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The Indonesian Military’s beat Malaysia in (TNI) Strategic Intelligence


 Surveillance , snooping and unspecified wire tapping human rights violations

Allegations that an Australian spy agency tried to tap mobile phones belonging to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, his wife and several Cabinet members surfaced less than a month after Indonesia hosted the eighth annual UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Bali.

From the opening remarks by Citizen Lab’s director, Ronald J. Deibert, which mentioned the  “E”  word (E  for  Edward Snowden), to the final session on  Internet surveillance,  it was clear that IGF discussions were influenced by the impact and significance of the US government’s mass surveillance program.

Responding to a letter of explanation sent by Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Yudhoyono said bilateral relations between the two countries would not fully resume until a new protocol and code of ethics were agreed and implemented.

The 2009 surveillance by the Gujarat police of a woman on the alleged instructions of Amit Shah, the then minister of state for home, as reported by two news portals on November 15, appears to have been conducted without the knowledge of two key officials involved in the chain of legal authorisation. This may dent the BJP’s defence of the operation as a legitimate exercise to “protect” her, as well as the party’s attempts to shield its prime ministerial candidate and Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi from damage related to the case.

In the states, all phone tapping requests must be cleared by the seniormost official in the home department as mandated by the Indian Telegraph Act and a 1996-Supreme Court judgment. During the period the young woman was put under surveillance, Balwant Singh, as the additional chief secretary (home), Gujarat, was the man in charge. “I was not aware of any such surveillance on anybody by the state police agencies,” Singh told HT when specifically asked about this woman. Without his authorisation, any phone tap would have been patently illegal.

The laws also added layers of safeguards to prevent misuse by setting up a monitoring committee headed by the chief secretary with the revenue and law secretaries as its members. HT repeatedly tried to reach D Rajgopalan, who was chief secretary in 2009, but he did not respond to numerous phone calls or to a fax sent to his office. He is the state’s chief information commissioner at present.

If Singh is not aware of any authorisation, how did the telephone companies allow the phone tapping by the state Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS)?

When HT contacted the general managers of the three principal telephone companies in Ahmedabad, they declined to comment.

Another official who could have known about any authorisation, former Ahmedabad police commissioner SK Saikia, told news channel NDTV that he would have been aware of the surveillance if it was granted. “If the phone tap had followed the proper route I would have been aware. Everything has to be processed through the Commissioner of Police and state intelligence, and permission taken through the Home Department.”

AK Sharma, then Inspector General in the state Intelligence Bureau (IB), should have been in the loop too. But he ducked questions. “I am out of station and will be back next week so can’t talk right now.”

A top home department official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, admitted that the then minister of state for home “Amit bhai (Shah) never used the regular procedure in such sensitive assignments. He directly used to deal with SP-level police officers assigned the job to them without involving bureaucrats or even the DGP.”

HT also attempted to contact Shah for his comments, but his PA said that the BJP general secretary was busy in a meeting.

Police sources also told HT that nearly two dozen policemen in plain clothes were deployed to keep the young woman under watch during her visits to the state. Most of them were from the Gujarat police IB or the crime branch, supervised by GL Singhal, who was then the SP with ATS.

The surveillance was quite thorough and intrusive said officials familiar with it. “The policemen used to follow the young woman on motorbikes or private cars would also watch her in movie theatres while sitting a few rows away from her,” a source in the state IB told HT. “They would keep tabs on her hotel and also tracked details of her shopping when she was visiting shopping malls. Flight seats would be allotted to ensure that the policemen were on board when she flew out of the city,” the source added.

Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi’s close aide and former minister of state for home Amit Shah was on Friday accused of misusing his powers and police machinery for illegal surveillance of a young woman in 2009.

The allegations were made at a press conference here along with release of over half-an-hour of tapped telephonic conversations, purportedly between Shah and Gujarat IPS officer G L Singhal, which two investigative portals Cobrapost and Gulail claimed have been submitted before CBI in the Ishrat Jahan murder case.

Amit Shah
Amit Shah. File Pic

However, the two websites also said “at this point of time, Gulail and Cobrapost have no means to independently verify these charges.

While the tapped conversations that purportedly took place between August and September 2009 do not mention Modi, the BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate by name, the websites said that “listening to the conversations leaves no doubt that the people involved in the operation knew the ‘saheb’,” at whose behest the alleged snooping was being carried out.

The two portals claim that Modi had met this woman–an architect from Bangalore whose parents were in Gujarat–in 2005 during a public function of Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation.

The girl’s father, however, said in a statement that his daughter, who was based in Bangalore, had come to Ahmedabad when her mother was to undergo a surgery. She was required to commute at odd hours between the hospital and a nearby hotel which was a matter of concern to him. He had, therefore, orally requested Modi, “with whom we have long-standing family relations” to “take care” of her.

He was shocked that some “vested interests” were approaching the media in this regard.

BJP sources declined to react immediately, saying that the girl’s father had already issued a statement.

The press conference was also attended by noted social activist and former NAC (National Advisory Council) member Aruna Roy, lawyer and activist Prashant Bhushan and former Navy Chief Admiral (Retired) L Ramdas, among others.

Congress spokesperson Meem Afzal said that Amit Shah should come clean on who was this “saheb” and why was he “so much interested” in the woman. He also said that since CBI is already looking into the Ishrat Jahan encounter case, it should take cognisance of the matter and inquire into it.

Calling the woman by a fictitious name ‘Madhuri’, the websites alleged that the illegal surveillance was ordered by Shah for his ‘Saheb’ and the police followed her inside malls, restaurants, gyms, airport, flights and even when she visited relatives and went to see her mother at a hospital.

Singhal, who is an accused in the Ishrat Jahan case and is out on bail, apparently handed over hundreds of recorded telephonic conversations to the CBI to try to show how three key wings of the Gujarat Police–the State Intelligence Bureau, the Crime Branch and the Anti-Terrorist Squad –allegedly misused their powers to stalk this woman.

It was claimed that the surveillance-cum-phone interception operation was carried out on oral orders, without any valid legal authorisation. The 267 audio recordings submitted to the CBI primarily contain telephonic conversations between Shah and Singhal, who was at the time posted as an SP with ATS. Shah was Minister of State for Home for seven years between 2003 and 2010, while Modi himself has been Gujarat’s home minister since October 2001.

Shah was arrested in the Sohrabuddin fake encounter case in 2010 and is out on bail, looking after BJP’s poll campaign in the crucial state of Uttar Pradesh. They also said that such kinds of surveillance was in complete violation of Supreme Court guidelines and against the fundamental rights of the citizens of this country.

The spying scandal occurred at a time when the international community is becoming increasingly aware of the extent of the National Security Agency’s surveillance programs and the ensuing violations of basic human rights.

The Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, has actively been conducting research on the commercialization of surveillance software developed by Western companies. The Lab has partnered with Indonesian civil society organizations to raise awareness on why and how surveillance tools may be used and the role of government and intelligence agencies in acquiring and deploying these products.

One of these tools is FinFisher, a network intrusion malware that is marketed and sold exclusively to law enforcement and intelligence agencies by Gamma TSE, part of UK-based Gamma Group. FinSpy, a component of the FinFisher suite, is capable of intercepting email, instant messaging and VoIP communications, as well as spying on users through webcams and microphones and transmitting the data to a designated command-and-control server.

The Citizen Lab has found evidence of FinFisher being used to target Bahraini human rights activists and against political opposition groups in Ethiopia in general and in Malaysia during the 2013 elections in particular. The Citizen Lab has also uncovered FinFisher’s presence in Indonesia.

In August 2012, Citizen Lab researchers scanned IP addresses and fingerprinted for FinSpy’s characteristic command-and-control protocol. Among the observed servers was an IP ( owned by Biznet. In a follow-up investigation published in March, researchers documented four additional command-and-control servers in Indonesia on three IP addresses belonging to Biznet (, PT Matrixnet Global Indonesia (103.38.xxx.xxx), and PT Telkom (118.97.xxx.xxx).

There was also a sample of a mobile phone version of FinFisher that contained a phone number in Indonesia, which the spyware used to send stolen data back over SMS.

The lack of harmonised laws and regulations and the absence of independent oversight and accountability over the wiretapping program in Indonesia mean that there is an increase in the potential risk of misuse. Currently, there are at least twelve laws, two government regulations and two ministerial regulations that govern wiretapping.

The Indonesian Military’s (TNI) Strategic Intelligence Agency (BAIS), one of five institutions that have surveillance capabilities, recently signed a contract worth US$6.7 million through the Defense Ministry with Gamma TSE for unspecified wiretapping equipment.

Concerns about the abuse of surveillance are warranted considering that there are uneven monitoring standards for agencies conducting wiretapping and that the military faces allegations of human rights violations. These issues are in addition to the controversial nature of Gamma TSE, whose products have turned up in several authoritarian regimes. Husnan Bey Fananie, a member of the House of Representatives’ Commission I on defense, said the commission would meet the Defense Ministry and the TNI commander to find out how and why the FinFisher software would be used.

In the wake of the scandal, Indonesia is establishing a Central Intelligence Committee, which will be coordinated under the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). Despite claims by Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa that Indonesia has no need to spy on foreign governments, Indonesia is likely to use equipment purchased from Gamma TSE as part of these efforts. These developments, in addition to Indonesia’s upcoming elections, create a pressing need for Indonesia to have a single, comprehensive legislation regulating wiretapping and interception.

The uproar that followed the spying saga has caused governments and the general public alike to acknowledge the security and human rights concerns involved with surveillance. Some fear that there could be a race to the bottom as governments around the world establish surveillance programs to outdo each other in intelligence gathering. At the same time, the public’s increased awareness of surveillance practices has created an opportunity for civil society to push back at corporations and governments.

The time is now for Indonesia to play an active role in ensuring that surveillance protocols and codes of ethical conduct exist not just abroad, as part of efforts to normalize its relations with Australia and other countries, but also at home. -

Gujarat Sachivalaya, the centre of Narendra Modi’s powerdom, there was commotion among state IAS babus. While I met a dozen-odd IAS officials, including some of the senior-most, one of them looked rather annoyed, despite being known to be so close to the CM. He had been asked to reach the new CM office, built as a separate building, but didn’t want to go. He told me, “Hell. They have put a jammer. No mobiles work. Its nauseating. I don’t want to go there.”

Yet, this babu was was as frank as ever. Offering me a cup of tea, he told me that while a “decision” had been taken to reemploy retiring K Kailashnathan (KK to his colleagues) for the same job – KK headed the CM office for seven years – it “merely awaited” Modi’s “red pen sign”. I asked him bluntly: “But I was told you were offered the post. So you wouldn’t replace KK?” He smiled, looked around, and blurted out: “My dear friend, let me do my duty as an IAS official.”

As I left this babu’s chamber after chatting around on different other subjects, including a rally of farmers in North Gujarat against land acquisition for industrial purpose, I was left wondering: What did he mean? Wasn’t KK acting as an IAS bureaucrat, in accordance with the rule book, to which he swore?I knew KK as a fine bureaucrat when he headed water resources and later urban development departments, though babus foundim “changed” after he joined the CMO, carrying out Modi’s political agenda meticulously, the jobs which IAS babus wouldn’t generally touch.

The IAS babu with whom I interacted, I was told later, was approached by a key Modi aide with a straight offer: Head the CMO and take over from KK, who was to retire on May 31. “He rejected the offer outright”, this aide told me. “For God sake not me. Don’t even suggest this to the CM. Do you think I am capable of doing things which KK does? I wouldn’t like to get into all that”, the aide quoted the IAS babu as saying. I was told, at least three IAS officials were approached with a similar offer. All of them turned it down saying they were happy doing their present job.

Come June 1, and a new post-retirement non-IAS post was created for KK – of chief principal secretary. An official communique declared that KK would continue doing the same job he was doing as IAS bureaucrat till his retirement, of heading the CMO. The order created more flutter. I decided to approach another Sachivalaya IAS babu, and this is what he told me one-to-one: “KK has virtually emerged as Gujarat’s super chief secretary.” He didn’t stop at that. He compared KK’s appointment with what Mayawati did as UP chief minister – of appointing Shashank Shekhar Singh to the newly-created post of cabinet secretary.

The appointment by Mayawati – which lasted for full five years – was variously described as “mockery of constitutional norms”. Even the BJP said that Mayawati’s decision to appoint Singh as cabinet secretary “found no mention in any rule book”, that Singh was a “a non-civil servant” and the decision was not just unconstitutional but also amounted to “administrative anarchy”, and that Singh wouldn’t be accountable to anybody for official files where crucial policy decisions were taken.

The IAS babu whom I approached took a similar view: On retirement from IAS, KK ceased to remain in the cadre and was no more accountable to official decisions. Even then, the babu said, “What could Modi do? He had no choice, as no IAS official was ready to take over. Even I was sent feelers. But I remained quiet. This was taken as my outright No. Look at the civil list. Is there anyone senior enough capable of handling all that Modi does with such precision? None.”

The babu didn’t mind taking a snipe at present chief secretary Varesh Sinha, either. “Sinha’s ways are very different. He is a typical IAS bureaucrat, who wouldn’t be party to any of Modi’s political propaganda. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t agree with Modi, at least on file.” Insiders suggested, Sinha wasn’t even aware of what decision Modi was likely to take on KK. Sinha was probably kept in dark. With KK’s appointment, Sinha must be feeling sidelined.

Even if the so-called Tina (there is no alternative) factor may have been behind the re-employment of KK, the fact is, Modi has tried out with a couple of other IAS bureaucrats ahead of KK to head CMO, but none had been as “loyal”, though all did toe, willy-nilly, the Modi line. The first one, PK Misra, was in the CMO during the 2002 riots. A babu with an academic bent of mind, I remember how – setting aside the suggestion that Ahmedabad was burning on the first day the riots, February 28, 2002 – he told me things in the city were “absolutely normal”!

When I was with Misra, I already knew that ex-Congress MP Ehsan Jafri had been killed in the riots during the infamous Gulbarg Society incident. Yet, Misra told me, “You can quote me, nothing of the sort has happened”! There was reason to believe: Misra wasn’t performing his constitutional duty of advising Modi against giving free hand to the saffron brigade. Misra went to Delhi on deputation, and on retirement was rewarded: He became chairman of the Gujarat Electricity Regulation Commission.

The next IAS babu to head the CMO was Hasmukh Adhia, who would usually go by the rule. During my frequent interactions with him, he wouldn’t utter a word except what was to be “officially conveyed”. An ethnic Gujarati, one reason why Modi took his services, Adhia was architect of the now-flopped Karmayogi Maha-abhiyan, which was meant to train Gujarat babus at every level to be more dutiful. A string of RSS-style Chintan Shibirs were organized, and these were to be a regular affair.

Yet, Adhia would never speak the language of Modi. He would choose his words carefully. In internal meetings, he would meticulously avoid praising Modi, and would just kickstart his remarks quoting Modi with “the CM wants” or “the CM believes”. Adhia was eased out, he went to Bangalore for two years to PhD in Yoga and Karmayoga. Today, he heads the state finance department.

Enter KK, and things began changing. Belonging to Tamil Nadu, his family had settled in Kerala, and this came handy for him to provide Modi the much-needed entry into South India. Thanks to KK, Modi established rapport with Amritanandamayi, a much-revered swamini from Parayakadavu, Kollam district, Kerala. Modi was the chief dignitary at the swamini’s programme in Ahmedabad in March 2008. He invited her to establish her second “math” in Gujarat.

However, the first real success of KK was when through him Modi built bridges with retired Supreme Court judge VR Krishna Iyer, who headed the Concerned Citizens’ Tribunal which inquired into the Gujarat riots of 2002. Modi was in Kerala to attend the wedding of KK’s daughter in 2010, but managed to win praise from the veteran legal luminary, who reportedly called him “super-patriot” and even blessed him for all the “good work” he had done.

More recently, in April this year, Modi visited Kerala’s Sivagiri Mutt, founded by saint and social reformer Narayana Guru and inaugurated its annual spiritual discourse. Even as the Left called the visit an effort to “Hinduise” Kerala politics, and Congress criticized the Mutt for inviting him, Modi addressed a jumbo gathering, where he said, “Although untouchability in social life has come down because of the untiring efforts of our saints, it is increasing in politics.”

KK’s efforts to go close to Modi acquired political dimensions last year, when, officials told me, ahead of the state assembly polls, he went out of his way to offer his services. KK not just approached district revenue and forest officials in order to “activate” them to distribute forest land among the tribals in order to garner support in in the eastern tribal belt. Every Saturday and Sunday he would personally visit some tribal area in order to organize land for the tribals.

In the beginning, during personal interactions, KK would open out. Ahead of the 2007 assembly polls, he gave me a Modi book, “Karmayoga”, thinking I would write some good words on the CM. I wrote a piece, quoting Modi from the book, where he had said that the valmikis had spiritual experience while cleaning up others’ dirt. KK was very angry, said I “misused” the book . Nearly 5,000 copies of the book were withdrawn. Thereafter, he would only talk development.

Najib’s Comedy piece Inspector-General of Police’s an Abrahamic Call to follow Imam Ahmad Zahid Hamidi the savior of SunniMuslim Ummah:


Najib’s Comedy piece Inspector-General of Police’s an Abrahamic Call to follow Imam Ahmad Zahid Hamidi  the savior of SunniMuslim Ummah: On Aug 5, 2013, former PM Mahathir attended the inauguration of Iran’s newly elected President Hassan Rohani.He met with him to discuss Teheran-Kuala Lumpur relations. So is Mahathir an admirer of Shiite teaching?

In common discourse, the Shia polemicists will vehemently deny such a belief, and it is only through a very tiresome process that we prove to them that Tahreef is a part of their faith. Therefore, once again, I would not advise bringing up this topic when discussing whether or not Shia are Muslim or not. Since the vast majority of Shia do not adhere to this belief, discussing this issue will only cause digression and tangential argumentation.

(4) Cursing the Sahabah.

Many hold the belief that cursing the Sahabah constitutes Kufr. However, this is an oversimplification of the issue, one which in fact weakens the position of the Ahlus Sunnah. A Shia propagandist would be very quick to show that in fact the Sahabah did fight amongst each other and one Sahabah would sometimes call another by a name, or the Prophet’s wives might do such a thing, etc. Therefore, we should be clearer and more specific instead of simply saying that cursing the Sahabah constitutes Kufr.

Mufti Ebrahim Desai’s student says the following:

The issue of abusing the Sahabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) takes on various forms. Hereunder follows some related points.

1. It is Haraam to abuse the Sahabah (Radhiyallahu anhum)

2. Normally, a person who does so is sinning, but would not be a Kaafir.

3. If, Allah forbid, a person falsely accuses Hadhrat Aaisha (Radhiyallahu anha) or any of the other Ummahaatul Mu’mineen of Zinaa, he is a Kaafir.

4. If, Allah forbid, a person says that most or all of the Sahabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) became murtad (renegade) after Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), or become sinners after him, such a person is a Kaafir.

5. If one considers it permissible to abuse the Sahabah(Radhiyallahu anhum), such a person is Kaafir.

6. If one regards it as a light matter to abuse the Sahabah (Radhiyallahu anhum), such a person is a kaafir.

We trust this answers your question.

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Another trumped-up charge against Mat Sabu
Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, who first started such ridiculous allegation against the deputy PAS president at the Umno general assembly, should also be accused as well for being a Shiite follower following similar conjecture.On July 23, 2013, Zahid voiced Malaysia’s readiness to broaden ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran (horror!). He made the remark in a meeting with visiting Iranian Foreign Ministry DG (director-general) for Asia-Pacific, Rasoul Mohajer. refusal of Home Ministry secretary-general Abdul Rahim Mohamad Radzi to answer questions from journalists showed that he himself does not believe that his prepared statement against Mat Sabu is strong.

) Claiming that a person after Prophet Muhammad received revelation from Allah like a Prophet.

This is another belief which constitutes Kufr. Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi was asked what were the agreed upon acts which would constitute exiting the faith. To this, he stated:

“Claiming that a person after the time of Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah is a real Prophet from Allah…Included in this is claiming that one has received revelation from Allah like a Prophet.”

The reality is that the Shia believe that their Imams received revelation from Allah like Prophets. However, they will not readily admit this fact and will in fact seek out loopholes to defend their beliefs, playing word games, and such stuff. Hence, I do not find any need to dwell on this matter, since it is much easier to prove the first belief above. The only reason I am mentioning this here is that it should be established firmly that it is a belief of the Muslims that no divinely appointed figure exists after Prophet Muhammad, and the belief in Imams is in contradiction to this.

(3) The Quran is incomplete.

Publically, the Shia will vehemently deny that they believe that the Quran is incomplete. The truth of the matter is that many of the Shia Maraje’ (top scholars) do believe in Tahreef (tampering) of the Quran, but they hide this fact due to Taqiyyah and Kitman. And there may be many Shia people who do indeed hold such a belief but they hide this fact. If this is the case, then we cannot declare them to be Kufaar, as we were not sent to judge what is in the hearts and only Allah knows what are the true intentions of people. Shaikh Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari says:

It should be remarked here that some members of the Shi’a community display outwardly not to have believes that constitute Kufr, but keep these beliefs in their heart, which they call Taqiyya.

The case with such people is that if they did have such beliefs that constitute Kufr in their heart but outwardly denied them, then even though according to Allah and in hereafter they will be regarded as non-Muslims, but we will judge them according to their outward statements and actions.

The Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) is reported to have said:

“I have been ordered to judge people according to their outward condition”

How does Umno going to promote Malay unity with PAS if they continue to attack PAS with such flimsy allegations? With the Internet, people are very well informed.

Actually don’t talk nonsense. Just return all the oil royalties together with arrears and interests without any pre-conditions to the PAS state government of Kelantan.

This is the birth right of the Kelantanese Malay. Kelantan is part of Tanah Melayu. Kelantan is not Pulau Batu Puteh.

- Perkasa Ibrahim Ali was especially proud to show his photographs in an interview taken in his youth with the late Khomeini and as well as Fidel Castro of Cuba.

Zahid, you have concrete evidence in photographs of Ibrahim Ali with both of them. Therefore Ibrahim Ali is a Shiite disciple and a communist at the same time.

- On Aug 5, 2013, former PM Mahathir attended the inauguration of Iran’s newly elected President Hassan Rohani.

He met with him to discuss Teheran-Kuala Lumpur relations. So is Mahathir an admirer of Shiite teaching?

Mat Sabu) frequently visits to Shiite-majority Iran, as per the testimony of Home Ministry officer Zamihan Mat Zin.”

understand that our deputy PM too recently visited Iran. Correct me if I was wrong, Iran too has an embassy in our country. Does that make Muhyiddin Yassin a Shiite?

If we consider Shiites as not Muslims than Sunis are not MuslimsShaikh Abdul Wahab al-Turayree, a professor of Al-Imam University, says:

We cannot say that all the Shî`ah are unbelievers. On the other hand, there are many sects of the Shî`ah who advance claims that are tantamount to unbelief. Anyone who believes such things would be an unbeliever.

But the Shiites were allowed to perform the Haj in Mecca. By this same token, they are considered as Muslims by Saudi Arabia. If Saudi Arabia, considered as the home of Islam recognised them as Muslims, who are we to brand them otherwise?

I can find of no good reason for the authorities’ reasoning except that they were ill advised themselves.

The IGP  hate the term  Shias labelled the   movement in the country as a group with terrorist elements. Khalid Abu Bakar  has down more harm to Islamic causes by dividing the Muslim world.No wonder Islam is in trouble

Arabs hate the term “Persian Gulf” and call that body of water the “Arabian Gulf.” Yet the most appropriate name may be “Shia Gulf”. The Shias in the north coast of the Gulf are Persian and those in the west and southern coasts are Arab, but all are Shia regardless.

This is why the Saudi king has just announced that he will spend a whopping $ 11 billion on improving welfare and housing in the Shia-majority region. He wants to buy off potential revolutionaries. Whether he will succeed remains to be seen: Bahrain’s Shia demonstrators have refused to be bought off with grants of $ 2,250 per head. Some months ago, the WikiLeaks of US confidential diplomatic papers revealed that many Gulf sheikhdoms—including Bahrain and the UAE—wanted the US to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities. The sheikhs claimed they feared armed invasion or bombing by Iran. In fact, their real fear is that a rising Iran will induce their own Shia subjects to revolt and demand democracy. The Sunni sheikhs have long cultivated the US to keep Iran at bay. But this simply induces disgust on the part of many Shia subjects, who view their rulers as not just Sunni oppressors but American stooges too. Bahrain is a small island off the Saudi Gulf coast, linked to it by a motorable causeway. Whereas Saudi Arabia is an ultra-conservative Muslim state where women must wear burqas and are not even allowed to drive cars, Bahrain is a freewheeling, westernized state where women can wear short skirts and dance all night in nightclubs. It has an elected lower house, but real power vests with the king. The democracy movement in Bahrain started off as a secular one, yet inevitably became coloured by the Shia-Sunni split.

Some analysts hope for a peaceful transition from autocracy to democracy in the Middle East. Muslim autocrats have sometimes evolved into leaders of political parties in democracies. Two examples are Gen Zia-ur Rahman in Bangladesh and Gen Pervez Musharraf in Pakistan. It is just possible that some such transition could occur in North Africa too. But this will be impossible in the Gulf, since any political party formed by the Sunni rulers will be thrashed by Shia rivals. Hence Gulf sheikhdoms are more likely to opt for the Gaddafi path of bloody suppression than the Mubarak path of exiting in favour of democracy.
This creates a moral and financial dilemma for the US. It swears in theory by democracy, but in practice dreads the replacement of Sunni sheikhs by Shia-cracies in the Gulf. It also fears that Shia revolts in the Gulf may disrupt oil supplies and send prices soaring, above all if the democracy fever spreads to Saudi Arabia.
Iran loves the thought of a completely Shia Gulf. But it also fears that its own theocracy could be toppled by a democracy movement, and that tempers its enthusiasm for the jasmine revolution. When democracy seems inconvenient to so many powerful forces, its prospects in the Gulf cannot be too bright. Its prospects in North Africa are much brighter.
Iran and Iraq are Shia-majority countries where Shias are in power. But in other Gulf countries, the Shia majority is ruled by Sunni sheikhs— in Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. Even the Gulf coast of Saudi Arabia (which produces and exports most of its oil) has a Shia majority, although the country overall has a Sunni majority. The Saudi king has one big advantage over other Sunni rulers of the region: he is revered by all Muslims, Shia or Sunni, as the guardian of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina. This makes Saudi Arabia less vulnerable to a popular Shia revolt than Bahrain (where demonstrators are already choking the streets), Kuwait or the UAE. Yet the Saudis are paranoid because all their oil lies in the Shia-majority eastern region.

There is an issue of which all of us who would like to see peace in the Middle East are aware, but which is mostly going unmentioned today because of fear of reprisals. The issue is the state of war currently existing between Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims. For centuries, both Sunnis and Shi’ites have respectfully shared the Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca; but today, sectarian violence is even beginning to invade this most sacred of Muslim rituals, as Sunni and Shi’ite extremists vie for dominance with one another elsewhere. In the past, they may have disagreed about different aspects of Islam; but they did not deny that either was a Muslim, and certainly did not call one another kaffir, “unbeliever,” as is now being done. It is time for Sunni and Shi’ite leaders to begin a dialogue together, and to publicly renounce the recent Muslim bloodshed. As fellow descendants of Abraham, we wish our Muslim brothers and sisters to know that we support the free expression of both Sunni and Shi’ite Islam everywhere, and want to offer humanitarian aid in regions where Muslim populations of whatever variety are being oppressed by tyrannical rulers; but we would ask that progressive Sunni and Shi’ite leaders who stand for peace do their part in resolving the conflict that fuels this current bloodshed. For, if they cannot stand together, it makes no sense for their Abrahamic siblings to lend support to and involve our precious children in a sectarian war in which Islam is the loser. Both sides claim that Allah is greater than any being, and greater than any matter which may come before us, and yet, they continue to insist on making sectarian distinctions a matter of supreme importance, forgetting the love of God and God’s children in the process. Of course, as with so many sectarian conflicts in religion, past and present, politics is playing its part and even driving the conflict; but we must reclaim our traditions from politics and stand together for peace. Allah hu akbar, “God is greater.”

Ku Li’s new clothes, and the naked truth crown of thorns


Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah will open Perkasa's fourth annual general meeting next week. – The Malaysian Insider pic, December 15, 2013.

Kelantan prince’s New Clothes. The plot revolved around a prince who was tricked into believing that he was wearing a special outfit when in fact he was naked. His sycophants complimented him for his wonderful choice of clothing. When the prince went out on the street, scared commoners praised the invisible suit. Finally, an innocent little kid screamed: “Look, the prince has no clothes!”The one loud sentence sent the entire town into shock. However, since it was the truth, nobody could deny it anymore. And eventually, this  Kelantan prince  came back to his senses  Perkasa  desperately needs that Kelantan prince   Someone perhaps who could stand up at Perkasa  national convention and shout: HIDUP MELALAYU , Post UMNO-election politics Ku Li  seems to be looking for an escape route as it will find it difficult to explain why it has chosen to deviate  Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s credentials as a statesman and a politician with enlightened views on race are now on the line as he has reportedly accepted  Perkasa will be new kid  seeking to dodge  UMNO   stand that UMNO and PAS are two sides of the same coin and any truck with them will sully its image and transparency agenda.

Perkasa will be new kid  seeking to dodge  UMNO  create new legacies. Chaffing at being bested by a new party Power has to move to a consortium of the best performers. The political chess being played out The family can be the moral centre, but not the power centre. Top performing CMs, MPs and ministers must get the limelight they deserve should step back and highlight others. This way more UMNOspersons get noticed and the party has a broader leadership.the great toss-up between perception and evidence, the former generally wins. Conventional wisdom, for instance, suggests that unity within a party brings victory. Reality: It is the scent of victory that encourages unity. When crowds recede in an election campaign, leaders squabble and search for alibis. Tensions become septic after results. Witness the blistering attack these are not easy tasks, but not impossible either. The bigger issue is does the  UMNO want to rebuild itself? More than anything, does the Emperor have the courage to listen to the kid who is right?  UMNO would still be in power. Quite right.

One can almost predict the silence in the auditorium thereafter, akin to the silence in the town square. The first reaction would be denial, or even attacking the person who said it.

Better still, label  suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress  this columnist elitist, biased, paid, bigoted, idiot, evil, ignorant or any other negative adjective that comes to mind. However, as the Enrique song goes — you can run, you can hide but you can’t escape my love (in this case, the truth).This truth is particularly bitter because the Maathir has little idea on how to fix the problem. As many say, what is this  Mahathir? Right now,  Perkasa  hasn’t done much besides cashing in on the Mahathir  legacy.In fact,Mahathir  to hide incompetence and even abused it to cover up scams in name of helping we Malays. Tun  Mahathir brand is so depleted that there isn’t much legacy left anymore. The young Malay generation doesn’t know what to make of them. Should they associate  with Mahathirism  with sacrifice, or see them as Malays  who keep silent and help cover up corruption?Is Perkasa  interested in making the Malays lives better, or merely self-preservers? What is the answer? It is all a big confusing mess, and youngsters see no reason why the surname means the party deserves their vote. The results are there for all to see.

While the Gua Musang MP has regularly met Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali as both are from Kelantan, they cannot be more different as chalk and cheese.Tengku Razaleigh is urbane, sophisticated and cosmopolitan while Ibrahim has been known to be crude with a narrow racial view that has seen him jump from one party to another, earning the sobriquet of a “political frog”. the former finance minister and Umno veteran, popularly known as Ku Li, has confirmed he would attend the meeting at Pusat Islam in Kuala Lumpur on December 22.

Those close to the Kelantan prince said he had weighed the pros and cons of associating with the right-wing Malay group before confirming his attendance at the assembly themed “Upholding the Constitution for the wellbeing of all”.

“He wants to engage the Perkasa leadership and persuade them to be more inclusive. He wants them to look at the bigger picture,” a Ku Li confidante told The Malaysian Insider.

Tengku Razaleigh, who was tasked with setting up national oil firm Petronas, has been an advocate of market and economic liberalisation in the past decade unlike Ibrahim who believes that the Malays should have a greater control and share of the economy.

Ibrahim has articulated his views through Perkasa, which boasts a 500,000 membership mainly from Umno, which he found after 2008 elections when he stood on a PAS ticket.

He turned independent to support the ruling Barisan Nasional after Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi stepped down as prime minister.

His relationship with Ku Li goes back to the time when both were in the old Umno and the now defunct Semangat 46, which was once in power with PAS in the Kelantan government.

Both only returned to the Umno fold in 1996, where Ibrahim eventually became a deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s government.

Ku Li, who was also once trade minister, had been Dr Mahathir’s political foe when he ran for the Umno presidency in 1987 which he lost by 44 votes. Ironically, Dr Mahathir is the Perkasa patron.

Last month, former Election Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Rahman announced that he had joined the Malay rights group.

Ibrahim told The Malaysian Insider that more well-known personalities would soon join the movement but he declined to name them.

“Perkasa is open to all… There are more people interested in joining Perkasa, including some big names. I will elaborate more on this during the AGM,” he said.

Other prominent members include former inspector-general of police Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Noor.

Perkasa grabbed the headlines on November 24, when Abdul Rashid announced he had joined the group six months ago to help the group achieve its goal of strengthening Malay-Muslim dominance.

He added that the three redelineation exercises undertaken while he was chief were done to keep Umno and in his view, Malay Muslims, in power.

Mayday, Mayday, Mayday run for cover Zahid on shooting spree


Weird Companions And Adapters Fixers within the party may argue for new populist Change is a mist which floats through events, often obscured by the daily cloudburst of facts. It is noticed least by those it affects most. Politicians have a sharper eye than they are given credit for, but they can miss the obvious. A tectonic shift is taking place in the structure of party politics. After a long and dominant reign, the high command is dead. It has become a dinosaur, a museum piece whose skeletal jaw hints at the massive bite it once possessed.last inheritors of a concept that has exhausted its moment in history. After them, there will be command, but it will not be very high.  If  Zahid had a stronger personality he might have postponed the inevitable, but not prevented it. Change took its time, but it has arrived. The states of the nation will determine the state of UMNO

Some fixers will argue that such small sops will not be enough remove Najib
However, like Prime Minister Najib  and finance minister will oppose this tooth and nail. he is almost certainly win the argument because  will make sense in terms of sheer realpolitik  prudence Zahid last-minute populist spree will NOT unseat Najib,  poltical opportunity will be better strategy than desperate populism in the next few months in the game for governance, not maverick thrills, and zahid will not be taken seriously by umno members.We have got a glimpse in 2013. We shall see the full face of anger in 2018.Your evidence is at best, hearsay. And since when did it become the onus of the accused to prove his innocence? Why was this not the case with the NFC Cowgate scandal? Why was this Not the case with the Malaysian Ant-Corruption Commission (MACC) and Teoh Beng Hock? Why was this not the case with Altantuya Shaariibuu? It’s selective persecution.

In the great toss-up between perception and evidence, the former generally wins. Conventional wisdom, for instance, suggests that unity within a party brings victory. Reality: It is the scent of victory that encourages unity.  Grade A or solid evidence: Mat Sabu attended…, he met.., he visited…, he praised…! Then many are guilty as found. What ever he does is his own business and his conviction as he did not cause any harm to the rakyat and country.

Whether Mat Sabu is a Sunni, Shiite, Wahabi or Taliban… he is obviously a better and a more respected Muslim than many Umno Muslims leaders.When crowds recede in an election campaign, leaders squabble and search for alibis. Tensions become septic after results. Witness the blistering attack on Mat Sabu  . As for alibis, top marks to Politics is better understood with a scan below the surface. Tilt the perspective on what seems an obvious fact, and the picture changes to startling effect.Kelantan prince’s New Clothes. The plot revolved around a prince who was tricked into believing that he was wearing a special outfit when in fact he was naked. His sycophants complimented him for his wonderful choice of clothing. When the prince went out on the street, scared commoners praised the invisible suit. Finally, an innocent little … Read more

Zahid is just taking his philosophy one step further in asking Mat Sabu to prove that the latter does not have any links with the Shia Islamic sect.

Not long ago, he was reported to have said “shoot first, talk later” when talking of policemen shooting “gangsters” gangland style. He got away with that one.

It is not that he himself believes Mat Sabu is a Shia, or that he has any evidence at all about his accusations about Mat Sabu.

It is about character-assassinating someone who has some political clout that could pose a challenge to the incumbents in power.

Having made the accusation, which was reported widely, the blind followers of those in power will believe that their leader would not be telling lies. So among this group, Mat Sabu’s name is damaged.

That is what was wanted – damage someone’s reputation and standing by any means, for in politics, even foul actions are considered legitimate, at least in Malaysia.

When people laughed at the “solid evidence” presented, the law was changed to suit the occasion. The onus was put on the accused to prove his innocence. Well, if Mat Sabu’s guilt is already proven by the mere words of Zahid, just haul Mat Sabu to prison and lock him up. Why is he being allowed to roam freely?

He should be behind bars until he proves his innocence. He is a dangerous person, is he not?

Now it is Zahid’s dignity that is at stake – if he has any. He should not be turning the law on its head and asking Mat Sabu to prove his innocence.

Not only is he making a fool of himself, but he is also trying to make a fool of the people by wanting them to believe that the onus is on Mat Sabu to prove he is not a Shiite!

What does it matter what one’s belief is so long as the person is of good character and does no harm to anybody, does not engage in corruption and other irreligious and unethical acts? Can Zahid tell us if all the followers of the Sunnah Wal Jamaah sect are persons of better character than Mat Sabu?

Applying Zahid’s creative licence should we not ask the former Chief of the Election Commission to prove that he is innocent of committing electoral fraud as he had himself proudly proclaimed that the delineation exercises he carried out were done in such a way to ensure that the Malays remain in power, totally ignoring the 13th Schedule of the Federal Constitution that says that the number of electors in each constituency should be approximately equal, which the EC unashamedly, unethically and even illegally interpreted to mean that even 15 was approximately equal to 1?

In short, Zahid’s antics remind me of school bullies. t is easy to remember good government , even if we tend to take it for granted when we get it. It works. Rotten governance is more complicated, for its consequences are more evident than its causes.

Should inflation be considered an obvious manifestation of political mismanagement? A major reason for today’s street rage is certainly the fact that  acolytes who hyperventilated at the prospect of a sound-bite . A government that reduces food on the tin plate of the poor is irresponsible. Why should the voter care for a government that does not care for the voter?

The original sin of bad government is arrogance , with complacency as a silent partner. The ministers of UPA2 began to believe that because they had got away with a lot, they could get away with anything.

There is a visible and vocal sense of crisis in the present environment. The anger is not just about economic decline, inflation unchecked and corruption rampant — which affects everyone — but also about aspiration denied which is why the young are in the demographic vanguard of opposition to the establishment. Incidentally, this is not the first crisis that India has faced. While its intensity can hardly be denied, it might be the most easily remedied.   So much ignominy, sadness and double-speak A budget on corruption levels is also needed. The morality of taxes and other stories So much ignominy, sadness and double-speak angry KL-lites who want the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to roll back planned hike in property assessment taxes for 2014 have been told to hold street … Read more

Sepandai-pandai Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga.


Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah have you a hole in your soul?Realisation of what ails you is half the battle won; the rest is all about maintaining a firm control on life and balance within

Sometimes you do not realise you are in the midst of a vast silence till it is pierced through with sound. Often, you may not notice noise until it ends abruptly and silence prevails. You may not notice how dark it is till a light is flicked on. Sometimes you do not know how agitated you have been, till a caressing hand calms you. The absence of some people makes you realise the significance of their presence.

And then – sometimes you don’t know there’s a gaping hole in your soul till someone or something comes along to fill it and lift you to euphoric heights. My Facebook status for the last few days has been – ‘A hole in your soul? Let’s see, how can that be mended?’ It aroused interesting responses, both off and online. “But where is the soul nowadays?” asked a friend at a cocktail party. “Are you sure you don’t mean a hole in the sole of your shoe?” asked another. Some interesting solutions to m e n d the soul g a p we r e ‘spiritual evolution’ , ‘ karm a yoga ’, ‘striving to be my best self and to be considerate and compassionate,’ ‘by giving love’ and then ‘by the will power to heal and knowing when we last felt complete.’


Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim has lodged a police report against Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah (pic), saying the Umno lawyer’s affidavit to the Court of Appeal contained inaccuracies, an offence under the law.

The former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department director lodged the report at the Setapak police station this afternoon.

Shafee had filed the affidavit at the Court of Appeal last week in response to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s second application to disqualify the lawyer from representing Putrajaya as deputy public prosecutor in the government’s appeal against Anwar’s acquittal on the second sodomy charge.

In his police report, Mat Zain claimed Shafee had committed at least two offences under the Penal Code, the first for making false statements in the affidavit.

He alleged that Shafee had also suppressed material evidence with the intention of deceiving the court.

He said that Shafee had received from him a set of documents on September 24, 2013.

“These were documents Shafee had asked from me after meeting Tun Dr Mahathir Muhamad at his residence last August 10, the third day of Hari Raya,” he said.

Shafee told reporters on Wednesday that he had filed an affidavit on what transpired in his legal firm and at the residence of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Shafee went on to say that Mat Zain had “slanted” what he had said in his October 7 statutory declaration (SD).

“My affidavit is supported by former (Commercial Crime Investigations Department director) Datuk Ramli Yusuff. I do not need to ask Matthias Chang to affirm it, and there is no need to trouble Tun (Dr Mahathir Mohamad),” Shafee said when asked to respond to the contents of the SD.

The SD by Mat Zain was prepared following a meeting in Dr Mahathir’s house, attended by, among others, Dr Mahathir’s former political secretary Matthias Chang, and Ramli, who had briefed the former premier over his run-ins with Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail.

Shafee had vowed to expose in court a link between Mat Zain and Anwar as the former had filed a defamation suit against the former prime minister, but was not serious about the case, resulting in the court striking out the matter.

Mat Zain had then shot back at Shafee, claiming the contents in the affidavit was “a load of rubbish”.

Anwar filed the application on December 6 using Mat Zain’s SD as grounds to disqualify Shafee, saying Shafee’s appointment to lead the prosecution team would deny him a fair trial.

The PKR de-facto leader said that Shafee knew of Gani’s illegal actions in the Pulau Batu Puteh territorial dispute between Malaysia and Singapore.readmorehttp://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2013/12/04/dont-let-corrupted-attorney-general-tan-sri-abdul-gani-patail-go-unpunished/

Anwar said the SD also pointed to Gani and former inspector-general of police Tan Sri Musa Hassan’s involvement in fabricating evidence in the “black eye” incident of 1998.

The alleged fabrication took place when Gani was said to have brought in pathologist Dr Abdul Rahman Yusoff to accuse Anwar in court of self-inflicted injuries, contradicting medical reports.

A Royal Commission of Inquiry ended with an admission by former police chief Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Noor that he had beaten Anwar hours after his arrest on September 20, 1998.

Anwar had in 2008 filed a police report against Gani and Musa, who was involved in the first sodomy case brought against Anwar.

A three-member committee, comprising retired judges, formed by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), cleared the duo.

Shafee reportedly agreed during the meeting in Dr Mahathir’s house that the MACC committee was illegal.

On November 21, the Federal Court dismissed Anwar’s appeal, declaring that Gani could give a temporary licence to Shafee to lead the prosecution. Anwar then filed an application to dismiss Shafee on the grounds that the appointment was illegal.

Anwar, 66, was acquitted by the High Court on January 9 last year on a charge of sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan at a Desa Damansara condominium unit in Bukit Damansara in 2008. -Regardless of its terms of reference, the people will have to contend with the independent panel to investigate violence during the Bersih 3.0 rally that has been handpicked by the government. And we may have to wait a little while before judging whether the panel is fair or biased, or simply redundant.

This is in view of the attorney-general’s pre-emptive moves in charging several people under the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012, as well as having advised the government to sue the Bersih steering committee for damages.

The investigations, or any other action pertaining to Bersih 3.0, should have been put on hold once the government announced the formation of the said independent panel. Similar action was taken during the black eye incident, when I was instructed to put investigations on hold the moment the cabinet announced the setting up of the RCI. Abdul Gani Patail is fully aware of this precedent.

Be as it may, the impartiality of the panel has been a subject of contention since its formation was announced, particularly the appointment of Hanif Omar as the chairperson. The test of their impartiality will be whether the panel is willing to raise the issue on the position of Gani Patail, to whom the panel’s findings will be submitted for a decision.

Where goes the panel report?


Although many will disagree, but if there is need for a panel to investigate Gani, then I suggest that both Hanif and retired Chief Justice of Borneo Steve Shim are the most appropriate persons to be in that panel. I am also of the view that Gani’s antics cannot get past these two distinguished gentlemen.

For the benefit of all, this is Steve Shim’s decision on Gani’s conduct in Zainur Zakaria vs PP [2001] 3 CLJ:

“In the circumstances, was he (referring to Anwar Ibrahim) not justified, on a prima facie basis, in complaining that the AG’s (Gani Patail’s) conduct at the meeting on 2 October 1998 was an attempt to get Nalla to fabricate evidence in order to perfect charges against him (Anwar) for other alleged sexual offences?”

The former CJ is expected to defend his decision on the above and he will certainly be backed by Hanif, who knows the truth of what exactly happened in 1998 and how the facts were manipulated and by whom. Particularly now, since the panel’s report will eventually be scrutinised by none other than Gani himself.

The government of the day, then and now, cannot deny being fully aware of Shim’s decision on Gani. The government must recognise the former CJ’s decision in the same manner Dr Mahathir takes cognisance of another Federal Court decision, as found in his memoir A Doctor in the House (page 695):

“Most Malaysians are ignorant of the contents of the judgment of the Federal Court, which acquitted Anwar on a technicality due to the error relating to the date of the incident. They are not aware that the majority of the Federal Court had held that in their judgment they found ‘…evidence to confirm that the appellants (Anwar and Sukma) were involved in homosexual activities and we are more inclined to believe that the alleged incident at Tivoli Villa did happen’…”

No one saw Anwar sodomise Sukma or anybody else, or having sex with any woman. The Federal Court came to that conclusion merely relying on evidence gathered or manufactured by Musa Hassan and presented before the judges by Gani and his prosecution team.

But where falsification and fabrication of evidence are concerned, several people saw what Gani did. Musa Hassan and Dr Rahman Yusof not only saw it but were parties to it, willingly or otherwise. Another pathologist from Hospital Kuala Lumpur testified in court that Anwar’s blood sample for DNA tests was stolen from the doctor’s custody on Oct 15, 1998.http://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2013/11/26/attorney-general-acting-correctly-correct-correct-correct-charges-to-include-dr-mahathir-in-nfcorp/

Over and above that, I not only saw with my own eyes what Gani did, but I went to the extent of warning him of the complications that could be expected in the near future when he (Gani) is discovered, besides telling him of the stern instructions and warning from the prime minister himself, whom I briefed on Oct 8, 1998, that there should not be any cover-up in the investigations involving Anwar Ibrahim. Most importantly the products of the falsifications are available for all to see.

One important question immediately comes to mind: Which of the two Federal Court decisions cited above should be given more weight? It must be noted that Shim’s decision on Gani came first.

Does that mean that if the court decides against Anwar, then the decision is said to be correct or is in the right direction, but when a court decides in favour of Anwar, then the court is wrong or the judge has a political agenda or may be labelled as a communist sympathiser?

If Shim’s decision on Gani is not given its due weight nor respected by the government of the day, then Shim should not be allowed to remain on the panel. Should the government have some decency to accept a legitimate judicial decision of the highest court of the country, then Gani should henceforth be suspended and made to face the due process.

The government of the day must explain how on earth was Gani Patail, despite allegations of having a tainted resume, chosen to be the attorney-general in 2002 and how such conduct could have escaped the Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s scrutiny.

Ulterior motives involved?

Either the government had ulterior motives or the government was simply negligent in exercising due care in vetting Gani’s suitability and competency before he was recommended to be appointed as the AG.

Either way ,the Agong was deceived into believing that Gani Patail was the most suitable and not encumbered with any criminal culpability if compared with at least two other candidates. The Agong would not have appointed Gani had he not been so deceived.

Former Yahoo CEO Scott Thompson was fired just four months after his appointment, for merely allowing two inaccuracies on his qualifications to appear in his biodata that was filed with the securities regulators – one in accounting and the other in computer science.

It was not about qualifications he didn’t have. It was all about honesty. If a CEO can cheat about his qualifications, then he can cheat about everything else pertaining to the affairs of the company.

Similarly, if the EC chairperson and his deputy can deceive the Conference of Rulers and the Agong with no feelings of remorse, then they can cheat on everything and anything concerning the electoral roll.

If our government copied the American model of gerrymandering, then it should also adopt their model of testing the honesty of the EC chairperson, as the Americans did with the former Yahoo CEO.

One must also not forget that Musa Hassan was reported to have committed perjury during a trial in 1998 by claiming to have a qualification that he did not, just like Scott Thomson. The only difference between them is that Thompson was caught once and given the boot, while Musa was caught three times in all and yet cleared of any wrongdoing.

If Gani Patail, who has a damning decision on his head and a preponderance of evidence in several other allegations of wrongdoings, can still be allowed to remain in office and carry on with his illegitimate ways of doing things;

If both the EC chairperson and the deputy are said to have secured their positions through fraud and misrepresentations and by concealing their present or previously held membership in a political party and yet are allowed to remain as custodians of the electoral roll;

If the prime minister himself, who could be proven to have affirmed false affidavits in September 2011 and knowingly filing the same in a High Court to avoid having to give his testimony before the said court and yet nothing was done by the appropriate authorities, then;

Are we not in a state of lawlessness already? No?

What indeed is a hole in the soul? It is a feeling of inadequacy, of something vital missing from life. Very often a realisation of this gap causes a great restlessness till we figure out how to mend it. And yes, different things work for different people. All holes are not the same size and dimension, and each needs a different solution to fix it. Each of us has our own compulsions, our dreams, our purpose and goals; some things that make us wildly happy. A realisation of this and walking the path towards these is the only way to start feeling peaceful, calm and purposeful.

But the first step, of course, is the realisation of the void before we set out to bridge it. The realisation may not always come in a peaceful, friendly manner. It could be a jolt of awareness, a bolt from the blue. A jolt is often what you need to shake you out of a complacent, somnambulant state. And so, sometimes if someone or something comes along to shake us up, it is important to understand that Nature, God or your own supreme consciousness wants you disturbed for some good reason. This is the hard nudge you need to remind yourself that you are procrastinating, biding your time in a happy bubble, refusing to, or forgetting to move on and complete your life’s purpose. Sometimes bad experiences help you understand your own inadequacy faster; hence the talk we hear of being grateful to and forgiving those who are bad to us and who painfully teach us a lesson or two. But what is supremely important is to be aware and alert all the time – to be in full control of and responsible for oneself.

Thinking of this, I was surfing the television when I was brought up short by the very dialogue echoing in my mind – a brilliant coincidence. A man trying to persuade his wife to help him bring down a powerful, independent girl to her knees, says, “Anyone is bound to fall when you take away his or her support. But for that, you have to first get the person accustomed to the support, before removing it.” And the only way to do so is to attack them through their emotions. It is a game with some to bring down the more assured, the confident who seem to be walking their path unaided, all by themselves. Weakness despises strength; the insecure cannot stand the secure. You may find your inner peace, but the most important thing is to be able to defend it against those who are eager to disturb it.

There are plenty of hooks out there to latch onto – you have to choose which one you will allow to engage your mind. Rather than your life being dependent on incidents, accidents and circumstances, you have to engineer these to suit you and take charge of your own life. If firmly in the saddle, sometimes you may even allow yourself to be touched by something that is obviously potentially dangerous. Controlled damage may help the creative purpose you aspire for and help add value in other spheres of your life; it may help you know and understand yourself, your strengths and weaknesses better. Any experience is fine – so long as you emerge richer and stronger from it.

We are often not consciously aware of the need to maintain balance. If we are aware and alert, nobody can harm us or try and take away power or santulan, our sense of balance from us. If you look at and understand everything as part of a pattern that has to be unravelled, life becomes beautiful and exciting. If we view everything that is placed before us as a clue to unravel and understand life, we are better able to accept whatever life doles out to us.

Shafee Framed and Fabricated the sodomy1and 2 now wants be sodomised a liability to Najib


Shafee’s penis  aroma seduced my nostrils. And as I prepared to enjoy it , he popped a question that left a queer taste in my mouth for his penis What is your opinion about gay marriage?

Dato’ Seri Shafee Abdullah  framed  that.. Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy trial the defence raised discrepancies over the charges framed and accuser in sodomy 1 ? And what do you think will happen in sodomy 2 ?

Sometimes you do not realise you are in the midst of a vast silence till it is pierced through with sound. Often, you may not notice noise until it ends abruptly and silence prevails. You may not notice how dark it is till a light is flicked on. Sometimes you do not know how agitated you have been, till a caressing hand calms you. The absence of some people makes you realise the significance of their presence.Mat Zain accuses  Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah   of being LIAR, FABRICATOR and MANIPULATOR.

the man who is the real mastermind behind this latest conspiracy to frame Anwar is Shafee Abdullah. Just days before the sodomy allegation exploded, and even before Saiful’s meeting with Rodwan on 25 June 2008, Shafee was in Najib’s house to attend a gathering. And in front of scores of witnesses he asked to be excused early because he ‘had a very big fish to catch’. Shafee conveniently made it known that he is behind the move to catch the ‘big fish’ and he wanted all those in Najib’s house to be aware that Najib was in the know. Actually, Najib did not know what he was talking about and assumed that the ‘big fish’ meant Raja Petra Kamarudin and was with regards to the Statutory Declaration that he had signed just days earlier on 18 June 2008.
Shafee was supposed to have led the prosecution against Anwar. A provision in the law called FIAT allows the Attorney-General to appoint an outsider to conduct the prosecution. If Shafee does well then he would most likely be appointed the next Attorney-General. When word got out that he is heading the special police operations centre, which was located in his office, they had to abandon the whole idea.
Shafee’s hands are behind the whole thing. And this can only happen with Abdullah’s blessing. No, it is not Mahathir who is behind this. And it is not Abdullah, Najib and Anwar who are the three victims. The victims are Mahathir, Najib and Anwar. Abdullah is the hidden hand and Shafee is the henchman who was tasked with the job of implementing the evil deed. Politics is not what it always appears to be in Malaysia.
Karpal urged trial judge Datuk Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah to issue a show-cause notice to Muhammad Shafee to explain the latter’s “unwarranted public attack” against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s defence statement from the dock.
Anwar, a former deputy prime minister, now heads the three-party opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) pact. Besides being his political ally, Karpal is defending the PKR advisor who stands accused of sodomising a former aide, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, three years ago in a luxury condominium here.
“If what was uttered by Anwar was contemptuous, it would have been contempt in the face of the court. It was for Justice Mohamad Zabidin to hold Anwar in contempt. He did not do so.
“Who is Muhammad Shafee Abdullah to question the wisdom of the trial judge?” Karpal demanded in a media statement today.
Muhammad Shafee, among Malaysia’s legal elites, is regarded as an expert on media contempt laws and was cited yesterday in Umno-owned Mingguan Malaysia calling Anwar’s defence statement as contemptuous.
The top-earning lawyer was reported telling the Attorney-General to step into the row and initiate contempt proceedings against Anwar.
The news was replicated today in other mainstream media, including New Straits Times, which quoted Muhammad Shafee as saying: “This will also prevent the presiding judge from being involved in any possible conflict in which the judge may be blinded by it.”
Karpal objected to Muhammad Shafee’s argument for the A-G’s intervention as unprecedented and defying logic.
“That itself amounts to contempt of court on the part of the judge who does so,” he said.
“Shafee should know a judge cannot interfere in a judicial proceeding in another court. It is axiomatic. It is elementary,” the Bukit Gelugor MP added.

Muhammad Shafee has also come under fire online after Anwar’s unsworn statement of defence from the dock, purportedly for interfering with the news coverage of the controversial court case by issuing certain instructions to mainstream media editors and reporters.


Sometimes, the formidable morphs into the pathetic for along time It’s all fixed juggernaut, with its potent combination of powerful interests seemed to carry such sweeping and overwhelming force that it looked to be above any challenge, criticism or scandal the same ability to enforce a conspiracy of silence is taking on an air of pathetic absurdityThe brute force of power has replaced the unwritten rules that governed behaviour as the primary arbiter of our actions. Protection and punishment. The two standard responses to we from a minister that both protection and punishment are necessary instruments for dealing with this problem, responding to Mat Zain’s insistence that police could investigate Gani based on the contents of his statutory declaration (SD) without lodging a police report.Mat Zain drew attention to Sections 107 and 107A of the Criminal Procedure Code related to information given to the police and their powers to investigate.Mat Zain had also alleged that Gani had deliberately lost the case, resulting in the ICJ ruling in favour of Singapore. He urged the authorities to investigate the reason Malaysia lost the island to Singapore, saying the matter involved the country’s sovereignty.The former cop had said the reason he came out with the SD was to convince Putrajaya to establish a royal commission of inquiry over the loss of Pulau Batu Puteh to Singaporebut clearly much more is involved. The current idea of action seems to be focused on either preventing an incident that has already happened by limiting the focus to the very set of circumstances that were involved illusion the past, or to run away from the complexity of the proble

Judges part of conspiracy to frame Anwar

Did the conspiracy to frame Anwar Ibrahim on trumped-up charges extend higher than the Attorney-General and Public Prosecutors? Did it also involve the Trial Judge as well?
If, in the beginning, these were just suspicions, today, we can safely say that the Trial Judge was certainly part of the conspiracy, maybe even the most important component in that gang of slime balls.
What was revealed via Anwar Ibrahim’s latest Affidavit filed in the Federal Court on Friday, 14 March 2003, is most interesting. This Affidavit contains copies of three letters that a prominent lawyer,Manjeet Singh Dhillon, wrote – one addressed to the recently-retired Chief Justice.
If – and I repeat “IF” – up to now the claim that Anwar Ibrahim is a victim of a frame-up was but a mere allegation, this new Affidavit and its three attachments now prove it beyond any shadow of doubt.
Little wonder the court panicked and decided to postpone Anwar’s Judicial Review scheduled for yesterday. Officially, they need more time to “find two more judges”. Word from our contacts in court, however, is they need more time to study this Affidavit.
The truth is, they probably need more time to confer with the Acting Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, or look for Dr Mahathir Mahathir Mohamad who is holidaying somewhere around the world to obtain further instructions on how to conduct a “damage control” exercise.
Those who know how the corrupt Malaysian judiciary works (the best money can buy) say this new and most damaging piece of evidence is not going to change anything. They have already written the judgment before even sitting down to hear the case.
This may be so as far as the legal aspects of the case is concerned. But it is not so easy as far as the “political fallout” is concerned. In the end, the powers-that-be will still have to face the voters come next election and the “court of public opinion” might not concur with how the court rules.
Remember, in an open hearing, the public is allowed to witness the proceedings and, for sure, what transpires will be widely reported all over the world.
However, there are a few things they can do to “soften” the blow:
1) Refuse to allow this new Affidavit to be admitted into the hearing. Therefore no one will know about it.
2) Hold the Judicial Review the day the US attacks Iraq. Then the whole world’s focus will be on the US-Iraq war and no one will pay attention to the Anwar trial.
3) Hold the Judicial Review for just five minutes, say that the court has considered the application for a Judicial Review and has found that there are no grounds for one, and then adjourn without further discussion.
The betting counter is now open. Which plan do you think they will adopt?
“It has been brought to my knowledge that, on the 26th of February 2003, one of my counsels, ZainurZakaria, faxed  copies of letters he received from Manjeet Singh Dhillon to Christopher Fernando (another of Anwar’s counsels),” said Anwar in his 14 March 2003 Affidavit.
“The letter sent to Zainur Zakaria  contained an enclosure which is a letter written by Manjeet SinghDhillon to the Chief Justice (the recently retired one) where  Manjeet Singh Dhillon made a formal complaint against Justice Augustine Paul (the trial judge) for improper conduct in the Zainur Zakariacase which occurred during my trial.”
“These two letters were faxed to Fernando as he is my lead counsel in my upcoming appeal (the second, sodomy, conviction) before the Court of Appeal beginning on the 24th of March, 2003, and obviously also because what is stated in those letters affect me and the trial process I was subjected to.”
“This evidence was not available to me during my trial and this evidence is relevant to my case. Such evidence is credible and believable coming from a witness who is a senior and respected Advocate and Solicitor and a former Chairman of the Bar Council. Last but not least, this evidence would have had a decidedly important influence on the outcome of my case.”
Anwar then relates what transpired that would make this incident crucial to his case:
“Manjeet Singh Dhillon was requested by Tan Sri Mohtar Abdullah (the Attorney-General then who has been in a comma since the last few months) to see him before proceedings for the proposed contempt proceedings against himself and Zainur Zakaria began that morning.”
“The request was made through Manjeet’s counsel, Jagjeet Singh.”
“Manjeet reluctantly agreed and met with Tan Sri Mohtar Abdullah. They met at the anteroom at the courthouse in the presence of Datuk Abdul Gani Patail (the Public Prosecutor), Datuk Azhar Mohamad (another of the Prosecutors), and Jagjeet Singh.”
“Upon seeing Manjeet, Tan Sri Mohtar went up and hugged him and turned around and told Abdul Ganiand Azhar that Manjeet was an altruist and apologized to Manjeet for not having done anything on his letter in which he had leveled accusations against the two Prosecutors.”
“Tan Sri Mohtar added that he had not as yet taken this matter up with his officers.”
“Manjeet responded by reminding Tan Sri Mohtar that he had made very serious allegations against his officers and had written to him expecting something to be done but that nothing had been done.”
This letter that they are talking about is the complaint Manjeet sent Tan Sri Mohtar regarding AbdulGani and Azhar attempting to extort fabricated evidence from his (Manjeet’s) client Datuk NallaKaruppan to be used against Anwar in exchange for Nalla’s life.
“Tan Sri Mohtar did not deny or refute Manjeet’s allegations against his officers and both Abdul Ganiand Azhar remained silent.”
Though faced with the prospect of a death sentence if he does not “cooperate”, in September 1998, Datuk Nalla Karuppan made a signed statement denying that Anwar was involved in any sexual improprieties.
During the course of Anwar’s trial, Manjeet and Zainur brought this matter to the attention of the court. However, instead of acting on the information, the judge, Augustine Paul, asked the two lawyers to withdraw the allegation and apologise or else he would hold them in contempt.
When Zainur refused to do so, this angered the judge and, in a move that shocked the entire legal fraternity, he cited Zainur for contempt and sentenced him to three months jail; a most unusual and perplexing move indeed.
“This unusual attitude of the trial court had effectively deprived me of the opportunity of exposing an evil plot against me to secure my conviction by devious means, perpetrated by none other than the two main prosecutors in my case, one of whom is now the Attorney General,” argued Anwar.
Zainur Zakaria subsequently appealed against his contempt conviction and three-month sentence and the Federal Court acquitted him on grounds that there was indeed an attempt to fabricate evidence against Anwar and that Zainur was right in bringing it up.
The question now one needs to ask is, if Zainur was right in bringing this matter up as it was true, how would this affect Anwar’s guilty verdict which, therefore, was obtained based on fabricated evidence?

What is your opinion about gay marriage?

Reiterating its support to the Supreme Court order recriminalizing consensual sex among gay adults, BJP said it favoured the verdict and would not support any “unnatural act”. We have a culture and tradition and this goes against it. One cannot allow a new culture of this kind,that homosexuality was against the established norms of society.  The SC verdict while others, in of-the-record conversations, had appeared sympathetic to the LGBT community’s cause  only bans sexual conduct that goes against the order of nature. A reading down of this law can be that to be born with gay tendencies cannot be against the order of nature. The court does not have to legalize or illegalize such a thing. It is not against the order of nature,”

MUMBAI: It had taken one Facebook post and barely 48 hours to spread the message. On Sunday afternoon, at 3.05pm, groups of men and women wearing black dotted the street nearMatunga’s Maheshwari Garden. Over the next hour, the crowd swelled until hundreds trooping into the garden, armed with banners and chants, to protest the Supreme Court verdict upholding section 377.

But the support rally was not limited to Mumbai. It was part of a global movement to speak out against the Supreme Court’s decision, with similar protests having been planned in other cities, such as Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata, Pune, London, Toronto and New York. Sunday was declared the Global Day of Outrage, and the participants at Matunga spanned ages, nationalities and sexual orientations. There were parents supporting LGBT kids, college students, theatre and film personalities, expats, foreign tourists and activists.

“If expressing love for another human being is considered a crime, I don’t think I know the definition of ‘crime’, said Kala Ramnathan, who was at the rally to support her gay daughter, and protest what she termed an attack on human rights. “Peeping into people’s bedrooms is against even the very basic idea of morality.” Aruna Desai, who was there to support her son, said that deciding how other people should live their lives was something lawmakers had no business interfering in.

“How can you dictate how two people should live? I completely disagree with the judgment.” Desai said.

A Canada-based filmmaker , speaking on the condition of anonymity, said that it was disgraceful to see the world’s largest democracy take such a hugely regressive decision. “If India wants to be considered a leader among nations, it needs to be a leader among human rights as well.” The rights of LGBT people, she said, should not be considered “special” but as natural as those of any other citizen.

“What kind of place are we looking at where the human rights of a community are taken away,” asked scriptwriter Gazal Dhaliwal, who was born a male, but is a woman today, having had sex reassignment surgery. “And, for the BJP president, Rajnath Singh, to say what he said, and that we won’t dent their vote bank… They will soon see that we can make a difference.”

Manvendra Singh Gohil, founder of the Lakshya Trust and known as the first Indian royal to come out as gay, said the huge turnout was heartening. “There is great solidarity within the LGBT movement,” he said. “We may have differences of opinion on many things but at times like these, I’m very proud of how united we are. All we’re asking is our right to live equally like other citizens.”

“Everybody is on the same page-how do we go on from here? More people are realizing that it’s a wider human rights issue,” said Ashok Row Kavi, founder of Humsafar Trust. “There is outrage now, yes, but also a quiet determination.”

NEW DELHI: The ‘Global Day of Rage’ protest atJantar Mantar saw for the first time students in uniform protesting re-criminalization ofhomosexuality in India. More than 50 students, studying in Classes IX to XII at Tagore International School in south Delhi, held placards saying ’377 Quit India’ and ‘no going back’ on Sunday.”If we talk about celebrating diversity in India, this is where we need to start,” said Tanya Bhardwaj, a Class XI student. She said a homosexual need not hide himself or herself. “You don’t need to hide yourself. We are supportive of the person that you are. This is the message that the student community wanted to spread to people today,” said Safina Amin, another student.

The students said that their campaign against re-criminalizing homosexuality stemmed from recent workshops held at their school to create awareness about the LGBT community.

Tagore International School has been holding awareness, sensitization and rights (ASR) campaign for students and teachers of Class IX to XII to create awareness about issues related to the LGBT community in association with CREA-a feminine human rights organization-since August.

They currently have 30 student members in their Vasant Vihar branch and 20 members in the East of Kailash branch, said Shivanee Sen, the program coordinator and assistant counselor at the school. Sen was present at Jantar Mantar with the students.

“It’s not just about being the pioneer. We wanted to do whatever we could to garner support for the rights of the LGBT community,” Sen said.

Another teacher, Ishita Mukherjee, said the experience was an eye-opener. “It is adult, it is consensual, it is private and it is okay; students understand this and it’s amazing to see their sensitivity at such a tender age. We need to give them a platform to drop their inhibitions and be themselves,” she said.

Madhulika Sen, principal, Tagore International School, Vasant Vihar said that there are many myths and concerns about the LGBT community and that the workshops initiated at their school aimed to address those issues. “Students need to be made more aware and need to know their human rights,” she said.liberal opinion that enjoys a virtual monopoly of the airwaves pilloried the Supreme Court for what some feel was its most disgraceful judgment since the infamous Habeas Corpus case of 1976. The decision to overturn the Delhi High Court judgment taking consensual same-sex relationships outside the purview of criminal laws has been viewed as an unacceptable assault on individual freedom and minority rights and even an expression of bigotry. Overcoming fears of a virulent conservative backlash, mainstream politicians have expressed their disappointment at the judgment and happily begun using hitherto unfamiliar shorthand terms such as LGBT.

Indeed, the most striking feature of the furore over the apex court judgment has been the relatively small number of voices denouncing homosexuality as ‘unnatural’ and deviant. This conservative passivity may even have conveyed an impression that India is changing socially and politically at a pace that wasn’t anticipated. Certainly, the generous overuse of ‘alternative’ to describe political euphoria and cultural impatience may even suggest that tradition has given way to post-modernity.

Yet, before urban India is equated with the bohemian quarters of New York and San Francisco, some judgmental restraint may be in order. The righteous indignation against conservative upholders of family values are not as clear cut as may seem from media reports. There are awkward questions that have been glossed over and many loose ends that have been left dangling.

A year ago, a fierce revulsion against the rape and murder of a young woman in Delhi led to Parliament amending the Penal Code and enacting a set of laws that extended the definition of rape and made punishment extremely stringent. It was the force of organized public opinion that drove the changes. Curiously, despite the Supreme Court judgment stating quite categorically that it was the responsibility of Parliament to modify section 377, there seems to be a general aversion to pressuring the law-makers to do their job and bring the criminal law system into the 21st century. Is it because India is bigoted or is there a belief that there are some issues that are best glossed over in silence?

This dichotomy of approach needs to be addressed. Conventionally, it is the job of the legislatures to write laws and for the judiciary to assess their accordance with the Constitution and to interpret them. In recent years, the judiciary has been rightly criticised for over-stepping its mark and encroaching into the domain of both the executive and the legislatures. Yet, we are in the strange situation today of the government seeking to put the onus of legitimising homosexuality on the judges.

Maybe there are larger questions involved. The battle over 377 was not between a brute majoritarianism and a minority demanding inclusion. The list of those who appealed against the Delhi High Court verdict indicates it was a contest between two minorities: religious minorities versus lifestyle minorities. Formidable organizations such as the All India Muslim Personal Law Board and some church bodies based their opposition to gay rights on theology. Liberal promoters of sexual choice on the other hand based the claim of decriminalised citizenship on modernity and scientific evidence. In short, there was a fundamental conflict between the constitutionally-protected rights of minority communities to adhere to faiths that abhor same-sex relationships and the right of gays to live by their own morals. Yet, if absolute libertarianism was to prevail, can the khap panchayats be denied their perverse moral codes?

The answer is yes but only if it is backed by majority will, expressed through Parliament. Harsh as it may sound, it is the moral majority that determines the social consensus.

There is a curious paradox here. On the question of gay rights, liberal India prefers a cosmopolitanism drawn from the contemporary West. At the same time, its endorsement of laws that are nondenominational and non-theological does not extend to support for a common civil code. Despite the Constitution’s Directive Principles, the right of every citizen to be equal before the law is deemed to be majoritarian and therefore unacceptable by the very people who stood up for inclusiveness last week.

For everything that is true of India, the opposite is turning out to be equally true.

Why Najib your crude silent on Abdul Gani Patail and Muhammad Shafee Abdullah


Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and Muhammad Shafee Abdullah  will finally have to  resigned, the operative word being ‘finally’. It has taken the government a lot to reach this point, and the final call was taken apparently because of Rosmah’s push. On the face of it, the decision to make   Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and Muhammad Shafee Abdullah   to resign..by quizing Mahathir’s balls there is much that is disturbing, if not outright shocking about the judgment in Muhammad Shafee Abdullah  as Attorney-General for the appeal on sodomy 2 there is much that is disturbing, if not outright shocking in case. It is not just that the evidence used  is circumstantial at best, but it is in the manner in which speculative conjecture has become bland certitude and airy theories have been taken to be established facts.l

viewed very seriously the alleged tampering The need to evade responsibility both on part of the individuals as well as the government till as long as possible is a part of a larger narrative that goes beyond these instances or indeed this government. It seems to be part of a growing tendency to frame all debates in the vocabulary of the extreme. Demands are conceived of in the extreme, and deadlock prevails till some overwhelming force gets applied. Nothing happens without the intervention when they give direct orders, or the party high command when it exerts direct influence on a subjectIn a complex world, the desire for simple answers that are the result of the use of superior force  is potentially dangerous. For it translates into a desire for seductive forms of clarity and a susceptibility to the shallow symbol.Exploring shaded modes of resolution, staying in intermediate zones of accommodation and negotiation, being comfortable with the idea of give-and-take makes all problems seem intractable.

Sometimes viewed very seriously the alleged tampering  the formidable morphs into the pathetic. For a long time, the Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, with its potent combination of powerful interests seemed to carry such sweeping and overwhelming force that it looked to be above any challenge, criticism or scandal.

Public discourse in that Abdul Gani had gone to Hong Kong to deposit money paid to lose the Pulau Batu Puteh sovereignty case.  appears to be passing through its darkest hour.Then surely the  the Justice Secretary Rimsky Yuen, Hong Kong Public Prosecution Director Keith Yeung and a Hong Kong parliamentarian James To, seeking a collaboration to investigate claims that there was a huge amount of money banked into Gani’s account there  can show us some money trail?  Then the “Why was the decision overturned?” question would become merely a case of administrative decision making, and not corruption. Sure, the authorities would have to reply to the public about why the decision was overturned, but the   would have no case at all.When  Barisan , Pakatan, politicians and public commentators stoop so low as to invoke Adolf Hitler and his despicable Nazi ideology to score political brownie points, it becomes increasingly clear that something is seriously wrong with our polity. Are we truly that devoid of pressing issues that we need to worry about As a nation, we face serious problems that need urgent solutions. Isn’t it shameful that even after 55 years of independence,  our citizens remain perpetually dependent upon to establish any criminal case of corruption, there must be someone charged with giving money and someone with receiving. Who are those people here?

This latest attempt to divert the nation’s attention away from tangible issues is more than apparent. Although some quarters might justify these tactics as fair game  it reeks of political desperation –The stark truth is that  voters  demanding an honest account of how public funds have been squandered over the past decade, and certainly not fanciful analogies that vilify legitimately elected representatives , withthis writer who made the analogy being considered to have lost the argument,largesse to fulfil their most basic needs? What kind of token independence is this? Socioe conomically disadvantaged Malaysians are designed to remain ‘in-dependence’ of Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail – forced to trade their moral  permanent indignity.

PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli said Mat Zain had taken a bold stand in unveiling many issues on corruption in his recent sworn statement and since he had taken a bold stand, his words cannot be taken lightly.Rafizi said that although the statement by Mat Zain was made and circulated one month ago, no concrete action had been announced.

have finally resigned, the operative word being ‘finally’. It has taken the government a lot to reach this point, and the final call was taken apparently because of Rosmah’s push. On the face of it, the decision to make   Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail   to resign..by quizing Mahathir’s balls

“I view very seriously the alleged tampering and corruption elements involved in the handling of the Pulau Batu Puteh case which was lost, involving Gani.

“Elsewhere, it would have turned a country upside down as it is a matter of a country’s territory, but here, it is being taken lightly,” he added.

Rafizi also cited a paragraph from Mat Zain’s statement on the Pulau Batu Puteh issue, which was a quote allegedly said by Umno lawyer Tan Sri Shafee Abdullah to Mat Zain.

“You will not believe your eyes if you were to see the amount of cash that was transferred into Gani’s account in Hong Kong,” Shafee allegedly told Mat Zain.

“As the National Oversight and Whistleblower Centre (NOW Centre) executive director, I have decided to call the Hong Kong authorities for a probe.”

Rafizi said NOW Centre had forged strong ties with Hong Kong authorities during an investigation carried on Sabah Chief Minister Tan Sri Musa Aman in the country last year.

“I will send a report and official request to the Justice Secretary Rimsky Yuen, Hong Kong Public Prosecution Director Keith Yeung and a Hong Kong parliamentarian James To, seeking a collaboration to investigate claims that there was a huge amount of money banked into Gani’s account there.”

Rafizi said that Hong Kong authorities possess the power to investigate monetary transactions in Hong Kong should it be suspected to contain elements of corruption or money laundering.

“I believe that if investigations can be initiated in Hong Kong, the Malaysian government will have no choice but to cooperate on the matter and formulate the necessary steps to temporarily suspend Gani’s services pending the probe,” he said, adding that he would not be handing over any evidence to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on the issue.

“No, I will not pass them anything as they will not budge. I have sent stacks and stacks of information previously but nothing was done.”

“I know that we are not going to see the light of day if the investigation is left to the Malaysian authorities, so we start from elsewhere,” Rafizi told reporters during a press conference today.

PKR will lodge a report with Hong Kong’s famed anti-corruption authorities over graft allegations involving Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail (pic), ratcheting up pressure on the Attorney-General.

The report comes after revelations in a sworn statement by retired Federal Crime Investigation Department (CID) head Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim.

The statement had alleged former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had been told that Abdul Gani had gone to Hong Kong to deposit money paid to lose the Pulau Batu Puteh sovereignty case.

Perhaps the biggest reason why the sentiment around Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and Muhammad Shafee Abdullah    become what it has is the absence of any easy explanation for what happened. The vacuum created by the mystery around the sodomy1 and2 has exerted an inexorable force field which demands that the consuming public’s hunger for an answer be satisfied somehow. The space created by the mystery has been filled in with any number of wild theories, half-baked suppositions and assertions based on empty speculation. The more intractable the mystery, the more open we become to believing that the truth must be something terrible. This is why the Attorney-Genera officel has got away with changing its mind so often, has managed to argue successfully that a key conclusion was a typographical error and presented experts that have modified their statements and passed off speculation as fact. As a result, the mystery has apparently solved with what most agree, is at best a theory but at least it serves the purpose of providing some kind of an explanation. The appetite has been silenced functionally, if not satisfactorilyKhairy to AG: Explain why you gave up on Ling’s case Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail should explain the reasons for not appealing against the acquittal of former transport minister Ling Liong Sik over the Port Klang Free Trade Zone (PKFZ) fiasco, said Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin.Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail should be … Read more

MCA need to win on own before be more forceful and tell Umno their mistakes


MCA did badly in the 2008 general election, where its inability to check Umno saw the Chinese-based party winning only 15 federal and 32 state seats.

In this year’s general election, the party fared worse with only seven parliamentary and 11 state seats to show.

“We have to do what the Chinese community wants and not what we think we want.

Come party  elections MCA ‘s existential dilemma gets more pronounced. The party, founded on the  Chinese chauvinist  ideologyideology, has failed to come to terms with the changing political narrative in recent years. when they tried to do what was seen as course correction.   feudal mindset. It believes in the mai-baap nature of the government, where citizens fold their hands and wait for the rulers to be benevolen Ong Tee Keat was stripped off the party’s presidency, courtesy pressures from the UMNO,  Another opportunistic politician who used the pkfz issue to make it look as though he was an anti corruption politician! He was defeated by members in a party that preferred a porn star.In a malay polity the various races should abide by the culture and norms of the land ie the malay language, malay customs and adat for unity. The other races can practise their faith, culture and customs without hindrance. Mutual respect and tolerance is the key. In this regard MCA has done well to represent chinese interest within a malay socio politico setting. Unlike the DAP which continuously harp on chinese rights and find fault with the establishment without proferring concrete solutions taking into account the various races. The DAP also cannot keep their house in order and dubiously portray a just and equal society when they cannot even live up to their principles. Here I tend to agree more with Happy Malaysian than the self righteous  On your toes.

“If I were to team up with somebody and I ask my supporters to vote for him and he does not reciprocate, it will create a lot of bad blood among individual leaders after the election.

“This will also contribute to the so-called internal conflict. I am not at all amused, and do not want to get involved in aggravating the factional politics that is deeply entrenched in MCA,” he said.

Tee Keat does not want to confront factional politics pigs   these MCA pigs are only good for the slaughter houseMCA PIGS  IS THE MOST SHAMELESS ANIMAL

that members were unhappy with a “peace deal” hatched between Dr Chua and Liow to ensure a smooth leadership transition after the 64-year-old party was rocked by bickering between the two a few months ago.

Under the plan, Liow and Wee will be the party’s number one and two, while two leaders each from Dr Chua and Liow’s camp will be vice-presidents.

For Dr Chua’s camp, they are Tee Yong and Lee, while the ones from Liow’s faction are Chew and former Higher Education deputy minister Datuk Dr Hou Kok Chung.

As for the CC, Dr Chua’s camp will get 13 members and Liow’s faction will get 12.

“Not everyone is for the plan. At the moment, I do not see how it will materialise although the purpose is to unite the party.

“Liow and Dr Chua must come out in the open and explain how the plan is going to work,” Kong had said.

Regardless who wins the MCA polls on Saturday, they will have a tough time wooing back the support of the Chinese community it professes to represent.

The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is the only animal that invites its friends to have sex with its mate. It feels no jealousy. And among people who consume pork, the practice of wife swapping and other forms of promiscuous behaviour is common
The MCA delegates were not “rubber stamps”, he said, adding that they would not obediently vote for the candidates just because they had teamed up.

Furthermore, Ong said, such practices would only promote factional politics and hurt the party.

“If I were to team up with somebody and I ask my supporters to vote for him and he does not reciprocate, it will create a lot of bad blood among individual leaders after the election.

“This will also contribute to the so-called internal conflict. I am not at all amused, and do not want to get involved in aggravating the factional politics that is deeply entrenched in MCA,” he said.

‘I’ll work with my opponents’

Despite his ouster as president in 2010 following a protracted conflict with his then deputy president Dr Chua Soi Lek, Ong stressed that he would be able to work with any faction this time round, if he won.

ong tee keat reveil manifesto 141213 03Even though the turnout of Ong’s supporters today was modest, they were nonetheless spirited, with one supporter standing up to chastise a peace deal brokered between Liow and outgoing president Chua.

The deal will see the factions aligned to Chua and Liow backing two candidates each from their respective groups for vice-presidenial posts.

They also agreed on Chua’s faction taking 13 slots in the central committee with 12 for Liow’s.

This deal does not include the positions of president and deputy president.

“Chua, on the front page of The Star, said Liow Tiong Lai is weak, indecisive and not a fighter. So why is Chua now reaching out to Liow?,” asked supporter Tan Foong Luen, from the Seremban MCA division.

Ong said the party needed to deal with the anti-MCA sentiments that have lingered on till now, over six months after the last general election.

“MCA needs to be more forceful and tell Umno their mistakes.

“We are not encroaching on to their territory but there must be a win-win situation,”

Sins call for atonement, crimes must be punished. And what better, if such redemption can be detached from those really culpable and outsourced to some dumb creature that cannot complain? This was the idea behind the Biblical practice of casting a goat into the wilderness after ascribing all manner of ills and improvidence to it. Many virtues extolled by religion have waned over time; scapegoats have thrived.

Right now, Barisan really needs some scapegoats, big, healthy ones. We list a few suggestions for the high command’s consideration.

Barisan  government has stressed that it “does not deny” that crime, corruption and tax evasion led to the outflow RM173.84 billion in 2011.That there would be corruption in the government is perfectly understandable (how else are parties supposed to mobilise the fortunes they need to function?), but did he even make an attempt to speak up in defence of the government when accused of assorted scams? Nowa scam in public perception, instead of the genuine revolution – which has spread to the remotest corners of the land, empowered people and raised productivity and economic growth – that deserves to be celebrated.Despite numerous scandalous revelations, former transport minister Dr Ling Liong Sik is of the opinion that the government was right in its decision to set up the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ).Ling, a former MCA president, justified his stance by saying that PKFZ was now doing very well.

The real problem is the Congress party’s degeneration into a bunch of powerbrokers that has completely forgotten the political party’s primal role, of empowering the people, of mediating between the people and the state. Only leaders and power matter for the party, the people have fallen off its map, except as voters who have to be managed with handouts, identity politics and poll-eve temptations.

This is why it stands devoid of any organic emancipatory imagination of its own and its government needs an external brain graft in the form of a  MCA National Advisory Council.

Implications of  Chinese leaderes inBNhad hatched an elaborate   plan to bribe everyone, from cops to doctors to even judicial officers  so that he would BN leaders  not be convicted

I won’t mince my words.http://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com

Imam Khomeini perjuang menumbangkan regim Syah Iran, kata Ibrahim Ali. Gambar fail.


Implications of Chinese Bigotry is an Chinese essence. One doesn’t need historian Herbert George Wells to divulge the details. A cursory glance in the past will highlight the present.

Everyone knows of similar communal conflagrates that follow till today. Who is the final beneficiary?

Perkasa and other Melayu NGO press conference on Archbishop Joseph Marino on 'Kalimah Allah' being use by Christian in this file pic. – Picture by Choo Choy May

Over the last 3 decades, the power people in  Malaysia have emerged from mostly faceless people writing  star out of people. Which in a way says it all – media stars were not faces, and as a result, they lacked the popular adulation It kind of evolved over time, especially with the proliferation of news channels, where newsreaders started getting delusions of grandeur, and soon felt that they were the news, and they made the news, of which they did a damn good job too, and so faces became more important than content. The new behind the scenes puppet masters, whose faces seldom if ever come up on the screen directly, were no longer the editors, it was the era of the perception managers – now vying for space and control with the lobbyists As things stand now,

Enough is clearly enough. The anger we saw spill out on the streets of Kuala Lumpur was an organic act of intensely felt outrage. A spontaneous movement without any leaders or political affiliation, it is a sign that something has finally given way. The idea of living in constant fear, and having to make do with the platitudes of those in charge is no longer going to be met with stoic indifference.Can an election ever throw up the right candidate? Or to put it more moderately, is an election the mechanism best suited to throw up representatives that will strive to work for their constituents and attempt to better their life? Are there in-built into the electoral process, a set of imperatives that help pre-determine one kind of outcome, irrespective of the quality of the candidates?

The country has the longest list of goddesses and yet not very many days back had thrown fresh widows to the fire. This is a country where wine and warmth walk hand in hand with thirst and cold. This is the birth place of ambiguity where veiled idealism and virulent prejudice are one and the same expression. We have thrown the entire palette of criminal colors on his or her face? What mawkish moral justice is demonstrated when one completely shuts off visibility? Who exactly are these men and women stalking the corridors of  power


EXCLUSIVE Crime, corruption and tax evasion – the hemorrhaging of billions of ringgit in dirty money from Malaysia, one of the world’s top countries in illicit capital flight, continues unabated.


Furthermore, Ong said, such practices would only promote factional politics and hurt the party.

‘MCA members barred’

“A few days ago there was an incident in the Federal Territory, where a Chinese restaurant put up a sign banning patrons wearing the MCA uniform.

“Of course we feel offended and humiliated… but at the same time, we should also reflect sincerely on the matter and do soul-searching on what went wrong,” he said.

Ong, who had also invited the incumbent MCA president Chua and his deputy Liow to the manifesto launch, said he regretted their absence.

“My invitation to them was simply to enable the party leadership to have first hand information on the public feedback (in the manifesto),” he said.

Ever heard of gentrification? Those pigs do not, wait till China gets the Boars crossbred with humans then send an army of PC Pig-human hybrids to sue Muslims and their beliefs for the insult. Who knows maybe a state of ‘Pigsrael’ (Introducing the : Khinzirim!!!) will be created beside their most hated enemies by Pig-Boar-human hybrids?
Lets say we keep an open mind and go along with the pig creation story. But IF the pig does not eat rubbish the nature of the pig cannot be fully realised or transferred to the consumers.
This sort of comment is as inaccurate as the Hindus or Taoists saying that Muslims are damned because they eat beef, even properly domesticated cattle. If this is just trying to insult other peoples dietary habits, you are shaming Muslims instead by this sort of post. Live and let live, we each have out own districts etc.. so why attack pork eating? Quite offensive especially when the rationale is not even logical or accurately applicable.
Finally please don’t go ‘China babi, China bodoh,’ you don’t know how primitive that sounds, don’t even have to be Malay to cringe in embarrassment FOR the Muslims who talk like that, if trying to provoke a food fight, then total fail, we’re too civilised .Prior to attempting any genuine critique of UMNO, it becomes imperative to substantiate the same with either empirical facts or hard evidence. Even so, in tune with the liberal tenets of our Constitution, UMNO does not object to genuine criticism of its judgment in Islam. However, scurrilous attacks and comments attributing motives to decisions are absolutely unacceptable. These exceptions are reasonable and essential to preserve the sanctity ofits’ that flow . Commentators must understand that the scope of their criticism ought to be restricted to decisions itself – and not the personal characteristics of its leaders .  The simple fact of the matter, is that the politicians is supposed to be, and thankfully is, scrupulously apolitical.  Islam is not in the race to win a popularity contest Change they say is the only constant in life. Some minor, some life altering while some leave a lingering aftertaste. Taking a leaf from PASi’s philosophy, attention was the appeal to youth to spin the spindle and have an experience in meditation while spinning.It is clear that the changing situation in Malaysia needs a fresh approach. Rampant corruption, failing economy and spiralling inflation are enough to defeat  UMNO in the next election but PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang  has kicked unnecessary debate such a strategy was not a new thing as such scenarios had existed for thousands of years.“Muslims in our country were shocked by a string of attacks in relation to Islam being the official religion of the country.Undoubtedly, today’s  PAS is not the one which fought for Islam in Malaysia. PAS version of islam flourished in KELANTAN under PAS. The pluralistic society of  Malaysia flourished under UMNO.One unified  Malaysia, the other gave a socio-economic direction. readmorehttp://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2013/11/23/hypocrite-pas-diversion-stop-blaming-umno-dont-confuse-your-compassion-with-your-weakness/

Sexual harassment case: Pressure mounts on Justice Ganguly to resign


Sexual harassment case: Pressure mounts on Justice Ganguly to resign

Excerpts of an affidavit by a law intern, who accused ex-SC judge AK Ganguly of sexual harassment, have been made public by additional solicitor general Indira Jaising.

Excerpts of an affidavit by a law intern, who has accused former Supreme Court judge AK Ganguly of sexual harassment, have been made public in an unusual step by additional solicitor general Indira Jaising, sparking off fresh demands for his resignation as chairman of the West Bengal Human Rights Commission (WBHRC).

In her affidavit to a three-judge panel set up by Chief Justice of India P Sathasivam to go into her allegation that Justice Ganguly had sexually harassed her in a hotel room on December 24 last year, the intern has described in detail his alleged behaviour when she had gone to assist him in his work.

Justice Ganguly has strongly denied the allegations and refused to step down as WBHRC chief.

Jaising said on Monday that she had made the excerpts public with the “full support” of the intern and If Justice Ganguly refused to resign, then the process should be initiated for his removal by the President of India. She has written to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in this regard.

The ASG said she would like to state “very unambiguously that whatever I am doing, I am doing with her (intern’s) complete cooperation and keeping her in the loop and I would never ever make a document like this public unless I had her full support”.

She was responding to a question whether she should have gone public with the excerpts when the intern herself has chosen not to do so and neither has she filed a police complaint in this regard.

The intern had given her statement to the apex court panel besides giving to it affidavits of witnesses to whom she had spoken immediately after the incident.

The panel had video-recorded Justice Ganguly’s statement in which he denied the allegation of any sexual harassment.

However, the panel had indicted him by holding that the statement of the intern, both written and oral, had prima facie disclosed “an act of unwelcome behaviour (unwelcome verbal/non-verbal conduct of sexual nature)” by Justice Ganguly with her in the Le Meridien hotel room approximately between 8pm and 10.30pm.

In her affidavit, the intern stated that the judge had called her to the hotel room on Christmas eve to complete a report relating to the All India Football Federation.

“The judge informed me that the AIFF report had to be submitted the next morning and asked me to stay at the hotel and work all night. I declined and told him that I had to finish the work quickly and return to the PG accommodation,” Jaising quoted from the intern’s statement.

At one stage, the judge took out a bottle of red wine. “He also said that since I had had a long day, I should go into his bed room and relax while drinking some wine”, the intern said.

The intern said she felt uneasy, unsettled and disturbed by the judge’s suggestion.

“You are very beautiful,” the judge told her. “I immediately rose from my seat, but before I had a chance to respond to the statement, he caught hold of my arm, saying, “you know that I am attracted to you, don’t you? … but I really like you, I love you. When I tried to move away, he kissed my arm and repeated that he loved me,” the intern said.

As pressure mounted on Justice Ganguly to resign, law minister Kapil Sibal said he was waiting to see when the apex court “rises to the occasion” to deal with the issue.

“Waiting to see when and how the Supreme Court rises to the occasion to deal with Justice Ganguly,” Sibal tweeted.

His remarks on the microblogging site came days after he questioned the decision of the Supreme Court of not taking further action against Justice Ganguly just because he has retired, saying the issue cannot be “brushed under the carpet”.

The allegation against Justice Ganguly was raised in Parliament on Friday with the BJP and theTrinamool Congress demanding his removal as chairman of West Bengal rights panel, saying on ethical grounds he should have resigned by now.

West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee, who had chosen Justice Ganguly as the chairman of WBHRC after coming to power in 2011, has written twice to President Pranab Mukherjee seeking strong action against the former judge.

Samajwadi Party leader Naresh Agarwal said law must be equal for all. “Why cannot a case be filed against the judge? If cases can be filed against politicians and journalists, why not Justice ganguly ? he asked.

CPI leader D Raja stressed that Justice Ganguly should quit from his constitutional position.

“It is better to uphold the judicial prudence and the value in public life. Mr Ganguly has to go,” he said.



Mahathir’s  productions with AR Rahman music in the late 1990′s launched its grand drama known as ‘Anwar Ibrahim and the Charge of Sodomy’, which failed spectacularly in the media, society and courtrooms. A pre-launch review explains why  Mahathir’s sequel has all the trappings of an equally spectacular failure.

Attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail  who enjoys a virtual monopoly of the office Attorney-general pilloried the Anwar sodomy trial:  for what some feel was its most disgraceful judgment  If there is a single phrase that defines the ethos of a judiciary that was built on the counterfeit  to flaunt the grandeur of political power, it is the imperious assertion by the few to the many: “Don’t you know who I am?”The ‘crime’ was despicable enough; even more sordid was the attempted management of its inevitable fallout. For some, the veneer of religiosity was a cover for preying on  for others, a damaging charge of  can be debunked as a political frame-up.

You laid down the charge, you decided what can be admitted as evidence, what cannot, you decided who testified and who need not testify. You decided what medical evidence can and what cannot be given to the defense, which is most bizarre!

At the end of the day, the learned judge decided, there was not enough evidence, and acquitted the accused! What else is there to appeal except that this is, I mean, literally, the acquittal was just , but, another political sandiwara?

The country cannot afford another bout of frivolous charges, the country cannot afford the already “tainted” judiciary to make itself the focus point of the world! The whole case had tarnished the image of Malaysia further, and reportedly we were said to be worse than Burma! Just think of “Correct, Correct, Correct” and now when the judiciary is seen to be moving towards a slow slow “reformation”, we have this “appeal” sandiwara again!


The prosecuting team recommend.Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah  that an appeal be filed against Monday’s High Court decision to acquit Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from a charge of sodomising his former aide.Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahimhas accused Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah of taking the deputy public prosecutor’s (DPP) role in his sodomy appeal, in the hopes of becoming the next… READ MORE

Human Rights Watch has released the following statement found here. (Corrected July 15, 2009) Government Pre-Trial Maneuvers Show Political Motivations (New York, July 13, 2009) – The Malaysian government should immediately drop politically motivated criminal charges against opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, Human Rights Watch said today. – See more at:

Mahathir’s  productions in the late 1990′s launched its grand drama known as ‘Anwar Ibrahim and the Charge of Sodomy’, which failed spectacularly in the media, society and courtrooms. A pre-launch review explains why  Mahathir’s sequel has all the trappings of an equally spectacular failure.


  • Anwar sodomy trial: As Commissioner of Law Revision, Abdul Gani was chosen to lead the prosecution against Anwar Ibrahim‘s corruption and sodomy trial in 1998. Anwar was sentenced to a combined 15 years in prison for corruption and sodomy in April 1999 and August 2000respectively.
Both Abdul Gani and Asst. Commissioner of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassanwere accused by Anwar of fabricating evidence against him during the trial, in particular introducing a medical report that suggested that Anwar’s black-eye sustained from beatings in prison were self-inflicted.[4] His claims have been backed by former Kuala Lumpur CID Chief, Mat Zain Ibrahim, who investigated the ‘black eye’ incident.[5] In an open letter to Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar on 28 March 2011, Mat Zain also alleged that Abdul Gani had falsified evidence, including DNA evidence, in the probe against Anwar for his first sodomy trial.[1]
In 2008Anwar Ibrahim filed a police report against Gani and ACP Musa Hassan. The accusations of fabrication and misconduct on the part of Gani and Musa were, however, dismissed by a 3-member committee comprising retired judges formed by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). It was reported that in a meeting held on 10 August 2013 between:
held at Mahathir’s residence in Country HeightsKajang, the three agreed that the appointment of theMalaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) committee to clear Gani and Musa was illegal.[6]
  • Port Klang Free Zone Scandal: On 9 November 2013DAP chairman Karpal Singh said that the Attorney-General’s Chambers must explain why it did not file an appeal against former Transport Minister Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik‘s acquittal of cheating charges in the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal. He pointed out that an appeal should have been filed by Gani. “Unfortunately that is the AG’s prerogative. But the AG has to give an explanation. It is insufficient to leave the matter as it is. The case should also not end with the acquittal. There must be an inquiry into the colossal losses incurred in the PKFZ,” Karpal added. (The 14-day deadline for the prosecution to file an appeal against the court’s decision expired on November 8.)

Now replay JUBOQ SAIFOOL A NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah   NEED TO BE DEFENDED TO APPEAL SODOMY ACQUITTALTan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and Muhammad Shafee Abdullah  will finally have to  resigned, the operative word being ‘finally’. It has taken the government a lot to reach this point, and the final call was taken apparently because of Rosmah’s push. On the face of it, the decision to make   Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and Muhammad Shafee … Read more http://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2012/01/12/juboq-saifool-a-national-security-issue-need-to-be-defended-prosecutors-to-ask-a-g-to-appeal-sodomy-acquittal/



Najib’s criminal conspiracy of silence? Defying National Outrage


Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor (pic) was today honoured with the ‘Global Inspirational Leadership’ award at the Africa-Middle East-Asia Amazons Awards Gala in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The event organiser, Centre for Economic and Leadership Leadership (CELD), said the award was in recognition of the high commitment, role and initiatives of the Malaysian prime minister’s wife that had given an impact on women and children’s development.

According to the statement, Rosmah also received congressional commendation from the Senate of the US State of Georgia which was conveyed by the delegation from Georgia.

Rosmah could not attend the awards presentation ceremony as she has to accompany Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak who will be attending the Malaysia-Indonesia Annual Consultation scheduled for Thursday in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The Malaysian consul general in Dubai, Datuk Ahmad Fadil Shamsuddin, received the award on her behalf.

Rosmah, through the statement, said the recognition would be a strong motivation for her to continue with her efforts. – Bernama, December 18, 2013.

 Can Najib do that. Is he himself so clean?” Abdul Gani Patail Muhammad Shafee Abdullah ;common aspirations Kepala Batas MP Reezal Merican points out that the BN gov’t had promised in its election manifesto to reduce National Outrage a deal was struck. Najib should not make promises that can’t be fulfilled Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s approval rating had dropped to 52 percent following a series of drastic subsidy cuts that had led to higher cost of living. Najib I hope you are reading this and pl take note of readers comments.You are the captain of a ship in the midddle of the ocean in the midst of a massive hurricane. Take charge and be as the true captain. If the captain spends all the time playing cards gambling away then the ship will end up a disaster. Are you truly manning the ship and maintaining its command ?. I see that you have left the nation on auto mpilot most of the time. Most of the time you make yourself irrelevant by jet setting to far away countries. The end result is absolutely nil. That is not how you absolve yourself from shouldering responsibilities. How many times have you attended parliament in person. Pl ask yourself. See how the UK parliament session is conducted and the PM is present at all hearings. that is taking charge and taking responsibility. Pl note. It is because you the PM is never present in parliament that the BN MP’s often seen behaving so badly. They shout and scream showing zero intelligence . Najib’s approval rating would be even lower once the price hike and increase in toll rate is implemented in early 2014 and when the GST is implemented in April 2015 when the people directly experience and suffer the full impact of the price hike in their daily!! By now, most people have realized that the cause of the hike is due to an inept, wasteful Najib said yesterday that he is not a popularist PM ,Najib’s approval rating would be even lower once the price hike and increase in toll rate is implemented in early 2014 and when the GST is implemented in April 2015 when the people directly experience and suffer the full impact of the price hike in their daily!! By now, most people have realized that the cause of the hike is due to an inept, wasteful  he will do what needs to be done. He has to look after Rossie , so who cares about you lot.’s a person with no character and no personality. He has no philosophy, principles, motto, vision or mission. He does not say what he means and he does not mean what he says. He beats around the bush. He doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going. He goes all over the place. He’s the best Prime Minister for Malaysia because he presides over a weak Government which we need to shrink to no Government.

What kind of deal or game are the trio of Gani, Shafee and Ramli playing before the public eyes now?Does this mean that by Ramli agreeing to file a false affidavit in this case, his claims would be settled?

Former police chief Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim made another police report today, over the Deputy Public Prosecutor’s (DPP) inaction in issuing a directive to probe an earlier complaint made Sunday.Mat Zain filed the report at the the Hulu Langat police station.

The former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigations Department chief was to be interviewed at the Putrajaya police station today over his complaint against Attorney General (AG) Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, claiming that Gani was involved in a criminal conspiracy.Mat Zain arrived at the station at 9.30am and met assistant superintendent Irwan Saimi to have his statement recorded.

MP Reezal Merican have stated about this suit very briefly in paragraph 55 (h) of my statutory declaration (SD) affirmed on October 7, 2013. If this is not a criminal conspiracy to fleece the government of RM128.5 million of public funds,then what is?

Najib Inc is mired in a cess-pool of  irrational protection  of  Abdul Gani Patail fractured as it is by  you Najib   . The writing on the wall is clear: there is an urgent need for a significant change in policy conceptualisation and implementation  that which will destroy you  no  it only makes you Najib stronger, by having been tested and having passed the test , by Defying National Outrage this is true of  you recriminalising of  judiciary has  provoked outrage against you  the storm of protest that  kicking – kicking retrogressive butt, and kicking it hard.

Before the interview began, Mat Zain asked several questions:”I wanted to know whether the Order to Investigate (OTI) had been issued by the deputy public prosecutor.

“Irwan told me that the OTI had not been given.”

Mat Zain then decided that he did not want to have his statement recorded as he was not protected by any law if he consented to the interview.

He qualified his decision with a verbal promise that he was ready to present himself anytime at IPD Putrajaya once police had received the OTI.

“I am very suspicious at the delay by the DPP in issuing the OTI so that police will be able to carry out a full investigation into the report I had lodged on Sunday,” Mat Zain said.

“This is a high profile case which has drawn massive publicity and public interest. During my time as the city CID chief, the OTI can be obtained from the DPP or AG with just a phone call.”

This included the time when police were investigating former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former AG Tan Sri Mohtar Abdullah in the late 1990s, he said.

Mat Zain added that he had grounds to believe Gani was attempting to block police from conducting a full investigation into the report which he had lodged on Sunday.

“Abdul Gani is worried that the exposure of his previous crimes would be detrimental to himself and those connected to him,” Mat Zain said.

“I have reason to believe that Abdul Gani had reached an agreement with Muhammad Shafee to use the latter’s affidavit despite the document containing false information.”

Mat Zain lodged a police report against Shafee on Sunday, claiming that the Umno senior lawyer’s affidavit to the Court of Appeal contained inaccuracies, an offence under the law.

Shafee had filed the affidavit at the Court of Appeal last week in response to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s second application to disqualify the lawyer from representing Putrajaya as the lead.

Shafee was appointed as the lead DPP in Putrajaya’s appeal against Anwar’s acquittal on the second sodomy charge.

PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim has questioned why police have yet to haul up other actors mentioned in the statutory declaration made by former top cop Mat Zain Ibrahim.

Please login to read full story.‘Why AG, Shafee not questioned over Mat Zain SD?’

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, who is facing an appeal against his Sodomy II acquittal and is applying to disqualify Muhammad Shafee Abdullah from leading the prosecution in the appeal, has pointed out inconsistencies in the senior lawyer’s affidavit-in-reply.readnore Anwar says Shafee lied in his affidavit

The de facto PKR leader and MP for Permatang Pauh also claimed that it was “the known ambition” of Shafee that he wants to be the next attorney-general.

Many people may not realise that the affidavits affirmed by Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah and Datuk Ramli Yusoff, which are the subject of my police report last Sunday, were filed in court by the Attorney General’s Chambers.

Quite simply, what I am saying here is that the full contents of both the affidavits have been vetted, scrutinised and cleared for filing by the Chambers.

The people must also be told that on or about November 1, Ramli had filed a suit against Abdul Gani Patail, Musa Hassan and several others including the government, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and the police claiming damages totalling RM128.5 million.

And the person who advised and encouraged Ramli to use the black-eye incident evidence as the main cause of action of the suit was none other than Shafee.

Incidentally, Shafee is also the person whom I’ve alleged in my report to have concealed material evidence against Gani and Musa which Shafee received from me on September 24, 2013.

Now, against this backdrop, Gani must explain how could he have allowed both Shafee’s and Ramli’s false affidavits to be filed in court through the AG’s Chambers? Especially Ramli’s, unless a deal was struck.

What kind of deal or game are the trio of Gani, Shafee and Ramli playing before the public eyes now?

Does this mean that by Ramli agreeing to file a false affidavit in this case, his claims would be settled?

I have stated about this suit very briefly in paragraph 55 (h) of my statutory declaration (SD) affirmed on October 7, 2013. If this is not a criminal conspiracy to fleece the government of RM128.5 million of public funds,then what is?

As the AG who appointed Shafee, Gani should not have allowed the latter to make whatever affidavit he thinks fit, nor can the AG escape the responsibility of careful investigation or supervision over any affidavits that was filed in courts through his Chambers.

If Shafee has made a typo error or whatever error or misquoted a date, then he must be made to correct it by affirming another affidavit.

The AG surely remember when the Prime Minister himself, in his affidavit dated September 21, 2011, misquoted the date Saiful Bukhari met the then Deputy Prime Minister at his residence stating it as June 26, 2011, the PM was forced to affirm another affidavit on September 23, 2011, to correct the error to June 26, 2008.

Certainly the date August 1, 2013, quoted by Shafee in paragraph 7(q)(ii) was still within the month of Ramadan and not already the third day of Hari Raya when I was brought to meet Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Shafee should be made to correct it. If the PM has to make the correction through affirming another affidavit, who is Shafee to be exempted?.

If Shafee will not give the information which the AG is entitled to, or if Shafee insists on swearing an affidavit which the AG knows to be imperfect, then in order to protect the good name of the office of the Attorney General’s Chambers and the government, he should have terminated Shafee’s appointment as the lead prosecutor instantly.

Now that the AG have discovered Shafee’s affidavit to be false, or at the very least accepts that there are strong grounds to suspect that the senior lawyer’s affidavit is false, after testing it against my police report about the matter, the AG owes a duty to the court in putting the matter right at the earliest moment.

Should the AG chooses to remain silent nor willing to take any action,then he and the entire AG’s Chambers must bear the responsibility and consequences for filing false affidavits which was affirmed by Shafee and Ramli, and for allowing the affidavits to be used in the Court of Appeal proceeding.

The AG must be mindful of the fact that the punishment for abetting in the making of a false affidavit and/or allowing it to be used in a judicial proceeding is the same as making and using it himself.

Being the chief legal adviser to the government, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Cabinet, the AG owes a duty to the court to facilitate the police to conduct an in-depth investigation over the report against Shafee in particular, as well as Ramli, for making and using false affidavits, which is a crime against public justice, as defined in the Penal Code, even to the extent of putting on hold the Court of Appeal proceedings.

As the AG, he must not allow any false evidence or material to be tendered at any level of a judicial proceeding, otherwise he deserved to be brought before a tribunal as provided for under the Federal Constitution.

Even as it is now, Gani seems to be unable to properly discharge the functions of his office and this is certainly not good for the country. The PM must step in and take command of the situation right away.

In the likely event that Gani still allows both Shafee’s and Ramli’s affidavits to continue being used in the current Court of Appeal hearing, knowing them to contain false averments, then we can safely deduced that it was the same Gani who in spite of knowing that the controversial Pulau Batu Puteh photograph taken from an anonymous blog was concocted, still continued to present it during the Court of International Justice (ICJ) proceedings

Malaysian Insiders Putrajaya’s Czars of the year Abdul Wahid Omar and Khalid Abu Bakar


Voters rises to reply to Harassed now, will complain later!  have to bearthe  increase in the cost of living

There will of course be fiscal consequences. But you can fiddle with the budget figures to hide the real impact. For instance, actual payments for the spending spree can be postponed beyond  shifting the fiscal consequences to the  financial years.This will not fool economists or big foreign investors. But so what? Any fiscal problems that arise will be somebody else’s problem after the general election. Why not go for broke, and announce a raft of populist schemes with a flourish? After all, desperate situations warrant desperate measures.

PM was populist pre-GE, but not now Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim agreed with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s claim that the latter impose policies that are “not populist  the current industry landscape with its neighbouring countries is rather similar. However, no news of an increase in tariff from our neighbouring countries has emerged from escalating energy prices worldwide. In fact, 90% of Singapore’s power generation is from natural gas.

Is TNB being less efficient than our neighbouring state-owned utility companies?

Najib should ditch desperate populism before 2018 elections  try to recover ground before the general election in May 2018?Umno MP reminds gov’t of GE13 promise BN’s Kepala Batas MP Reezal Merican Naina Merican today reminded the government to keep to the “spirit of its promises” over  increase in the cost of living  pointing out that the BN government had promised in its election manifesto

Is there a conspiracy of silence in the  media? media pride themselves on being both free and fair, a self-congratulatory pat on the back which more often than not is well-deserved.  TV anchors are particularly outspoken – some would say strident – in righteously denouncing all manner of foul play.

The year 2013 is coming to a close. An important poll battle has just ended There is much talk and controversy about appointing Abdul Wahid Omar is Putrajaya’s economic Czar and Khalid Abu Bakar  would have been decided. democracy is vibrant enough to withstand both coercion and bribery the media have been loud and clear about government corruption, crimes against women and other derailments of the rule of law and order and the delivery of justice.

So why this silence about media’s alleged conspiracy of silence about the

Post election, almost on a monthly basis, the rakyat is assailed with   price increase for essential needs. Every possible basic needs – food, services, water, toll, petrol is being considered for a price increase. The latest in a series of price hike is the electricity tariff.Why do the Malaysians have to bear the burden of rising electricity prices? mainstream media, breaking the sounds of dubious silence with irrepressible electronic chatter which brooks no censorship either state-imposed or self-imposed.

“We do not know how true the call is but we have taken proactive measures by lodging a police report on the attempt after spotting the banners and posters shared and distributed on the Internet and news portals,” Khalid told reporters at the police headquarters in Kuala Lumpur today.A coalition of student activists and youth groups under a movement dubbed ‘Turun’ has called for a rally on New Year’s Eve to protest against the government’s move to hike prices of essential goods and services.

He cited Section 124 of the Panel Code for activity detrimental to parliamentary democracy and under SOSMA (Security Offences (Special Measures) Act.

If found guilty, a person charged under this offence can be jailed for a maximum of 15 years.

He was responding to banners and posters on the social media urging people to attend a gathering on December 31 called “Himpunan Guling Kerajaan” (Rally to Topple the Government). The posters did not state the names of the organisers.khalid is pressing the panic button so soon? Or is he just sparring with an imaginary enemy to justify mass detention without trial?
It won’t be another 4 more years to GE 14, that is when the goofy gomen will be toppledlegally via the ballot box.

Khalid urged the person whose face appeared on one of the banners to come forward.


Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar (pic) has warned against a planned gathering on New Year’s eve at Dataran Merdeka, saying it was a national threat.particularly food inflation, and black money. The demand was to stop corruption, bring down prices, particularly of food articles, and take steps to bring back to the country money stashed in tax havens overseas. but Our undergraduates are very conscious on the impact of price hike on Rakyat but UMNO grandmaster wants to save his neck for his mistakes and poor leadership by price hike.

The Umno Youth have criticised Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar for telling road users to use other routes if they are upset with the proposed highway toll hike, saying his remarks were insensitive.

The proposed toll hike for 13 highways, mostly in Selangor, comes at the back of possible public transport fare increase, a 15% rise in electricity tariffs and higher assessment rates for Kuala Lumpur properties, fuelling anger among working Malaysians.

Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin earlier today said the series of price hikes for services by government firms and others will affect most Malaysians and must be discussed in the Cabinet.

“We do not agree with what he said. He should be more careful with what he says.

Motorists upset with the proposed highway toll hike can use other routes, although highway concessionaires will adjust rates according to traffic volume, Putrajaya’s economic czar Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar (pic) said today.

“We provide alternative routes for those willing to pay a premium. For those who think the rate is too high, they have the option not to use the route,” the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department said in Putrajaya today.

Media reports had said that the toll increase would likely be between 30 sen and RM1, involving 13 highways mainly in the Klang Valley.Abdul Wahid said concessionaires were required to conduct viability studies to ascertain if users were receptive to the proposed new toll rates prior to implementation.

“These projects are proposed and done by the private sector and government would determine based on the need, since we have to consider improving infrastructure at lower costs,” he added.

The minister tasked with economic matters said that PLUS, the country’s largest highway operator, has an agreement to maintain toll rates till 2015.

“With PLUS for example, there was a chance to lengthen the concession period and maintain the toll rates till 2015 and so we did that,” Abdul Wahid said.

He also said that the proposed new rates are based on traffic volume.

The minister had told the press last week that the toll rate hike was unavoidable as it was an express condition in the concession agreement between the Government and highway concessionaires.

Abdul Wahid had said the toll rate should have been revised in 2011, as stated in the concession agreement.

“However, the rate was maintained, but the government had to fork out RM400 million in compensation from taxpayers’ money, which could have been used for other purposes.”

DAP lawmaker Gobind Singh Deo had said that any agreement which has an impact on the people, like concession agreements, should contain clauses to give Putrajaya the right to control toll rates.

“This includes the right to reduce toll charges where it is shown that the volume of traffic on that highway has increased. This means the profit expected has been realised much
earlier,” he said.

His statement just showed that he was insensitive towards the rakyat’s need,” Umno Youth deputy chief Khairul Azwan Harun (pic) said at the party headquarters in Kuala Lumpur today.

“It is up to the rakyat to choose and he should not tell the rakyat what they should choose,” he added.

Abdul Wahid earlier today said that motorists upset with the proposed highway toll hike have the option of using toll-free routes, although highway concessionaires will adjust rates according to traffic volume.

“We provide alternative routes for those willing to pay a premium. For those who think the rate is too high, they have the option not to use the route,” said the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department.

On the toll rate hike, Khairul said Umno Youth has several suggestions which they feel that Putrajaya and toll concessionaires should look into.

One of the suggestions is that for the highway operators to reduce toll rates through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

“We understand there’s a clause in the agreement which allows the government to reduce the rate. As we understand, almost all the operators gained a huge profit,” said Khairul.

Media reports had said that the toll increase would likely be between 30 sen and RM1.

Khairul added that some increase can be agreed upon only if proper studies are  carried out over the traffic volume and the profit projection for the routes.

“Highways like North Klang Valley Expressway and Damansara-Puchong Highway… we do not see a problem to gaining profit.

“So why not the operators show their compassion and reduce the toll rate as part of their CSR? Such a programme should no longer be restricted to a conventional way or annual event and contribution. It can be this too (toll rate reduction),” said Khairul.

He demanded that such studies to be carried out first before any hike takes place.

“The studies should also be made public,” he said.

This is because the highways are no longer alternative routes to the users.

“They have used the roads even before the routes were taken over by highway operators. With the situation now, they are paying tolls just to be stuck in a jam.

“Can you imagine how upset the rakyat will be if we increase the rate?” said Khairul.

On another rate hike issue, Khairul said Umno Youth would also like to suggest to Putrajaya that public transportation services be exempted from the electricity tariff hike.

“The government wants the rakyat to use more public transportation following the petrol hike and now the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) wants to review the fare rate for LRT and Monorail.

“Our suggestion is to exempt public transportation concessionaires from the electricity hike, so they have no reason to increase the fare,” said Khairul.

He added that Umno Youth not only wants to put pressure on the government over issues concerning the rakyat, but also wants to give input and suggestions to resolve the issues.

Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin earlier today said the series of price hikes for services by government firms and others will affect most Malaysians and must be discussed in Cabinet.

Khairy, who is also Umno Youth chief, said the tsunami of hikes was a result of planned price hikes which were postponed over the past two to three years.

The country’s main power provider recently announced a 15% increase in the electricity tariff from next year.

The government dropped another bomb when it announced that the toll rate will also be increased next year.

Abdul Wahid said it is unavoidable as it is an express condition in the concession agreement between the government and highway concession companies.

He said the toll rate should have been revised in 2011, as stated in the concession agreement.

“However, the rate was maintained, but the government had to fork out RM400 million in compensation from taxpayers’ money, which could have been used for other purposes.

“Now it’s time to fulfil the condition,” he told Bernama.

Meanwhile SPAD chairman Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar said the fare is due to increase next year as there have not been any increase in the past 10 years or so.

Syed Hamid said the review would be comprehensive and take into account several factors to ensure the increase will not burden the Minister because they will be specifically exempt from paying

KUNAM and the Inspector-General of Police the real reason Najib’s approval ratings to slide even more


Inspector-General of Police has forced Najib to Entangled in obsolete regulations

The next time you’re talking with a group of friends and you ask them who they think will win the forthcoming  elections in 2018,  the general elections in 2018, you might incur the displeasure of UMNO general secretary  who has gone on record to say that opinion polls of any kind regarding the outcome of elections should be banned The election of 2018  will be about the future of the stomach.Calling opinion polls a “farce” the  UMNO general secretary has said that “anyone can pay and get a survey on demand”.  Since we live in overriding virtually every other attribute, this week’s sordid scandal involving an alarmingly enough has appeared about the lurid details of the case, so let’s skip the muck, and focus on what could have been done to salvage a pretty hopeless situation.  fledgling political hopeful, made a mistake it would be loath to recognize, let alone admit? Was a broom quite the correct symbol for an organization seeking to achieve the unprecedented — break through glass and steel ceilings, and in one dramatic leap soar from street anger to responsible office? Is a broom too brash an image, representative of undergraduate coffee house rage more than the visual signature of a party that wants to   insists the rate hike will take effect on January 1, for the middle-class, sort out the capital’s silly drainage, and, if there is any time left over, eliminate corruption from the intricate layers of government that claw and crush citizens from all sides? Does a symbol make much difference to electoral fortunes? UMNO has won Titiwangsa in G13 election on a humble Najib’s  promise to voters to hear them. But  voters might be more successful in creating a rebellion than in benefiting from this achievement. In any case,  Tengku Adnan Mansor deserves congratulations for making Titiwangsa a fascinating electoral case-study . A flat equation has acquired the tension of a fragile triangle.: no election is a mirror of the past. Previous statistics can be misleading  Najib has indicated what he will do: continue the distributive largesse from the national exchequer.

While the   Tengku Adnan Mansor  has been the most outspoken in its opposition to such electoral surveys, e also said to be anti-opinion polls.  The reasons cited are that the base of respondents on which such exercises are based is far too small to give an accurate picture of the actual outcome, and that findings can be  manipulated to suit a particular party or parties.

However, the   DAP has said that the real reason for the antipathy to opinion polls – particularly in the case of UMNO– is that this time around such surveys have been showing the parties concerned in a poor light. The Chinese party has gone on to make the point that a ban on opinion polls would be to curb the constitutional right of freedom of expression. If opinion polls are banned, what about press comments, blogs or tweets about election prediction?  Can all these be banned too without also simultaneously banning democracy and a free society?  are no sure winners. Except perhaps for the electorate itself, which will get the government it deserves. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Depends on your opinion

PM Najib Razak’s approval rating dropped to 52 percent and the perception of the government, the number of respondents expressing happiness with the government also declined to 38 percent. There is a different of 14 percent between the two figures.Both figures should be close. However, since it is not, it means that Najib’s pre-election advertisement blitz promoting his image and his ‘hangouts’ make him more acceptable than the government he leads.

Similarly, basing on various categories, it is the same scenario. Acceptance of Najib is higher than that of the government, but with both dropping below their last ratings.The  former New Straits Times editor-in-chief has mocked Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak as a “political grandmaster”, saying the various mistakes  like  the ousting of opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim from Umno on grounds of morality and going after him with the “Anwar Sodomy II Charges Cooked Up by PM’s Office” | Asia Sentinel.Anwar was acquitted of the sodomy charge in …Read more

Could it be that some respondents, in spite of knowing that we have a weak and ineffective PM, still dared not point fingers at Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar ?The key factor that slashed the approval rating for our PM is the gradual erosion of trust in his leadership is increasingly seen by the rakyat across the board as a leader who sways with the wind and has no firm convictions of his own. He plays to the gallery on racial and religious lines, a posture that is totally unbecoming of a PM  is certainly ill-advised in his recent stand, or lack of by our Inspector-General of Police .

What the rakyat hate is a leader who is not trustworthy and behaves like a chameleon. predict that Najib’s approval rating will slide further in the coming weeks. now, most people have realised that the cause of the price hikes is due to an inept, wasteful and corrupt-BN regime. once the new toll rates are implemented in early 2014, and when GST is implemented in April 2015. the cost of winning GE13. The greater cost will be borne when the economy fails due to wrong policies.are made bankrupt by mismanagement, imprudent spending, unabated corruption, wastage, incompetency, stupidity,

The Emperor Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar pathway to  Malaysian heart. l ‘pseudo-liberal’ will not be  the next hiss word, now that  has been crushed under the Najib juggernaut? It must be a result of his good karma for Malaysia, as he is indisputably the most popular and respected Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar  is reflective of his special feelings for Malaysian people Sri Lanka  as an inspiration to Malaysia and envisioned a path of strategic cooperation, specially marking the maritime region. He said: “Asia’s resurgence began over a century ago on this island  that excuted  Tamil Tigers chief V. Prabhakaran  . Ever since, Sri Lanka has shown us the way forward. Malaysia and Sri Lanka have a shared vision of a rising Asia.  Malaysia’s rise  as a modern, knowledge-based industrial power was a source of inspiration to Sri Lanka’ s great national leaders.

Mariam Mokhtar one prying finger has prised open all of  IGP   Khalid ’s sins. No decent person can justify his  attack Mariam Mokhtar , even less his obscene attempts at cover-up. But in all the indignation being rightly expressed, we do need to give pause and address one gnawing doubt. In his clamorous pursuit of his glory he has violated … Read more

At non-governmental organisation (NGO)   rally,  a Tamil suppoter at a ceremony to mark Tamil Tigers chief V. Prabhakaran’s birthday in Kulim, Kedah on Saturday. was  caught up fleeing from the cameras in panic. held a ceremony to mark Tamil Tigers chief V. Prabhakaran’s birthday in Kulim, Kedah on Saturday. he was there to ‘support free choice’  forced to live this pariah state  existence simply because Godman Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar made to have his this way.“Justice should not be delayed even if the free choice denies.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar (pic) said the man, who was arrested in Kedah on Monday, was being investigated under Section 4 (1)(a) of the Sedition Act 1948 for allegedly inviting the public to attend the ceremony to pay tribute to the late Prabhakaran.”What has this terrorist got to do with our country? Why try to invite people to glorify a terrorist?”We see this as an act or attempt to influence or incite people to believe in terrorism,”saidi Khalid Abu Bakar ,

Khalid said the police would not allow any attempt to glorify violence in Malaysia and advised NGOs not to organise any ceremony to idolise any terror leader.

Sri Lanka crushed the final resistance of the Tamil Tigers (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam), killing rebel chief Prabhakaran in 2009 and ending his three-decade quest for an independent homeland for minority Tamils.

Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor has a disorder characterized by his severely disorganized thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. The word “schizophrenia” means “split mind,” Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, or Ku Nan, don’t be stupid.UMNO is not the  agent of confusion as you described.  positive feature of our electoral system should not translate into a potentia timebomb for Najib  purely … Read more

Honest man like Attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail and Justice Ganguly never lied to stay in the job?





There is a verse in the Holy Quran that captures what is happening in the Arab world today.

“Truly, God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” (13:11).

That verse was often cited by ordinary Muslims, scholars and apathetic youth before the revolutions; now it takes on a different meaning, as people all over the Arab world are demanding more rights and changing their societies.
During the secular, Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions, protestors, hipsters, trendsetters, and individuals, filled the streets and TV screens, but that didn’t deter protestors from praying in Tahrir or many others from shouting Islamic slogans as rallying cries, and in some cases calling for more religion in their societies. In the Arab world, religion and politics are intertwined. Take for example, The Muslim Brotherhood, which is the most organized opposition movement in Egypt, with influential branches in Tunisia, Libya and Syria. Their campaign to convince the west (and Egyptian voters) that they reject violence, support women and believe in democracy may make many Muslims and non-Muslims nervous, but it also might just signify a change in the Islamic philosophy of so-called extremist groups.
In Benghazi and throughout Libya, revolutionaries passionately cling to Islam as just and Gaddafi as unjust as they countered his phrase “Allah, Gaddafi, and Libya” with “Allah, His Messenger and Libya”. Many Libyan refugees I speak with called Gaddafi’s army “blind”, referring to Quranic verse, “Whoever is blind in this life, he will be blind in the hereafter; straying further away from the path” (17:72).
In Syria and Bahrain “Allahu Akbar” or God is Great is used by Muslim protestors who believe God is greater than the crimes of their government. On Twitter and Facebook, young people profess their belief in Islam alongside their belief in democracy, and frequently post verses from the Holy Quran that reference injustice, oppression and patience.
There is a big difference between the terms Islamic and Islamist, which revolutionary youth are not, but their unhappiness and frustration is directly related to their desire for better treatment and dignity, which Islam preaches. Youth in the Arab revolutions demanded society stop pretending that the status quo is acceptable; the implications that has on religion cannot be overlooked.
At a discussion on sexual harassment in Cairo, women often brought up Islam, arguing that if Arab men followed it right, they wouldn’t be groped in the street and Egyptian police would think before taking free passes to insult a woman’s dignity-something not encouraged by Islam. During protests in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, women arrested by the Egyptian police were forced to undergo ‘virginity tests.’ According to Amnesty International, the women were “beaten, given electric shocks, subjected to strip searches while being photographed by male soldiers, then forced to submit to ‘virginity checks‘ and threatened with prostitution charges.”
In Libya, Syria, and Bahrain dictator’s men ignore all aspects of Islam’s emphasis on modesty, human dignity and and respect for women, as women are humiliated and raped and forced to flee to preserve their dignity.
In Yemen, niqab-clad women led protests and called for reform, squashing the male-dominated discourse. In Saudi Arabia, women speak of Islam to support their right to drive, even as the government misuses its authority to crack down on women drivers. Others in The Kingdom cite Islamic teachings of obeying a ruler to counter the revolution and calls to topple the king. “The best Jihad is speaking the truth to an unjust ruler,” may be appropriately used to discourage people from taking up arms even as it completely ignores the government’s crimes.
Islam will not find a balance in the changing Arab society, or with the modern democratic world, until Muslims take responsibility of their own lives. This is what the uprisings are about. The millions of youth protesting want control over their own life. And old autocrats addicted to power refuse to give it.
Islam (and religion in general) has always been manipulated by those seeking power, but the Arab Revolutions suggest that Muslims’ perceptions of Islam are changing not only the power-struggle but the fundamental discourse- something we cannot continue to overlook.
Young Arabs, the ones that started the upheaval, the ones protesting in the streets, and the ones beginning to rebuild and actively engage in the affairs of their country, cannot accept the Islam that’s been forced upon them by despotic regimes. They are more connected to Muslims in democratic societies around the world, who enjoy individual freedom, even as they choose to practice their faith collectively. Arab youth are simply more in tune with the rest of the world, and this connection — the constant flow of information and ideas — will directly influence the way Islam is understood in post-revolution societies.Najib’s Comedy piece Inspector-General of Police’s an Abrahamic Call to follow Imam Ahmad Zahid Hamidi  the savior of SunniMuslim Ummah: On Aug 5, 2013, former PM Mahathir attended the inauguration of Iran’s newly elected President Hassan Rohani.He met with him to discuss Teheran-Kuala Lumpur relations. So is Mahathir an admirer of Shiite teaching? In common discourse, …Read more
In “Hill Diaries,” my essay in the critically acclaimed anthology “I Speak for Myself: American Women on Being Muslim,” I write about the dichotomy between religion and politics in Washington and its effect on individual identity. In the Arab world, the same dichotomy exists, and young Muslims, whether they realize it or not, are impacting the lives of Muslims and the understanding of Islam, in their societies and around the world.
CAN MALAYSIA DEPEND ON US? Tan Sri Eric Chia, the former managing director of Perwaja Steel, was acquitted after 43 days of trial without his defence being called.In acquitting the accused, the presiding High Court judge heavily criticised the conduct of the prosecution, especially their failure to call several key witnesses who had obvious knowledge of the material elements of the case.With reference to particular key witnesses from Japan, the judge questioned whether it was the Japanese witnesses who were “reluctant” to come or “the prosecution was the one reluctant to bring them here”.

The prosecution of Koh Kim Teck, a businessman, and his two bodyguards, who were charged with murdering 14-year-old Chinese national Xu Jian Huang, and who were acquitted in 2005, is another case in point.

After a trial lasting 36 days and with 39 prosecution witnesses having given evidence, the presiding judge found that the prosecution had not brought forward any evidence which could implicate the accused in the murder and that there had been no “prima facie” case made out to warrant the defence being called to answer the charge.

The prosecution had apparently omitted to call material witnesses, including the investigating officer for the case and Koh’s driver who had reportedly given a cautioned statement that he had seen both bodyguards throw Xu into the swimming pool where he was eventually found. Two other material witnesses who were present in the house were also not called.

Yet another was the prosecution for the murder of Noritta Samsudin, where the accused was acquitted after 29 days of trial. The prosecution appealed against the acquittal right up to the Federal Court.

In dismissing the appeal, the Federal Court noted that there was a gaping hole in the prosecution’s case, where it failed to sufficiently account for the likelihood of there being another person present at Noritta Samsudin’s condominium unit who could also have committed the crime. No one else has been charged for the murder.

Any discussion on expensive and long-running criminal trials would not be complete without reference to the Irene Fernandez trial which spanned seven years and took over 300 days to complete.

It is still not over for the Tenaganita director, who was convicted in 2003 of publishing false news about the ill-treatment of detainees in camps for illegal immigrants. Her appeal against this conviction to the High Court has been the subject of numerous delays and has yet to be heard.

Everyone knows Gani Pattail got promoted to AG For his role in Anwar’s case for sodomy
Maha Shithead purposely brought him To stop and kill Anwar Ibrahim

The solution is to separate the offices of the AG and the PP

The scope of the Attorney-General’s powers in Malaysia has long been a subject of debate and controversy. He is the chief legal adviser to the government and is responsible for advising ministers involved in legal proceedings in their official capacity.

But as public prosecutor, he is also entrusted with power, which he uses at his discretion, to start, conduct or discontinue any proceedings for an offence, other than proceedings before a Syariah court, a native court or a court-martial.

His dual role has posed a real problem. A conflict of interest is bound to arise if he has to institute criminal proceedings against members of the government.

  the AG ever lied to stay in the job?  AG ready to facilitate letter to scrutinise bank accountsAttorney-general Abdul Gani Patail reiterated today that he is prepared to facilitate whatever authorisation letter sought by Pandan Member of Parliament Rafizi Ramli to scrutinise all his bank accounts, including in Hong Kong as claimed by the latter. Rafizi , ask AG where he get money to buy a Seri Carcosa House in Seremban for the Second wife?? May be all the Account in the Second wife’ name!
How come not much details about this scum of a judge? Augustine Paul. How come he is allowed to get a way with what he has done. Was his life threatened? Were his children’s lives in danger? Was he black mailed? extorted? If the answer is NO, then Augustine Paul, you have been exposed for what you are – a scumbag. You will go down in Malaysian History as the most unprincipled and corrupt judge ever  sit on the bench. Don’t think you can quietly slink away into your burrow to enjoy all the illgotten gains because you will one day have to face justice. Is there anyone sick in your family? is there turmoil in relationships in your family? Is there trouble in your family? Can you sleep peacefully at night? Beware, all these are a warning to you. The blood of inoncents are on your hands. 
your time has come to face god almighty and all things you did on earth will be relevant my dear judge. hope god shows you mercy. and history will remember you and your family will carry that burden. just see how people speak of your death.may god bless you. Other judges, policemen, MACC men… you will also be judged by god when your time comes. you can escape the law on earth but God awaits you. Ahmad Said try not to speak bad about the judge in Australia cos he will get more credit from god than you
Allah S.W.T says in his mighty Al-Quran Chapter No. 27 : Verse No. 50 …”So they plotted a plot: and We plotted a plot, while they perceived not. “While Mahathir and Co plotted a plot to jail and maim Anwar, Allah S.W.T had a great plan for these evil men! Subahanallah! All Praise to God!

Govt readying presidential reference to remove Justice Ganguly

Although an in-house inquiry by three Supreme Court judges had indicted Justice Ganguly of “unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature”, its conclusions were informal and no case has been registered against the retired judge.

The three-judge Supreme Court committee probing the law graduate’s sexual harassment complaint against retired Supreme Court judge AK Ganguly has said that there was prima facie evidence of unwelcome sexual conduct on the part of retired judge.

However, Chief Justice of India P Sathasivam has closed further proceedings on the sexual harassment allegation saying it could do little against a retired judge administratively.

The CJI has sent a copy of the fact-finding committee report to the law graduate and Justice Ganguly indicating that the aggrieved party could take desired steps.

The law intern had first alleged sexual harassment on November 6, in a blog for Journal of Indian Law and Society. Subsequently she repeated the allegation in an interview to Legally India website.

On December 2, BJP leader and leader of opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj demanded the resignation of Justice Ganguly as chairman of West Bengal human rights commission, saying “not only Caesar’s wife but Caesar too must be above suspicion”.

She wrote on Twitter: “I strongly feel that Justice A.K.Ganguli should resign as Chairman of WB Human Rights Commission,” adding, “Not only Caesar’s wife but Caesar too must be above suspicion.”

The Trinamool Congress too demanded the resignation of Justice Ganguly from the West Bengal human rights commission.

Trinamool Congress MP Kalyan Bandopadhyay on November 29 said, “This is the first time such an allegation has been made against a former Supreme Court judge who is at present holding the post of WBHRC chairman. He should resign immediately.”

But at the same time, Justice Ganguly received support like from eminent lawyer Soli Sorabjee and former Chief Justice of India Altamas Kabir amid calls for him to step down as chairman of West Bengal human rights commission.

Justice Ganguly had denied the allegations against him.
The law ministry is processing papers for a presidential reference for the removal of West Bengal human rights commission chairman Justice AK Ganguly under the Human Rights Act.

Justice Ganguly has been accused of sexually harassing a law intern who worked under him a year ago. The law ministry is likely to inform the President that a formal inquiry can be constituted against the former Supreme Court judge.

The President can remove Justice Ganguly from the post of WBHRC chairman only after making a reference to the Supreme Court for holding an inquiry in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the court.

As per section 23 (1A) of the Human Rights Act, “The chairperson or any member of the state commission shall only be removed from his office by order of the President on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity after the SC, on a reference being made to it by the President, has, on inquiry held in accordance with the procedure prescribed in that behalf by the SC, reported that the chairperson or such member as the case may be, ought on any such ground to be removed.”

Sources said the government will communicate to the President that in Justice Ganguly’s case, there appears to be a case of “proved misbehaviour” — a ground for removal under the Human Rights Act. The Act also states that “moral turpitude” can be a ground for removal of a human rights commission member or chairperson.

Although an in-house inquiry by three Supreme Court judges had indicted Justice Ganguly of “unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature”, its conclusions were informal and no case has been registered against the retired judge. In this case, the apex court can take cognizance of the panel’s report.


Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and Muhammad Shafee Abdullah  will finally have to  resigned, the operative word being ‘finally’. It has taken the government a lot to reach this point, and the final call was taken apparently because of Rosmah’s push. On the face of it, the decision to make   Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail and Muhammad Shafee … Read moreWHY NAJIB YOUR CRUDE SILENT ON ABDUL GANI PATAIL AND MUHAMMAD SHAFEE ABDULLAH

The power bait Najib to order judicial probe into Abdul Gani Patai and Shafee Abdullah both messy.


Anwar don’t waste your time  with lawyers’ disciplinary board and the Court of Appeal. 


Judiciary to fix price of tainted politicians’ misdeeds in Najib’s cabinet

Sometimes, the formidable morphs into the pathetic for along time It’s all fixed juggernaut, with its potent combination of powerful interests seemed to carry such sweeping and overwhelming force that it looked to be above any challenge, criticism or scandal the same ability to enforce a conspiracy of silence is taking on an air of pathetic absurdity.A former police detective will not see any investigation into his allegations of wrongdoings by the Attorney General unless a police report is lodged, a former top government lawyer said when commenting on the explosive claims.Former AG Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman said that retired Kuala Lumpur CID director Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim must lodge a police report if he has evidence of criminal wrongdoings by Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patai.”He was a senior police officer and must have evidence against Gani (the current AG) before making a report and stand by what he alleges.The brute force of power has replaced the unwritten rules that governed behaviour as the primary arbiter of our actions. Protection and punishment. The two standard responses to we from a minister that both protection and punishment are necessary instruments for dealing with this problem, responding to Mat Zain’s insistence that police could investigate Gani based on the contents of his statutory declaration (SD) without lodging a police report.Mat Zain drew attention to Sections 107 and 107A of the Criminal Procedure Code related to information given to the police and their powers to investigate.Mat Zain had also alleged that Gani had deliberately lost the case, resulting in the ICJ ruling in favour of Singapore. He urged the authorities to investigate the reason Malaysia lost the island to Singapore, saying the matter involved the country’s sovereignty.The former cop had said the reason he came out with the SD was to convince Putrajaya to establish a royal commission of inquiry over the loss of Pulau Batu Puteh to Singaporebut clearly much more is involved. The current idea of action seems to be focused on either preventing an incident that has already happened by limiting the focus to the very set of circumstances that were involved illusion the past, or to run away from the complexity of the proble“We do not know if he has an agenda. No point in him hiding behind the SD whose contents may be hearsay.”Abu Talib said justice must be done if the police report contained elements of criminality.”Of course, Mat Zain is also open to prosecution if he lodges a false report against Gani.”Mat Zain had said that he had handed a copy of the SD to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and senior Putrajaya officials, alleging wrongdoings by Gani over the Pulau Batu Puteh case.In 2008, the International Court of Justice in the Hague, Netherlands ruled that the sovereignty of the island, half the size of a football field, belonged to Singapore.In the 31-page SD, Mat Zain had claimed that hundreds of millions of ringgit had changed hands and deposited into a Hong Kong bank account over this case.The Bar Council  that it only served own  iinterst  with its president Christopher Leong reiterating that the Bar Council did not favour anyone  excep their own Leong further explained that the professional body only spoke out when there were instances of power abuse.Leong also expressed his appreciation Umno lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah  helped the government, we cant act on   professional misconduct ”Shafee has failed to report criminal the wrongdoing of Attorney General (Tan Sri Abdul Gani)… he (Shafee) had also misconducted himself,”  president Christopher Leong told reporters after attending a proceeding at the Court of Appeal today. also said the authorities, like the Attorney General’s Chambers and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, also failed to act on the matter .Lawyer Sivarasa Rasiah,, explained that the Umno lawyer had allegedly committed professional misconduct, which was unbecoming of a lawyer.Among them, he said, were conflict of interest; failure to disclose Gani’s criminal wrongdoing, like his role in the black eye incident; and the Pulau Batu Puteh case.
 The problem of course is that protection and punishment, accompanied by anger and recrimination directed at the police and the politicians, seems at least somewhat tangible. Talking about societal change and the shaping of new mindsets seems to be a project in wishy-washy wishful thinking. When change is distributed so thinly over so many people, it looks impossible. It is much easier to believe that the police force and a limited number of people in power can be made to change and give us solutions.The change in the gender climate that can be seen around us needs to be understood differently for something fundamental has changed. real change has been the conversion of covert fantasy into a sense of overt acquisition, which has been aided by a new sense of power and its legitimacy.

The implicit restraints that had been put in place socially have been dismantled, and power in its new form begs to be converted into opportunity. The primacy of desire means that the eye is always hungry, avid in its quest for acquisition, and any action is seen to lack consequences that cannot be reversed or managed through the use of some form of power.Police brute force of power has replaced the unwritten rules that governed behaviour as the primary arbiter of our actions. Currently, we live in a world between rules — those of an earlier era do not apply and new codes have not been framed or agreed to. The responsibility shifts to the enforcement of the law, but this is deeply compromised by the fact that the process is managed by those that cannot fully comprehend the meaning of the changes that we see around us. the operative word being ‘finally’.  will it take government a lot to reach to this point, and the final call apparently  to  ask the Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patailto   resign  the argument was that these were merely allegations and that nothing conclusive had been put on the table. The idea that people could resign (and remember this is just a resignation from a position, not a jail sentence, and one that can easily be reversed if the individuals are eventually found not culpable) for misdemeanours that were strongly indicated seemed to be an alien one.

The need to evade responsibility both on part of the individuals as well as the government till as long as possible is a part of a larger narrative that goes beyond these instances or indeed this government. It seems to be part of a growing tendency to frame all debates in the vocabulary of the extreme. Demands are conceived of in the extreme, and deadlock prevails till some overwhelming force gets applied. Nothing happens without the intervention of courts, and that too only when they give direct orders, or the party high command when it exerts direct influence on a subject. The opposition too frames its demands in extreme terms- in every session, the resignation of some minister or the PM is demanded and used as a reason to boycott Parliament. The legislative houses have been reduced to empty shells, that exist to exert force rather than extract  solutions from problems through debate and discussion. The only mode of protest that is deemed to have any value is that of the boycott which devalues the very institution that it is part of. Any other intermediate form of protest has lost currency. Of course, through cynical overuse, the boycott has now become a routine fact of life, and the government has begun to find it convenient to go along and put the onus of inaction on the opposition. The boycott threat has spent itself; now, without a desire to bring down the government and face elections, the government simply ignores the opposition.

The malaise is not restricted to the political establishment alone- the media and the middle class speak in the same language. Calls for aggressive pro-active ‘decisive’ action against  criminal wrongdoings by Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail , the demand for  all manners of crime, the need to weed out corruption with a silver bullet of some kind- the yearning for decisive answers  and final solutions can be seen everywhere. The conversational pitch is set so high that any attempt at reasonableness is construed either as a sign of deliberate muddying-of-waters or of weakness. What has been lost is a belief in the power of discussion; today’s conversations at held at gunpoint and end up being guttural exchanges of threats.

In a complex world, the desire for simple answers that are the result of the use of superior force  is potentially dangerous. For it translates into a desire for seductive forms of clarity and a susceptibility to the shallow symbol. The contempt for engaging in dialogue, exploring shaded modes of resolution, staying in intermediate zones of accommodation and negotiation, being comfortable with the idea of give-and-take makes all problems seem intractable. The recent episode involving criminal wrongdoings by Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail   is a case in point – the use of diplomatic means rather than futile sabre-rattling demonstrated the power of restraint and nuanced dialogue. In the real world, not all problems have  neat solutions, not all individuals have all the answers, not all words need to be backed up by actions and not all acts of strength translate into power. We navigate through issues using a combination of word, gesture, symbolic action, benign neglect, tolerance, the veiled threat and the occasional use of brute force. Scams  have come and gone in a flurry, and all debates have been about individuals.  Any attempt to bring about institutional change has been thwarted, any meaningful dialogue about bringing about deep and real change has been avoided.  The two ministers have gone, and what difference has it made to anything? Had their departure been an act of contrition, it would have meant something. Otherwise, it is just about two insignificant politicians being replaced by two others and life going on as usual.


 Power struggle  is the new game in UMNO on removing attorney general What is being attempted is to dismantle Mahathir grip on  attorney general Everyone knows Gani Pattail got promoted to AG for his role in Anwar’s case for sodomy Mahathir purposely brought him to stop and kill Anwar Ibrahim

What is being attempted is to dismantle  Shafee  takes on a pillion rider, it is becomes part of an old and familiar binary of power. It becomes part of a choice set that resides inside conventional politics and familiar politicking, rather than outside it.

Why is Shafee so desparate to prosecute Anwar on the fiat of the AG? Even if the AG approached him, Shafee could have declined. It all points to a personal agenda to get Anwar convicted at all costs. The purpose of a criminal trial is to see justice being done and not to secure a conviction at all costs. Does it serve the public interest and the need to do justice if Shafee is allowed to conduct the appeal? Clearly not. Shafee is mirred in controversy; has his own ambition to become the next AG; and has consistently made prejudicial comments against Anwar in public and private. He is not a fit and proper person to conduct the appeal for the Public Prosecutor. How can Shafee hope to be impartial and objective when he has a personal hatred for the accused? Any reasonable right thinking member of the public would come to the conclusion that the prosecution cannot possibly be fair and objective with Shafee at its head.Sins call for atonement, crimes must be punished. And what better, if such redemption can be detached from those really culpable and outsourced to some dumb creature that cannot complain? This was the idea behind the Biblical practice of casting a goat into the wilderness after ascribing all manner of ills and improvidence to it. Many virtues extolled by religion have waned over time; scapegoats have thrived.Lawyer Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah will be allowed to act as deputy public prosecutor (DPP) in the prosecution’s appeal against the acquittal of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on his sodomy charges.Anwar had also said that he would not receive a fair hearing if Shafee were to lead the prosecution team.Mat Zain’s insistence that police could investigate Gani based on the contents of his statutory declaration (SD) without lodging a police report.Mat Zain drew attention to Sections 107 and 107A of the Criminal Procedure Code related to information given to the police and their powers to investigate. Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman said”I am saying … Read more

Explain meeting with Dr M

Mat Zain said the people were more interested to know why Shafee called him to his office through former Commercial Crime Department director Datuk Ramli Yusuf and later took them to meet former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“Or can he tell the public, if it was really Dr Mahathir who wanted to see me or was it Shafee himself who planned the meeting for his own personal benefit?” he asked.

Mat Zain also pointed out that Shafee must explain to the court the reason he concealed a material fact that he had acknowledged receipt of a bundle of documents from him on September 24.

Mat Zain said his meeting with Shafee, together with Ramli, was on August 10, not a day earlier as mentioned in Shafee’s affidavit.

He also warned Shafee that he had proof to show that it was Shafee who had wanted to meet him and Ramli, and not the other way around, as claimed in the affidavit.

Mat Zain also asked Shafee to disclose what was discussed at his office and later at Dr Mahathir’s house in Seri Kembangan.

“If Shafee says that Gani’s conduct in the Pulau Batu Puteh was never discussed during the one hour meeting in his office and later for another hour in Dr Mahathir’s house, then he should tell what was the subject matter that was discussed,” he said.

Mat Zain said Shafee was a public servant in his capacity as DPP and under the law, he was required to provide information of offences allegedly committed.

“As a lawyer, he is bound by the Legal Profession Act when acting as prosecutor and he shall not surpress material facts establishing the innocence of accused persons,” he said.

Mat Zain said he would be making a second SD to further explain the full discussion Shafee had with Ramli in his presence with regards to Ramli’s suit against Gani and several others.

He said his SD could only be declared false only after an investigation, not based on what Shafee had stated in his affidavit.

“I challenge Shafee now to demand that the prime minister order a full scale investigation into the contents of the SD and he (Shafee) knows where he stands.

“Shafee may well find that his affidavit is the one that had been slanted,” he said.

Mat Zain, in his 31-page SD, had said that he went with Shafee and Ramli to Dr Mahathir’s house during the Hari Raya period this year where they allegedly discussed the wrongdoings of Gani.

However, Shafee had said that the idea for Mat Zain to go to Dr Mahathir’s house was only decided impromptu in his office and there was no agenda except to pay respect to Dr Mahathir during the festive season.

Shafee had also denied that he was involved in any meeting to discuss Gani’s conduct or the Pulau Batu Puteh issue. He had also said that he did not insinuate or mention about funds being transferred into a bank account in Hong Kong after the Pulau Batu Puteh case was decided by the international court.

Anwar’s application to recuse Shafee will be heard on December 19.

Anwar, among others, had disclosed in his application last Friday that Shafee knew of Gani’s actions but the lawyer deliberately suppressed important evidence, especially on the Pulau Batu Puteh territorial dispute between Malaysia and Singapore.

Further, the SD pointed towards Gani and Musa’s involvement in fabricating evidence in the infamous “black eye” incident.

As such, Anwar had said, Shafee was not a fit and proper person to be appointed deputy public prosecutor to lead the prosecution team.

He had added that Shafee would not be able to comply with the requirement of the Legal Profession (Practice and Etiquette) 1978 to conduct the appeal.

   If you can’t stand The Heat, get out of the kitchen Cabinet.  The Heat, a news weekly, has been suspended indefinitely by the Home Ministry, believed to be over an article in a November edition about Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife Rosmah MansorSenior editor-in-chief at HCK Media Chong Cheng Haisaid behavior Thick skin despicables that are afraid of their own shadows.by the home ministry! For a report commenting on PM’s wife becomes a serious crime that warrants for a revocation of license. Politicians cannot take criticism don’t go into politics. We have a real sick ruling political party right now!his is freedom of the press ala Najib and UMNO for you. It is a disgrace that in the 21st century a country claiming to be a democracy still wants to control the press and what is published. If Najib or Rosmah are offended by the article just sue the publication for defamation. But why need to suspend the publication indefinitely? This is draconian and an anathema to the basic tenets of freedom and democracy. Nothing has changed in Malaysia and nothing will as long as the BN stays in power. It proves that the piecemeal amendments to the PPPA 1984 was nothing but a farce to deceive voters. With only 47% electorate support, UMNO/BN is provoking the people to take drastic measures if it persists in stifling their freedom and rights.

MCA Wanita chief Yu Chok Tow said FT Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor a cosmetics salesman King Con


Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor has come under fire from B.N and Pakatan Rakyat’s women parliamentarians for comparing property values with that of cosmetics for women, and they want him to undergo “gender education”

But goodness,  MCA Wanita chief Yu Chok Tow said  FT Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku  is in for a huge heartbreak?! Yes, because the sociopath is incapable of loving anyone but himself. He will romance her wildly, get her hooked and then move on to the next victim. The poor girls forget that most of the romantic novels end at the point where the hero unites with the heroine, without talking of the undoubtedly awful marriage the two will have. For, how can a man full of himself, focussed on his own needs and incapable of loving another, be good husband material?

For all those girls out there fed on romantic literature, here are a few tips on how to recognise the predator who feeds on nice girls. You may still get swept off your feet, but at least you’ll have been warned: Parliamentarians in Kuala Lumpur have taken the federal territories minister to task for making much hurrah about a cosmetic change to property assessment rates, which fell far short of answering protests from angry residents.

The “flip-flop policies” of Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor and the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL), they said, proved how insensitive they were to the sufferings of the people.MPs dismiss ‘cosmetic move’ on assessment rates

with Nurul 100%! Further, there are too many foreign workers and big rats roaming about in KL so what is so desirable living there? Rental income could be taxed so it’s none of DBKL’s business to be busybody hijacking someone else’s work. After 21 years of not increasing assessment, justification is they increase alot more to “make up” the lost opportunities. Twisted logic. If I am to apply that logic, if I have not posted a vote in the last 3 elections, can I have 4 votes in the next election to “make up” for the lost oppotunities?To this no locus standi minister, all he did was tai chi. He thinks it is that simple to hoodwink the people by announcing the reduced rates and broadcast it over national TVs to confuse the people. The BN leaders are so stupid to the core when people protest to ask for their rights, they get angry and our Home Minister and IGP become violent and furious with the people. Looks like the year 2014 is a bad year for the all the voters and a very good year for the Home Minister and the IGP as they can show their power and fist to the rakyat. It’s too late to regret for putting the power into wrong hands. Well, we’ll have to pray to GOD for change to take place soon.Najib’s Comedy piece Inspector-General of Police’s an Abrahamic Call to follow Imam Ahmad Zahid Hamidi  the savior of SunniMuslim Ummah: On Aug 5, 2013, former PM Mahathir attended the inauguration of Iran’s newly elected President Hassan Rohani.He met with him to discuss Teheran-Kuala Lumpur relations. So is Mahathir an admirer of Shiite teaching? In common discourse, …Read more

Why would anyone expect that RM250million silly cow to open her mouth?? This matter does not involve money and power, so why would she bother?? Maruah kaum hawa?? Shahrizat doesn’t even know what maruah means. One wouldn’t know unless one has it.

  • Anyone who is unbelievably good has to be unreal. This may sound cynical, but when have you ever seen a perfect hero walk out of a book or movie and enter your life? The good guys are the real guys, the ones with all their foibles and follies, the ones who forget to wish you on your special day, but are always there to pick up the broken pieces when you most need them.
  • Watch out for flowery compliments that ring untrue. While some concession can be made for a heart touched by romance, an overflow of compliments that are unbelievable even to your own ears should be taken with fistfuls of salt.
  • He is charming, but just when you are most bemused and starry-eyed, just when you are slipping under the spell, step back and take another hard look at him beyond his hypnotic eyes. Is the charm superficial or genuine?
  • Most rakes are pathological liars. If you happen to catch his lie, do not take it lightly. Be alert and watch out for further untruths.
  • Most sociopaths have a grandiose sense of themselves. They will exaggerate and try to portray themselves as highly important. This may or may not be to impress you; it is just the way they are.
  • Their emotions are pretty shallow and sociopaths rarely have friends.You will be able to figure this out by checking on his relations with relatives and friends.
  • They have poor control over their emotions and find it difficult to control their anger or irritation. They also do not respond with emotion to good or bad news.
  • A sociopath will not find it easy to apologise. In fact, he will almost never accept his fault, preferring to blame others.Recognise anyone close to you? If you do, put a hand over your heart and run miles away   FT Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku if you wish to avoid a major heartbreak.disgraced his own wives and daughters. Women are chattels as far as he is concerned. Who else in UMNO/BN aren’t like him ? Bung Mokhtar leads the pack.

Delegates at the Wanita MCA's annual general assembly in Kuala Lumpur paying close attention to their outgoing chief Datuk Yu Chok Tow's speech. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Nazir Sufari, December 20, 2013.

Beware of predators!

Outgoing MCA Wanita chief Yu Chok Tow is demanding Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Mansor apologise for his off-colour remarks comparing women with property.

We all know that some men are forever on the prowl. The men who are misfits in society, the mysterious loners who hold an allure for unsuspecting girls. Lesson to learn? Be suspicious. Mothers warn their daughters against exactly these men while, ironically, literature has romanticised the same breed of men – the strong and silent type. Remember Mr Rochester in Jane Eyre? Mr Darcy in Pride and Prejudice? Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights?Even Howard Roark in The Fountainhead? Or a Mills & Boon hero? The more brooding and difficult they are, the greater their appeal. Each one of them is a perfect example of a sociopath who amazingly changes colour once he meets ‘the right girl’.

And herein begins the problem that plagues our fair sex. All girls fed on a diet of impossible romance start dreaming of a sociopath they can help change and claim as their very own Darcy. That makes it easier for the predators lounging silently on the fringes of society. They recognise this and understand a woman’s emotions and responses much better than she does herself. They know exactly which string to pull to manipulate her.

Tengku Adnan  said  MCA politicians are loudest when they are relinquishing or viewing for new positions.Oh well, credit needs to be given where credit is due. Good one, MCA grandma (sorry if you’re not there yet)! Where are the rest of the defenders against sexism?Ku Nan was referring to MCA women, then it is about right.Women pretend to be weak and cannot do tough and dirty jobs such as rubbish collectors, repair roads, clean sewerage tanks, sewerage pipes and etc. but wanted gender equality. But when there is gender inequality in such areas, they just pretend not aware. when there is gender inequality in the allocation of places in university, they again pretended they not aware. That’s why women needed make up to cover their hypocrite faces. Without make up, most women dare not go out to shop or dine. Women Truly Hypocrite.Sins call for atonement, crimes must be punished. And what better, if such redemption can be detached from those really culpable and outsourced to some dumb creature that cannot complain? This was the idea behind the Biblical practice of casting a goat into the wilderness after ascribing all manner of ills and improvidence to it. … Read more

Malaysia on auction thunders and roars fractious Malaysian speaks in one voice


Rosmah and Najib

Rosmah and Najib  first impulse was to seek shelter behind bureaucratise: established procedures had been followed to the tee in accordance with the laws of the land. However, the big story behind this horrible Rosmah faux pas won’t go away that easily. It reveals yet again Najib’s chronic inability to understand the nationalist sentiments and cultural sensitivities of people beyond its boundaries. That is at the heart of its galling misadventures in many parts of the world ranging from PAS,DAP and PKR, far from winning the hearts and minds of people, Rosmah has generated a great deal of hostility towards herself.

\Do something, like call a Minister and say you are the Second Coming.

The taxpayer should be taxed for this scenarios, right? As an allowance for ‘  ball sucking and asskissing.’ To make sure that whenever Najib needs to do a favor, he has the necessary funds to handle the bills and buy a favor.ou call the police, trick the guy and arrest him. Then you hold a press conference to express your dismay; underneath it all we know you are cursing the lost chance to be a sucker. Rafizi ”shocked” to learn that the government may have “sold off or pawned” the country’s assets in a last-ditch effort to meet its budget deficit target.

In medical science, you can’t be partly pregnant; either you are pregnant, or you’re not. In politics, can a state be partly part of one country, and partly not part of it? Call it the Najib-Rosmah paradox: Why am I not surprised? They will do anything to cover their tracks and make them look good. They have been forewarned of pending downward trend by many from the opposite camp and also independent reviewers. They just didn’t take heed of the warnings in the heat of doing anything to remain in power. Money was spent on worthless campaigns for BN in the name of Ministry events, AG report ignored. Corruption practices were treated as norm. Now we ,the people face the brunt of their inaction! Fed up of their lies and tricks! PM was in ‘syiok sendiri’ mode when he was announcing and doing all those hand outs-BR1M, Free this, Free that, Bonus here, Bonus there, I-phone here and I-phone there, Sapu here and Sapu there, korek here and korek there. Syiok sendiri !! After GE13 and seven months down the road, only realised there was a very BIG hole in the national coffer (This BIG hole created, was supposed didn’t and instead became the rakyat babies !!. No thanks to the 47% still sleeping and mimpi with Najib.

Frankly, I think as a nation we may not have the luxury of time to wait till the next polls in 5 years time to boot out the highly wasteful, corrupt and moronic BN/UMNO regime. If we do wait for the next election, UMNO would have laid waste to Malaysia’s economy. One thing I know for sure is that next year (2014) is going to be a difficult year all because of this crappy BN government that stole our last election. We are supposed to have a new government to fix the decades of ineptitude and corruption, instead we got same old same old and are headed for a huge crash!

The casualty is credibility: it began to creep away but the pace has gradually built up to a crawl. If Najib, whose own reputation remains more positive than that of his government, does not act soon, the pace will quicken to a trot and develop into an irreversible gallop.In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our history, I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas, this message, spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you, as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself. For the second time in the lives of most of us, we are at war. Over and over again we have tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies. But it has been in vain. We have been forced into a conflict, for we are called to meet the challenge of a principle, which, if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any civilized order in the world. Such a principle, stripped of all disguise, is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right. For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear, it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge. It is to this high purpose that I now call my people at home, and my peoples across the seas, who will make our cause their own. I ask them to stand calm and firm and united in this time of trial. The task will be hard. There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield. But we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently commit our cause to God. If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, then, with God’s help, we shall prevail.in’t surprise if this BN administration did that. They are on tenterhooks to pawn away its most productive citizens to other countries. Dr. M sold LPG to Japan for a song. His next successor “gave” Limbang away. If the former can sell off his own race to become a Malay, What else is new ?

Good intentions are never enough to frame good policies. Each new policy generates a host of incentives and therein lies the devil of unintended consequences The dramatic and very welcome change in the new policy is that school management no longer In effect, this means that the non-meritorious and well-connected  ,this courageous blow for merit and transparency, which has got Najib increasingly unpopular Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s approval rating has dropped to 52 percent following a series of drastic subsidy cuts that have led to higher cost of living.

Najib did not capture the personality and psycho metric traits of a candidate; which are very critical for determining the performance of the Minister   LookBeyond Resumes, begins by creating holistic profiles with all the skill and personality attribute sets pre- mapped. It captures the personality of the candidates through their proprietary personality assessment tools creating a publicly viewable ‘attribute dashboard’. And the real time analytics for matching the right candidate comes from the algorithm itself, that maps the right candidate for the right job instantaneously, a feature that works with precision every time  Minister  is selected I don’t get these people, insulting our ‘national pride’ by claiming we do not have enough taxpayers and lenders to pay  mercenaries, we pay over millions already-we brand them ‘politicians’ though, it’s easier to spell. (I am tempted to switch to full vernacular mode, what Sunny Bindra calls peculiar lingo and ask .Najib’s Comedy piece Inspector-General of Police’s an Abrahamic Call to follow Imam Ahmad Zahid Hamidi  the savior of SunniMuslim Ummah: On Aug 5, 2013, former PM Mahathir attended the inauguration of Iran’s newly elected President Hassan Rohani.He met with him to discuss Teheran-Kuala Lumpur relations. So is Mahathir an admirer of Shiite teaching? In common discourse, …Read more

Najib’s approval rating has rarely dropped below 60 percent since he assumed his post as prime minister in April 2009.Despite starting with a low approval rating in the first few months of his tenure as premier, a slew of handouts since 2011 had seen his approval rating go up, at times, to above 70 percent.

It however dropped significantly to 59 percent after the BERSIH 2.0 rally in July 2011, the last time his popularity had seen a sharp decline.

However, the announcements of Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) handouts soon returned his approval ratings at above 60 percent, which was how it remained heading into the 13th general elections.

In the end it turned out to be a toofan in a chai cup. When the Huffington Post carried a report that the Congress    president, Sonia Gandhi, had a personal wealth portfolio amounting to some two billion dollars – which made her the twelfth richest political leader in the world, and richer than the queen of England – it raised both eyebrows and hackles.Following the Post disclosure,  Putra Jaya South Block may or may not have entertained apprehensions that the resident of first lady Palace might send an emissary to  seeking a loan to help tide things over till the next installment of the royal pocket money had been cleared byPrime Minister. But that eventuality apart, such a publicised abundance of riches belonging to first lady of a political organisation UMNO which over 60 years has been promoting itself as being pro-poor – if not pro-poverty – wouldn’t go down too well with G14 VOTERS, particularly of discontent is crackling with the static electricity of election fervour.A suitably huffy Congress spokesperson promptly rubbished the report. As though on cue, the online publication retracted its earlier statement, and withdrew the Congress president’s name from its richy-rich list. Subsequently, the Heat media gave out details of the  of Rosmah’s financial status based on the pre-election affidavits she had filed, which turns out to be far more modest than what the Post had erroneously claimed the suspension of The Heat is against all the promises by the prime minister and home minister to allow for more democratic space Weird Companions And Adapters Fixers within the party may argue for new populist Change is a mist which floats through events, often obscured by the daily cloudburst of facts. It is noticed least by those it affects most. Politicians have a sharper eye than they are given credit for, but they can miss the obvious. A tectonic shift …Read more

It is not so much about the hike or increase of tariffs due to the cut of subsidies but more about the inefficient delivery system and unproductive government spending that are eroding the confidence of the people.People do not mind paying more if they can get better service and the country’s coffers get strengthened in the process. But what we get is a poorer country due to careless spending and rampant corruption.

Two days before the elections, his approval rating stood at 61 percent, and it stood at 62 percent in August, three months after the polls. Najib’s popularity is now back to the levels where he began as PM four years ago.

The respondents’ perception towards the government however sees a continuing trend of Najib outscoring the government he leads in terms of popularity. In most of the recent polls conducted by Merdeka Center, less than half of the respondents were satisfied with the government’s performance, though the latest figure of 38 percent is a new low compared to 45 to 50 percent range of approval for the government in the recent past.‘When the people are hurting, salt is poured over the bruises by saying that it is good for them.’The episode suggests that we might be right in paraphrasing the poet and say that ‘There are no rich nor poor, but thinking makes them so’. Indeed, Sonia Gandhi’s overnight riches-to-rags (relatively speaking) downgrade might find a parallel in what used to be called India’s growth story and what might now more aptly be termed India’s growth which is history. The public will not complain if the monies collected are used wisely, prudently and with no wastage.They have been shouting till their throats hurt at the mismanagement of the government finances, only to  fall on deaf ears.Instead of finding ways to stop this fiasco, the public is made to pay for the mistakes of the leaders. Now when the people are hurting, salt is poured over the bruises by saying that it is good for them.”It’s all for your own good,” like a mother reprimanding her child. Dear PM, we are not your children and you are not our mother. You are here to serve us, and not to be served

Leakage in all parts of the government machinery needs to be arrested. The savings there will fund the economy many times over.

One of the Malaysiakini commenters stated something important. With costs rising and purchasing power declining, consumption will go down resulting in the manufacturing sector being impacted. The latter will result in lay-offs and lower contribution from producers to the tax haul.

Socials ills will follow. It will be a vicious cycle for all. Without efficiency and productivity, the economy will be compromised.

Read my lips, it will end up with consumers paying but the money not reaching the government. Najib you are telling only half of the story. How can you reduce fuel subsidy when government spending has remained extravagant?How can you reduce sugar subsidy when importation and distribution of sugar is still in the hands of private monopolies?How can you justify high price of cars when issuance of Approved Permits (APs) is for specific cronies to become billionaires. Which country on earth makes billionaires out of the largesse of public policy?How can you hike the electricity tariff when lopsided Independent Power Producers (IPP) agreements have remained unresolved?How can you continue to raise tolls when the profit of most concessionaires achieved is far beyond their wildest expectation? How can you impose Goods and Services Tax (GST) when our accounting and retailing are so rudimentary?

had clearly not bargained for the ferocity of the reaction of the entire political establishment, civil society and the media to this deplorable incidentOf course the government has done it. Why it takes you fellows so long to realise this? The government has securitized the government housing loans for civil servants a long time ago. The government has also used up the Pension fund that was set up to make pension payment self-sustained. But now you look at the annual budget, pension payment, which is the liability of the government, will now be a big hole each year. What about sukuk issued, surely it must be backed up by collateral assets, but do we know which one? What about bonds issued by 1MDB? Although it is guaranteed by the government, I am sure these are collateralised by government lands handed over to 1MBD. Look, 1MDB can’t create something out of nothing, can they? To get the true picture of government deficit, the Treasury should exclude all monies raised from asset sale from the revenue.Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor (pic) was today honoured with the ‘Global Inspirational Leadership’ award at the Africa-Middle East-Asia Amazons Awards Gala in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The event organiser, Centre for Economic and Leadership Leadership (CELD), said the award was in recognition of the high commitment, role and initiatives of the Malaysian prime minister’s wife … Read more

Time is ripe for Tamil to lead the country rather then the butcher from Gujarat

Little India riot: Singapore starts deporting Indian nationals
Sixteen of the men were interviewed by the state-appointed Committee of Enquiry into the riot in the Little India area, a report said.

Modi has proved his abilities as an administrator, Karunanidhi says

Not for nothing is DMK president M.Karunanidhi considered a shrewd tactician. The 90-year-old veteran leader’s political acumen remains sharp as ever, and is evident from his strategic move to distance his party from theCongress five months before the Lok Sabha elections, and within a week of its dismal show in the assembly polls.

SINGAPORE: Singapore on Friday started deporting 52 Indian nationals for their role in the December 8 riot, the city state’s worst street violence in 40 years.

Sixteen of the men were interviewed by the state-appointed Committee of Enquiry (COI) into the riot in the Little India area, a report Straits Times said.

The riot was sparked by a fatal accidentinvolving an Indian national.

The 53 had allegedly obstructed the police or failed to obey police order to disperse during the riot, in which 39 Home Team officers, including policemen were injured and 25 police and Singapore Civil Defence Force vehicles damaged.

They were deemed to have posed a threat to the safety and security of Singapore, conditions that allows the authorities to deport them from entering the country again under the laws such as Immigration Act.

Twenty-eight Indian nationals were arraigned on riot charges and would have their cases heard in court on Monday.

Meanwhile, police have warned 200 other South Asian workers who were at the scene of riot. Police have issued advisories to the 200 to obey the law and would be allowed to remain in Singapore and work.

Foreign minister K Shanmugam has stressed that the repatriation of the 53 became judicial rather than administrative matter.

Under the Immigration Act, the government could ask an individual to leave once it has been determined that he acted contrary to Singapore’s interests or acted in a manner prejudicial to public security or safety, stressed Shanmugam.

Earlier this week, a civil group had questioned the “arbitrary deportation” of these people, citing the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants.

The repatriation is done in groups.A Bangladesh national was also being deported.

Some 400 South Asian workers rioted when the 33-year old Indian National, Sakthivel Kumaravalu, was killed in the accident with a bus on the night of December 8.Singapore MP wants to turn Little India into alcohol-free zone The incident was the first in Singapore’s history since the 1969 communal riots which lasted for seven days and resulted in four deaths and 80 wounded. The Case of the Toxic Spelldump (Harry Turtledove) …… .Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong I’ve heard it has described Indians, mostly monkeys the Little …Read more

Making clear the aspirations of the AIADMK and its supremo and Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa, the party on Thursday said the time was ripe for a Tamil to lead the nation. “In the past, people from Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka were elected for the Prime Minister’s post. The time is now ripe for a Tamil to lead the country,” said a resolution passed by the AIADMK’s executive committee and general council. The resolution only endorsed what Jayalalithaa has been emphasising all along – that her party should play a larger national role after the Lok Sabha elections.

“Only Amma (Jayalalithaa) can turn the world’s largest democracy into a most powerful State,” the resolution said, adding, “She is the only star of hope and capable to lead a government for India’s bright future.” Unanimously adopted by the party general council, the resolution further stated that only Jayalalithaa, a “motherly national leader”, could embrace with compassion and respect the country with its rich diversity and people of all languages, religions and communities.

Jayalalithaa has been steadfast in her stand that her party would contest all 39 Lok Sabha seats in Tamil Nadu and the lone Puducherry seat on its own without the company of either the Congress or the BJP. She reiterated that the party would face the LS polls alone. Later, when reporters asked her about the party resolutions projecting her as a prime ministerial candidate, the chief minister clarified that it was the party cadres’ wish. She said there was no mention of ‘Prime minister’ in the resolution. “Moreover, party cadres have expressed their feelings. They have every right to do so and I can’t say anything on that,” was all she would say.

Lambasting the Congress-led government at the Centre for its “ineffectiveness” in handling the rise in price of essential commodities, “threats” posed by neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka, Jayalalithaa said the government had to be thrown out. “A strong government is needed to put down these countries. The administration at the Centre struggles with none to lead,” she said, urging her cadres to work for a victory in all 40 constituencies “so as to ensure security and progress of our country”.

Thanking the party for reposing faith in her and authorizing her to forge alliances for the LS polls, Jayalaliathaa said she wished to see a government at the Centre that would be friendly towards Tamil Nadu and take care of its welfare. “A government, which extends necessary aid and support in all ways to Tamil Nadu and which does not consider it a slave state; sees it as a friendly partner; and acknowledges its share in the country’s growth, should be formed at the Centre,” she said.

Jayalaithaa declared the party’s theme for the Lok Sabha elections as ‘peace, prosperity and progress’. Enthusing cadres, she referred to the party as an express train. The AIADMK should turn into the “Red Fort Express” and reach Delhi, she said. In the past, the party had turned into “Fort St George Express” and reached Fort St George (the seat of the state government) six times, including thrice under party founder M G Ramachandran. “People of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry are there to give us the green signal. I am there to drive the engine,” she said, amid loud cheers from supporters.
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After ruling out an alliance with the Congress for the 2014 Lok Sabha elections and indicating that a pre-poll tie-up with the BJP was remote, DMK chief M Karunanidhi praised BJP’s PM candidate Narendra Modi, describing him as “a good person”.

In an exclusive interview to TOI on Thursday, the DMK leader, when asked about Modi, said, “My personal opinion is Modi is a good person and has taken much care about the development of his state. He has proved his capabilities as an administrator in Gujarat where the people have elected him repeatedly. But whether he is fit to rule the nation, it has to be decided by the voters.”

Karunanidhi’s praise of Modi comes as a surprise to the Congress, though the Left parties said this was expected. The BJP appreciated his comment, but saw aligning with the Dravidian party as a non-starter considering it aims to continue attacking UPA-II on corruption which includes the 2G Spectrum scam in which two DMK leaders were in jail.

Congress saw Karunanidhi’s endorsement of Modi as a sign of desperation. Party spokesman Meem Afzal said, “It’s the pressure of Tamil Nadu politics that has made him give this kind of statement.”

CPM general secretary Prakash Karat said, “I am not surprised.” D Raja, a member of Rajya Sabha from Tamil Nadu, said, “Karunanidhi should be asked what he means by a ‘good person’. He also said the DMK strongman’s endorsement of Modi shows the depth to which he has fallen. “It’s the same party that passed a resolution in the name of Dravidian movement,” Raja said.

For BJP, Karunanidhi’s praise of Modi comes as a bonus from a state where the ruling AIADMK is viewed as a better ally, given chief minister J Jayalalitha’s cordial relations with Modi. Party spokesman Prakash Javdekar said, “Since the time the Congress has been attacking Modi, sometimes below the belt, more and more parties and leaders from across the country are appreciating Modi for his leadership qualities and good governance.”


Ku Nan: The Incredibly Clever MCA Chinese Thieves out to loot and piss at the Malays

MCA to Ku Nan: Apologise or we will  leave B.N forsaying MCA women  as cosmetic beauty like old prostitute with alot cosmatic
Heng wins women’s chief post, team makes clean sweep

MCA Wanita chief Yu Chok Tow bares fangs at the FT minister’s cheapening of women as valued only for their cosmetic beauty like old prostitute with alot cosmatic Najib will not dare touch him. His balls are tiny,  low-class, ill-bred people, apologising is an unknown act, and making of infantile, crude comments such as statements that degrade members of the fair sex is natural to them. What this bastard tengku is saying that he prefers his wife to put up make up the whole day so that she look sexy  said Yu Chok Tow Not all women are like Rosmah’s high maintenance. Goes to show how superficial our FT Minister’s think is ….

Most Malaysian Chinese will only make noise for all the things that they do not have while never even for once mention all the things that they have already had ?

Some may give example of how a Black American like Barrack Obama can be the President of the United States without knowing the facts that it take US 446 years of democratic electoral system to have Black American President compare to our Malaysian democratic electoral system that not yet even reach 60 years . Even that do u know how tight is the US President security system to prevent the Skin Head plan to assassinate and kill Obama because of his skin colour ?

We will complaint about Ali Baba policy and yet accused it benefit entirely only the Malays community but do you know how many Chinese Malaysian became a Millionaire out of this Ali Baba system ?

We talk about corruption but do you all know behind every single so ‘called’ racist UMNO politician there do have their own Chinese businessman as their proxy and crony?

Corruption is wrong. But the issue here that I am trying to convey is about racism. If it is really about race then why should the so called Racist UMNO Malays even have their crony from the Chinese race instead of their own races entirely ?

If the Malays in Malaysia is really racist then are we the Malaysian Chinese not racist as well ? Whenever we uses the word Chinese , Chinese , Chinese ? We must have a Chinese Prime Minister and etc ? If we are truly colour blind then the demand should be what type and quality of PM we should have and not what race should or should not be the head.

When our civil servant got more than 80% of the Malays , we claimed that the Government is racist but then in reality it was the Chinese who choose to work in the private sector than the public sector. Why should we blame others for something that we ourselves do not want to be part of it ?

Most Malays are easily contented with the pay in the public sector while most Malaysian Chinese will never wanted to have that type of pay. So when you all do not want it and others want it and when it happen you all blame the government of being racist when most of the Malays are in the Army and Police sector ?

Umno secretary-general Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said


Dr Lim Mah Hui

Senior Fellow of Socio-economic and Environment Research Instute Lim Mah Hui  is at brink of bring labelled as being defined as a racist, bigot or liar. He should explain on his statement debunking Minister in-charge of Economic Planning in Prime Minister’s Department Dato’ Ser

Abdul Wahid Omar’s stance for lack of opportunity is the culprit for lesser Malays in corporate sector instead of “Poor quality of workforce”.

There are evidently clear discriminatory practices against Malay graduates, job market candidates with experience, professionals or even top management aspirants.The Mole Chief Editor Shamsul Akmar Musa Kamal’s analysis on the New Sunday Times:

Discrimination in the private sector

CONTENTIOUS ARGUMENT: It’s highly presumptuous to claim the private sector’s refusal to employ Bumiputeras is because of their lack of quality

THERE are several ways for  Malays/Bumiputeras to react to reports quoting economist Dr Lim Mah Hui as saying that the private sector had not been keen to employ them because they are not able and lacking in quality.

Lim, a member of the DAP-led Penang government think tank, reportedly said this when debunking Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar, who had contended that the private sector had not given much opportunity to Bumiputeras.

First, Bumiputeras can get all riled up, demand Lim to apologise and if he refuses, ostracise and label him with unsavoury tags. Or they can counter what he had said by pointing out that his statement is racist, condescending, stereotypical, a generalisation, unfounded and without basis, and unfitting to have been uttered by someone with academic credentials.

A report in an English daily on Sept 18 titled “Discrimination when hiring is rife, say job seekers” could shed light on the issue and provide points to ponder as to why Lim was so quick to conclude the issue with a condescending attitude towards Bumiputeras.

The report, among others, highlighted a study conducted by Universiti Malaya senior lecturer in development studies department Lee Hwok Aun and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia research fellow Muhammed Abdul Khalid, which showed that racial discrimination, at least, is very much prevalent in the private sector.

The report stated they were only able to conduct the study in the private sector with Lee saying the results showing Chinese applicants had an upper hand, was expected.

“I wanted to step back and examine the issue empirically and credibly,” the report quoted Lee.

The study involved the distribution of resumes of fictitious Malay and Chinese candidates to real job advertisers and comparing the number of callbacks candidates of each race got.

In his analysis, Lee was quoted as saying: “The result of the experiment showed that in the private sector, race mattered. Chinese applicants are much more likely than Malay applicants to be called for an interview. Quality also matters, but much less so.”

There are a lot of other details in the report. Suffice to say Lee, in the report, pointedly said, “Quality also matters, but much less so.”

The academic, however, had a caveat: “We cannot confidently evaluate these arguments without further study. Emphatically, we must not be hasty to blame the discrimination we detect on malevolent motives and racial stereotyping, prejudice or bigotry.”

Based on the research Lee had done, it would have been highly presumptuous on the part of Lim to make such a sweeping conclusion that the refusal of the private sector to employ Bumiputeras is because of the community’s lack of quality.

Then what may have prompted Lim to say thus? Is it because he had done a study on the subject and the study is conclusive?

Lim may want to come out and prove that his remarks were not spawned from some deep-seated anti-Malay/Bumiputera sentiment but rather from his own findings that may help enlighten the lack in quality among the Bumiputeras, including the policy makers.

While he is at it, one thing seems to be conclusive, as all three — Lim, Wahid and Universiti Malaya’s Lee — agree there is a lack of Bumiputera participation in the private sector and it is not from the lack of want on the part of the community but rather the refusal of the private sector to take them.

In short, if, all this while, it is merely suspicions or conjectures when raising issues about the lack of Bumiputera participation in the private sector, especially when such opinions may have come from the Bumiputeras themselves, now that it had come from the likes of Lim, such views can be deemed as fact.

If that is a fact, the debate now is why (there is lack of Bumiputera participation) and how (to increase their participation). If Lim’s reason is the lack of quality, then the discrimination is not discrimination as merit is of essence. But the advocates of the New Economic Policy and affirmative action will argue that quality will be achieved with opportunities.

The argument put forth by Lim about quality is contentious, especially when he pointed his fingers at the civil servants, the majority being Bumiputeras, as examples of the lack in quality and incapability in producing results. Lest he forgets, the country enjoyed a double digit growth for almost a decade until the financial crisis of 1997/98.

In other words, the affirmative action was in full measure and the civil service shaped the nation’s economic policies. The majority of the civil servants then were still Bumiputeras. For that, there is no necessity for the Bumiputeras to be apologetic for the affirmative action to the likes of Lim and others.

Then again, there will be the Malay/Bumiputera apologists who will argue that they are not against the affirmative action but rather the implementation. Their arguments are ambiguous and at best apologetic, not wanting to put forth what they actually want. The easiest way out is to say that the affirmative action had benefited only the Umnoputras.

Without doubt Umno members, as other Bumiputeras, had benefitted from it. But so did the Malay/Bumiputera apologists.

In fact, if observed closely, these Malay/Bumiputera apologists are actually highly successful.

Their opinions and views are very much sought after by those anti-affirmative action non-Bumiputeras to lead in politics, non-governmental organisations, academic institutions and the media.

Or maybe, they are the ones Lim is referring to as lacking in quality. And wisdom is one quality stooges will never have.


Lim skewed analysis should be seen as nothing but sinister. Never mind the fact that the think-tank he represent is backed by Chinese Chauvinist Penang DAP State Government.

The fact is that, none of the Chinese owned banks and top PLCs hired professional Malays as their CEO. The consideration is never about relevant experience, exposure, qualification or proven track record with industry recognition as the testimony. Even if when they the choice of international head hunters.

Obviously, personalities in the likes of Dato’ Seri Wahid himself have shown their mettle to lead and proven to deliver profitability and brought added value to the shareholders.

DAP’s tradition a mask for regressive ideology


DAP  ambivalence is equally deceptive. It promptly take up race , lingual, Chinese sectarian and communal issues in the name of social justice and development for electoral gains.The party represents an ideology which has always been opposed to Malay , social reforms  the case of DAP, , an issue which is about to blow up big time, this matter is more clear-cut and less open to interpretation. in the name of saving Chinese culture and ethos. It had opposed Malay  affirmative brought after independence at times, double standards of the parties also confuse people.DAP has used ‘discrimination against Chinese’ to attack Malay  affirmative Article which provides special status to Malay. The ulterior motive of DAP is to communalize atmosphere in the garb  that Article .The issues like the common civil code appear to be nationalist but have anti-minority agenda schools and freedom of expression in art and culture shows that the UMNO is against progressive thought and individual freedom. Adding to it are purely communal issues  Even When UMNO was declared illegal in 1988,ROS apply the same rules on Umno  ‘Remember the farce of Umno’s 1987/88 elections when Justice Harun Hashim declared the party an illegal organisation?’When it comes to elections, the DAP has to be seen to be whiter than white.The ROS, in the earlier occasion when Umno was declared illegal because of 11 illegal divisions sending delegates to the Umno assembly for party elections,DAP, you all do not live by principles. You should have challenged the ROS in court. When the mistake happened, I wrote and advised that the worst that can happenthe potential de-registration Stubbornness and big headedness doesn’t take anyone anywhere. DAP chairperson Karpal Singh admitted there was a flaw in the CEC elections, just have it again and go on with life.

The Registrar of Societies (RoS) received nine complaint letters from the party’s members and grassroots leaders regarding its party elections in December last year and the re-election in September this year.

The RoS ruled that the December 2012 party election is flawed and instructed DAP to hold another election, which it did in September 2013. However, there were also flaws in the re-election as well.

The nine complaints received by the RoS that will make the September 2013 re-election invalid are:

1. Inadequate notice period (which should have been 10 weeks, as what Karpal Singh himself admitted).

2. The 851 delegates who were absent or not invited to the re-election when they were eligible to attend and vote at the meeting.

3. The 985 instead of 865 branches that were involved in the re-election.

4. The delegates’ list 15th December 2012 was not used, as it should have.

5. The proper notice of the meeting was not issued.

6. The election was not transparent.

7. Suspected elements of fraud.

8. Suspicious election results.

9. Manipulation of votes.

The RoS then asked DAP to submit its report, which it did. But then the report was so skimpy and lacked a satisfactory explanation regarding the nine complaints.

If the RoS is still not satisfied with DAP’s response it can demand that a new election (or re-re-election) be held and if DAP fails to comply then it runs the risk of being deregistered like what happened to Umno 25 years ago.

DAP is taking this matter to the court of public opinion. I doubt, however, that DAP can win this fight even if it wins in the court of public opinion because this is not like sedition which is open to interpretation.

I fear that DAP is soon going to learn what ‘you can’t fight City Hall’ means. DAP can rant and rave and allege that it is being persecuted and is being subjected to unfair treatment. Nevertheless, the RoS can just go ahead and deregister the party unless DAP complies with the rules.

You may think that the law is an ass but then the law is the law. And, as we say in the west: you can’t fight City Hall.Sins call for atonement, crimes must be punished. And what better, if such redemption can be detached from those really culpable and outsourced to some dumb creature that cannot complain? This was the idea behind the Biblical practice of casting a goat into the wilderness after ascribing all manner of ills and improvidence to it. … Read more

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