and that it will take action against corruption wherever such actions are warranted.”

Tax haven secrecy

GFI’s latest report released today – ‘Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2002-2011′ – is its 2013 annual update on the amount of illicit capital flowing out of developing economies, and it is the first of GFI’s reports to include data for 2011.

“Anonymous shell companies, tax haven secrecy, and trade-based money laundering techniques drained nearly a trillion dollars from the world’s poorest in 2011, at a time when rich and poor nations alike are struggling to spur economic growth,” said GFI President Raymond Baker.

“While global momentum has been building over the past year to curtail this problem, more must be done. This study should serve as a wake-up call to world leaders: the time to act is now.”

The report incorporated for the first time trade data on re-exports from Hong Kong and the first to integrate bilateral trade data for those countries which report it – making this report the most accurate analysis of illicit financial outflows produced by GFI to date.

“We’re constantly striving to improve the accuracy of our estimates. We determined that by omitting data from the use of Hong Kong as a trade intermediary, the previous methodology – which was accepted by most economists studying trade misinvoicing – had the potential to overstate illicit outflows from many Asian countries,” said Kar.

Illicit Money FlowCorrecting for this ‘Hong Kong effect’ sharply reduces the share of outflows from Asia.

“Nevertheless, Asia still has the largest share of illicit flows among the regions, and six of the top 15 exporters of illicit capital are Asian countries (China, Malaysia, India, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines),” said Kar.

“The estimates provided by our new methodology are still likely to be extremely conservative as they do not include trade misinvoicing in services, same-invoice trade misinvoicing, hawala transactions, and dealings conducted in bulk cash,” added Kar, who served as a senior economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) before joining GFI in January 2008.

“This means that much of the proceeds of drug trafficking, human smuggling, and other criminal activities, which are often settled in cash, are not included in these estimates.”

Financial transparency

The US$946.7 billion of illicit outflows lost in 2011 is a 13.7 percent increase from 2010 – which saw developing countries hemorrhage US$832.4 billion – and a dramatic increase from 2002, when illicit outflows totaled just US$270.3 billion.

The GFI study estimates the developing world lost a total of US$5.9 trillion over the decade spanning 2002 through 2011.

“It’s extremely troubling to note just how fast illicit flows are growing,” said Kar.

World’s top 10 in illicit outflows 2002-11“Over the past decade, illicit outflows from developing countries increased by 10.2 percent each year in real terms – significantly outpacing GDP growth. This underscores the urgency with which policymakers should address illicit financial flows.”

Meanwhile, Baker hailed the effort by some countries to increase the transparency in the international financial system as a means to curtail the illicit flow of money.

“Much progress has also been made in targeting anonymous shell companies over the past year, with the United Kingdom announcing in October that they would be creating the world’s first central public registry of corporate beneficial ownership information,” he said.

“(British Prime Minister) David Cameron should be commended for his courage, but the rest of the world must now move to follow suit – making public registries of beneficial ownership information the global standard.”

Cameron was spurred to action following a global investigation coordinated by Washington-based International Confederation of Investigative Journalists
Implications of Chinese. DAP have destroyed-suppressed the Malay and Islamic culture in Penang Implications of Chinese. DAP have destroyed-suppressed the Malay and Islamic culture in Penang “Free Women”, “No Sharia” and “No Oppression” In a political landscape where thorns far outnumber the roses, sexism tends to rear its grotesque head often. The list of culprits … Read more

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