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Tan Cheng Liang vs Heng Seai Kie the winner is best Nudity




A doctored photo featuring Wanita MCA deputy secretary-general Tan Cheng Liang, who is vying for the wing’s chairperson post, marred the Wanita MCA polls today.

It has an image of Tan’s face doctored onto a female figure posing in a red swimsuit. A speech bubble reads, “For the sake of victory, I am willing appear in skimpy clothing.”

In the background is the image of a man kneeling over and vomiting heavily.

Speaking angrily to reporters while voting was going on, Nibong Tebal division Wanita chief Khor Mei Li said the photograph has been circulating among the delegates for days.

Khor accused Tan’s rival Heng Seai Kie of being the culprit.

“For today’s malicious and despicable act, Heng is not fit to lead Wanita MCA, nor does her team. If they win, I will boycott them,” she said.

Asked how could she be so certain, Khor replied, “If it wasn’t Heng, would Tan have done it herself?”

Contacted later, Heng told Malaysiakini that she was “not aware of this issue, for I have not received nor seen the picture”.



While many people may think it’s an activity best learned behind closed doors, an enterprising MCA schoolmistress thinks otherwise.
said she opened the international MCA sex school for teaching people the art of being better lovers, MCA online reported.
The MCA International Sex School offers ‘hands on’ lessons in seduction for MCA membership . The  ‘headmistress’ says anyone over the age of 21 can enroll at ‘the world’s first college of applied sexuality’, the Utusan reported.
Students of the course are expected to stay in a co-ed dormitory block where they are expected to practice their ‘homework’. By the end of their course, they are awarded a qualification.
Soi Leg: “Our core education is not theoretical, but very practical. The emphasis is on how to be a better lover. This involves “sexual positions, caressing techniques, anatomical features. And we give people hands-on experience.”
The school’s spokesperson
exuded confidence that the institute would be a great success.
The school, however, has already turned TV3 controversialwith its raunchy advertisements showing a couple making love having already invited a ban on TV.
Beliawanis MCA chief Tee Hooi Ling THIS TAXIDRIVER WILL take you to bed and have his way with you. will make you ache, shake, sweat until you moan and groan. will make you beg for mercy, beg for him to stop, will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I’m finished with you.And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days.All my love,

The Flu
Now get your mind out of the any other thoughts and, go get your SOI LEK SHOT

An average man has nine sexual partners in his entire life, compared to women, who have four, a new study has revealed.The Health Survey for England found that men reported having 9.3 different partners on average, with a quarter of men boasting of more than 10 conquests.However, a third of those questioned admitted they were only estimating the number of notches on their bedposts, the Telegraphreported.On the other hand, women had a mean average of 4.7 sexual partners in their lives so far, with a quarter having just one. They were most probably more certain of the number of lovers they had had. 

According to the study, more women than men reported having sexual intercourse with only one partner of the opposite sex in their lifetime (24 per cent of women compared with 17 per cent of men), and conversely more men than women reported having sexual intercourse with 10 or more partners of the opposite sex (27 per cent of men and 13 per cent of women).

Among older women, monogamy was even more prevalent with 40 per cent of those aged between 55 and 69 asserting that they have only had one sexual partner ever.

Men talk and think a lot about sex while womendesire it more often. We explore the reasons…‘Men think, while women desire.’ Gone are the days when ‘demanding sex’ was considered exclusively a man’s forte. Today women demand sex greater than men. And they have no qualms about getting vocal about it. “I read these funny E-mail forwards that stress on men begging for sex and women denying it. It sounds so funny to me. It’s totally the opposite in my case. While men can have a good laugh over it believing that this notion exists, I literally have to seduce my husband to get him hooked on to the act,” quips production assistant Megha Mehra. And she is not alone. Many girls/women had a similar story.We spoke to women from different backgrounds to figure out what is making them addicted to sex.It’s physically pleasurable
Amongst all the other reasons to remain glued to sex, this is the most prominent one. Good sex satisfies your physical urge, which is very normal for anyone to experience. Psychologist Seema Naina opines, “Sex is the most basic need of any person. And I am increasingly getting cases where women are complaining that men are unable to satisfy their physical needs.” 

Creates positive feelings about oneself
Ideally, great sex means you are enjoying the sexual act and participating equally. It makes you feel good about yourself, thus adding to your self esteem. Shares housewife Neelam Nehra, “When my husband comes back from a whole day at work and we have our sack session, it increases my self esteem. The very feeling that I am able to satisfy him is a great pleasure. And since I never want to go out of shape to look unappealing to my husband (and other men), it even acts as a motivation to work out and feel desirable.” Wondering why?

“Sex has healing powers. It generates positive emotions and makes one feel more confident. When a woman sees her man passionate in the act, admiring her body and moves, it infuses a lot of good feelings within her,” opines psychologist Sunaina Bajaj.

Brings them closer to their man
Physical intimacy releases hormone Oxytocin, which is also known as the love hormone. Agreesrelationship expert Vandana Mitra, “I have always maintained that couples should never take sex casually. It’s a very important ingredient for any relationship to sustain. It helps couples to nurture the relationship and strengthen the bond.” So whoever said having more sex with your partner means lesser cases of infidelity, made sense.

Content developer Prachi Sinha states, “I feel a major connect with my boyfriend after we make love. I just feel like being close to him. My faith in him and our relationship grows stronger.” Prachi’s boyfriend agrees, “When she told me about the 7 days a week sex, I initially could not stop laughing. I mean, this is not the only thing we have to do. But honestly it has got us closer. I just can’t take my eyes off her even when we are moving in a crowd.”

Negates unwanted emotions/ Stress-reliever
Sex is not just a physical sensation but it’s comforting and relaxing. Call centre executive Neetu Sharma shares her experience, “Whenever I have a bad day at work, sex really helps me unwind. It totally takes the stress out of my mind and makes me feel relaxed and rejuvenated.” Psychologist Reena Kapur explains why. “Sex involves a lot of deep breathing and touching and the hormones that are released during the act calm you down.”

Great form of exercise
Thirty minutes of sex burns more than 85 calories. We have read it almost everywhere that sex helps in burning calories. Confirms fitness consultant Stuti Batra, “While I do not suggest giving up work outs, doubling up the session makes you drop more weight.” While this is the most deadly mix, many girls are seriously taking to it. “It may sound a little funny, but while making love I prefer to play the dominant role. It helps me burn greater calories, leaving my guy in ecstasy,” says Payal Verma.

Invokes passion
“Sometimes I feel like a pervert, because I find myself always thinking about my boyfriend, and what we did the night before. It gives me a kick and makes me crave for our next sack session. He thinks I am crazy, but it really happens to me,” shares call centre executive Richa Sharma.

“It is completely normal to fantasise about sex. But I have heard it can freak a guy out- we men are still adapting to the concept of women demanding sex more than us. But we love that passion,” admits psychologist Prateek.


In one sense, there is a pragmatic way of looking at this: in order to win a larger male audience, women have to remind men that they are women (with a capital T & A). Conventional wisdom says that funny women are intimidating, so why not take yourself down a peg — or article of clothing — or two to make yourself a little more approachable?
This makes good career sense, but does it undermine the struggle to let a woman’s work, not her workout, be her selling point? To put it another way, we aren’t expecting to see Sarah Vowell in a Maxim photo shoot anytime soon, and we doubt that has hurt her career very much.
Another, perhaps even more crucial point, is that from all accounts, these sorts of photo shoots are a lot of fun. We are sexual beings after all and to deny that is not only wrong, it’s naive.
Nevertheless, at a time when so many men feel comfortable saying, “I don’t find women funny,” it doesn’t sit well with us to see many of those same men rewarded with getting to see actual funny women in the buff.
Below are a few examples of funny women who could/should keep their clothes on (unless, of course, it’s for a role and it’s tasteful and artistically justified, etc. etc.). It’s not because they aren’t beautiful, of course they are. It’s because we consider placating the readers of laddie mags just so beneath them.
What do you think? Does seeing hilarious women strip down bother you or is it all in good fun?
 of breasts is to attract a mate sexually comes from the Darwinian theory of evolution. But evolutionary scientists themselves admit that it is VERY difficult to explain how lactation could have evolved since it is such an intricate and complex process, and that the various hypotheses to try to explain its evolution just don’t sound satisfactory.
Think of breasts both as “ornaments” (pretty) and as “magnificent” (because of their function—the process of milk production and breastfeeding is QUITE intricate). They are a PART of the WHOLE of a female, emphasizing the fact she can be a mother. Men ARE attracted to the whole female, including the breasts—but does that mean the breasts are supposed to be an “ogling” point, or the most important point of sexual attraction, OR that the sight of breasts without the rest of the body should be an immediate turn-on?


“Erogenous zones” are parts or areas of human body that provide sexual arousal when touched.  It is commonly noted (and various magazines have had polls on this) that apart from the genitals, theerogenous zones vary tremendously between individuals - even between Americans.  Some people like to have their breasts caressed, some like their neck or thighs being touched, belly, or feet, etc.
Not all women want their breasts or nipples caressed. For some, the nipple area is just too sensitive for that. For some it’s nothing special. Yet others like it. So it is a very individual thing. Truly, some people even say that their whole body is an erogenous zone for them.
Basically, it is the skin that feels the touch, and loving touch on the skin releases oxytocin in us (more on oxytocin later) and makes us feel good. Then it is the mind that controls sexual arousal. The mere touch on skin does not cause sexual arousal without other factors (as we are all aware!).
So breasts can be an erogenous zone for some, just as neck, ears, belly, thighs, etc. can be – and for some people they are NOT an erogenous zone. It’s an individual thing. Of course it is up to the couple what they do during their intimate moments, which body parts they touch or caress. Hopefully if you love the person, you love ALL of him/her!
Certainly this does not make breasts a special sexual organ like genitals. It is just skin as any other skin, and not even the most sensitive skin in the body (think of lips, fingertips). But what about nipples? Read on.


We have often been suggested that breasts have also a sexual function (besides breastfeeding) because nipple stimulation is arousing to some women – some think it is so in all women.

Visitor comments:“Breasts are sexual in the sense that women can be turned on by the rubbing or licking of the breast, more specifically the aereola and nipple. And men get turned on by the exposure of breasts.”“There is that little problem with the fact that the nipple is an erogenous zone. Could be that the breast is seen as sexual largely because they serve a sexual function as well as a nourishing one.”“They are not JUST “baby feeders.” Some women can be stimulated to sexual climax by nipple arousal alone; does this seem like a function of feeding a baby? Body parts have multiple functions, and breasts ARE sexual objects as well as baby feeders.”

Nipples are very sensitive since they have lots of nerve endings. Some women don’t like theirs touched exactly BECAUSE of this; the nipple is so sensitive. True, touching them can be arousing in a sensual setting. Some women can even climax from nipple stimulation alone (though not the majority). So why does it happen?
The answer really is very simple: sexuality is in the mind. Whether nipple stimulation is arousing or not depends, first of all, on the woman’s mindset. If the situation is sexual, and she believes touching nipples is part of that, then it can be arousing. Secondarily, nipple stimulation releases the hormone oxytocin, and oxytocin in its turn helps us feel love.
In breastfeeding, when the baby suckles and stimulates the nipple, oxytocin is responsible for the let-down reflex, which causes the milk flow within the breast. Also, labor contractions are caused by large quantities of oxytocin.  In fact, physicians routinely induce labor by injecting a certain form of oxytocin into women (pitocin).
Also, and very importantly, a kind touch anywhere in the body causes oxytocin to be released. This is true for friendly hugs, massages, hairdresser touching your scalp, shaking hands, stroking someone’s skin, and caressing touch within the intimate moments. If the touch is kind and friendly, your body releases oxytocin.
Oxytocin makes us feel good, feel loved, and we feel loving and friendly towards whomever touched us. It helps the mother will feel love towards her baby when the baby suckles on the breast. In other words, it helps bonding. Oxytocin is called the love or cuddle hormone, and it exists in all kinds of friendly human relationships.
Oxytocin or kind touch is so important that babies who are not touched a lot, won’t develop properly.  The touch-deprivation that some lonely people experience can lead to depression.  Elderly people are especially in danger of that.  Everyone needs touch, everyone needs oxytocin, even your pet.
So nipple stimulation releases oxytocin, the cuddle hormone, just like a friendly touch anywhere on the skin does. But only THE MIND will make a woman feel sexually aroused. It is not the nipple stimulation per se – if that was so, then she’d feel aroused during labor and giving birth, too, since large quantities of oxytocin are circulated in bloodstream during those painful moments. The same is true of breastfeeding – baby’s suckling of nipple causes oxytocin to be released, but this alone does not have to create sexual arousal.
The sexual response happens in the BRAIN. The human brain is the most important sexual organ we have. When people are sexually stimulated, it is certain chemicals in the brain that are at work. In fact, a person’s brain can be conditioned to produce those chemicals at the sight (or thought) of breast, nipple, ankle, genitals, underwear, or at the thought or sight of some specific object.
So if the woman believes that breasts are connected with sex, or if she is thinking of sex and intimacy while her nipples are rubbed, then nipple stimulation can start the sexual response and arousal. The oxytocin released then makes her feel good and loved. But the arousal is not something every woman experiences from nipple rubbing.


It has also been asked why some women’s nipples become erect during sexual arousal. Is it because nipples have a sexual function? Actually, an erect nipple just means that the nipple stands out a bit, and is not flat. This is true of most women’s nipples all of the time (some women have flat or inverted nipples, the rest of us have erect nipples).
So there is some terminology confusion. Basically people are referring, not to erect nipples per se, but to a “scrunched up” and wrinkling of the areola, which makes the nipple also protrude a little more. (see a picture here)
This could actually be termed a “goose bump effect”. It happens when the tiny muscles on the areola contract in response to various stimuli like cold, rubbing against clothes, suckling, or nipple stimulation by hand. These muscles can also contract because of the general increased muscle tension or muscle tone during arousal, or because of nipple stimulation by the partner.


This is a question that cannot be answered in a short space. Breasts are part of the “whole package” that makes a woman. They aren’t sexual in the sense that merely looking at them in some everyday context (such as BREASTFEEDING) shouldn’t make men instantly think about sex! Yet they are sexual in the sense that they are a female body part, and the whole female is sexually attractive to men.
We are not saying that men can’t appreciate and admire women’s breasts (as feminine and beautiful body parts), or that a man and a woman can’t enjoy touching each other’s bodies during their intimate relationship. We are saying breasts are not supposed to be an immediate “turn-on,” or in other words a special obsession point for men.
The advertisements and media images play to the idea that men are supposed to be “all ready” the instant they get a flash of a breast. That, we feel, is UNHEALTHY! However, breasts are a part of our femininity as women, and men can be, and ARE drawn to the whole female. It is indeed the whole woman, the entire feminine being who kindles and fans the flame of sexual desire for men.
On this website we aim to fight back against this sad trend where breasts are “elevated” into objects of automatic “turn-on” for men. Keep in mind, though, that this is NOT men’s fault, because they have been culturally conditioned to see breasts that way.
Note that we’re NOT saying sex or sexuality is bad. Our entire bodies truly can be part of the sexual pleasure – including breasts. The point is: This notion that seeing a bare breastautomatically causes sexual excitement does great disservice to all of us (BOTH men and women). It should not be considered a special body part that needs to be hidden at all times. Necks and ankles and lips aren’t!
So let breasts be like legs, hips, neck, face, and all the other body parts of a female—part of the whole female (and it’s the whole that is sexually attractive to men). Breasts tie in with maternity: they signal that the woman is mature, capable of bearing and nursing children. They also REMIND us of their precious life-giving part in child-rearing. Perhaps YOU yourself were once nourished by those magnificent organs!


Many people have presented the idea that since other animals do not have protruding breasts, that that supposedly is a proof that in humans they would have a sexual function in attracting a mate.
First of all, that is not a “biological fact”. We have built a page with lots of pictures of mammals nursing to show just a glimpse of what kind of “breasts” we see in the animal world. It simply varies – some have VERY prominent mammary glands (the udder on cows and goats and sheep) and some only have nipples showing, and some have enlarged mammaries during lactation. Even in humans, breast size varies tremendously. Some women are flat-chested!

A recent survey of married men and women showed that 87% of married men and 89% of marriedwomen in the 60-64 age range are sexually active. Those numbers drop with advancing years, but 29% of men and 25% of women over the age of 80 are still sexually active.
So clearly, the older years can be a time of relief that children are no longer lurking in nearby bedrooms, and there is no longer a need to jump up early in the morning for work. For some,older age is a time of freedom to explore sexual expression in ways never before realized. A time to cast away the “shoulds” of earlier years, the societal expectations. For others, they are more than happy to forget about sexual performance, and to seek other forms of companionship and interpersonal sharing.
Sexual expression means many things One of the most significant losses with advancing age is the loss of intimacy. Many seniors have no opportunity for physical contact, affectionate dialogue, snuggling, or shared secrets. The actual act of intercourse is only one possible form of sexual expression. The continuing development of your sexual identity and the evolution of your own form of sexual expression with advancing years represents, in many ways, the most basic expression of your self.
Sex is good for you! One fascinating recent study showed that men who have more than two orgasms per week have lower mortality statistics. But these numbers only demonstrate a correlation between sexual activity and longevity, they do not prove that sex prolongs life. What is probably true is that people who are well, and vigorous enough to engage in sexual activity are also healthier in general. But I believe that sexual activity, in its many forms, can be physically, intellectually, and even spiritually fulfilling. It is often a good form of exercise, and it can stimulate the brain and promote good mental function. For some, sexual expression represents the most elemental manifestation of true self.
Finding Your Sexual Expression
What is most important is to find the type of sexual expression that suits you best.
Self-stimulation Some people, either by choice or by necessity, find much gratification in sexual self-stimulation. There may be some resistance to this form of self-exploration by people who were raised with the idea that self-stimulation is “dirty” or perverted. But many who have overcome this resistance have been exhilarated by a whole new experience.
Sharing sexual experience in new ways Others explore sexual sharing in new ways with a longtime partner, or with a new partner. And still others, especially elderly women, have discovered new intimacies with same-sex partners, even after spending most of their adult lives in heterosexual relationships. Again, the key to satisfaction and fulfillment with sexual experience in later life is individual choice.
Changes in the Body
There are many changes that happen in our bodies as we age, and some of these changes can modify sexual experience in later years. Both women and men experience slower arousal responses. This can lead to anxiety in people who do not understand that this change is normal.
Women’s changing bodies Women’s bodies change is some of the following ways:
The lips of the vagina (the labia) and the tissue covering the pubic bone lose some of their firmness.
The walls of the vagina become less elastic.
The vagina itself becomes drier.
The clitoris can become highly sensitive, even too sensitive.
Uterine contractions with orgasm may at times be painful.
Men’s changing bodies The entire male sexual response tends to slow down in the following ways:
There is a delay in erection.
There is a need for more manual stimulation to achieve an erection.
The “plateau” phase, or period between erection and ejaculation, is prolonged.
Orgasm is shorter and less forceful.
The penis loses its firmness rapidly after ejaculation.
The “refractory period”, or time interval before erection is able to be achieved again, can be quite long, even up to a week in very elderly men.
Chronic Diseases Many chronic diseases that elderly people experience can also modify sexual expression.
Coronary artery disease: Coronary artery disease may lead to chest pain with sexual activity, or fear of having a heart attack during sex. Chronic lung disease: Chronic lung disease can lead to breathlessness. Arthritis: Arthritis may impair the ability to use some positions for sex. Embarrassment: Some older persons may find that embarrassment over the loss of a breast, or the presence of a colostomy bag or some other apparatus, may inhibit free sexual expression, especially with a new partner. Medications: For other people, medications taken for many chronic diseases, especially hypertension and heart disease, may cause either a loss of libido or impaired performance.
The Key to Continued Pleasure: Flexibility and Willingness
So is all of this enough to make older people pack it in and forget about sexual activity? Ofcourse not! The key is a willing spirit and the ability to be flexible and adapt to change. Here are some of the numerous ways men and women can adapt to aging changes and continue to be, or become, a sexual person:
Slow down: Realize that sexual arousal takes longer and requires more manual stimulation. Make the most of foreplay: Take all the time that you often didn’t have in your younger days to pleasure each other or yourself. Communicate: Share what makes you feel good with your partner. Use your sensory skill: Take time to explore in great detail all the tactile, visual, auditory, and even olfactory aspects of being intimate. Play with the mood: Take time to set the stage for a special experience –  experiment with lighting, music, candles, oils, perfumes, and incense. Try a new place.
Adaptations for women Here are some suggestions for older women:
Lubrication: Make adequate lubrication part of your routine, to avoid irritation of the vagina or painful intercourse. The first part of lubrication is adequate stimulation, but an over-the-counter lubricant can be a very helpful adjunct. A water-based lubricant, such as Astroglide, K-Y Jelly, or Today, is best; oil-based lubricants and petroleum products such as Vaseline may be difficult to flush out of the vagina, and may cause irritation or infection. Applying the lubricant yourself can be a good way to get in the mood. You could also make applying the lubricant part of your lovemaking routine!
Vaginal estrogens: Some women with extreme vaginal dryness and irritation may benefit from a short course of vaginal estrogens, but remember that estrogens are absorbed through the vagina, and the systemic effects of estrogens, both positive and negative, should be considered and discussed with your doctor. If you use estrogen cream, use as little as is effective for as short a time as possible to get the desired effect. Of course, you may be taking oral estrogens for other reasons, in which case you will also experience beneficial effects on the vagina.
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Adaptations for men Here are some thoughts for older men:
Be patient: Realize that more stimulation is required to achieve an erection. If you can’t achieve a satisfying or effective erection despite prolonged manual stimulation, you may be one of many men who experience erectile dysfunction. But don’t give up. See your doctor, who may either treat you her/himself or refer you to a urologist (see ‘Medications’ below).
For men with heart disease: Men who have heart disease may be particularly concerned about whether sex will put too much strain on their heart, and men who have had a heart attack or heart surgery wonder when or if they can ever resume sexual activity. You should discuss this with your doctor. For the most part, sexual activity may be resumed within about two to four weeks after a heart attack. If you can climb two flights of stairs without chest pain or shortness of breath, you should be able to engage in sexual activity without concern, as this is more vigorous exercise than having sex. If you are prone to chest pain with sex, discuss taking a nitroglycerine tablet under the tongue before sex, and experiment with positions to find one that is less physically demanding for you (see below).
If you are taking medications and think that one of them may be impairing your sexual performance, be sure to discuss it with your doctor. Let him or her know that sexual activity is important to you. Frequently, other medications can be substituted that have less effect on sexual activity.
Testosterone: If you would like to be more sexually active, but find that your libido is impaired, you might possibly benefit from testosterone. I think that testosterone has been greatly overblown as a potential enhancer of strength, energy, and overall well being, but it has been shown to improve sexual performance in men who have low testosterone levels, and to increase libido when taken in small doses by women. Ask your doctor about whether you should be evaluated for this option.
Viagra: If you are suffering from one of many treatable medical conditions that cause impotence, a medical evaluation is indicated, and you can be helped. Some examples of diseases that interfere with sexual response are diabetes, thyroid disease, and depression. Once you have had a thorough medical evaluation, you may well benefit from a medical treatment for impotence. The one everyone has heard about and is interested in is Viagra. Viagra is a chemical substance called silendafil, which acts by inhibiting the action of a phosphodiesterase, which ends erection. The phosphodiesterase works by breaking down cGMP, the substance that relaxes penile muscles, thereby drawing blood into the penis and causing erection. Viagra has been shown to be very effective for many different types of erectile dysfunction. It is relatively safe, except that it cannot be taken by men who use nitrates for heart disease.
Alternatives to Viagra for men: If Viagra is not an option for one reason or another, there are other medications that can be tried. Some involve application into the urethra, or injection into the penis. Some men benefit from a vacuum pump device to aid in erection, and others may choose the surgical implantation of a penile prosthesis. If you are considering any of these options, be sure to see a urologist who is expert in this field.
Positions to Try
Experiment with different positions if pain, strength, or endurance is an issue for you. Some options are:
The “spoon position”, in which both partners lie on their sides, the woman with her back to theman, is great for intimacy with or without intercourse.
The woman on her back and the man at a right angle to her on his side.
The person with less strength or endurance on her/his back, with the stronger partner kneeling above.
If you are interested in being sexually active, with or without engaging in intercourse, and the above suggestions are not sufficient to help you achieve the level of activity you desire, ask for help. Your primary care doctor, urologist, or gynecologist may be able to help, or may refer you to a sex therapist.

Don’t fall into the ageist trap of thinking that sex is only for the young. Sexuality in your older years is all about breaking down stereotypes, open communication, individual choices, and embarking on a path of wonderful self-discovery. Enjoy!

 Soiled lekGoing raw on second date:


Sex is must before marriage: Marriage mania Sex? We are Indians!

  • Drenched Bollywood hotties

What do you think about live-in-relationships?
It is as sacred as the institution of a real marriage.

Your view on sex before marriage?
It’s must!!!!!!

What is your meaning of love and loyalty?
It is certainly not limited to fidelity. It’s about real friendship and passionate companionship.

What is the best thing you did for a guy?
Yet to do

What is the one thing that you expect from your partner?
Genuine admiration for who I am and what I do.

Will you forgive a cheating partner?
Yes! Most people deserve a second chance.

What do you think about sex and its importance in a relationship?
Real and passionate love tends to lead to physical intimacy which strengthens the relationship.

  • Drenched Bollywood hotties

Subscribers of open marriages say monogamy is like living a lie, but is there really space for a third in a marriage?So call me conventional, old-fashioned, not with-it, or what you will. But when actor Irrfan Khan spoke in favour of open marriages I did not join the crowd of admirers applauding his ‘honesty’. Most of the applause anyway came from men; women were wary. What Irrfan had done was to lay bare an eternal male fantasy, and stoke a woman’s essential fear. He gave expression to what he called a “sanctified marriage” but what actually can at best be termed “sanctified infidelity”.From a time when we taught the world a few lessons in sex to becoming a repressed society, Indians are indeed one sexually confused lot
A bitterly weeping Kumud (Jennifer Winget) mourns the loss of her virginity in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s evocative television romance Saraswatichandra, “Mardon ko mohh ka shraap hota hai, aur auraton ko maryada ka varr… mujhe apne aap ko rok lena chahiye thha…!” (Men are afflicted by the curse of extreme attachment, while women have the blessing of propriety. I should have held myself back!)

he male lead, a befuddled Saras (played by Gautam Gode) cannot understand her misery. “Issme paap kya hai? Kal hum jis duniya mein thhe wo sirf hum dono ki duniya thhi…Ye hamara hakk thha!” (What’s sinful in our coming together? This is just between the two of us, it is our right!) To this Kumud replies that love follows some principles, which they have ignored!

I do not agree that one gets married only because of societal compulsions, but yes, these may help keep many a marriage together.

One of the essential stages of loving is to become so attached that you wish to not just share moments, but an entire lifetime with your loved one. You want to make a home and babies and share the pleasures of life with each other, be responsible for each other’s happiness and live in the security and knowledge that you are bound to each other by more than just that frivolous thing called romantic love. And this security comes from marriage. Love may ebb and flow, but marriage keeps you from walking off at the first visible hurdle. Kids hold you back even after several hurdles.

Our love — even for those we are bound by blood to — has an essential element of duty to it. Most of the time, you do things for parents, siblings or children because you are duty-bound to do them. Pure affection and sincere emotions do not necessarily dictate everything we do for our blood relatives. Similarly a sense of duty and responsibility are an essential part of our love for a spouse, and the marriage contract spells that need for responsibility as much as blood does.

  • Drenched Bollywood hotties

, even one affair outside marriage carries with it the risk of breaking it up. With 10, the logistics would become impossible to handle. Proponents of an open relationship talk about the liberating effect of discussing other liaisons with their spouses, but they also agree that juggling lovers and trying to keep jealousy at bay can raise stress levels dangerously, often resulting in explosive situations; it is difficult for us to accept a love that is not exclusive.

Supporters of polyamorous relationships claim they are far more honest than those plodding along in boring monogamous ones. But to me, a swinger is more honest to himself and to those he/she has relationships with. Having a series of lovers and intimacies one after another without promise of commitment is better than having them all simultaneously. And marriage should come only when one is ready to commit to that one relationship. Accidents may happen along the way, but a planned infidelity runs contrary to normal human emotions and would spell chaos in society.

  • Drenched Bollywood hotties

I would like to think that Irrfan was doing more than confessing a sexual deviancy; he was talking of options and the power of choice – of marriage and fidelity as a choice, rather than a societal compulsion. Irrfan compounds the confusion further, “If you ask me, I would respect a marriage where the man and woman have the freedom to sleep with anyone. There is no bondage.”

Of course, Irrfan stresses too much on the “sleeping with” bit. A marriage is not about just sex. If you look at sex as just a momentary act, a release for stress and a means to feel good about yourself, it may sound fine to have it anywhere, any time, with anyone. But look at it as a woman does – a means of coming intimately closer to the one you love. That can certainly not be shared with 10 people. And look at it the way scientists do. The act of sex releases chemicals that bring a couple closer to each other. Scientists opine that two powerful hormones that are released after sex — oxytocin and vasopressin — are responsible for feelings of deep commitment and attachment between two people.

And so, if in your experiments, you are attracted by and get attached to one of the outsiders, there is bound to be a lessening of attachment to the significant one, essentially rendering the open marriage into a broken marriage. Rightly do some therapists call an open marriage a recipe for disaster, jealousy, hurt and disappointment.

  • Drenched Bollywood hotties

“I think a sanctified marriage is when you have an option to sleep with 10 people, but you are still choosing that one person to live with,” said Irrfan. People wondered if he was hinting at being in an open marriage. Or was he a swinger? While an open marriage or a polyamorous arrangement implies a relationship with more than two people at the same time, a swinger swings from person to person, merely

HOT!!! Tiger Show by Shaila Nair
Shaila Nair Who?
Well, she is wife of Vel Paari, son MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu …
Very hot looking wife of Vel Paari, Shaila Nair talks very dirty in this clip (in English) to her lover

All that talk about first impression and lasting ones… well, that’s not all jazz you know. Whoever said it sure knew what they meant. And guess what, if you want to seduce someone, you’ve got to do more than just dress and speak the role, you have a secret yet powerful tool at easy disposal, your eyes. Making the right eye contact and giving the right signals via your eyes to the person you are interested in means about 50 per cent of your work done. The truth is that most of the communication that occurs between two people who are interested in each other is wordless, it’s all about the looks.

readmore Indian women have a certain allure to them, a sultry exotic sex appeal. You just know that once you get them in private, they let loose. Hot, sexy
Even the experts will vouch for this. In fact, communication and body language counsellors opine that the basic components of eye behaviour are easy to master once a person knows how they work. So, if you want to ensure that you always use your eyes fluently and with dazzling effect, here are four simple steps you need to follow.
In the case of Eskimos, the children learn of sex matters from their family itself, as soon as they are able to form ideas. Since they live in small dwellings, it is a matter of observation that all the family functions including sex between parents or, other elderly couples being conducted right before their eyes (Garber 1935:216). It is also very interesting to quote here the observation made by Garber (1935:216): “I found several instances in which girl’s mother, by physical manipulation, prepared her small daughter for the process of copulation in order that complete satisfaction might be assured to the prospective husband”.
Some tribals, specially the Chenchus of Andhra Pradesh, have sexual intercourse in day time since, they feel that intercourse at night lead to the birth of blind child. Also, they have sex in deep forest area as, they believe that their home is not a hygienic place to have sex


  • Drenched Bollywood hotties


  • Drenched Bollywood hotties

These sex videos have the biggest bush on a chick I have ever seen, this girl look like she has a grizzly bear in a head locked between her legs. Namrata Shrestha sex tape and Namrata Shrestha scandal are among the top searches on the Internet from Nepal. In total there are three videos, two of which overlap. All three videos are posted below instead of trying to merge the two overlaying videos into one and post


Just for a second, wait and think. Had you found out that your husband is cheating not only on you but your kids as well — would you approve of it? Let it pass by? Cheating in any form is disgraceful. More than that, you can never guarantee that he will leave his wife and kids and accept you legally.

  • Drenched Bollywood hotties


  • Drenched Bollywood hotties


  • Drenched Bollywood hotties
  • Drenched Bollywood hotties
  • Drenched Bollywood hotties
  • Drenched Bollywood hotties
  • Drenched Bollywood hotties
  • Drenched Bollywood hotties
  • Drenched Bollywood hotties
  • Drenched Bollywood hotties
  • Drenched Bollywood hotties
  • Drenched Bollywood hotties

  • Drenched Bollywood hotties
  • Drenched Bollywood hotties

You have grabbed eyeballs with your Kamasutra moves and are all set to thrill people, but any advice you would like to give to your followers?
Here’s a look at the Bollywood actresses who raised the temperatures with their drenched look: Katrina Kaif: Her dare bare approach in a wet seductive rain dance sequence shot her to fame in Bollywood.

Katrina Kaif sister Isabelle Kaif caught on leaked sex video resulting in a scandal? 

Any sexually repressed Indian will immediately understand that the ‘principle of love’ she refers to, is ‘no physical intimacy’! The moment intimacy is initiated, pyaar becomes paap, never mind the deep emotions or commitment involved. Surprisingly, for a country known at one time for leading sexual innovation worldwide and celebrating the erotic through murals, sculptures and the Kamasutra, many Indian generations have been brought up to consider the most natural expression of love — the physical — to be sinful outside marriage. Indeed, within marriage too, sex is not something to be enjoyed, but to be submitted to for the sake of procreation — a task to be performed!

But wait, the hypocrisy doesn’t end here. The paap or sin is all on the girl’s side; it is she who carries the onerous responsibility of keeping herself ‘pure like the Ganges’ (never mind the state of the river anymore!). And so Kumud in Saraswatichandra (which Sanjay Leela Bhansali has declared a “modern love story” ) accepts that it is natural for Saras to have felt tempted, and berates herself for not holding back. The man is given a free ticket, while the dubious honour of her family is inextricably linked to the girl’s intact hymen. The idea of a girl initiating or enjoying sex is still considered taboo. And so, if she indulges in sex outside the set paradigm, she is assailed by guilt the moment the deed is done. Shamefully, a woman is still looked upon as a possession that can bring shame or honour to a man. Very conveniently, he uses her as a peg to hang his shame on.

And so, all male depraved acts against women are blamed on women. In fact, why just the living things, now men have taken to even blaming lifeless mannequins in show windows for provoking them to commit crimes against women. In Mumbai, the Municipal Corporation recently declared that lingerie mannequins may promote “rape” and encourage other depraved male acts against women, and so must be removed.

From the explicit portrayals at Khajuraho to the nodding flowers and frosted camera lens depicting a kiss in Hindi films, from domestic violence to the depraved acts of men ganging up to violate innocent girls and children — we are indeed one sexually confused lot. From Gandhi’s vow of celibacy and recorded loathing for sex to its later metamorphosis into his bold, adventurous experiments, we have all shades of sexuality except the transparent.

When you keep sexuality on a tight leash and under wraps, it is bound to strain at the bit, and natural urges and curiosity find their own outlets, resulting in chaos and lawlessness, in depraved and shocking acts of misogyny and inhumanity. Nirbhaya’s case is only the very minuscule tip of the iceberg. For every Nirbhaya who gets media space, there are hundreds who die unsung, unknown.

Ancient India openly celebrated sexuality and indulged an uninhibited expression of it. Where and when did we lose that openness? Psychologist Sudhir Kakar explains in his book, The Indians, that Muslim invaders, and the repression of British colonialism and Victorian morality changed Indian sexual attitudes and made us more wary with regard to selfexpression. With so many taboos attached to it, the subject of sexuality is almost never discussed openly, leading to the repression of one of the most natural urges in human beings. India’s ‘Dirty’ Grand Old Man, Khushwant Singh, claims that “nine-tenths of the violence and unhappiness in this country derives from sexual repression.”

Nobody can deny that urban India and the upper middle class have a somewhat more relaxed attitude towards sexuality. Indeed the Millennial Generation even in India certainly is leap years ahead of the present retarded way of looking at sex. And yet the vast majority remains puritanical and repressed, ensuring sexuality retains its dark, dangerous edge rather than freeing it to reach a level of liberating self-expression; a level where you are allowed to get over it and focus on other things in life, rather than allowing sex to prey on your mind to a fanatical level.

Najib readying reference to Agong to remove Abdul Gani Patail


Why are the bloody MPs keeping. This treason of the highest order an unforgiveable betrayal of trust voters reposed in themThis has been morally degrading and has turned politics predatory. But things still remained functional. Till prosperity threw up a body of people whose progress in life has little to do with state patronage and who thus resent being subjected to poor governance and extortion.

“I placed my trust on the PM to reconsider that stand. If Najib was willing to have an RCI to investigate the influx of illegal immigrants into Sabah, then he should consider the wishes of the people in the peninsula who had asked many times for a tribunal to be formed against Gani for the alleged misconduct,” he said.
Mat Zain Ibrahim, in his open letter sent to Najib two days ago, also revealed another possible misconduct by Gani with regard to documents relating to Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) investigations into the bank accounts of former Malacca chief minister Rahim Tamby Chik.

I always thought that nobody is invincible and untouchable except the Almighty! The question that invariably accompanies this would be: What “hold” has the AG on Jib? Something to ponder over
One can drive a very large truck of suspect cargo through the door marked ‘patriotism’. Once the integrity of the nation is invoked and the spectre of social and communal unrest is seen as being at stake, the state buys for itself a lot of room for actions that might have otherwise seemed unpalatable. In that sense, the decision to impose some kind of regulation The purpose in introducing this law is to gag the opposition and civil society critics of the regime. The recent exemption of Umno Youth from being prosecuted under Section 114A by the police is proof this legislation is directed at silencing the enemies of the regime. There is a third way of repealing Section 114A of the Evidence Act. Press the reset button on GE13 and begin anew as a nation to rebuild and restore our twisted legal system and broken down state institutions.

The contentious Section 114A of the amended Evidence Act can be abolished via a constitutional challenge, said Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee.

In an email response, he said Articles 5(1) and 8(1) of the federal constitution state that ‘no person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty save in accordance with law’, and that everyone has equal protection of the law.

Furthermore, under Article 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every individual is innocent until proven guilty when charged with a penal offence.

“Our Federal Court (has) reiterated that our criminal justice system stands on the twin pillars of the burden of proof lying with the prosecution and the common law principle of presumption of innocence. (These) together safeguard the guarantee of the right to a fair trial,” Lim said.

He explained that the argument with Section 114A is that it goes against the presumption of innocence, and that it is harder to prove guilt in case of offences involving the Internet.

This is because of free access leaves the network host responsible any inappropriate action.

Another way of resolving the situation, Lim said, would be by asking Parliament and Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail (right)to persuade the authorities and the government’s chief legal adviser to remove the amendment from the statute books.

According the Star, the Bar Council had met Abdul Gani last Friday at his office in Putrajaya.

Section 114A was introduced as an amendment to the Evidence Act in April.

It presumes that any person or organisation whose name is carried together with any online publication is the author of that content. 

Following are some comments by some Malaysiakini readers”
Jiminy Qrikert: Just imagine what this does to the morale, self-image and honour of the police force.
These are the men and women who are faced with the increasing barrage of reports of crime but are forced to be a part of this huge lie and succumb to the political pressures to doctor data to prop up their political masters.
They know it’s a lie but are helpless to prevent it. At the same time, they see the extent of corruption committed by these political masters who are powerful enough to literally get away with murder.
It does not take much pushing or temptation for these police to also succumb to crime and corruption since you might as well join them if you can’t beat them.
No wonder, Umno-BN is so deeply buried in corruption as the police are now guilty accomplices in spinning a crime into a non-crime.
Amused Malaysian: Why crime statistics only. What about Hari Raya road fatalities? There’s none of the fuss of previous years. Don’t tell me there are no road fatalities this Raya.
(Just wondering if PWC has morphed into a government SPA…..massaging the dead to live again…..kudos to JPJ for a deathless balik kampong record!)
Kgen: It is not uncommon to massage figures to portray a better picture but this has been carried too far so much so that reality and statistics move in opposite directions.
This is when the strategy backfires as the public totally rejects the said statistics. Yet the government still insists that crime is a perception problem because its statistics say so. This is an insult to our intelligence.
What government think-tank Pemandu is doing is like trying to sell ice to Eskimos by saying that the natural ice around them is a false perception.
Well, Mr IGP (inspector-general of police), your brilliant little scheme has been found out. You had Pemandu fooled completely but not us, the suffering public who has first-hand experience of crime.
Please don’t insult us by saying ‘perception’ again and that goes for that loudmouth home minister who grudgingly said police will focus on fighting crime as if that is something extraneous for them.

If the person or organisation is not the author, it is up to them to prove innocence. The same applies to network owners whose Internet connectivity is used by others for ‘illegal’ activities.But instead, the government has chosen to act with staggering incompetence and transparent dishonesty, in deciding to use this discretion by trying to block  a reported 300 items that include websites and 21 twitter handles, many of which have nothing to do with Assam or what happened thereafter. As persuasive the list of those blocked is a bizarre one, as it includes journalists and politicians among others, and the names indicate that the Government ‘s intentions are mala fide in that there is a clear attempt to muzzle dissent as well as plain stupid given that there are some on the list who by the widest stretch of imagination, cannot be seen as a threat to anything, let alone something as lofty as the integrity of the nation.  What the state has effectively done is to confirm all anxieties that existed about its real intentions. That it has a fundamental discomfort with criticism and a deep hostility towards any attempt to ridicule its actions and that it will use any excuse it gets to launch an attack on the freedom of expression on the Internet. Besides, even if the attempt had been honest in trying to stop rumour-mongering, the actions taken were hardly likely to have the desired impact. The digital world is too agile and inventive for the lumbering machinery of the government to match up to, and would easily bypass these crude attempts at blocking the flow of information.But there is an issue with social media that needs some introspection. When all readers turn broadcasters, what happens to the rights of those who are being written about? Earlier the freedom to expression was effectively outsourced to mainstream media and while it strove to represent public opinion, it did not allow the public to express itself directly, except in highly controlled ways. Getting a letter published in the Letters to the Editor space, for instance, was often a heroic struggle. Traditional media is governed, on paper, by a set of guidelines and rules that attempt to provide protection to those impacted by what they publish or broadcast and legal redress is available to those that feel aggrieved by the same. In reality, particularly in India, the act of going to court and pursuing a case of defamation is so difficult, expensive and time-consuming that the right for redress often  remains theoretical. The protection, such as it is exists, comes because news organisations have some internal guidelines about what they will or will not publish, and imperfect as they increasingly might be, at least they exist.

 Gani, squeeze najib’s balls harder and the matter would be put to restt Silence is golden for all. Najib will do nothing since AG has Najib’s marbles in his hand on many issues including Altantuyu & submarine controversy. 

a nation led by thieves and plunderersEx-Attorney-General Talib should aim his questions to not only Gani, his successor, but also the Government led by Datu Seri Najib. ” Elegant silence ” on the part of all Ministers and AG is not an option. The loss of territory, Pulau Batu Puteh , is of national interest, urgent and important. The poor show at the International Court of Justice is a shame. How could our leaders treat this sovereignty of Pulau Batu Puteh so very lightly? And most surprisingly, the Home Minister requires a Police Report while the SD is a sworn statement by ex-CId man! Is the HM trying to erase the issue from the public domain? Undoubtedly, this is a hot potato; nobody like sto touch it! But the peopel of Malaysia, and especially teh HRH the Sulktan of Johore, have a strong interest By calling the AG by the ex-AG is barking up the wrong tree! He should have directed the issue to the PM .Talk to the father, and not the son o r the servant, please! Note that you could not hookwink the ICJ ! MPs speak out. Why are they so silence? Does it means treason is accepted to all BN representatives? Malaysians have to remember this when the vote in futur

Abdul Gani Patail guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity; crooked :debased in character; depraved; perverted; wicked; evil:The biggest irony of our times is that people perceive all politicians as ‘thieves’ but at the same time they are also forced to elect them to Parliament again and again to rule the country.  And, these ‘thieves’ pick up people similar to them from all walks of life and every profession to build a nexus they need to loot the country. Do we have any choice?As expected, Majority in the corporate sector is also neck deep in corruption. The entire ruling class is corrupt. This class includes not only politicians but also those in media, social activists, academia, intellectuals, corporates and all privileged ones who always prefer to be on the right side of the power. Scams have taken place in every regime. All parties take help of corrupt, criminals,  and communalism. We have also seen how they ganged up to defeat Najib readying reference to Agong to remove Abdul Gani Patail’. Politicians know that the issue of corruption will not affect their electoral prospects, hence they continue to be brazenly corrupt. Mahathir  is putting all the blame of corruption under on the Team  Najib and Rosmah, making space for Team Mahathir   to take over before the next G14 elections. It’s corruption and misrule. But at the same time public memory is short. Hence, Mahathir is trying to offset his losses through resigning. It is being projected as a `tough stand’ taken by Najib against corruption.Veteran newsman A Kadir Jasin believes that there is more than meets the eye with regard to Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s resignation as Petronas adviser.Veteran newsman A Kadir Jasin believes that there is more to what meets the eye with regard to Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s resignation as Petronas adviser

The deputy consul general Devyani Khobragade case that has led to outrage in India and evoked an unsympathetic reaction in the United States is a classic case of where most people can’t see the wood for the trees. A large section of the international press and the American society has described the Indian fury in racist, sanctimonious and orientalist terms and many commentators in India have resorted to defensive logical fallacies such as the deputy consul general’s unaffordability to hire domestic help on her salary in the US.

Both these analyses are flawed because the case is neither about cultural sensitivities nor bourgeois sensibilities of Indians. The Indian state would not have bothered itself to come in defense of, if instead of Ms. Khobragade, it were an Indian IT professional accused of visa fraud and human trafficking in the US.The Indian disappointment is centered around diplomacy and diplomacy alone. The entire Khobragade episode is about international relations between, in President Obama’s words, two “close allies and partners” which expect diplomatic courtesies and pardons for violations and transgressions under international treaties and due to bilateral tacit understanding.

Though it is a disgrace that a representative of the Indian state abroad has brazenly violated the law of a foreign country with admissible evidence of mistreating her own domestic employee Ms. Sangeeta Richard but like it or not, Ms. Khobragade is not an ordinary Indian who could have been judged and treated like any Non-Resident Indian violator of the US laws. Yes, the Orwellian idea ‘all are equal but some are more equal than others’ applies to state diplomats more than any other professional or any other community in the world. And it is not necessarily a contemptuous disparity.

A lot of diplomats work in hostile and dangerous political environments of the host countries. Indian and Pakistani diplomats in each others’ countries, for example, work under tremendous adversarial circumstances. They are often accused, rightly or wrongly, of breaching the native law. But what prevents their prosecution and further deterioration of international relations is the Vienna conventions on diplomatic and consular relations.  In other words, Vienna conventions remain the pillars on which diplomacy is pursued across the world. To reject them is to reject diplomacy. The loss of faith in the idea of diplomacy is the loss of faith in the art and practice of mediation, negotiations, arbitration over strategic issues including conflicts between nation-states. That surely is not what any nation-state would vote for in a globalized world that is so economically interdependent and so closely connected right now.

Ms. Khobragade, deputy consul general in Indian consulate in New York represents the Indian state in the US and hence should have remained immune to the laws that are extended to ordinary citizens. She was entitled to diplomatic immunity under the 1963 Vienna Conventions of Consular Relations (VCCR) treaty at the time of and after her arrest. Not only was her immunity withdrawn but she was subjected to humiliating strip and cavity searches, DNA tests, lodged with drug addicts- a “standard” treatment given to terrorists and hard core criminals. That’s not what the US does to diplomats or expects any other country to do to its diplomats. Remember Raymond Davis? When the US was protesting Raymond’s arrest in Pakistan, its major argument for his release was diplomatic immunity. It is a different matter altogether that the US eventually made alternative arrangements to rescue Raymond once it was revealed that he had been a CIA contractor.

If American diplomats and I emphasize on diplomats, can get away with anything including murder under the Vienna treaties on diplomatic and consular relations, does America really have the moral and legal authority to hold accountable the diplomats of other countries? If this is an unfair question because the US domestic law supersedes the international law when it comes to violations committed by foreign diplomats in the US, then the international community might as well revoke all the diplomatic immunity across the world and scrap the Vienna conventions. That, though, is a preposterous idea because diplomats and consuls by the very nature of their job deserve immunity.

A case for diplomacy, however, is not a case for absolute diplomatic impunity. Neither American diplomats nor the rest of the world diplomats should get away with serious crimes like murder or rape. The Vienna international treaties should be reviewed by the member countries that are bound by them. Perhaps, the signatory countries should make it mandatory that they try their own diplomats for crimes committed abroad. But until the international community reviews and amends the Vienna treaties, only American diplomats cannot claim entitlement to absolute diplomatic immunity. The rest of the world’s diplomats are entitled too. The Indian outrage against the US mistreatment of an Indian consular general, therefore, should be seen in this context. It is a justified indignation felt by Indians because the US went out of its usual way to insult and maltreat a symbol of the Indian state.

But Indians should not expect sympathy for their anger when they try to defend the accused with inane arguments like Ms. Khobragade could not pay her employee more than what she earned herself.  An Indian’s unaffordability to hire domestic staff abroad does not grant him or her the moral right to violate a foreign country’s domestic laws. Violation of the US visa law and the US minimum wage law by Indians is not unusual. Such violations are in accordance with the behavior of a fringe among Indians in America. Their casual approach to the US law emanates from the native mindset of Indians who are habitual of working around and bypassing the system or are used to preferential treatment due to their power and position at home. This attitude, at times, might even lead them to mistake diplomatic immunity for absolute freedom to violate laws. But most Indians behave themselves in the US after realizing the heavy penalties one is to pay for violations in a highly law-enforcing and egalitarian country. Indian diplomats too need to remember that any act of transgression on their part is a blot both on the Indian state and society.

AG’s consent paves way for exit of Justice Ganguly

Attorney general G E Vahanvati on Friday okayed the Centre’s move to start the process for Justice A K Ganguly’s removal from the post of West Bengal Human Rights Commission chairman by sending a presidential reference to the Supreme Court on the ground of “misconduct”.

Vahanvati’s late evening opinion endorsed law minister Kapil Sibal’s view that a strong case for initiation of removal proceedings against Justice Ganguly was made out after a three-judge fact-finding panel of the SC recorded that prima facie the retired judge appeared to have shown “unwelcome sexual behaviour” towards a law intern in a Delhi hotel in December last year.

With Justice Ganguly digging in his heels despite demands for his resignation from members of Parliament and political parties, the government decided to take recourse to the removal process provided under Section 23(1A) of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993.

Section 23(1A) says, “The chairperson or any member of the state commission shall only be removed from his office by order of the President on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity after the Supreme Court, on a reference being made to it by the President, has, on inquiry held in accordance with the procedure prescribed on that behalf by the Supreme Court, reported that the chairperson or such member, as the case may be, ought on any such ground to be removed.”

Vahanvati said, “In my opinion, a clear prima facie case is made out (on alleged prima facie misconduct of Justice Ganguly) which justifies an inquiry under Section 23(1A) of the Protection of Human Rights Act by sending of a reference by President to the Supreme Court.”

The question creating some doubts in the government was whether the three-judge committee’s views constituted enough grounds for sending a presidential reference for initiation of inquiry by the Supreme Court into alleged grounds of misconduct, which is the alleged sexual harassment of the law intern.

Vahanvati’s opinion endorsing initiation of removal process was based on the SC’s judgment on a PIL seeking a direction to the Centre to send a presidential reference to the apex court as part of the process for initiation of proceedings for removal of Justice K G Balakrishnan as chairperson of National Human Rights Commission.

Addressing the legal doubt on what was the “standard required for the President to make a reference to the Supreme Court”, he said as per the law laid down by the SC in Justice Balakrishnan’s case, the President could send a reference if there existed a prima facie case of misconduct.

Vahanvati said the facts of the case relating to Justice Ganguly certainly fell within the “prima facie misconduct” standard laid down by the apex court and opined that the President would be well within his powers to send a reference on this issue to the apex court.

On the basis of the TOI story on the law intern’s allegation against Justice Ganguly, the three-judge committee had recorded statements of the girl, the retired judge and also affidavits submitted by her.

After an expeditious fact-finding exercise, the panel gave a report to Chief Justice P Sathasivam on November 28. It had concluded, “The committee is of the considered view that the statement of the intern, both written and oral, prima facie discloses an act of unwelcome behaviour (unwelcome verbal/non-verbal conduct of sexual nature) by Justice (retired) A K Ganguly with her in the room in hotel Le Meridien on December 24, 2012 approximately between 8 pm and 10.30 pm.”.readmore Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah with Abdul Ghani Patail as bedfellow Judiciary will be sizzling hot

Shafee vs Shafee don’t laugh at Malaysian law and Judiciary


the AG’s office must show excruciating circumstances to allow a private practitioner to represent this office. What are these circumstances?Shafee’ s claim that the meeting with Mahathir was just to pay respects especially with the presence of Mat Zain and Ramli Yusuf is just taking the Court of Appeal judges for fools. But then the judges were cool with this. Which way are our courts going ? Also Transformation for the worse ? The disgusting Judiciary with absolutely no qualms about just repeating whatever was said by Shafee! This is a kangaroo court with all these members of the Judiciary not fit to be there at all! Only in Malaysia we can have these kind of court. Hearings judgment served only one useful purpose. The sheer scale of its magnanimity towards the accused .lit a fuse under the volcano of collective guilt. The lava is spewing from myriad crevices, scorching and burning many-layered masks that have hidden deceit for a generation. As memories were stoked, officials, some perhaps frustrated by the fact that their silence had not been rewarded, revealed how successive governments had intervened to slow down the judicial process and sabotage any chance from this point on, Mahahthir Mohamad and Najib Razak have sealed their doom. Leniency can no longer be offered these obscene and perverted criminals of the first order. Our judiciary under the sinful AG will never change.Don’t do the math. It may turn you into a cynic.

This is the only place on earth where we will find a lawyer in private practice who defends high profile politically-linked clients but at the same time be appointed by the government of the day to act as the public prosecutor.Feel disgusted and very sad of the stature of judiciary. These judges have been trained in jurisprudence. If they have at least an iota of conscience, they won’t submit to the political masters. They must know that money and promotion are not everything in life. They have to answer God and face their karma for their own destruction.

On one hand, he defends all political figures who wield a lot of influence in government decision-making and on the other, he acts as the public prosecutor who is also the government’s legal advisor and protector of the public interest. In a country of limitless possibilities, this is another twisted tale. I hope the wisdom and uprightness of justice will prevail.

Despite being a former colony of Britain and having English common law as our basis, we seem to have completely forgotten our basic natural justice jurisprudence. This is what happens when we have the same government in power since independence.

Shafee is mired in controversyis a classical instance of a crumb dipped in the pickle of hypocrisy.A three-man Court of Appeal bench led by Datuk Aziah Ali ’s judgment served only one useful purpose. The sheer scale of its magnanimity towards the accused lit a fuse under the volcano of collective guilt. It cannot be all the affidavits signed by Mr. Mat Zain bloated. If it did the court could ask for another copy. Something is strange as it is illogical for anyone attempt to bloat their ic number to cover their identity. After seeing so many election petition being dismissed on various grounds I am paying more attention to what Mat Zain said later today. I think imprisoning Anwar would make him a Mandela. but then again desperate people will do desperate things.The lava is spewing from myriad crevices, scorching and burning many-layered masks that have hidden deceit for a generation. As memories were stoked, officials, some perhaps frustrated by the fact that their silence had not been rewardedAnwar’s second application lacked merit.She said Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim’ statutory declaration which Anwar relied upon could not be used. its collaborators, including judges of course, have sustained themselves with a lie, that it is disaster since  design is an exact replica of an sodmy 1Why is Shafee so desperate to prosecute Anwar on the fiat of the AG? Even if the AG approached him, Shafee could have declined. It all points to a personal agenda to get Anwar convicted.The political establishment assumed that June 7 would be just another day in a long calendar, possibly punctuated by an occasional, futile scream. The court was fortified, and entry denied to petitioners, victims and media. My one memory of this courtroom, gleaned from television, shall be of the smug grin of an obese Ghani Patail laughing at Anwar  contorted by rage and frustration, who knew that the system which had stolen his right had also cheated .

The purpose of a criminal trial is to see justice being done and not to secure a conviction at all costs. Does it serve the public interest and the need to do justice if Shafee is allowed to conduct the appeal? Clearly not.

Shafee is mired in controversy; has his own ambition to become the next AG; and has consistently made prejudicial comments against Anwar in public and private. He is not a fit and proper person to conduct the appeal for the public prosecutor.

How can Shafee hope to be impartial and objective when he has a personal hatred for the accused? Any reasonable right-thinking member of the public would come to the conclusion that the prosecution cannot possibly be fair and objective with Shafee at its head.

Anwar filed the application on December 6 after the statutory declaration (SD) of the former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department chief was made public on December 2.

Anwar said Shafee was not a fit and proper person to be a Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) due to the revelation in the SD.

Mat Zain, in his 31-page SD, said he went with Shafee and former Commercial Crime Investigation Department director Datul Ramli Yusof to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s house during the Hari Raya period this year, where they allegedly discussed the wrongdoing of Attorney General (AG) Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail.

Aziah said the central issue to be decided was whether Anwar’s application was sustainable and it depended on the SD.

“Our plain reading is that the SD is not relevant as it mainly related to the black eye incident which had been decided on earlier,” she said.

She said the bench also concurred with Shafee, who appeared as counsel, that the SD was hearsay evidence and Mat Zain was not available to ascertain the truth.

She also said there were latent defects in the SD as Mat Zain did not provide his identity card number and address, which had been blotted out in the document.

There was no conceivable evidence as to why Mat Zain refused to give these details, Aziah said.

“For this reason, the SD cannot be accepted as cogent evidence and the application must be dismissed.”

the authority of state abandoned the responsibility of state. Excuses, evasions and lies have shifted over 26  Mahathir  till Najib years; this central truth has not.A nation that cannot uphold its law cannot preserve its order. Why do we say “law and order” rather than “order and law”? Simple. Law comes before order. Law defines the nature of order. Law is the difference between civilization and chaos. Law is evolutionary: the edicts of tribes, chiefs and dynasties lifted human societies from scattered peril to structured coexistence. The laws of democracy have vaulted us to the acme of social cohesion, for they eliminated arbitrary diktat and introduced collective will. The divine right of kings is dead; it has been reborn as the secular right of an elected Parliament.Cynicism is never irrational. The irrational, often wrong, sometimes right, are impelled by instinct, heart or even conscience. Cynics are morality-proof. They prefer data to truth. What is justice? It is not just to be done but must be seen to be done. Much leeway should be given to the accused to have a fair trial Instead of giving convincing facts to rebut allegations against him, Shafee went on a rampage of personal attacks against former Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department chief Mat Zain Ibrahim.

And so, the main accusations against him remains effectively undemolished – that he had illegally concealed to the court his knowledge of AG Abdul Gani Patail’s alleged fabrication of evidence, in particular, that related to Anwar Ibrahim’s ‘black eye’ incident, for which Mat Zain had furnished unchallenged evidence of specific nature.

Compounding the case against Shafee is his role as lawyer for BN and its top guns including Najib, his wife and Dr Mahathir Mohamad, all of whom regard Anwar as their sworn enemy.

And with the Anwar sodomy trial universally recognised as political persecution, could the Malaysian judiciary be possibly seen to be doing justice if Shafee is accepted as lead prosecutor?

Shafee  has set the gold standard for cynicism. It operates on four axioms: public memory is a dwarf; anger is effervescent; media can be massaged at the appropriate moment; any public crisis can be assuaged with crumbs, while the promotion of private interests continues off-screen.

Lawyers for Liberty is extremely concerned (although not surprised) with the Court of Appeal’s dismissal of Anwar Ibrahim’s application to disqualify private lawyer Muhammad Shafee from leading the Attorney General’s Chambers’ appeal against Anwar Ibrahim’s acquittal for sodomy.

Shafee’s appointment as Deputy Public Prosecutor smacks of desperation and sets another bad precedent, sending the wrong message that the authorities will go to extraordinary lengths to secure the conviction of UMNO’s political adversaries.

Shafee is a well known UMNO lawyer and has appeared in court and advised in several matters that concern UMNO’s interests and has admitted so in his CV. He has acted and advised former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansoh, all known and bitter political adversaries of Anwar Ibrahim. Shafee is also presently defending a few high profile defamation cased filed by Anwar Ibrahim.

It cannot be over emphasised that the Public Prosecutor represents the State, the community at large and the interest of justice, and not UMNO. The purpose of a criminal prosecution is not to obtain a conviction but to place fairly and independently before the courts all available evidence to what is alleged to be a crime. While the Public Prosecutor is not ultimately responsible for determining the guilt or innocence of an accused person, he or she must ensure that an accused receives a fair trial.

In spite of Shafee’s obvious conflict of interest and unsuitability, and the AG’s Chambers’ wealth of resources and hundreds of well qualified Deputy Public Prosecutors available, he has now been appointed to lead the appeal against Anwar Ibrahim.

Shafee’s appointment further tarnishes the already battered reputation of the AG’s Chambers and reinforces public perception that the AG’s Chambers is not independent and acts at the behest of Ghani to prosecute the opposition on trumped up charges or for political offences.

Like Caesar’s wife, Shafee acting as a prosecutor must be above any trace of suspicion. One certainly cannot believe without flight of fancy that Shafee will afford Anwar Ibrahim a fair trial and treat him equally and without discrimination as he is entitled to under the Constitution.

In light of all the controversies, we call upon the Attorney General to withdraw Shafee’s appointment as DPP and to work towards restoring public confidence of the rightful role of the Public Prosecutor, one that is dignified, just and free from political interference.

The Centre on Friday made a strong case for review of the Supreme Court judgment re-criminalizing consensual gay sex between adults, saying it was time India trashed a British imposed archaic sodomy law that breaches the privacy of the LGBT community, punishing them for their sexual preference.

The Centre’s review petition, settled by its top law officer, attorney general G E Vahanvati, was unusually sharp in criticism of the December 11 judgment of Justices G S Singhvi and S J Mukhopadhaya when it said the apex court failed in its constitutional duty to protect the LGBT community’s fundamental rights.

The review petition, which matched the 98-page judgment in length, was also refreshingly frank in expressing solidarity with the LGBT community when it said, “Section 377 criminalizes the only form of sexual expression, that is penile-oral or penile-anal sex, of homosexual men and transgender/hijra persons.

“The judgment strikes at the root of the dignity and self-worth of homosexual men and transgender/hijra persons. The Supreme Court has not addressed this issue at all, despite a clear finding from the Delhi High Court on the same.” The Centre also sought an open court hearing on its review petition.

Petitions seeking review of a judgment are heard in chamber by the same bench which had pronounced the verdict without the presence of advocates. In an overwhelming majority of cases, review petitions are summarily rejected.

The Centre’s strong arguments favouring decriminalization of same-sex relationships comes after Congress president Sonia Gandhi and party vice-president Rahul Gandhi criticized the SC ruling upholding the validity of Section 377.

Since Justice Singhvi, who authored the judgment, has retired, Chief Justice P Sathasivam will now nominate another judge to sit in chamber along with Justice Mukhopadhaya to consider merits of the Centre’s argument for a reconsideration of the December 8 judgment.

However, there is little chance of the review petition being taken up at least for the next 12 days as the Supreme Court is closed for the winter break and will open after January 1.

The Centre’s review petition, drafted by Devadatt Kamat and Anoopam N Prasad, was candid in admitting that successive governments and legislatures had lived with the archaic law now being viewed as draconian. They pointed to fundamental changes in societal dynamics that has forced majority of countries to decriminalize gay sex between consenting adults.

“Section 377, insofar as it criminalizes consensual sexual acts in private, falls foul of the principles of equality and liberty enshrined in our Constitution. Section 377, which criminalizes intercourse ‘against the order of nature’ is a reflection of outdated sodomy laws of the United Kingdom which were transplanted into India in 1860. They do not have any legal sanctity and, in any case, are unlawful in view of the constitutional mandate of Articles 14 (equality), 15 (non-discrimination) and 21 (right to life) of the Constitution,” it said.

It also was critical of the apex court’s view that Parliament, despite recommendations from the Law Commission, had not acted to either delete or limit the operation of Section 377 and also that courts were not empowered to strike down a law merely because society’s perception had changed.

The Centre said, “Law does not operate in a vacuum but in a social context. There has been a sea change, not just in India, but all over the world, with respect to the law on homosexuality. It is submitted that a majority of the countries across the world have legalized homosexuality.”

“Even in India, Section 377 was introduced not as a reflection of existing Indian values, but rather, it was imposed upon Indian society due to the moral values of the colonizers. Indian society prior to enactment of IPC had much greater tolerance towards homosexuality,” it said.

It faulted the “miniscule minority” tag attached to the LGBT community by the SC while ruling that there was no clear data available to infer that they were prosecuted or persecuted. The Centre said, “The number of people affected is irrelevant when it comes to deciding an issue of constitutionality. The present review petition is being filed to avoid grave miscarriage of justice to thousands of LGBT persons who have been aggrieved by the judgment of the Supreme Court and have been put to risk of prosecution and harassment, upon re-criminalization of their sexual identities.”

The Centre also wanted clarity given the apprehension expressed by the SC “whether consensual sexual acts between adults” would be viewed the way courts have historically taken note of non-consensual and coercive sexual acts against order of nature. “That was the precise issue before the court – whether consensual sexual acts should be criminalized,” the Centre said.

Times View

This paper is glad that the government has shown a sense of urgency in appealing for a review of the SC’s judgment criminalizing homosexuality. It may not have occurred to many people, including those who believe homosexuality to be “unnatural”, that all forms of sex between even a man and a woman — except penile-vaginal — are deemed as criminal under Section 377. That includes oral sex. A strict application of the law may therefore render even some of our lawmakers criminal. The oft-repeated argument that “the law isn’t enforced for such things” makes no sense. If it’s not meant to be applied, then why is it in the statute books? Besides, what’s the guarantee that some policeman somewhere won’t use it to harass and blackmail? The only litmus test for criminality that needs to be applied here is: is it consensual or not? If it’s consensual, then the State needs to get out of the way.


Najib to MCA not Soi Lek’s sex but UMNO Viagra and Tongkat Ali to rejuvenate its members


What happens when a big UMNO production house stops some  MCA’clowns’ from making a spoof  stops some ‘ MCA clowns’ from making a spoof on them? That becomes a spoof by itself. one of MCA’s most popular stand-up comedy groups, contacted nAJIBto seek permission to make a parody of Rosmah 3′s trailer. Despite “multiple requests to Najib , as well as offers to modify existing jokes, the group’s response was: “never bring it up again” and “drop the idea completely.” Just the right fodder for another parody that has everyone ROL Fing.

“We need political Viagra. Low in spirit, MCA has members at the grass roots level but they have no fire. Later, we will ask the  MIC Health Minister to do this,”

Outgoing MCA president Chua Soi Lek today told Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak that the New Economic Policy (NEP) has failed and urged the government to formulate a need based affirmative policy instead.

In his speech at the 60th MCA annual general assembly today, Chua said the current race-based affirmative action policy also helps rich bumiputras, instead of focusing on the poor alone.

“There should be a review of the policy on its pros and cons, as well as on why it has failed to uplift the economic status of the bumiputras after 40 years.

“MCA believes that the continued handouts system will not solve the problem.

“There is also a need to recognise that we should not treat bumiputras as a homogenous ethnic group because of the glaring disparity among the rich and poor bumiputras, including the bumiputras in Sabah and Sarawak.

“All right thinking Malaysians will not criticise the government for helping the socially and economically disadvantaged group, but strong resentment will be there if handouts are given to the rich,” said Chua.

He said that when the need-based affirmative action policy is put in place, bumiputras who form nearly 67.9% of the population will definitely benefit more than the non-bumiputras.

“Therefore, the new measures by you Sir, to strengthen the economic position of bumiputras, as well as financial and commercial sectors should be target-oriented,” he said.

Clamp down on extremists

Chua added that the well to do Chinese should also assist bumiputras working in the private sector.

On the rising racial and religious tension, the former health minister urged the authorities not to practise the “tidak apa” (nevermind) attitude and take action against the irresponsible quarters.

“The government must be firm on the extremists. Keeping quiet will not inspire confidence among the rakyat.

“No race should blame the other for their shortcomings and no race should be jealous of the success of another,” said Chua.

The government took swift action to charge sex bloggers Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee, after they posted a picture having a pork dish in July for Ramadan.

But many poured scorn on the authorities for failing to take action against Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali and vice president Zulkifli Nordin who disparaged non-Muslims in the past.

On MCA affairs, Chua hoped that the new party leadership, due to be elected today, would accommodate the different factions and voices in the party.

“We do not want a situation where winner takes all and the losers, loses all after the party election,” he said.

Chua has brokered a peace deal with his rival, deputy president Liow Tiong Lai for both their followers to contest half of the senior party posts, but the deal was not followed through.

Liow is contesting against Gan Ping Sieu and Ong Tee Keat in a three-cornered fight for the party presidency.

MCA has everything in place to make it the party of choice of the Chinese community in the country, but was sorely lacking in the will to re-establish itself as a force to be reckoned with.You have the men, you have the army, but the will is not there. As the saying goes, the flesh is strong but the spirit is weak,” he said when launching MCA’s general assembly here. but noViagra, is a drug used to treat erectile dysfunctionMay be Najib need more Viagra to drive Rosmah  first lady to crack Najib more than Viagra to crack this old nut Needs to be more prudent, said MCA, in light of heightened criticisms over its spending, and when Malaysians were forced to be frugal due to subsidy cuts and impending hikes.

The Home Ministry says the suspension of The Heat weekly has nothing to do with this report on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor. – The Malaysian Insider pic, December 21, 2013.,The Home Ministry says the suspension of The Heat weekly has nothing to do with this report on Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor. – The Malaysian Insider pic, December 21, 2013.,The Home Ministry has denied that the suspension of The Heat is linked to the weekly’s recent report on hefty spending on travel and consultants by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and the use of a government jet by his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.

“This decision was not linked to The Heat’s recent report regarding the prime minister, and any accusations to the contrary are without merit,” a ministry spokesperson was quoted as saying by The Wall Street Journal.

The spokesperson said the suspension resulted from the publishing company violating provisions mandated under its printing permit, the Journal reported.

Ministry sources said the permit given to the publisher was for the publication of a magazine and not for newspaper printing.

The sources also said that the show-cause letter had told the publisher to stop printing the weekly pending further instructions from the ministry but it was ignored.

“Because of that, the ministry had to issue another letter telling them to stop the publication until further notice,” added the source.

Deputy Home Minister Datuk Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, meanwhile, said the suspension was a normal procedure while waiting for an explanation from the publisher and deciding on the next course of action by the ministry.

“The publisher has until December 24 to answer to the show-cause letter issued to them,” he told The Malaysian Insider.

In February last year, English daily The Star was issued a show-cause letter over the publication of a picture showing American singer Erykah Badu sporting tattoos deemed insensitive to the Muslim community. However, the newspaper was not suspended over it.

Opposition politicians, journalists and human rights groups have criticised Putrajaya over the suspension of The Heat, saying its action contradicted the meaning of democracy.

National Union of Journalists president Chin Sung Chew said Malaysia as a democratic country should uphold media freedom.

“The media is the Fourth Estate and we have a responsibility to inform the public, especially if there is any abuse or wrongdoing by the government,” he said.

Lawyers for Liberty co-founder and adviser Eric Paulsen, meanwhile, labelled Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak a “false democrat” following the suspension of The Heat.

He said the reforms which Najib had promised to implement on the eve of Merdeka Day in 2011 had come to nothing.

“Najib had promised that Putrajaya would support press freedom by amending the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984,” Paulsen said.

“But the Home Ministry is still maintaining its authoritarian grip over the press, especially the print publications,”

There should not be an ostentatious display of the government splurging as if there were unlimited funds,” outgoing MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said in his speech ahead of MCA’s elections today.

Dr Chua said that the increased rate in expenditure unfortunately exceeded revenue increase, and this was not sustainable as it would eat into the development expenditure.

The government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had recently come under fire over its excessive spending:

It was reported that the prime minister’s official residence, Seri Perdana Complex, chalked up RM2.2 million in electricity bills and RM311,174.25 for water last year.

Taxpayers forked out nearly RM20 million for the maintenance and modification of its VVIP jet, while another RM44.02 million was for Najib’s overseas trips since 2008.

The government also spent more than RM 7.2 billion on private consulting firms from 2009 to 2013. This amounted to an average of RM4 million daily or RM125 million monthly.

The Home Ministry’s suspension of newsweekly The Heat two days ago was believed to be over an article that focused on Najib’s “spendthrift ways”.

The spending had not gone down well with the public who faced a series of hikes since the 13th general election.

These include reduced fuel subsidies in September, the removal of sugar subsidy under Budget 2014, and the recently announced electricity tariff hike which will take effect next month.

The new year will also see an increase in toll rates for highways in the Klang Valley, public transport fares and property assessment rates in Kuala Lumpur.

However, Putrajaya has defended its tough, if not unpopular, decision to cut subsidies and hike rates, saying it was trying to protect the economy and keep investors’ confidence

The government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had recently come under fire over its excessive spending:

It was reported that the prime minister’s official residence, Seri Perdana Complex, chalked up RM2.2 million in electricity bills and RM311,174.25 for water last year.

Taxpayers forked out nearly RM20 million for the maintenance and modification of its VVIP jet, while another RM44.02 million was for Najib’s overseas trips since 2008.

The government also spent more than RM 7.2 billion on private consulting firms from 2009 to 2013. This amounted to an average of RM4 million daily or RM125 million monthly.

The Home Ministry’s suspension of newsweekly The Heat two days ago was believed to be over an article that focused on Najib’s “spendthrift ways”.

The spending had not gone down well with the public who faced a series of hikes since the 13th general election.

These include reduced fuel subsidies in September, the removal of sugar subsidy under Budget 2014, and the recently announced electricity tariff hike which will take effect next month.

The new year will also see an increase in toll rates for highways in the Klang Valley, public transport fares and property assessment rates in Kuala Lumpur.

However, Putrajaya has defended its tough, if not unpopular, decision to cut subsidies and hike rates, saying it was trying to protect the economy and keep investors’ confidence


What apology do you think UMNO secretary-general will surrender to miow miow MCA Pussies


It looks like MCA has stirred up another of cauldron of fire and hypocrisy that critics say can only burn up the last shreds of whatever credibility the party has left  Umno secretary-general told reporters after attending the MCA Annual General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur today.  warned the MCA today that it would tell the Malays not to vote for MCA candidates in the next general election if they fail to stand up for the Malays and Islam .Disgraced former-MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek for blaming the loss of Chinese support on UMNO  the Malay daily, saying that the party’s “immoral leaders” were the cause instead.He was referring to the sex video that surfaced at the end of 2007 which led to Dr Chua resigning as health minister and MCA vice-president.Although Tengku Adnan  again criticised Dr Chua for using UMNO  as a “punching bag” today, he supported the announcement that the MCA wantt   government posts Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor warned  not come at the expense of Umno, MCA cannot perform in the next general election.

“This is an honourable move. I hope this  time to make  MCA aware that they will not be represented if they don’t get the Chinese support,” he told reporters after attending the MCA Annual General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur today..
Earlier, he had told the Chinese should be satisfied that “they can do anything in business including prostution.”
“They control gambling, alcohol and entertainment centres. These are worth billions. Do Malays stop them? Does the government stop them?
“Still they are not satisfied. What more do they want?” he said   Chinese-based parties would not win any seats without Malay votes and cautioned them”“We will see whether candidates defend Malays and Islam. If not  he will give the green light to pancung (cut off) them in the coming  general election,” Putra Jaya MP extended this threat to all candidates for a general election GE14 , he singled out the MCA and Gerakan as those that needed Malay votes to win.“With no Malay votes, not even one can win. A majority  VOTERS  are  UMNOmembers , the dominant partner in BN.

If our flamboyant Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor  has  said what he is accused of, his crime would list in the last and most despicable category. But my intent here is not to tar him. There are enough people around to do it. My concern is Tengku Adnan, who is  UMNO and Barisan Nasional (BN) secretary-genera will loose the woman votes , half of UMNO members are women. I am  NOT BOTHERED ABOUT MCA votes but if I had hurt  the  feelings of wanita UMNBO,  I apologise as I had no intention of hurting them, .Currently we are putting the cart before the horse. While the truth may look obvious, facts have a curious habit of flipping themselves. So till the case of truth  dispensed with, it may be a good idea to stop paying for cosmetic chinese womanan.

There’s no real difference between the guy who sneaks flunitrazepam into his date’s Bloody Mary when she goes for a quick loo break and the one who clumsily gropes an unwilling woman in an empty lift in the hope it may lead to something more exciting. It rarely does. A grope remains a grope. A groper, just a groper. He never quite graduates beyond that. But the most tragic figure of all is the pigtailed Romeo in the corner office flaunting his authority all day long and then, when the sun drops, tries to lunge at his juniors. That’s not seduction. It’s crass power play.

The tosh men speak when accused of sexual misconduct always makes for funny reading. The reason is simple: Most men think it’s their birthright to sexually prey on women. They are brought up to believe that’s what all men, if they are real men, do. It has been said in a million ways, in books, songs, popular movies and yes, repeatedly in advertising, the most persuasive foreplay of our times, that when a woman says No, what she actually means is Yes.

Not only men say this. Women do too. That there’s no woman ever unwilling for sex; all they need is a little persuasion. Perhaps Soi Lel just being his usual witty self. But men, I suspect, have largely taken the advice to heart. Different men ofcourse look at persuasion differently. So while someone may clobber a woman on the head with a baseball bat and drag her to his bedroom, another will drop a 4 carat solitaire in a champagne flute. It’s just a difference of technique, not intent.Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor  has  not apologised to women who felt offended by his recent statement which compared the gender to property.

Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor said MCA Youth’s demands for the Chinese community should not come at the expense of Umno,in support of  Perlis Umno Youth chief Syed Atif Syed Abu Bakar yesterda

Wee,  the new deputy had blamed the opposition leaders for a website that carried the domain name Suara Keadilan Malaysia but is not connected to PKR or its magazine Suara Keadilan in any way.The PKR news website is under the domain name http://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2011/10/09/mca-sugar-daddys-cadre-of-virgin-women-bodyguards-to-prostitute-for-umno/
In fact, the website is frequently used by pro-Umno bloggers to unleash their anti-opposition propaganda. The website had shown photos of the faces of several ‘Beliawanis members’ superimposed on figures in pornographic poses.
“Mirror websites are so common. One of the most famous is freemalaysiakini. Then in Selangor, Umno Selangor openly prints their version of Selangorkini to out-shout Pakatan Rakyat. To pretend he doesn’t know such things exist shows Wee is either not up-to-date in his knowledge or he is pretending not to know. But it is no excuse. As deputy Education minister, he must not try to deceive the ignorant, he should raise their knowledge, not try and bluff those who don’t know,” said Eddie.
“I felt sick and angry as the website tarnished my reputation, image and insulted me,” she reporters on Thursday.
‘Luscious babes’
Apart from pin-pointing her, the website also posted pictures of a group of women youth members or ‘Beliawanis’, superimposing their faces on figures in pornographic poses.
“The website has also insulted the young and pretty Beliawanis MCA women. Their image too has been ruined by the website, which labelled them as prostitutes for Umno,” said Tan.
She appeared oblivious to a denial by PKR that the website belonged to them.
MCA is hoping to ride on the issue to gain public sympathy from the Chinese community. However, the issue looks like boomeranging with netizens quick to expose that four of the 10 stunningly pretty girls whom MCA claimed were Beliawanis members were actually professional models.
The netizens also alleged the four were not MCA members at all.

MCA Youth’s demands for the Chinese community should not come at the expense of Umno, said Perlis Umno Youth chief Syed Atif Syed Abu Bakar yesterday.

In a statement, Syed Atif said as a member of BN, MCA too needed to understand the grassroots sentiments of the respective race-based parties.

“Telling the government what MCA Youth and the Chinese community want and need as a whole does not mean that he should ask the government to neglect Umno demands.

“Nor should he stop Umno from voicing issues concerning the Malay and bumiputera,” he said.

Syed Atif was responding to outgoing MCA Youth chief Wee Ka Siong (above) who during the party’s meet this week warned Umno to tread carefully with extreme statements as it has driven Chinese voters away.

He said Umno Youth has been very conscientious in avoiding negative remarks against BN component parties and Wee’s statement came as a “shock and disappointment”.

He added that MCA Youth should not rock the boat by “crafting a wreckage” and instead embrace the present interparty formula.

“For Umno Youth, we definitely have a lot to say about MCA should we follow his step in the ‘bashing business’ for personal popularity ,” he said.

For example in Perlis, Syed Atif said MCA lost BN’s traditional state seat of Indera Kayangan despite being given the privilege of millions in funds to pour into the constituency in the last general election.

“Umno does not even have the luxury to make such request (for funds),” he said.

Syed Atif said he hoped Wee’s statement was merely populist in his bid for the MCA deputy presidency.

However, he congratulated the newly elected MCA Youth chief Chong Sin Woon, describing him as a “humble leader”.

t’s been standard medical practice to think of narcissists as overcompensating and hyperinflated braggarts working very hard to cover up a sinking sense of self, desperately and secretly sad attention-seekers with sagging self-esteem.
But that may not be true.
According to new research, the medical axioms may be far out of touch with reality and the Average Joe’s street sense more on the line. A braggart really does think he’s all that and more.
In recent years, the media have made a culture of it: narcissists now are not only shamelessly narcissistic, they will tell you that they are. They are the fundamental reality in reality shows.
But, they are not without self-awareness, as the old psychology would have us believe. They strut their pathology as if it were a float in their own parade. Their lack of empathy? No problem for them. Their lack of interest in you? Likewise, not an issue.
The researchers initially administered a number of clinical measures of narcissism to college students. Is there a psychology department that hasn’t done that since the 1960s? But then they did something different and decidedly interesting: they looked at how those who scored high on the narcissism scale were seen by others, how they saw themselves and how they believed they were seen by others. They considered numerous variables, running their analyses across social contexts and interviewing new acquaintances as well as friends and family. The studies produced strikingly similar results.
What they found was that narcissists were impressed with themselves and that their personal “puffery” was not hiding a depressed sense of self. They truly thought themselves to be utterly grand!
Those scoring high in narcissism tended to rate themselves as more intelligent, physically attractive, likable and funny than others. They also saw themselves more accurately than anticipated and rated themselves as having higher levels of negative aspects of narcissism, such as being power-oriented, impulsive, arrogant and prone to exaggerate their abilities! The understanding the researchers took away? Narcissists know they’re narcissistic. And they like it.
There was more: Narcissists are not private, and their self-aggrandizement is not in the closet. There was also a strong positive correlation between clinical narcissism and having a reputation for narcissism. Their friends, family, co-workers and acquaintances knew them for who they were and saw them as narcissists.
The sad caveat: The observers (regardless of intimacy level) didn’t seem to perceive the narcissist in the same grand terms that the narcissist did. They may have known them to be grandstanders, but they did not see them as being quite as attractive, personable or fascinating as the narcissists themselves did.
And the wistful irony? The narcissists knew this, too. Who would have imagined?
When the narcissistic students were asked how they thought others perceived them (did their friends think they were as fabulous as they did?) they were uncannily more perceptive in their answers than anyone expected. They knew their reputation, they were more self-aware than anyone had thought they would be, and while they thought they were the best thing since sliced bread, they knew those around them had other ideas.readmorehttp://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2011/11/22/what-a-sick-joke-non-muslims-in-malaysia-are-being-lied-to-about-the-hudud-mother-fucker-scandal-tainted-mca-president-chua-soi-lek/

May be Najib leading a boring life? Rosmah not giving him nightly


Fed on romantic literature, girls fall easy prey to male predators watching them from the fringes of society. Here’s how to save yourself from sure heartbreak

That is the fallout of an overprotective upbringing, I guess. As little girls, and especially those educated in convent schools, we are all warned to be wary of anything in pants. As a result, you kind of grow up a doubting Jane and learn to be super careful.

Watching a couple in their mid-30s with two young children talk intimately and smile at each other in the Shatabdi train, brought a smile to my face. It is heartening to see a married couple of some years with eyes only for each other. God knows there are so few around.

Interestingly, I had seen another on my way to the station in Chandigarh; a Sikh couple, well past middle-age eating chaat at a roadside vendor’s and talking animatedly with each other. “It’s praying and eating together at the gurdwara that keeps them so close to each other,” explained my mother, as she saw me admiring them.

However, truthfully, the only cases where we can say one is stuck with a wrong spouse are those of domestic abuse, unhealthy practices such as substance abuse or chronic infidelity. The rest, I believe, can all be overcome.Maudlin self-pity, the resort of the weak and cowardly, keeps us from taking a hard look at ourselves and examining if we really made the effort to do better in life and marriage, or were just content with our lot? Did we even make an effort to make the marriage work, rather than take refuge in declaring we got married to the wrong person? Do we even know who is, or was, the right person to marry? The truth is that there is no such one right person to marry. It is all very romantic to believe in soulmates and the one person God made for you, but the practical truth is that the success of a marriage lies not so much as in marrying the right person, as in adopting the right attitude towards your marriage and partner.

What then is the right attitude that ensures your marriage isn’t wrong? The most important is the sincere intention to make your marriage work. Mutual respect comes a close second, followed by patience and the ability to strike an emotional interdependence and so, form an enduring attachment. It is important to surmount your ego and never stop making efforts to keep up a channel of constant interaction and some shared interest. The important thing to remember is it is never too late, if you make the right effort. You would be surprised; scratch the surface and you may find your partner just as eager to meet you half-way.

It is easy to figure out the health status of a marriage by just watching a couple when they are together or out amongst other people. Indeed, my respect for a man goes up several notches after studying the body language of his wife. Is she confident and fearless as she talks? Does she have an opinion to share? If yes, then she has surely been given due regard and space in her marital home. And if a man is well-groomed and steady, surely he is well-looked after and respected at home.

So either all of us are married ‘wrong’ or all of us are married ‘right’. I tend to believe the latter.

I am generally pretty optimistic, focussing on the sunnier side of things. A typical Sagittarian, I would ideally try to shoot an arrow over the rainbow, so I can see both, sunshine and a rainbow together. So fascinated I am by the silver edges that I often fail to notice dark clouds. Heck, I even prefer my eggs sunny side up, never turned over easy.

And yet, when it comes to trusting men, there is an innate wariness in me that borders on cynicism. A man has to work twice as hard as a woman to prove himself to me. I am aware of the unfairness of that statement, but that’s how it is. Of course once the trust is earned, it is steady.

If you were to listen to Najib  election rhetoric, that’s the honest takeaway. There’s so much chest thumping about how  prime minister displayed his penchant for sexual innuendo – which might be fine in his party but is unbecoming of top office.The last time was early this month when he praised his wife at the close of the Umno general assembly, saying “Mungkin malam ini akan dapat bayaran (maybe tonight, I will be rewarded)” to laughter from the audience.

Ironically, Malaysians can be prudish when it comes to sex but the politicians seem inured and enjoy such banter without thinking that it reflects a crude or even uncouth behaviour.

The rise of polygamy in MCA

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak mentioned “political viagra” today to stimulate MCA to greater heights.

In our affluent age, exotic indulgences, such as maintaining a concubine, are on the increase

At the root of the Deepak Bhardwaj murder controversy, as with many other violent crimes, is an extramarital affair with a much younger woman. As is the practice with philandering men of means, the BSP leader and business tycoon had set up his 28-year-old mistress in an apartment and even shared the profits of his business with her. Bhardwaj got killed, and so the beans were spilled. But many more Bhardwajs carry on nonchalantly with younger women who pander to their vanity and ego, tucked away in apartments. It’s a dangerous game involving the explosive cocktail of passion and money!

For it is the rich who can afford such exotic indulgences. Take the case of China, where concubines have re-emerged as a trend. According to Chinese media reports, young women are increasingly interested in taking on married men as lovers in exchange for a car or an apartment. For the men, it is a status symbol to acquire a concubine, who is as much a commodity as a luxury car or mansion — it is a mark of having acquired high status. Shenzhen near Hong Kong, the world’s largest manufacturing centre and China’s richest economic zone, has acquired the dubious reputation of a “paradise of girls” that attracts Hong Kong men with its “street angels” or prostitutes, and the tempting possibility of easy-to-support mistresses or concubines.

Women from poor villages across China come here not so much to look for a job as to land a rich man who will maintain them as concubines. The practice is so widespread that there are “concubine villages” in Shenzhen that have hundreds of women living in spacious apartments funded by wealthy lovers. These are as near the border as possible, so that rich Chinese men can leave work early, enjoy a rendezvous with their mistress and still get home to their family in time for dinner! It is not uncommon for a man to have two to three such mistresses in separate apartments!

Humans, we are told, are by nature polygamous, and men more so. Experts explain that each human being has three centres of love and emotions — passion, attachment and romance. All three need not be satisfied by the same person at all times, and humans are attracted to new partners in an attempt to fulfill these basic needs. You may enjoy romance with one person, mutual confidences with another, and sex with yet another.

Historically, the world has frowned upon polyandry (one woman with two or more men), while tolerating, if not outright encouraging by legalising, polygyny (one man with multiple sexual partners). In this one aspect, nothing seems to have changed. Even today, a woman entertaining more than one lover at a time will find much less empathy than a man doing the same.

Polygyny is legally permissible in some cultures, while polyandry has never found support. Even in the rarest of rare cases of a woman with more than one man, the husbands have almost always been from the same family, as was the case with Draupadi married to the five Pandavas. This is so because wealth is controlled mostly by men, making it easier for them to run a harem of women rather than the other way round. Also, consider biological factors; men have more to gain with multiple partners than women. Evolutionary biologists say polygamy is good for men, but not so for women. If a woman gets pregnant, a polygamous man can still have sex/children with his other partners, whereas after pregnancy a polyandrous woman cannot satisfy any of her men for quite some time. The practice of polygyny was rampant in the hunter-gatherer and tribal societies from which we evolved. Then, as well as now, it has remained the preserve of the rich and well-established. Monogamy came to be socially imposed in ancient Greece and Rome, and was later actively encouraged by Christianity. Though today Western society frowns upon polygamy, it is still legal in many non-western societies, particularly Islamic and some African countries that allow a man to have multiple partners.

Interestingly, Michael Price from the Psychology Department of Brunel University West London, equates serial monogamists such as Donald Trump and Larry King, who divorce older wives and marry younger women, as polygamists too, since they also monopolise the reproductive years of a number of women. In that sense, all celebrities, stars, prominent sportsmen and business tycoons with a series of women, can be termed polygamists as well!

“We need political Viagra. Low in spirit, MCA has members at the grassroots level but they have no fire.

“Later, we will ask the Health Minister to do this,” the Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman said when opening the party’s annual general meeting in Kuala Lumpur.

Ironically, Malaysians can be prudish when it comes to sex but the politicians seem inured and enjoy such banter without thinking that it reflects a crude or even uncouth behaviour.

More so for those who occupy high office in the country, especially the political aristocracy.

Malaysians have been told countless times to respect the office of those in high government posts, even if they have no respect for the officer bearer.

But it is time that those who hold such post also show some respect – for the other gender, if not just for the office

We all know that some men are forever on the prowl. The men who are misfits in society, the mysterious loners who hold an allure for unsuspecting girls. Lesson to learn? Be suspicious. Mothers warn their daughters against exactly these men while, ironically, literature has romanticised the same breed of men – the strong and silent type. Remember Mr Rochester in Jane Eyre? Mr Darcy in Pride and Prejudice? Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights?Even Howard Roark in The Fountainhead? Or a Mills & Boon hero? The more brooding and difficult they are, the greater their appeal. Each one of them is a perfect example of a sociopath who amazingly changes colour once he meets ‘the right girl’.

Goodness, are we on our way to becoming cynical with regard to matrimonial bliss minus special divine blessing? I hope not. But the number of unhappy, disgruntled couples one comes across does make one wonder. A few years into matrimony, once the initial charm wears off, most start believing they have married the wrong partner. As the march of years weighs one down and the panic of approaching mortality strikes, it is common to list marriage to the ‘wrong’ person as one of life’s biggest regrets. This is the easiest way of externalising all blame for what one perceives as failures of life. It is easy to imagine that you could have achieved more and been a happier person, had you married someone else.

This regret is not unlike the hypothetical thought — “Had I been born richer, wealthier, better looking, I would have done far better in life!” The only difference is that you cannot hold yourself responsible for the facts of your birth, but you have only yourself to congratulate orblame for your choice of a partner.The more choice one has, thegreater the stress and scope for regret and what-ifs. You do not blameparents, siblings or children as being ‘wrong’ for you; since you never got to choose them, you just accept and work around them. But that doesn’t hold true of your spouse. You choose him or her out of many, and so keep wondering all through life, if you did actually end up with the ‘right’ one. And the fact that you wonder, is what causes the problem.

Also, romantic literature and art have infused unhappiness in love with a certain romanticism that seems attractive. So, it is not uncommon to see lovers of literature indulging their romanticism by imagining themselves trapped in marriage with the wrong partner. One such ‘sufferer’ dramatically told me in a conversation, “I am leading a suffocating life, with no ventilator for self-expression.”

And herein begins the problem that plagues our fair sex. All girls fed on a diet of impossible romance start dreaming of a sociopath they can help change and claim as their very own Darcy. That makes it easier for the predators lounging silently on the fringes of society. They recognise this and understand a woman’s emotions and responses much better than she does herself. They know exactly which string to pull to manipulate her.

These men play upon a woman’s irrepressible romantic instinct and her compulsion to love and mould another human being. So anyone off the beaten track interests and excites women. If he has an artistic streak, all the better, because it suggests greater sensitivity harboured within, awaiting her love to wash him in a new light. He knows this and plays the game well, fascinating her with his dark moods and sudden spurts of heart-melting romance. And so, all bad boys find well-meaning little women, eager to please and hoping to change them.

But goodness, is she in for a huge heartbreak?! Yes, because the sociopath is incapable of loving anyone but himself. He will romance her wildly, get her hooked and then move on to the next victim. The poor girls forget that most of the romantic novels end at the point where the hero unites with the heroine, without talking of the undoubtedly awful marriage the two will have. For, how can a man full of himself, focussed on his own needs and incapable of loving another, be good husband material?

For all those girls out there fed on romantic literature, here are a few tips on how to recognise the predator who feeds on nice girls. You may still get swept off your feet, but at least you’ll have been warned:

  • Anyone who is unbelievably good has to be unreal. This may sound cynical, but when have you ever seen a perfect hero walk out of a book or movie and enter your life? The good guys are the real guys, the ones with all their foibles and follies, the ones who forget to wish you on your special day, but are always there to pick up the broken pieces when you most need them.
  • Watch out for flowery compliments that ring untrue. While some concession can be made for a heart touched by romance, an overflow of compliments that are unbelievable even to your own ears should be taken with fistfuls of salt.
  • He is charming, but just when you are most bemused and starry-eyed, just when you are slipping under the spell, step back and take another hard look at him beyond his hypnotic eyes. Is the charm superficial or genuine?
  • Most rakes are pathological liars. If you happen to catch his lie, do not take it lightly. Be alert and watch out for further untruths.
  • Most sociopaths have a grandiose sense of themselves. They will exaggerate and try to portray themselves as highly important. This may or may not be to impress you; it is just the way they are.
  • Their emotions are pretty shallow and sociopaths rarely have friends.You will be able to figure this out by checking on his relations with relatives and friends.
  • They have poor control over their emotions and find it difficult to control their anger or irritation. They also do not respond with emotion to good or bad news.
  • A sociopath will not find it easy to apologise. In fact, he will almost never accept his fault, preferring to blame others.Recognise anyone close to you? If you do, put a hand over your heart and run miles away if you wish to avoid a major heartbreak…

Wee Ka Siong said Najib being a Viagra naughty boy


By putting an end to race-based policies” Joke of the year so what is  MCA

Wee Ka Siong  brushing aside Prime Minister  suggestion, we have  our  former  President  Chua  Soi Lek  as our sex guru  so we need no  ” UMNO political Viagra” to revive  our flagging spirit, said deputy president Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong , as the party works to woo back supporters under the new leadership with a dose sexism MCA style .

Lord Almighty! This ‘ China Doll thing’ with the lovely lady from China right? Sorry about that, but lovely ladies from that part of the world tend to… ummmm… look alike  . Yeah… where was I? Got it — does this sex business have to be resolved right now? What about the prostution business ? Couldn’t we have waited a bit to longer to go after this case?Wee said what the Chinese party needed to do was to find ways to regain the Chinese support it lost in the 13th general election Wee. said”I don’t believe in Viagra is a drug used to treat erectile dysfunction  , we don’t need it. We need Soi Lek sex drive  and not Viagra to recharge our spirit and energy,” he told reporters after the party’s annual general assembly today.Angry voters had abandoned MCA in the May 5 general election for its inability to check Umno. MCA suffered its worst showing in the polls, ending up with only seven parliamentary and 11 state seats. has urged Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to be “the next Mandela” by putting an end to race-based policies in UMNO.In his address at the party’s annual general assembly yesterday, Najib said MCA still had plenty of grassroots members but their spirit was weak.”We need UMNO political Viagra. Low in spirit, MCA has members at the grassroots level but they have no fire,” Lousy timing, folks. And all because these UMNO people here refuse to behave like Malaysians… even when they are in Malaysia! Yeah. That’s the bottom line. We have our laws out here. We follow ’em .it’s like serious  slavery abolished in 1865. But we in MCa understand it is still practiced in Malaysia. And you    Malays want us to apologize for  treating us like slaves  has urged Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to be “the next Mandela” by putting an end to race-based policies. Malays  are hyper sensitive and touchy. They crib all the time. And yet they can’t stay away from bashing UMNO. Their government chaps are constantly raising questions about we Chinese  treat visitors from China . The way you  “harass” our sex movie stars,. Now they are talking revenge! Go ahead, you guys. You can harass our stars…Robert de Niro won’t be back for a while, in any case. You can refuse the Barisan Nasional chairman added

Wee stressed that the party needed to fight for its survival and members should understand that the war is outside, which is to boost Chinese support from the current 15% to 30% in time for the 14th general election.

“If we don’t prepare well from now, we won’t get through the next general election,” he warned.It looks like MCA has stirred up another of cauldron of fire and hypocrisy that critics say can only burn up the last shreds of whatever credibility the party has left  Umno secretary-general told reporters after attending the MCA Annual General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur today.  warned the MCA today that it would tell the Malays not … Read more

 SoLet’s dance the Soi Lek  foxtrot

there’s no need to hold back.
Breathing heavy
This is usually a dead give away and impossible to mask or fake. As the body is excited and turned on, the breath becomes more urgent and rapid. Involuntary moans are made as air rapidly makes its way through her vocal chords. The heart rate increases as the body prepares for an orgasm, making her internal organs demand more oxygen. A thumping heart rate and urgent breathing should let you know that you’re on the right track. However, if immediately after a big orgasm, she’s back to a slow restful pace of breath, you just witnessed a big show.
Writhing heights
When a body enthusiastically responds to another, it urges for proximity. If she’s grinding or pushing herself against you, trying to hold or hug you, her body language is as inviting as it gets. Curling toes are another good indicator, but try to catch a glance offhand. If the motion is subconscious, it’s probably genuine. If however, she’s lying there waiting for you to do all the hard work, there’s probably a little that’s happening in terms of arousal for her. You need to regroup and restart. Try changing positions or focus on her erogenous zones to get her attention.
Hip action
A little known secret about good sex is that it’s tremendously synchronized. The way the bodies were designed, they were meant to move repeatedly in the same motion until both achieved a climax. So if you find her matching your moves, you’ve hit the right notes and just need to make it to the finish line. Sometimes it takes a little time to get in sync but if you don’t see it happening, chances are that her body is telling you it wants something else, another position perhaps. Wait for her to respond with the same intensity.
In the deep
Once you are in the zone and aiming for the finish, given the sensitivity of organs involved, you should be able to feel her strong internal muscles act against yours. With spasms and some amount of clenching, you’ll get a good idea of how well you’re doing. However, don’t use it as a benchmark since not all women have the same amount of control over their kegel muscles. Some amount of contraction and relaxation that you may feel could be for her own pleasure, but pay close attention to what her overall intensity is telling you.
What works for one woman may never work for another but the idea is to be attuned to the feedback her body language is giving you. If you feel like you’re not in sync, pause and try something new. Avoid sticking to a routine or becoming predictable. Spice things up with experimentation, teasing and tantalizing your partner and keep an eye out for fake moans and forced emotions
Here is the sad part of the story:  the MCA does not lack issues to pain Soi Lek  in a corner: scam after scam has besmirched  , inflation has created havoc for the poor and the middle classes, the uneven pace of the economic reform process hasn’t instilled much confidence with the Chinese
MCA: Voters beware! Kit Siang won’t ‘service’ youDAP’s Lim Kit Siang is someone who changes constituencies as often as he changes clothes, without any service to his constituents, charged MCA today.
MCA services Gelang Patah by handling out RM5000 every now and then to some NGOs around here. They also service the residents by handling out forms to give away RM 100 per person. If you not illiterate, you can see they were MCA membership applications forms. Other than that the current MCA rep ( Lady )is hardly seen anyway and roads are still full of potholes, crime is rampant and we dont hear one shit word from her in parliment. At least LKS will make views heard……..the people of Gelang Patah welcomes LKS. The MCA is scared stiff! supercession, your use of vocabulary is atrocious and as we say in Malay ” Kurang Ajar ” . For you its Loh is not what you like or want, but like all Chinese pigs you slaughter your own. LKS cannot even be a MP for any period of time, as to him its a game , a game he plays with the Rakyat. So choose your language properly, and lastly, as an opposition supporter , convince us you are all worthy of your chosen leaders leading this country. At the moment listening to you, the answer is no, and to be frank it will never happen.
But do Soi Lek  really understand “urbanisation”?
 MCA is running out of ideas to attack LKS. He has already served two full terms as the representative for Ipoh Timur. Let the constituents of Ipoh Timur be the judge whether LKS had serviced them well. Of course no one can argue MCA has serviced UMNO pretty well for the past 56 years!What service ? Get some few hundred thousands to renovate a dilipidated chinese school , begging the government to provide scholarship to straight A students , Re tar the roads etc. MCA failed to look at the bigger picture of how the country is being run and what types of policies moving forwards . LKS is at CEO or COO level but MCA is talking about supervisor level . The CEO and COO set direction , long term goals , policies and vision . We need LKS in this aspect not at the supervisor level . LKS as an parliamentarian is for the whole country not for Gelang Patah only . Today , we need LKS to spearhead the country in a proper direction than to service the nitty gritty matter which can be handled by the state assemblyman or JKKK .
 Is he able to think beyond sex flyovers, malls & apartment complexes when we talk of “urbanisation”?  does understand the complex trade-offs that are involved in developing our cities? The strategic planning? The massive investments in infrastructure? Do our MCA leaders have a deep understanding of issues linked to “urbanisation”? Do they possess the empathy – or the sheer determination or the strong political will or soaring imagination or ability to dream? I am not sure they do. well-placed and manipulated land deals. It has also come to be equated with reckless development – with complete disregard of what already exists and a near-total obsession with construction & more construction.  Construction of roads, housing colonies, malls and commercial areas.So long as the political spectrum is not engaged in the substantive aspects of city planning, development and equitable growth,  Malaysian cities, barring exceptions, will remain dysfunctional..” is decisions are not taken on the basis of common good or rationality but on the basis of lobbies and nexus between business, politics and crime. ”Unfortunately, most decisions for this city (Mumbai) are taken neither by the politicians nor by the bureaucrats and surely not academically by urban planners. They are taken by the nexus of the builders-underworld-politicians.”Will our Cities become the engines driving Malaysia ‘s growth or hellholes of misery? That is the only choice we have. We can tame the beast or be devoured by it. Cities & urban areas is where the great “transformation” will happen.Loh Seng Kok after 55 year what has MCA done for the Chinese? Don’t stop us for voting BN out!
Much like the Bourbons of France, the MCA seems to be at pains to either learn anything or forget anything. On the eve of the G13election, the party sought to exploit to the hilt the Soi Lek sex adventure . It came a cropper on both occasions. The MCA did not buy the slogan tne pornstar Nor did it lose its sleep when the redoubtable Ong Tee Keat went to the extent of threatening to tonsure MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek head in case he is not fielded in the Pandan parliamentary constituency. Be a courageous leader. Take on Kit Siang in Gelang Patah and I dare say you are worth your salt. If not, all that is coming out from your mouth are just plain garbage.Rumours may have it but its preposterous to even print CSL’s threat of resigning. This guy has no shame but beg for his own candidacy in some Malay dominated Ulu Johor from MOO, away from Gelang Patah.
Does it matter if MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek is around or not?. CSL just don’t get it, isn’t?. The Chinese want him and his family to get lost. MCA will be lucky if they can win 5 seats coming GE13.it will be the last central committee meeting, forever and ever.its abundantly clear that you are manhood endowed with your pants off in the video, now lets see you act manly with your pants on and take on LKS in your own turf – Johore, or are you only masculine in bed with women you shouldnt be with Porn actor CSL has no alternative but to resign. CSL should lick OTK a.. as he is man of no integrity BUT a porn actor and he did his job well as a porn actor.
That may be good news for Malaysians after all. We’d rather have someone combative, arrogant, but still trying to do the right thing, or at least a semblance thereof (recall PKFZ), instead of someone morally tainted, and with questionable political machinations, constantly spewing lies, half-truths and inconsistencies. CSL has done nothing good for MCA, leading it down the path of doom instead of doing the right things. Anyway, it shows how lowly UMNO is treating MCA when its President has to throw tantrum to change UMNO’s mind about who’s to contest in the coming elections.
MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek is said to have told the party’s central committee meeting yesterday that he will resign if the BN fields arch-rival Ong Tee Keat in the Pandan parliamentary constituency. The quicker he get lost from the party the better for the Chinese community of this country. This thick skin fella is a shame to all the Chinese voters ..!!his willingness to resigning over internal politics while keeping mum on real issues that affect the Rakyat like Lynas, NFC and PKFZ shows how worthless you are to the people and the country. Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish. Chua Soi Lek should have the guts to stand against Lim Kit Siang and prove how much support and respect the MCA has in the Chinese community. If Chua loses, he should have the decency to wind up his political career and disappear from public life Don’t worry Chua. You may have a future for mature porn movies.Even if you resign now CSL, you won’t see any tears in MCA
Since CSL took over as President, MCA has certainly slipped down that slippery slope towards oblivion. CSL should quit. How on earth can a porn actor lead a political party? It’s ill gotten money that had pushed him to be voted to the Presidency.Those MCa Delegates whose hands were greased should be herded to prison. Nowhere in the world except Malaysia can a self- confessed porn actor lead a political party.MCA is just a rubber stamp for UMNO. Chua has no control no matter what he claimed. It has always been Najib and now Najib is desperate to win so much so he cannot trust MCA. Ong is a better candidate as for Yen Yen, well she can stand in the middle of our wet market and ask for ‘Yes…Yes…Yes’. Chua senior is also not a winnable candidate. In fact MCA is bankrupt of good candidates. So MCA is no longer revelant. Chua senior to blackmail Najib? Chua is nobody as far as Najib is concerned. MCA is a loss cause!
Step up the effort and manage expectations — whether you are a single looking for a partner, or a couple desiring matrimonial bliss
There are those who give up on marriage even before they enter into matrimony, and then there are those who give up on it after a few years of wedded bliss. Both cases are equally sad.
Unable to find a partner and get married, some singles console themselves that they are better off without getting hitched. Having left it too late or set their standards too high, much like a case of sour grapes, they declare that their singlehood is a coveted, chosen status. The truth is that most of us have a small ambit within which we have to choose the partners of our liking. The choice is limited, unless we choose to widen that ambit by stepping out and making an effort to meet people from different walks of life. The more we step out and look, the wider the choice becomes, but there certainly has to be an effort and a determination to succeed. Most singles I know seldom make that effort; all they do is wait for the right person to walk along and ring the bell! In the meanwhile, they keep considering and rejecting those around, or feeling rejected in turn.
However just meeting people isn’t enough; your motivation to get married too has to be high in an age when most needs are already met. Social networking sites help stave off loneliness and fulfil a need to communicate and participate, weakening the desire to step up our search for a life partner. Colleagues and friends at work take care of social needs, and most people do not wait till marriage to experience romance and sex. This distracts and delays the agenda of setting up a marital home. Striking a chord takes more time and effort than we are willing to give, and zeroing in and finalising a partner requires more courage than most care to display. And by the time we smell the coffee, it is too late. Seeing possibilities wane, we try to make the best of the situation and console ourselves that we are better off without marriage.
Equally sad is the case of married people, who after a few years of matrimony, drift away from each other and stop making efforts to improve their wedded bliss. They find it easier to give up on each other and start cohabiting, rather than living together. Bitterness seeps in and eats away at the innards, creating deeper rifts till pain and depression take over life. Here again, it is high expectations and low efforts that create the problem. Most people walk into marriage expecting to find a state of readymade permanent bliss. They fail to realise that perfection is not found in marriage, it needs to be worked upon. That is why many arranged marriages have a better chance of survival than love marriages. You enter the first expecting to work on the marriage and build up a relationship, while you walk into the latter expecting nothing but bliss.There is no such thing as a perfect marriage or a perfect partner. One can have perfect moments or even perfect days in a marriage, and one can discover perfect aspects in the personality of a partner. Most of the time, it’s looking out of the window that creates problems. Keeping an exit policy in the marriage contract, as Hollywood stars do, is a sure way to start ending the marriage even before it has begun. No wonder then that each of them has several marriages and kids, but is never settled or happy.
The role of passion and commitment cannot be overstressed in a marriage. Making a success of your marriage has to be a passionate commitment, a top priority. A couple has to be friends and lovers first all through their married years, no matter how old they are. Parenthood should not be allowed to push back this focus. Spending exclusive time together has to be scheduled as a mustdo. In fact, plan not just moments of togetherness, but also loving gestures, words and care; after a time, they become a natural part of life.
Having fun together, being loving and caring and large hearted enough to forgive and care again makes all the difference. Staying balanced in your relationship is of utmost importance. Fighting is normal, but one needs to know where to draw the line so as not to irrevocably hurt the other. We all know when we have overstepped; if you have done so, apologise and make up immediately. When you see your partner in an aggressive and unreasonable mood, learn to step back rather than let fly, and teach your partner to do likewise. Much like the foxtrot, as one advances, the other retreats, while still hanging on lovingly to each other — and that creates the perfect rhythm that the dance of matrimony requires

readmore http://clubdesexymind.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2013-05-22T14:55:00-07:00&max-results=7&start=15&by-date=false

This bastard MCA vice-president Chua Tee Yong is applying the viagra injection. ‘


This bastard MCA vice-president Chua Tee Yong   has sparked outrage after he reportedly sent a racist tweet about UMNO so is he still  in control of MCA?

 Chua Tee Yong  tweet read like this, Najib  who said  about applying the viagra injection., could have done so out of sheer absent-mindedness. He could be under stress that pleasantries ought to be performed in a jiffy. Maybe five similar social events were lined up for the evening.

the new phenomenon appreciated by the common man, is surely hitting the top of the billboards. This is likely to force the conservative ways of seeking political support by big parties (backwardness by race, community clubs, religious divides, the ‘quota’ potion) either into childish disbelief, or quietly into an exercise to rewrite their approach to the common man.  Najib for  having sent in the right message so far. We need to see him around for quite some time, to continue to have this impact. His presence in some political form or the other is required.  Indeed that mindset of  Chua Tee Yong asking for accountability from a government needs to take root.There will be always doubts about his delayed methods, round-about parleys of clearance from colleagues, his supporters, and finally support from his prime identified adversary whose seats he has exclusively bagged. It is a bit unusual also that the voters is giving him enough time to put his act together. Possibly democracy needs to be given a chance, and re-election be prevented in the wake of a larger poll contest a few4years away. MCA has the widest network and experience in national as well in regional alliances. Somehow, as reports say, it is losing favour of Chinese voters. It can’t boast of any major institution or project, including the much touted “ Chinese racialist card”. It has to revive its contact with the Chinese, It showed little influence over its allies when it came to national programmes. MCA  can understand graft, but it happened in too many crucial sectors, and too often. Worst,  MCA is not  in obsession with bringing everyone to the book

What was Tun Ling, Chua Soi Lek and the MCA was doing at the cabninet meeting. Presume, you were calculating your share of profits. Stop the accusation and let us listen to your proactive actions to stop toll increase. Everybody knows that the all decisions are agreed to by the cabinet with the PM throwing down his decisive vote. So the main question to be asked is who was the PM then? And mind you, even when Anwar has left the cabinet, new highway contracts continue to be signed and given out. So what do you have to say to this? Can’t all MCA members by now understand in their thick head their party is irrelevant to the Chinese anymore..  meet any MCA members claiming they still have hope in MCA.Dr M is our saviour, Anwar would be in jail now for “cheating” Dr M. Yet, not a whimper from the grand old man accusing Anwar of betraying his trust and committing serious fraud against the entire cabinet CTY pointing an accusing finger at the old man himself? Might as well come out and say it out loud in the open instead of pussy footing around Anwar. At that time you were sucking milk. That’s why we say MCA need UMNO Viagra. Highway concessions were dealt by EPU under PM MahATHIRi. This was confirmed in parliament and major papers so many times. This kind of stuff piss off the Chinese because MCA makes noise for publicity only.The Chua family probably be the curse of MCA, first the senior Chua porn acts haunt MCA for years until he become the first president who dare not stand in a GE, and consequently handed a results of seven eleven in the GE, less than 10% of Chinese voted for them,now lets see how this new VP junior Chua stupidity go on to hammer the last nail onto the MCA coffin,this will complete the curse of CHUA on MCA.will see to it that in GE14 MCA is considered history in Malaysia. Look at this young lap puppy of MCA yapping at the wrong tree! The one sided contracts for the highway toll collection and IPP were all awarded by MahathirAND all his cronies and anyone who disagree with him will be removed (ask Tan Sri Arope). This son of a porn star has shit on his head to understand.A new guard seems to be filling some slots. A young Chua Tee Yong    is now calling the shots. Little time is left. Can he stem the tide and bring about a turnaround? He has no experience of studying the privileges and perils of power than anyone of his age,


Ask yourselves why you’ve been left behind in wealth race, Ku Li tells Malays  a tremendous phenomenon of the times is the realization that each one of us has the power to bring about change just by knowing what we want and acting on it!

We live in an age which excels in broadcasting slogans and catchy phrases. Often we, the hearers, unconsciously “choose” the meaning. A good example is “People first”. What does it mean? Who are “the people”?

We most easily think of “the people” as ourselves, our “class” of people. We forget that “the people” includes politicians, civil servants, police, soldiers, bankers, businessmen, garbage collectors, drivers, investors, farmers, etc., all with their dreams and goals.

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah advised Perkasa to take a good look at itself and ask why it is mocked. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Nazir Sufari, December 22, 2013.

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah advised Perkasa to take a good look at itself and ask why it is mocked. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Nazir Sufari, December 22, 2013.Instead of wailing, lamenting and demanding more Bumiputera participation in the economy, Malays should take a good look at themselves and ask why they have been left behind, said veteran politician Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Tengku Razaleigh, or known as Ku Li, noted that the number of Malays holding key positions in the corporate sector had decreased compared with previous years.While Felda Global Ventures (FGV) has spread its wings to other countries and boosted trade, it did not involve many Malays.

“The halal product industry is sadly controlled and dominated by non-Malays. The most disappointing thing is that several Malays, who founded local businesses, are no longer the owners but workers of the companies,” Ku Li said when opening the 4th Perkasa general assembly in Kuala Lumpur today.

“Let me make it clear, these developments are not related to racial issues or the special rights of Malays being ignored.

“The core of the issue is that Malays have lost their edge in an increasingly competitive business arena.”

Malays can no longer blame others for monopolising economic wealth in Malaysia because they have been given numerous opportunities and aid.

It is time for them to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge to succeed in the business arena.

Ku Li said the Malays should be taught skills and knowledge so that they would learn how to be independent instead of constantly relying on the Government.

He said if Malays continued to be dependent on Putrajaya, they would be swallowed by globalisation.

Ku Li also said Perkasa should take a good look at itself and ask why it has been mocked and ignored by the Malay community whose rights the party professes to struggle for.

He said Perkasa was perceived by many as the cause of splits between the various ethnic communities in Malaysia.

He said this was a damaging view of the party as national unity was prized in Malaysia.

“Hopefully, this is not a common perception and only the view of a few extremists,” he said.

He said when reports emerged that he would be officiating the Perkasa general assembly, many questions were raised.

He said he has typically been viewed as a veteran politician who was contemporary, liberal and open-minded, which was the opposite of Perkasa.

“The way in which we think is not a vital factor. What is more important is that every Perkasa member understands the rationale and reason for the formation of this Malay rights group and what it stands for.

“We must not act rashly based on our emotions, more so when we are angry. Our actions should be based on logic and common sense rather than irrational behaviour,” Ku Li said.

He added that everything should be balanced and taken into consideration before acting. Kelantan prince’s New Clothes. The plot revolved around a prince who was tricked into believing that he was wearing a special outfit when in fact he was naked. His sycophants complimented him for his wonderful choice of clothing. When the prince went out on the street, scared commoners praised the invisible suit. Finally, an innocent little … Read more

Is Lim Guan Eng a game changer a Chinese Crusader the Destroyer of Malays rights?


 Written by <syed1145@gmail.com>

Lim Guan Eng ask how MCA can  fight UMNO to defend Malaysian rights?

Does Malays have no future? If you were to listen to Lim Guan Eng  election rhetoric, that’s not honest takeaway. There’s so much chest thumping about how DAP, how we had the most amazing leaders, the finest  Chinese culture, the best  Chinese schools of learning, the most exciting Chinese politics. It’s all about  Destroying of  Malay rights?

If MCA dare not object when they are humiliated in their own building and openly in front of their member. Lim Guan Eng ask how MCA can  fight UMNO to defend Malaysian rights? No wonder, in such a complex world, where your friend could well be owned by your enemy, young Chinese want a leader who can take Malays  They think DAP is that party. they have a track record of inspiring change. Unlike MCA which has always enshrined the status quo. And young  Chinese believe, it’s the status quo that hurts Chinese most.Come elections and  DAP’s existential dilemma gets more pronounced. The party, founded on t the mind of the One a element’ Chinese chauvinist  ideology, has failed to come to terms with the changing political narrative in recent years. Even veteran leaders like   Karpal Singh were not spared when they tried to do what was seen as … Read more

MCA suffered the ultimate political humiliation, not from the general election losses and rejection by the rakyat, but from their long time friend in UMNO when Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak told the MCA General Assembly yesterday,”You have the members, you have the people, but it’s like the flesh is there but the spirit is weak. We need some political Viagra… We ask the MIC Health minister to provide the Viagra medication”But does it? Just shift focus a bit from economics to politics; you will be surprised. There’s no way Chinese politics could have ever thrown up the kind of results No, our economy’s not growing at 10%. Yes, we have much too much corruption everywhere. But Malaysia has no political system that allows us to correct our own mistakes. Isn’t that amazing?s voting power to chuck out those who fail us and find the change that can redefine our public life, renew our hope in  Malaysia? It will make up for all the lost years.  There is a sense of horror that pervades the news in recent months.  It seems as is a basic form of humanity has been lost as one horrific instance of barbarism follows another.  It is as if routine exploitation and violence is no longer enough; we are seeing a new brutalities of a kind … Read more

And the rakyat are seeking answers on how to be set free from the prison of poverty, corruption and debt as result of the mismanagement of BN.We are not talking about the mountain of debt of 55% Federal government debt to GDP amounting to RM541 billion but the 83% of GDP of personal household debt of Malaysians.

Even though absolute poverty has been reduced, relative poverty has worsened with the price hikes in sugar, petrol, electricity and highway toll charges.What are the solutions offered when the answer from BN given so far gives no comfort to ordinary Malaysians? On toll hikes, a BN Minister asks the rakyat to avoid them by using alternative roads, even though there are none for some routes. On sugar price hikes, Malaysians are told to eat less sugar to look after their health even though the price of sugar in Malaysia is now higher than the international market price.On corruption, BN just makes an outright denial that the illicit outflow of funds amounting to RM1.2 trillion over 10 years that made Malaysia the world champion of corruption, is a serious problem.

Can political Viagra solve these daily livelihood problems faced by the rakyat? Or will be fall back on UMNO’s divide and rule policy of playing the fires of racial hatred and religious extremism by pitting Malays against non-Malays, Muslims against non-Muslims and even Muslims against Muslims? asked  Lim Guan Eng to each one of  the Chinese the most heartening things that has happened in recent times is the awakening of the Chinese. No longer do you see apathetic, deadened eyes that couldn’t care less what happens to another. People today care and they do not let go an opportunity to show that they do so. Not just that, they are more than willing to lend a helping hand, to make a difference.The MCA general assembly today rejected a motion that several delegates wanted to table on the party’s resolution not to accept positions in the government.Sins call for atonement, crimes must be punished. And what better, if such redemption can be detached from those really culpable and outsourced to some dumb creature that cannot complain? This was the idea behind the Biblical practice of casting a goat into the wilderness after ascribing all manner of ills and improvidence to it. … Read more

The chairman of the assembly, Datuk Yik Phooi Hong, said the motion did not meet a requirement of the party constitution.

Article 37.3 of the party constitution pertaining to meetings states that a resolution adopted by an extraordinary general meeting requires the attendance of 100 per cent or all the 2,385 delegates at an assembly.

He rejected the motion brought by, among others, delegate Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew of Parit Sulong.

Believing in themselves and their power, and that gives them immense confidence. With a cellphone in hand connecting you to rest of the world, you are in a position to voice opinions that matter, take photos which make a difference and record conversations and incidents that could create a national stir. You feel powerful and effective indeed when you break news through twitter or facebook and add your voice to that of millions.

Newly-elected MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai today pledged to bring about inclusive and collective change and renewal to the party.

Liow, who was elected party leader on Saturday, called on the senior party leadership, delegates and members to return to the fold as one strong team to make a success of its transformation programme.

“We have to prove that MCA remains relevant and has the capability to bring about a major change in the lives of the Chinese and other communities,” he said during his winding up address at the 60th MCA annual general meeting (AGM) today.

“We don’t want anyone to mention that there is a ‘Liow-camp’ or ‘Chua (former president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek) camp’ any more. From now on, we are a non-faction party. We are a new MCA!” he declared.

“Jealousy, envy and resentment must be eradicated. Let us all come together in the spirit of unity to reform and to safeguard the party.”

Liow said with unity, the party can regain its pride and honour as one of the country’s founding political parties and also regain public confidence, especially the Chinese community.

He echoed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak’s statment that this is the last call for MCA to prove its relevance among the Chinese community and the public at large.

“This is not a wakeup call, this is our last call; the last chance for us to rise,” Liow said.

At the party elections on Saturday, Liow garnered 1,186 votes to beat former vice-president Gan Ping Sieu (1,000 votes) and former president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat (160 votes) in a three-cornered contest for the top post.

Soi Lek did not defend the post of president.

Liow said a committee would be established to draw up and initiate a development agenda as pledged in his election manifesto.

He also said that the first meeting of the party’s new Central Committee would be held as soon as possible to discuss matters arising.

Meanwhile, newly elected deputy president Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong also urged factional-influenced central delegates to ceasefire in order to work together efficiently.

“Let us not waste any more of our energy fighting each other, but focus it on our enemies outside the party,” Wee said.

Wee said even though Liow only garnered 51% of votes from delegates and that there was a significant portion of delegates who did not support him, everyone should now unite under Liow’s leadership and cooperate for the good of the party.

He also paid tribute to late former South African president Nelson Mandela, saying the party should emulate his example to call for unity among all races in the country.

Echoing Wee’s sentiment, newly elected youth chief Chong Sin Woon said MCA would need to adapt to the modern political landscape, where championing a single race is no longer an effective strategy.

“Politics have changed, and the younger generation does not look at ‘race’ as an issue any more. Chinese youths are no longer bothered with Chinese issues,” Chong said.

“We need to pay attention to all races, and naturally the needs of the Chinese community would be included,” he added.

He said the MCA used to be a more inclusive party while the DAP used to champion Chinese-specific issues, but along the way, the MCA changed tunes to compete with the opposition party.

Chong said now that the DAP is a part of several state governments, it has adopted a more inclusive approach leaving the MCA to be the more extreme party between the two.

the New  Media red beans of DAP is the greatest abettor and agent of change, encouraging and goading people along into discovering themselves, understanding issues and taking a stand. And so you never feel alone so long as your cause is just and clear — there are thousands waiting to hear, understand and support you! Those who earlier may have heard you out with sympathy, tut-tutted and moved on, are today willing to step out and support DAP.MCA were ashamed to see their own faces in the mirror every morning. They realized if something has to change, it has to change within them. You cannot keep sitting on the fence; at some point you have to jump in there. As parents, as teachers, as workers, we all have to start feeling responsible for the nation and to realize that nothing gets done on its own; one will have to get one’s hands dirty and do the work ourselves.” MCA may feel lost when it comes to guiding the youth today, but there is a guiding spirit in the air, so to speak, and the youth are far more confident than they were a generation ago; they can easily engage with like-minded people and understand their own minds.

“Nature has a way of bringing about balance. It does not allow too much extreme. So when people became too uncaring and insensitive, Nature balances it by bringing about this change; today it’s in the air, you can feel it!”

However in order for change to be effective and make a difference there has to be a method to it, a logic that needs to be followed. In order to participate in national discourses and public discussions people need to be aware of what’s happening in the country and to introspect what they themselves feel about it. They need to hone their emotional maturity and intelligence. And most importantly, there has to be a clear intention to bring about a positive change.

The big differentiator today is that people know what to do and where to reach out with the various available communication channels. With a million helplines out there catering to every possibility, you just need the right intention and you are not just connected, but on your way to making a difference!All Malays  have one simple question today of their leaders: How are you going to set the future right? No one wants to answer that. ExceptThis bastard MCA vice-president Chua Tee Yong   has sparked outrage after he reportedly sent a racist tweet about UMNO so is he still  in control of MCA?  Chua Tee Yong  tweet read like this, Najib  who said  about applying the viagra injection., could have done so out of sheer absent-mindedness. He could be under stress that pleasantries ought … Read more


Shafee’s hounding, an ambitious assumes Ghani’s burden


On the face of it, it’s difficult to figure why Anwar is treated as a heinous offender by the  Malaysian criminal justice system because, according to his prosecutors But , Muhammad Shafee celebrity federal prosecutor currently pursuing Anwar with great ferocity, is hardly going after friends of Mahathir and Najib  of a large number on this score from leading the Attorney General’s Chambers’ appeal against Anwar Ibrahim’s acquittal for sodomy. Shafee’s appointment as Deputy Public Prosecutor smacks of desperation and sets another bad precedent, sending the wrong message that the authorities will go to extraordinary lengths to secure the conviction of UMNO’s political adversaries.Shafee is a well known UMNO lawyer and has appeared in court and advised in several matters that concern UMNO’s interests and has admitted so in his CV. He has acted and advised former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor, all known and bitter political adversaries of Anwar Ibrahim. Shafee is also presently defending a few high profile defamation cased filed by Anwar Ibrahim appeal case that went awry? .The most important issue is is the power struggle between Mahathir and Najib , why did then Shafee give up his cover and focus attention on Anwar? Shafee is key fixer in Baginda non appeal freedom while Ghani is chief  architect of sodomy1 and 2 with appeal . There are no easy answers but it is conceivable that Shafee realized that he was being watched and put pressure by Rosmah pointing out that Ghani was vulnerable If this is the case, then kudos to Ghani smart enough to realize that he was being targeted. As pressure mounted on Najib to remove Ghani first Mahathir and then Rosmah put counterpressure on Shafee. Ghani by filing a case agaist Mat Zain possibly got some help  from a US CIA agents working at Attorney Generaloffice of Malaysia.

At the heart of the matter lies the decision to criminalise behaviour that asked to be understood with some sensitivity. The face-off is the result of a mismatch between two different contexts, both in terms economic and cultural. It is possible to dismiss these and argue in an absolute sense that a clear violation of  Malaysian law took place, and the law of the land acted without making any exceptions.
Najib  rhetoric to insinuate  nominee  Shafee  reported to harbour political ambitions. If he goes up for high political office, acquiring  Anwar’s scalps on the way and thereby exorcising his origins would be useful. And what better Anwar’s scalp, in the current political climate,— thereby assuaging what he takes to be a prime anxiety among Malaysians? In spite of Shafee’s obvious conflict of interest and unsuitability, and the AG’s Chambers’ wealth of resources and hundreds of well qualified Deputy Public Prosecutors available, he has now been appointed to lead the appeal against Anwar Ibrahim. Shafee’s appointment further tarnishes the already battered reputation of the AG’s Chambers and reinforces public perception that the AG’s Chambers is not independent and acts at the behest of UMNO to prosecute the opposition on trumped up charges or for political offences.

Like Caesar’s wife, Shafee acting as a prosecutor must be above any trace of suspicion. One certainly cannot believe without flight of fancy that Shafee will afford Anwar Ibrahim a fair trial and treat him equally and without discrimination as he is entitled to under the Constitution.

In light of all the controversies, we call upon the Attorney General to withdraw Shafee’s appointment as DPP and to work towards restoring public confidence of the rightful role of the Public Prosecutor, one that is dignified, just and free from political interference.

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Defeat is the distance between a bedtime story and a wake-up call. The former starts with ‘Once upon a time…’ and lulls the voter to sleep. The second is an energiser that addresses a fresh dawn. PAKATAN has become victims of their own success: their narrative has run its course, and they have not been … Read more



Najib tears into MCA’s anti-UMNO avatar read his lips ‘big brother’s Viagra injection’ Conjointly to the Miss-ogynistic F.T Minister


This is the first PM of Malaysia ever to use sexual intonations in many of his important speeches. It is not what you eat that reflects the spirituality of man but what foul comes out of the mouth.The newly elected top leaders have too much baggage to fight without fear or favour within BN. Najib is totally right that to say that MCA is only ‘flesh’ but ‘soulless’In the eyes of the Chinese, MCA is strategically stupid in only knowing how to attack opposition, in particular DAP whenever the later raised matters that are of concern to the race.Frankly MCA rejuvenation does not depend on Viagra but a heavy dosage of righteousness in the interest of not only the Chinese but also all Malaysians. Without this, more Viagra will make the flesh even more ‘soulless’. MCA must eradicate its ‘running dog’ tag to be of any use to the Chinese..

MCA anti-corruption intent as a mere ploy. Referring to outgoing disgressed-president’s speech ”The speech of a        MCA leader   befuddled. He belongs to a party which is neck-deep in corruption. But he spoke with such an innocent demeanour that it appeared he belonged to a different party. It was an unparalleled example of audacity. Look at the paradox He was speaking of corruption just after the  B.N  government had tried to bury the   scam.” His focus on PKFZ scam was a clear indication that the Congress’s attempt to help its leaders who have been accused of complicity in the After Dr Ling’s acquittal, poser over RM720 million interest in PKFZ .scam may exact a political cost by undercutting, MCA ‘s effort to buffer the party from the charges of corruption. Saying that MCA was not serious about fighting corruption,  http://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/ challenged the  MCA  to sponsor a legislation aimed at bringing back within three years the black money that MCA leaders have illegally stashed abroad in foreign banks. “MCA will never take the initiative because they know it is going to hurt them the most,”

It is really unbelievable Soi Lek said that  Umno should not do things that will hurt the Chinese when he himself, some Umno leaders at all levels including some Malay NGOs are the culprits. It is really the blind leading the blind. The ‘raison d’etre’ of MCA, MIC and to a certain extend Umno, MCA has evaporated due to the changing demand of the respective communities These political entities fail to live up to the new political realities, and no matter how much coaxing the ‘big brother’s Viagra injection’ is going to do, the end result will be almost the same.Chinese are abandoning MCA in droves because the hegemony of master-slave is still deep-rooted and is not going away. The new key words are corruption, no transparent and fair for all elitist Chinese.Corruption was just one of the whole array of issues the MCA leader chose to attack UMNO on as he exhorted his audience to get rid of UMNO rule. He said UMNO was mired in divisive politics, and would create and stoke divisions in order to stay in power. “They practise the politics of divide-and-rule that they learnt from the British,” Soled  Lek said as he attacked the grand old party for jeopardizing the future of  Malai-sia leh. Soiled Lek, who seemed pleased with the standing ovation, came up with the attractive catch line: ‘Vote for MCA’. “We have so far voted for one party or another. The time has come to vote for MCA to free the country of corruption, nepotism, communal strife, price rise, vote-bank politics and bad governance,”  Soiled outgoing  MCA President said 

These good for nothing sex crazed Umno leaders cannot help themselves with giving statements without any sexual connotations.No matter how much Viagra MCA consumes, it is of no use to them because MCA has already been castrated by Umno for many long years. This how serious our politicians look at problems and challenges confronting this country – grandmother, grandfather, women are like property, make-up, have three more vacancies and now need Viagra to make it works. MCA, cannot be honest enough to tell Umno thatMCA are losing ground because of MCA’s racist stance, pure and simple.Is ‘political viagra’ a cure-all medicine? What is the real cause-effect of MCA’s downfall? Opposite to Najib’s prescription that a sick MCA can be resuscitated by ‘political viagra’, the real panacea points to the “evil doctor” himself.From history, one learns (Faaland et al, 1990; Snodgrass, 1980) that culturally the Chinese are different from the Malays. Mahathir once argued that the Chinese have the advantage of 5,000 years of civilisation while the Malays have only 400 years. By right a progressive nation-state can be forged ahead if only the economically dominant- majority (the Chinese), and the politically dominant-majority (the Malays) cooperate with one another The real culprit lies in the regime is not MCA, and certainly not such a vague term ‘political viagra

After the misogynistic statement from a minister a couple of days back, does Najib really have to evoke sex (viagra) to make a point?

What a poor choice of metaphor for someone who tries so desperately to appear statesman-like, especially when overseas. Najib gives out the vibes of someone not at ease with himself.

As for the MCA, whatever advice given will be akin to flogging a dead horse. The party is history – anyone with an ounce of political nous knows that.It looks like MCA has stirred up another of cauldron of fire and hypocrisy that critics say can only burn up the last shreds of whatever credibility the party has left  Umno secretary-general told reporters after attending the MCA Annual General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur today.  warned the MCA today that it would tell the Malays not … Read more

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Penang opposition leader Datuk Jahara Hamid Correcting Cavities -seemed invincible.the whole hole within


Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng ” I always thought of Jahara as a typical grandmother but now she has become an unreasonable and racist grandmother,”

Penang opposition leader Datuk Jahara Hamid has given Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng one week to tender his resignation letter, over his “racist grandmother” remark which he had made earlier this month.I will make sure his  racialist DAP  will  Collapse However, DAP can will continue to find justifications on why Lim Guan Eng  accused Datuk Jahara Hamid of much worse, The only cavity we really need examined is the collective space between our ears.The five-term Teluk Air Tawar assemblyman from Barisan Nasional said Lim was not sincere when making his “partial” apology a day after calling her a “racist grandmother” on December 9.

DAP democracy is vibrant enough to withstand both coercion and bribery the prospects for the DAP in the coming encounter therefore may not be very different. Till before next Assembly elections,

“I am not a racist. For five terms I have served the rakyat regardless of race. I want him to apologise for all he had accused me of,” she told a news conference at Menara Umno in Penang today.Mis-governance in Penanga which has for decades now mis-treated the Malays from a free Penang appears to be in a state of shock on the Datuk Jahara Hamid  episode  Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng   appear to be scurrying around seeking public support by drumming up

to caution UMNO  how, in a vibrant democracy popular fury can become the most effective instrument for ushering into the political system the much needed attribute of accountability DAP not invincible opposition leader demanded seemed invincible.resignation. Racialist the issue of national Interest and/or Pride, restraining  the Malay by DAP is not to be tolerated, which is on one Ubah plane withDAP flag and Nation.within us this episode appears to be keeping in line with the vast amount of entitlements those who mis-govern us have built up for themselves over the decades, and we are supposed to fall in line to blindly support these entitlments and their continuedproliferation. There is a mismatch here.Over the last few days I have had occasion to experience first-hand many of these entitlements which in any other democracy would have been of larger national importance than what appears to be an issue which does not really impact the larger state of affairs in Malaysia. At the same time, they are all in some way or the other related to how diplomacy is one more arm of mis-governance in Penang  which permits an explosion of these Chinese entitlements.

Lim had earlier apologised for calling Jahara a “grandmother” but had refused to back down from calling her a “racist” after she had questioned the DAP-led administration in the state legislative assembly about the local authorities’ enforcement against an illegal seafood restaurant in Pantai Bersih, Butterworth.

Jahara had pointed out that the Pantai Bersih outlet was Chinese-owned and was not torn down while Malay stalls on Persiaran Gurney were demolished, prompting Lim to tell a press conference outside the state assembly that Jahara had taken a racist line and tried to “twist the issue” when she could have just questioned the non-action of the local councils against illegal hawkers.

“It is alright to criticise us for not taking action but why be racist and continue their racist propaganda?” Lim said

Jahara said she is deeply offended by the remark.

Lim had also slammed Jahara for alleging that his administration had approved the changing of Pulau Jerejak’s name to Mazhu Island. Mazhu is the name of a Chinese deity.

Jahara said Lim had accused her of being unprofessional but it was he who had behaved unprofessionally in this case.

She slammed the DAP secretary-general for twisting her statements to confuse the people about the real issue.

“He accused me of being a racist, that I wanted to create hatred among the people, that I was 1,000 times evil and called me a lying grandmother.

“He had no respect for the august house where elected reps have the right and freedom to speak. He was not sincere in his apology and lowered his own dignity as the chief minister,” he said.

Jahara said Lim should instead analyse the facts carefully, rationally and positively.

“As a government leader, he should listen and help resolve people’s problems and not censure anyone, namely elected reps, who voice up issues,” she added.

Meanwhile, state Umno Wanita chief Senator Norliza Abdul Rahim urged the DAP disciplinary committee to take disciplinary action against Lim for his remark that was both sexist and racist.

She said as chief minister, he should be more careful with his words and be more gender-sensitive.

“He should not put labels on others. How will he feel if he is called ‘Apek Rasis’ (racist uncle)?” she said.

Norliza also told the state government not to carry out selective enforcement, as it is against its own CAT (competency, accountability, transparency) principles.

Marks & Spencer appeared to backtrack on Sunday night by issuing an apology after a Muslim member of staff refused to serve a customer trying to buy champagne.

Previously the supermarket said Muslim staff can refuse to serve customers who are trying to buy pork or alcohol.

But a spokesperson for M&S last night said: “Where we have an employee whose religious beliefs restrict food or drink they can handle, we work closely with our member of staff to place them in suitable role, such as in our clothing department or bakery in foods.

“As a secular business we have an inclusive policy that welcomes all religious beliefs, whether across our customer or employee base … We apologize that this policy was not followed in the case reported.”

The issue arose after an unnamed customer told the Telegraph they were “taken aback” when “I had one bottle of champagne, and the lady, who was wearing a headscarf, was very apologetic but said she could not serve me”.

It has highlighted a split amongst the major supermarkets, between those who will and those who will not excuse staff from certain tasks for religious reasons.

Morrisons said it had a great deal of experience dealing with the issue because it is based in Bradford, where there is a large Muslim community.

It said it would “respect and work around anyone’s wishes not to handle specific products for religious or cultural reasons”.

Sainsbury’s, meanwhile, has issued its official policy on the matter in the form of a pamphlet called “The Little Book of Faith”. It said it had come up with the guidance following research conducted with religious groups, and had concluded that just because a person was not able to eat pork or drink alcohol didn’t mean they should be allowed to avoid handling them altogether.

Asda and Tesco both said they were unlikely to employ a person on the tills who could not handle some goods – though the latter said they dealt with the issue on a case-by-case basis.

An M&S spokesperson had told the Telegraph: “We recognize that some of our employees practice religions that restrict the food or drink they can handle, or that mean they cannot work at certain times.

“M&S promotes an environment free from discrimination and so, where specific requests are made, we will always make reasonable adjustments to accommodate them, whilst ensuring high levels of customer service.”

The policy appeared to anger the biologist and author of The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins, however. He wrote on Twitter: “So, can followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster refuse to sell pasta? Could I refuse to sell baseball caps?

“These Marks & Spencer tweets may seem frivolous. But they are serious examples of the kind of RIDICULE religious discrimination deserves.”

The outspoken former Apprentice candidate Katie Hopkins tweeted on the subject: “It is not a myth. M&S hoping to attract Saudi investment I wonder?”

Yet others supported the retailer, with Channel 4 journalist Fatima Manji writing: “Note how it says they accommodate all religious belief on case by case basis, but people fixated by the Muslim bit.”


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”:   When Muslim organizations invite Shaykhs who speak openly about the values of Islam, the Islamophobic western media starts murdering the character of that organization and the invited speaker. The question these Islamophobic journalists need to reflect upon is; are these so called ‘‘radical’’ views that they criticize endorsed only by these few … Read more

Mahathir juggernaut? GLBTs Homo come home

The ‘perversion’ is more pervasive than we dare to admit,  professionally stunned disbelief of most Malaysians when Anwar Ibrahim was acquitted on January 9, 2012 is the best proof of public perception that he had hitherto not received a fair trial, with a guilty verdict a foregone conclusion. A similar perception was felt by a vast majority of the 13,000 lawyers in the Malaysian Bar.
Will ‘pseudo-liberal’ become the next hiss word, now that the old ‘pseudo-secular’ has been crushed underMahathir juggernaut? My quarrel is not with the mullahs of every religion; they can’t help being what they are.  More insidious are our own neo-Cons, who, this past week, have been trying to turn a refreshingly liberal way of thinking into just another fashionable ‘ism’. They have dismissed the whole argument against Sec 377 as pretentious, ‘para-dropped’ on to the Malay  ethos, and therefore something to be disparaged. What a waste of their expensive educations.How awesome Mahathir it was to see mainstream media out itself, and rage against the Anwar Ibrahim acquittal with its newly minted ‘sensitivity’, floated the idea of an ordinance which would finally decriminalise consensual same-sex relationships. But now, the BJP has been firing on all cylinders against such ‘dangerous’, ‘imported’ ‘immorality’.

Expectedly. How could the Big Brown Saviour be seen selling ‘upright Malay values’ down the river? Besides, conservative middle Malays is a far bigger vote bank than a bunch of queers, and their pseudo-western supporters, no? In the furnace of electoral politics, there’s no room for political correctness. Faggots are a piece of wood, aren’t they? Burn them to fuel our sanctimonious prudery.or 3½ years since Mohd Saiful Bukhairy Azlan’s story emerged, the government has insulted the intelligence of Malaysians by declaring that Anwar’s prosecution was not influenced by politics. On the contrary, the case is all about politics, and nothing but politics.

If Anwar is not an electoral threat to Umno, he would not have been prosecuted. It is as simple, plain and obvious as that. If there are any who still doubt this critical statement of fact, take note that between 1998 and 2008 the media did not report any prosecution of consenting adults engaged in same sex activities. Does it mean that in that period no homosexual or lesbian activities took place in the country?

So why has there been so much governmental hostility against Anwar? Because he has been perceived by Umno as their greatest political adversary, and the only person who could be a potential prime minister. It ought to be recalled when Anwar was a popular deputy prime minister and minister of finance in the mid-1990’s, he generated the politics of envy in Umno. By 1997-8, then-prime minister, Dr Mahathir, was convinced that Anwar was a threat to his Presidency of Umno (and thereby the Prime Ministership).

The September 1998 sacking of Anwar as deputy prime minister, expulsion from Umno, brief detention under the ISA and prosecution for sodomy were actions taken by Dr Mahathir to eliminate a very serious contender to his office.

A decade later, Anwar’s singular contributions in leading Pakatan Rakyat to the best performance by an opposition party since Merdeka in the March 2008 general election raised Umno’s fears again. It was compounded by Anwar’s imprudent announcement in April 2008 that he would lead a Pakatan Government by September 16, 2008 (the 45th anniversary of the formation of Malaysia).

I suggest the decision to destroy Anwar politically a second time and to subject him to a second humiliating sodomy prosecution was taken by the powers that be in the wake of the March 2008 elections results.

The plot was hatched, and the agencies of the government went into action. In any modern society when the police and the prosecution authority conspire to destroy an individual, the whole force of the state is marshalled against the hapless victim. Unless there are strong countervailing independent organisations in that society, the individual is doomed.

Along with many others, I wrote in July 2008 that Anwar should not be prosecuted (see my article entitled “A second prosecution of Anwar Ibrahim — is it in the national interest?”) Such pleas fell on deaf ears. The prosecution, initiated in August 2008 during Abdullah Badawi’s administration, continued with great vigour under Prime Minister Najib Razak. The government controlled television, radio, and newspapers sensationalised coverage of the trial: intimate details of Anwar and Saiful were revealed, offending public decency and taste. Concerned parents had to shield their children from crude and graphic description of sexual activities.

Politics in Malaysia seldom concern idealogy or principles. Since Merdeka, the focus has been on personalities, invariably Umno Presidents and other senior leaders. Indeed, Anwar benefitted from the public image crafted by a pliant media during his 15 years climb up the Umno ladder.

In Sodomy 2, the politics of sleaze against Anwar reached a nadir, giving gutter politics a new meaning. On a comparative basis, few political leaders across the globe had been the victim of dirty state politics like Anwar.

With the slow rehabilitation of Aung San Suu Kyi and the opposition joining a coalition with Robert Mugabe, even Burma and Zimbabwe may have greater tolerance and respect for their opposition politicians. But in Malaysia, the Umno controlled forces worked on the principle that in order to destroy Anwar politically, they had to first humiliate him.

Politics of the Acquittal

The burning question is who was responsible for the decision to acquit Anwar on January 9: the Court or the politicians. Did the trial judge actually make the decision himself or was it in reality a political decision.

The fact that this is the principal aftermath of the acquittal itself is a commentary on the perception by Malaysians (including its lawyers) that in “political” cases the Courts are not independent of the executive.

In the four senior Commonwealth countries whose common law system Malaysia adopts, viz, England, India, Australia and Canada, no right thinking person (and certainly no lawyer) would question a judge’s independence if a similar acquittal had taken place in like circumstances. But not in Malaysia!

The judge

The only sure way for any lawyer to predict an outcome in a lengthy trial like Anwar’s is to review the trial judge’s overall conduct of that trial and then make a projection. In every criminal prosecution in Malaysia, elementary principles established over centuries forming the bedrock of our criminal jurisprudence have to be applied by every judge (juries having been abolished).

In the course of a trial a judge would have to make numerous rulings on procedural and evidential matters that would have a great bearing on his final decision. He also has to make a fundamental decision when the prosecution closes its case, viz, whether the defence has a case to meet. Only if he is satisfied that these elements have been proven by the prosecution on whom the burden solely rests, and which never shifts to the accused, should the judge call the defence.

Accordingly, applying the only rational basis available to those legally trained, the conduct of the judge during Anwar’s trial was consistently in one direction: totally in support of the prosecution’s case, and wholly unsympathetic to the accused. Hence, a conviction was inevitable.

In consequence, the judge’s acquittal was a U-turn of massive proportions. Lawyers who appear in court, that is, barristers, advocates or counsel, quickly develop a skill in “reading” judges. This is the human element in the judicial process.

No two judges in any country are alike. Each judge has his or her own temperament, personality, likes, dislikes and other idiosyncrasies. Having spoken to experienced lawyers who attended Anwar’s trial for substantial periods and whose antennae on “judge-reading” I respect, the judge’s behaviour on January 9 was in stark contrast with his general demeanour on the bench throughout the trial.

Lawyers who were in court on January 9 inform me that the judge was very edgy in his brief appearance (less than two minutes), merely announcing his decision in a couple of sentences and disappearing thereafter. Having reserved his decision for some months, he ought to have had his written reasons (grounds of judgment) ready for release that day. They have yet to be distributed. Most importantly, he was aware that the acquittal contradicted all his prior rulings against Anwar during the trial.

In the days following Anwar’s acquittal, apologists for the system have been heralding the dawn of a new era in judicial independence. Let me douse such naïve enthusiasm. Cases deemed “politically sensitive” by the judges are so predictable: the Executive always succeeds. Cases triggered by the Perak crisis of 2009 and those filed on behalf of the opposition states of Selangor, Kedah, Kelantan and Penang are recent examples.

An extreme illustration is provided by Kelantan’s oil royalty civil suit against Petronas (I disclose my involvement as Counsel for Kelantan). Bizarre and unprecedented rulings have been given by all the three levels of the highest Courts resulting in a transfer of a commercial dispute to the Civil Division, the intervention by the Federal Government as additional defendant when no claim is sought against it and the denial of discovery of documents by Petronas which is automatic in a writ action.

Accordingly, the Anwar acquittal will not be the harbinger of better things to come from the judiciary. One swallow does not make a summer!


If it is not the judge’s decision to acquit Anwar, it must follow that it was a political decision. Certainly two decisions indicate prior knowledge of government of the acquittal. First, it overturned its decision to prohibit the assembly of Anwar supporters in Kuala Lumpur, and agreed to allow them to congregate outside the court — even the police agree that there would be no risk when the crowd receives good news! Secondly, the government issued a press announcement within an hour of the court’s decision, welcoming the acquittal. Our bureaucracy never works at that speed.

It is ironic that from its first public announcement, the government has been claiming credit for the acquittal because it apparently demonstrates judicial independence. This is entirely misplaced. In a system of true separation of powers where the judiciary stands proudly and bravely independent of the executive, the executive can never be praised when judges make independent decisions.

That is how the system actually works. In Malaysia the system has been skewered from Merdeka and the executive can only be criticized for causing it. The executive can never receive praise if the system works as it is supposed to (which is not even the position in Malaysia).

What these announcements demonstrate is a “Freudian slip” on the part of the executive. It confirms that past judicial decisions were contrived at its behest. Because perception shades into reality, it would be difficult to convince the typical Malaysian who has become so cynical of the politically motivated prosecution and trial of Anwar, that his ultimate verdict was not similarly politically motivated. Thus, the fruit of a politically motivated trial is a politically motivated verdict.

Because it was a politically motivated trial, the ultimate acquittal decision was grounded in politics. It is an accepted premise among those campaigning for the hearts and minds of the Malaysian electorate, particularly in the Peninsula, that the real contest at the next election is for the Malay vote.

The Chinese apparently have given up on MCA and Gerakan, while the Indians are either too few or ambivalent about who to support. It should be kept in mind that in the last elections, Pakatan secured 51.3 per cent of the popular vote and 80 seats in West Malaysia.

Barisan Nasional secured 48.7 per cent of the popular vote and 85 seats. The opposition formed governments in 5 of the 11 States, and won 10 out of 11 Parliamentary seats in Kuala Lumpur. Thus a 3 per cent to 4 per cent swing of the popular vote would cause serious damage to Umno’s chances in Malaya.

In such a scenario, Sabah and Sarawak cannot be considered as safe deposits for Umno: political parties in East Malaysia have a habit of wanting to join the winning side so that they can be part of the Federal Government. Ideology and principle are also completely absent amongst the politicians on that side of the South China Sea.

It is against a background of a very close general election that Putrajaya made a political calculation: an acquitted Anwar would cause less electoral damage to Umno that a convicted Anwar. The martyr status must be denied to Anwar.

Beneficiaries of the Acquittal

The first beneficiary is Malaysia and its people. If the first sodomy trial in 1998-9 deeply divided and polarized Malaysia, the second trial was received much more cynically, with the vast majority of Malaysians not choosing to believe the version put forward by Saiful.

When the video scandal orchestrated by that paragon of virtue, Rahim Thamby Chik became known, most Malaysians preferred to accept Anwar’s version. The dirty tricks department of Umno lacks imagination and creativity, and their credibility has been shattered. Hopefully, they will leave Anwar alone. Hence, the acquittal was welcomed by probably the entire Malaysian population, apart from his old nemesis, Dr Mahathir who neither forgets nor forgives, and his small band of supporters.

Secondly, Anwar and his family, at a personal level. Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has always behaved with remarkable poise and calm when her husband has faced the almighty wrath of the State. So have the children. To watch one’s spouse or father being humiliated on the public stage for years must be nerve-wrecking. They have conducted themselves with admirable dignity in terribly adverse conditions.

Politically, Anwar is also a great beneficiary of the verdict. His innocence, expressed from the very first moment in 2008, has been vindicated by a judge who had not shown him any sympathy and who had ruled against him in nearly every prior ruling throughout the trial. He is now a free man who spoke the truth (a rare commodity in Malaysian public life).

The greatest beneficiary is Pakatan Rakyat. Its three constituent parties must be congratulated for never wavering in their public position that their only candidate for the office of prime ministership is Anwar (even if he is in prison).

He is now free to become the nation’s 7th prime minister after the forthcoming general election. It is very much up to Pakatan to make that happen. They should focus on issues: the first that comes to mind is the economy. Bread and butter issues like the galloping cost of basic necessities caused by rampant inflation, the increasing disparity between the rich and the poor, and cheap wages paid to our workers because of the presence of some 3 to 4 million immigrants (legal or others) should be highlighted.

In the wake of the Great Depression in United States and Europe since the 2008 financial crisis caused primarily by grand scale borrowing and massive debt, it is grossly negligent for the Najib administration to spend lavishly by borrowing to stay in power.

Putrajaya’s debt to Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”) has increased in the 2 years of Najib’s leadership from 53.1 per cent to 54.8 per cent. In absolute terms, federal government debt jumped by 71 per cent in four years from RM266 billion in 2007 to RM456 billion in 2011.

In a recent statement, the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER) warned that at this rate of excessive spending, Malaysia’s national debt would equal its GDP by 2019: a truly frightening prospect. Have they heard of Greece or Ireland? Pakatan should highlight these facts. Lim Guan Eng’s prudent financial management of Penang, on the other hand, will erase its debt in four years, a remarkable achievement.

Anwar is the glue who cements PAS, DAP and Keadilan. He is their undisputed leader and unifying force. He should reduce his foreign travelling in the next 12 months, and concentrate on domestic politics. The nation has to be reminded of his leadership and administrative qualities: former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher in a visit to Malaysia in the early 1990’s publicly stated that she would “trade” him to become her minister of finance.

The politics of envy that characterized Anwar’s rise in Umno continued to bedevil him after his fall from grace in 1998. In the subsequent 13 years, numerous “famous” personalities joined his party or supported him, only to fall out dramatically. Each of them predicted the end of Anwar. Instead, where are Chandra Muzaffar, Zainur Zakaria, Ezam Nor, Zaid Ibrahim and Raja Petra Kamarudin?

If Umno perceives that it too can benefit from his acquittal, it is clearly wrong. The average voter will not easily forget that he was charged and tried by an Umno government. A mere acquittal will not erase the Umno stain in the way the State has persecuted Anwar for years. There would be electoral punishment.

The way ahead

Closure requires the government not to appeal the acquittal. The Attorney-General, as the chief legal adviser to the government, and the man whom Umno states took the decision to prosecute Anwar in 2008 should be accountable for his poor judgment. The buck stops at his office.

Both coalitions must discuss and debate weighty national issues, like the economy, education, health, public services or the over-development which is scarring our cities and creating a property bubble.

The electorate must be given a clear choice as to which coalition should be given the privilege of governing Malaysia for the next fiveears. A true two-party system must occur this time.

Fifty-four continuous years of one-party rule after independence is a sufficient learning curve, even for our cautious electorate! Is the next general election the time for change?

* Tommy Thomas is a lawyer who occasionally comments on politics and economics.

The GLBTs have been caned back into the closet. But, you know what? There are so many that the doors are bound to burst open. They aren’t, as the two-judge bench loftily concluded, only a ‘minuscule’ minority. If they aren’t to be seen it’s only because our patented hypocrisy has rendered it invisible.

The ‘perversion’ is more pervasive than we dare to admit, as I can professionally vouch for. In the early 1990s, I discovered this while writing on HIV, even if here it wasn’t the predominantly ‘Gay disease’. The dangers of ‘ostrichism’ – and the extent of same-sex orientation – were doubly driven home by the overwhelming number of questions related to homosexuality that surfaced from the audience at every AIDS seminar. The ignorance and sexual ambiguity were mind-boggling, even in elite, presumably ‘aware’ colleges.

That little has changed is alarmingly reaffirmed by the ‘Agony Aunt’ column I’ve been writing since 2008. Real anguish over homosexuality and the desperate refusal to give same-sex desires a name keep popping up amidst the transient teenage hyperventilation over tongue-tied passion and brutish parents.In my replies, I know I cannot dismiss the seriously confused with my usual ‘Go get a life’ because I know too well that no one will allow them to be what they want to be. Or, more correctly, what they can’t help being. Which makes society’s missionary position morality all the more cruel – and absurd.

At last Sunday’s GLBT rally in Mumbai, i caught up with a young Gujarati man fleeing from the cameras in panic. ‘‘I’m closet,’’ he said trembling, and went on to unburden himself. How he has been suffering from depression, unable to keep a job, broken by the ‘filthy abuse’ of his neighbours, gnawed to an empty shell by his ‘dark dirty secret’. “My mother has learnt to accept what i am, but if her brothers find out, they will use it to deny her legal share of the family’s small property in Vapi. Yes, I’m taking a huge risk by being here, but it’s also so comforting.”

He hesitantly asked why I was at the rally, and i responded rather grandly that i was there to ‘support free choice’. “Choice?” he spat out bitterly. “If I had a choice, don’t you think i would have chosen to have a wife, a family and social acceptance? Instead, I’m forced to live this pariah existence simply because God made me this way.”

* * *

Alec Smart said, “Justice should not be delayed even if the judge denies.”

Last week, liberal opinion that enjoys a virtual monopoly of the airwaves pilloried the Supreme Court for what some feel was its most disgraceful judgment since the infamous Habeas Corpus case of 1976. The decision to overturn the Delhi High Court judgment taking consensual same-sex relationships outside the purview of criminal laws has been viewed as an unacceptable assault on individual freedom and minority rights and even an expression of bigotry. Overcoming fears of a virulent conservative backlash, mainstream politicians have expressed their disappointment at the judgment and happily begun using hitherto unfamiliar shorthand terms such as LGBT.

Indeed, the most striking feature of the furore over the apex court judgment has been the relatively small number of voices denouncing homosexuality as ‘unnatural’ and deviant. This conservative passivity may even have conveyed an impression that India is changing socially and politically at a pace that wasn’t anticipated. Certainly, the generous overuse of ‘alternative’ to describe political euphoria and cultural impatience may even suggest that tradition has given way to post-modernity.

Yet, before urban India is equated with the bohemian quarters of New York and San Francisco, some judgmental restraint may be in order. The righteous indignation against conservative upholders of family values are not as clear cut as may seem from media reports. There are awkward questions that have been glossed over and many loose ends that have been left dangling.

A year ago, a fierce revulsion against the rape and murder of a young woman in Delhi led to Parliament amending the Penal Code and enacting a set of laws that extended the definition of rape and made punishment extremely stringent. It was the force of organized public opinion that drove the changes. Curiously, despite the Supreme Court judgment stating quite categorically that it was the responsibility of Parliament to modify section 377, there seems to be a general aversion to pressuring the law-makers to do their job and bring the criminal law system into the 21st century. Is it because India is bigoted or is there a belief that there are some issues that are best glossed over in silence?

This dichotomy of approach needs to be addressed. Conventionally, it is the job of the legislatures to write laws and for the judiciary to assess their accordance with the Constitution and to interpret them. In recent years, the judiciary has been rightly criticised for over-stepping its mark and encroaching into the domain of both the executive and the legislatures. Yet, we are in the strange situation today of the government seeking to put the onus of legitimising homosexuality on the judges.

Maybe there are larger questions involved. The battle over 377 was not between a brute majoritarianism and a minority demanding inclusion. The list of those who appealed against the Delhi High Court verdict indicates it was a contest between two minorities: religious minorities versus lifestyle minorities. Formidable organizations such as the All India Muslim Personal Law Board and some church bodies based their opposition to gay rights on theology. Liberal promoters of sexual choice on the other hand based the claim of decriminalised citizenship on modernity and scientific evidence. In short, there was a fundamental conflict between the constitutionally-protected rights of minority communities to adhere to faiths that abhor same-sex relationships and the right of gays to live by their own morals. Yet, if absolute libertarianism was to prevail, can the khap panchayats be denied their perverse moral codes?

The answer is yes but only if it is backed by majority will, expressed through Parliament. Harsh as it may sound, it is the moral majority that determines the social consensus.

There is a curious paradox here. On the question of gay rights, liberal India prefers a cosmopolitanism drawn from the contemporary West. At the same time, its endorsement of laws that are nondenominational and non-theological does not extend to support for a common civil code. Despite the Constitution’s Directive Principles, the right of every citizen to be equal before the law is deemed to be majoritarian and therefore unacceptable by the very people who stood up for inclusiveness last week.

For everything that is true of India, the opposite is turning out to be equally true.

I won’t mince my words.

Bigotry is an Indian essence. One doesn’t need historian Herbert George Wells to divulge the details. A cursory glance in the past will highlight the present.

The country has the longest list of goddesses and yet not very many days back had thrown fresh widows to the fire. This is a country where wine and warmth walk hand in hand with thirst and cold. This is the birth place of ambiguity where veiled idealism and virulent prejudice are one and the same expression.

The recent verdict by the Indian Supreme Court will shock the world but not the avid lover of Indian History. This inherent cyclical, repetitive quality will frustrate the modern society but not the architects of modern India. Such is the intolerable tolerance of Indians.

It is acceptable to draw revenue from international tourism thronging the holy walls of Khajuraho temples replete with lesbianism but to think of a female kissing another female in real life is sacrilegious. It needed a million rapes to stir the Indian Court hardened in insensitivity. Rape from opposite sex thrives in the same land where same sex love gets criminalized.
If the verdict disturbs me as a human, it horrifies me as a physician.

Coming at a time when UNAIDS lauds India’s impressive performance in curbing down incidences of AIDS, this verdict is a walk straight back to the mud. Let us remind ourselves how good Indian health system has performed in its control of AIDS.
According to a new UN report which praised India’s contribution to AIDS response through manufacture of generic antiretroviral drugs, new HIV cases among adults have declined by half in India since 2000. UNADIS further reports, that India already provides substantial support to neighboring countries and other Asian countries – in 2011, it allocated 430 million dollars to 68 projects in Bhutan and across key socio-economic sectors, including health, education and capacity-building.

And this is exactly here where the court verdict comes out as primitive and pathetic.

In matchless insipidity, the Indian Court fails to fathom the Indian connection with HIV. Literature clearly points out that in India; men having sex with men (MSM) for obvious stigmatized reasons do not come out as homosexuals and actually harbor female partners. The consequences are easy to fathom and fatal. As serodiscordant couples (infected males in the company of uninfected females), the risk of transmission is unlimited.

The more we criminalize personal choices, the more we cloud the society. A meaningless darkness that can only harbor hunger behind closed doors. Good luck to the tireless social worker trying to spread the good words of safe sex and proper education.

Which homosexual will come out and seek education on HIV if we have thrown the entire palette of criminal colors on his or her face? What mawkish moral justice is demonstrated when one completely shuts off visibility?
Who exactly are these men and women stalking the corridors of Indian Supreme Court?

But that is another matter.On the face of it, it’s difficult to figure why Anwar is treated as a heinous offender by the  Malaysian criminal justice system because, according to his prosecutors But , Muhammad Shafee celebrity federal prosecutor currently pursuing Anwar with great ferocity, is hardly going after friends of Mahathir and Najib  of a large number on this … Read more

Malaysian Parliamentarians rude and rowdy with zero intellectuality


The first session of the 13th Parliament has ended but some of our members of parliament need to tone down. – December 7, 2013.

Can we kill cancer before it kills us? 

According to literature, the first documented cases of cancer came from the Egyptian civilization. Egyptians are also credited for capturing time in their clepsydra, the hourglass predecessor. But like time that floated timeless before water clocks, so did cancer…firm in their presence way before the first human inhaled the first breath.

It’s almost like darkness without which light cannot exist. Same with our human body. Or so it seems. Normal and abnormal, physiology and pathology, sequence and mutation…they all walk hand in hand, one outsmarting the other. Cancer thus, as a subsequence of genetic or epigenetic alterations was always waiting to happen from the very moment a gene was created.

Thus to call cancer a disease is under-respecting the beast that hides beneath the veneer.  This is not diabetes that can be blood tested. This is not high blood pressure that can be numbered. We are dealing with a happening that is at once subtle and coarse. We are dealing with the stealthiest of the snakes that does not give a hint to the air before the final fatal flaunt.

Chasing my Malay language dreams forever The Member of Parliament for Titiwangsa, Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani Like most of us, I dream. My dream of my malay language  are vivid, rich in colour and detail. They fill in gaps in my workaday life we are so mesmerised by the difference that we become indifferent to  our Malay … Read more

A vibrant Parliament is considered the hallmark of a democracy. Its rebuke then certainly provides some food for thought, especially when it comes from someone closely associated with the working of the government Malaysian Parliamentarians “very lazy” and advocated that they be made more “transparent, accountable and hard working”

There is a lack of intellectual discussion among , one other word that rightly describes rowdy and rude MPs  conduct in Parliament, apart from obstructionism, is “rudeness”. Whether it is senior leaders of the party or ordinary spokespeople, the common trait that all of them possess is uncouth aggression, calling others names, disallowing them from speaking, disrupting proceedings, booing ministers….The only thing left now for the party to descend to the bottommost pits is getting physical. may want to keep two consequences of this style in mind. First, and most important  would imagine, it does not win them additional voters. All that it does is make those already supporting it swing further in support. voters – most of whom are not as aggressive – watch with disgust and anger it is worth examining the performance of Parliament itself. Unlike most paid working groups, there are no clearly spelt out for members of parliament, but data put together from a few sources shows that our Parliamentarians have quite a checkered performance if you analyse parameters such as attendance, legislation or adherence to poll promises.

Let’s take attendance at the workplace, to begin with. Both houses of the parliament haven’t functioned for 100 % of their scheduled hours in any session If anything, Parliamentarians may do good to restore people’s faith by injecting a dose of accountability. How exactly can this be done remains a complex question.

Annual audits of MPs performance and the right to recall elected representatives (withdraw their representation if they fail to perform). The  Malaysian Voter campaign urges citizens to look at MPs To-do list, pick up the phone and demand accountability from them on their promises. There would be many more such suggestions out there.

do spare a thought for them. In this country, the common man should be the real VIP, and if such a privilege is indeed to be provided, can there be anyone better than those who have been elected by the common man himself? If sundry  Rosmah and others who are installed at various posts can enjoy this privilege, why shouldn’t those who represent us in Parliament? Sound logic!

Till some mechanism is evolved, we’ll simply have to wait for elections to give our score-points.In this country, the common man should be the real VIP, and if such a privilege is indeed to be provided, can there be anyone better than those who have been elected by the common man himself? If sundry babus and others who are installed at various posts can enjoy this privilege, why shouldn’t those who represent us in Parliament? Sound logic! have no idea where this fetish for VIP status began with Najib’s beloved2 class first lady Rosmah , but it seems to afflict almost everyone. Those who have made it in life, those who want to make it in life and those who want to bask in borrowed/reflected glory, the desire to be a VIP is all-pervasive. If you have to stand in a queue to get your work done, then you are not important enough. You must be someone, or know someone who can help you jump the queue. Even better, if you can do things conspicuously, that is, the rest of the poor souls who are miserable in the queue should know that you are important enough and have been made to jump the queue. To blame it on the mindset of the wannabe VIPs alone would be wrong, for the common man too suffers from the same, medieval mindset, where the only way you think that a person is important is if he can bend rules and still go scot-free, and perhaps thumb his nose at the law as well.

The fact is that whether we like it or not, the general mindset is that of a ruler and his subjects. We elect our MPs and MLAs to rule, never to govern. We elect them to put them on a pedestal that is out of reach of the common people. We want them to be rulers like the kings and the queens, or at least as important courtiers, who are lesser evils, but VIPs nevertheless.

It is our mindset that equates power with importance and with respect. If you are unable to flout rules, if you are questioned by the ‘long arm of law’, you are a nobody, not even a wannabe. To blame the poor members of Parliament for asking for a red light on their cars is just rewards for our mindset.

Having said that, however, we can see a slow but certain change in the mindset creeping in. Some VIPs are getting the wind (like Khanduri), but the MPs, it seems, are yet to get the wind. Hope they realise it soon. I’d be happier if they learn it the hard way.

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The most Corrupted new Federal Territories Minister Tengku Adnan Kuala Lumpur City Hall is Fixed. We’ve all been fixed.


Ahli Parlimen Titiwangsa BN P119 Titiwangsa Meraikan Kemenangan YB Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani
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Here is a copy of the speech delivered  by  the new Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor. as originally planned, but changed at the last minute, for reasons of  Kuala Lumpur City Hall will have deficit of RM292.7 million next year despite a 28% increase in revenue from higher assessment rates, said its mayor while unveiling the local authority’s budget today.  had come down and people could cry. is very expensive now, please use Scam fatigue. Simple truth. We are tired. In statistics, this is like many dependences coming together to form correlations, regardless of the variables thrown. Take any activity inKuala Lumpur City Hall , and there will be a scam in them somewhere, and nabbing those scamsters has now become a reason for media noise. It all comes together, eventually, with no action against the really guilty and some fall guys going to jail for a while. Or having suicide committed on them.In some circles in corruption , especially a game played more by fixing to let some people win by people with big balls smashing smaller dimpled balls whilst shouting “par”, this is being called “convergence”. In as,Kuala Lumpur City Hall is now converging back to an era where there were them who would suffer extortion, and there are us who will go around shouting “corruption corruption corruption ” when people resist extortion Issues of traffic congestion, flash floods and housing for civil servants are the main focus of the new Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor.

Clocking in at the ministry for the first time Friday, Tengku Adnan said apart from going to the ground, he would also convene a series of discussions with Kuala Lumpur Mayor Datuk Seri Ahmad Phesal Talibto get a better my foot understanding and find solutions to these issues. We have been told that convergence is coming to Kuala Lumpur City Hall , on the back of ring tripping through new Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor  mostly, and it will solve all the problems that we are facing. Including rising cost of not considered to be helping in stemming the cost of living for Malaysians, while the oil, sugar, and electricity price increases are currently the major concerns as well as cost more allocations were made for road infrastructure projects and the city expects its total expenditure to be at RM2.79 billion, an increase of 20% from this year. , which we are told, is to assist in fixing things like gardens, toilets, roads and those sentry boxes which keep coming up all over the city.

In fact, fixing has become a bad word, just like fags is no longer polite either. “Pass me a fag” can get you into a lot of trouble now, and I don’t mean of the cancer ward sort only, but also under this Act and that Section you can be thrown into jail. As a result, nothing is fixed anymore, it is simply brushed away under the carpet. All the people whose job it is to fix things appear to now have thrown in the towel.It is no longer only the fags and faggers who are getting fixed.So, for example, near where I live, the roads have not been fixed in years.

The Kuala Lumpur City Hall will have deficit of RM292.7 million next year despite a 28% increase in revenue from higher assessment rates, said its mayor while unveiling the local authority’s budget today.

Datuk Ahmad Phesal Talib (pic) had said that more allocations were made for road infrastructure projects and the city expects its total expenditure to be at RM2.79 billion, an increase of 20% from this year.

City Hall had expected to see a 36% increase or RM1.2 billion in revenue from the assessment rate hike brought about by the new property valuation done by its officers.

However, after the public protests over the excessive hike, City Hall decided to reduce the rate from 6% to 4%. Assessment rates make up more than half of City Hall’s revenue. The last assessment rate hike was 21 years ago. – The Malaysian Insider, December 24, 2013. Party over at Federal Territories Ministry given that in any crisis, good, clear and honest communication has a far better chance of convincing people than taking Najib to  the Road to Disaster The election of 2018  will be about the future of the stomach.  Since we live in overriding virtually every other attribute, this week’s sordid scandal … Read more

Though there is a board up and running which says that it should have been fixed about 3 years ago.

Even the induction cooker we use has not been fixed, because the manufacturer’s prestige is involved, their service team claims that 99% of their cooktops will fail within two months of the warranty expiring, that’s also fixed.

In actual fact, fixing and now result of lack of fixing, have become like two sides of the same coin. Heads or tails on the pitch – fixed. Win or lose in elections – fixed. Spot or full game in cricket – fixed. The only guarantees you have in life now are that if you protest too much, you will also be fixed.

Likewise, if you don’t fall in line for extortion, then they will fix you for corruption. This, then, explains the dynamics of supply side and demand side. Which is also, now, fixed. So much ignominy, sadness and double-speak A budget on corruption levels is also needed. The morality of taxes and other stories So much ignominy, sadness and double-speak angry KL-lites who want the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) to roll back planned hike in property assessment taxes for 2014 have been told to hold street … Read more

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Chasing my Malay language dreams forever The Member of Parliament for Titiwangsa, Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani Like most of us, I dream. My dream of my malay language  are vivid, rich in colour and detail. They fill in gaps in my workaday life we are so mesmerised by the difference that we become indifferent to  our Malay … Read more

Everyone knows of similar communal conflagrates that follow till today. Who is the final beneficiary? Over the last 3 decades, the power people in  Malaysia have emerged from mostly faceless people writing  star out of people. Which in a way says it all – media stars were not faces, and as a result, they lacked the … Read more

Ku Nan  drinking toddy in Sentul Naked vs nude on poverty Advice  is likely to ignore Change is a mist which floats through events, often obscured by the daily cloudburst of facts. It is noticed least by those it affects most. Tengku Adnan Tengku Manso have a sharper eye than they are given credit for, but they can … Read more

Najib’s Credibility is at stake,Mahathir’s “audacious swindle.” ‘Lay off Rosmah some intriguing questions & answers


‘What about about about your conspiracy, money power ,media power to force  Najib to step down the 59-year-old Najib would be the latest casualtyIt looks like Malaysia will be getting a new prime minister even before the G14 general election,

case that has led to outrage  and evoked an sympathetic reaction in UMNO is a classic case of where most people can’t see the wood for the trees. A large section of the Mahathir control Media has described the  fury in racist Mahathir AND HIS PEOPLE, sanctimonious and orientalist terms and many commentators in UMNO have resorted to defensive logical fallacies such Mahathir, Daim and Sanusi have said much or more directly to the Prime Minister than we dare say in this blog,”.Kadir also said those who are alleging Mahathir, Daim and Sanusi’s involvement in the conspiracy  the PM and the governmen thttp://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com energy to respond to former Premier bigger blog blog in defence of the PM and the government.

It was that mistake that promoted and propelled the success of the otherwise little known medium. Ministers called bloggers goblok (Javanese for a stupid person) and penembak curi (sniper) while Khairy Jamaluddin, then an Abdullah (Ahmad Badawi) aide, called them monkeys.

“Their attacks against bloggers were widely reported by the mainstream media. This had resulted in making the public curious about blogs and they soon started to surf the internet to find what the commotion was all about.Many went on to become ardent followers of blogs,” he added. Kadir also revealed that even he was advised to tone down with regard to his attacks on Najib and to “lay off” Rosmah Mansor.

“I told them that since we are the rakyat then there must be a government. The rakyat elected the government and pay the taxes. So it is our right and privilege to let the government know what we feel. In any case, it was the PM who once said that the era of the government knowing all was over,” he said

Kadir A Jasin drove Berita Publishing, which he acquired from Nst for RM 1, into the ground. Now that he’s in trouble, he’s hitting out at Najib in a panic. He hopes Najib will throw him at least some crumbs to buy his “silence”. In that sense, he’s following in the footsteps of Rocky the Blogger who has been laughing all the way to the bank.

Veteran newsman Kadir A Jasin has been turning up the heat on Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.But more interestingly, Kadir also mentions the speculation of certain ancient and powerful forces working with him to undermine the Prime Minister.Senior UMNO politicians like Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Daim Zainuddin and Sanusi Junid

Instead of pointing fingers at past leaders, these people should take on   head on. Kalau anak jantan apa nak takut? (If you are a man, why fear?),” said.The former New Straits Times Group Editor-in-Chief also questioned the need for Mahathir to use his blog when the former Premier has an even bigger blog to his name.”And Daim? Why should he want to get his hand dirty here when he is known to have written nasty letters directly to past and present prime ministers? Those accusing this blog of being the mouthpiece of Daim should ask the Prime Minister how many letters of advice he has received from Daim.

Kadir A Jasin drove Berita Publishing, which he acquired from Nst for RM 1, into the ground. Now that he’s in trouble, he’s hKadir A Jasin drove Berita Publishing, which he acquired from Nst for RM 1, into the ground. Now that he’s in trouble, he’s hitting out at Najib in a panic. He hopes Najib will throw him at least some crumbs to buy his “silence”. In that sense, he’s following in the footsteps of Rocky the Blogger who has been laughing all the way to the bank.Hitting out at Najib in a panic. He hopes Najib will throw him at least some crumbs to buy his “silence”. In that sense, he’s following in the footsteps of Rocky the Blogger who has been laughing all the way to the bank.The task is to decipher the moral basis of the Malay political community into actionable language . People in the end obey the law because they think it is fair and just, that it applies equally to all, and because they get morally habituated to it. It thus becomes a form of self-restraint . Hence, equally disturbing, is Muhammad Shafee celebrity federal prosecutor role in this entire episode. The legal circles in UMNO are abuzz with rumours of Shafee’s unbridled political ambitions.readmore Mahathir’s productions with AR Rahman music a comedy piece JUBOQ SAIFOOL A NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE SHAFEETO APPEAL SODOMApparently, he seeks a larger leadership role for himself post his stint as  Malaysia Attorney GeneralAG. Ghani  may well have been the ideal sacrificial lamb for him to assuage any doubts about his loyalty to Mahathir. His hypocrisy in dealing with cases, hardly going after friends of Mahathir  becomes evident when contrasted with the treatment currently pursuing Anwar with great ferocity.readmore Shafee vs Shafee don’t laugh at Malaysian law and Judiciary

Those who recall the entertainment the ‘Khairy Chronicles’ provided COVER BOOK_NAJIBInternet followers in the middle years of the last decade when the blogosphere began to draw Malaysians to it as an alternate source of news and comment will have sat up the past week to take notice that a reprise may be at hand.

The ‘Khairy Chronicles’ was a titillating amalgam of half-truths, gossip, rumour and conjecture that Raja Petra Kamarudin deployed in his blog Malaysia Today as soon as the new-broom sheen the Abdullah Ahmad Badawi administration sported on being installed in late 2003 began to pall by 2006.

Malaysians with access to foreign-owned regional periodicals have long suspected that the facts behind the published news on national politics are more riveting than the disinfected version the newspapers, all owned by the ruling class or affiliates, decided to print.

In the years before the inception of web news portals, readers eagerly waited for the periodicals to tell them what the mainstream newspapers found too risqué to disclose.

Thus when the blogosphere saw the emergence in the middle years of the last decade of a tattler like Raja Petra , he quickly gained a following for his irreverent musings, with followers of his stuff no longer reliant – for an inkling of what’s happening – on those foreign-owned periodicals which in any case were fast becoming defunct.

RPKAs quickly as he emerged, Raja Petra faded in 2011 as supplier of title tattle that kept droves on edge with his revelations. The reasons for his retreat were as mysterious as the sources that fed him grist for his mill when he hit out at targets which in his prime were the Abdullah family and, latter, the then Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak and his dear wife, Rosmah Mansor.

Since the time of Raja Petra’s evanescence as prime purveyor of editorial contraband in 2011, the void he left was somewhat filled by Rafizi Ramli, the strategic director of PKR, from under whose bonnet there steadily emerged news of shenanigans in high places.

The most sensational in this genre was the RM250 million national cattle breeding scandal in which the family of Wanita UMNO leader Shahrizat Abdul Jalil was embroiled. Juicy revelations were trotted out in the alternate media and remained as scuttlebutt for punch lines on opposition campaign circuits in the lead-up to the general election last May.

The source-field for that kind of stuff of which Rafizi became the go-to conduit appears to have been turned off, presumably by the recent passing of laws that impose deterrent fines and jail terms on those guilty of leaking any information that the authorities consider secret.

Shifting gears

With that cut-off, a void has developed into which has seemingly stepped a former top editor whose blog, when it was launched several years ago, was not known for more than its commentaries on public affairs. In the past week or so, the blogger has ventured on to turf once treaded by Raja Petra.

A Kadir Jasin, the NST group’s former editorial No 1, has shifted gears in his widelyA Kadir Jasin followed blog, perhaps opting to fill the vacuum left by Raja Petra. A staunch UMNO supporter, Kadir’s long smoldering distaste for PM Najib ratcheted up in intensity after the UMNO elections in October and broke out into the open at the conclusion of the party’s annual general assembly last week.

What appears to have got Kadir’s goat was Najib’s defence of wife Rosmah at the party meeting where the PM disclosed that Malaysian students stranded in Egypt during the Arab Spring were rescued from danger through Rosmah’s intercessory efforts with higher-ups she was acquainted with in the Arab world.

Dripping sarcasm, Kadir suggested in his blog The Scribe by Kadir Jasin that Rosmah ought to be made a minister because her talents have rendered redundant present holders of the portfolios of education, international trade and foreign affairs. He said there would be no problem about her lack of a seat in Parliament because there was the Senate to which she could be appointed, in readiness perhaps for her to contest for a seat in the lower house at the 14th general election.

Kadir’s sarcasm was too succulent for the other blogs and websites to ignore so thatrosmah-najib when one that had posted a piece had to take it down, reportedly on orders from the PM’s Department, the scribe’s gills overflowed, the sarcasm this time tinged with vitriol.

Kadir’s venomous squirts were reserved for Najib, but Shahrizat was also sprayed, his scorn for her description of Najib as the “grandmaster” of political moves – “chest master” Kadir punned – a term certain to acquire cocktail-party immortality.readmoreDatuk A. Kadir Jasin want Najib to be replaced by Rosmah

That’s was not all. Kadir said he would soon have details of what the fawningSHAHRIZAT JALIL Shahrizat actually thinks about Najib, something if indeed Kadir follows through with will surely turn a cockpit into a cauldron.

Najib may have won the general election last May and was triumphant at the UMNO internal polls in October, but he cannot be certain of turning the double win into a sweep of all he surveys in the party.Filth and Evil never ever changes – it can hide, camouflage itself, but will never deliver benefits. filth and evil, you deserve to get screwed (likely from the back after witnessing the penchant for posterior talents)  Mahathir’s self-fulfilling prophecy on  Najib The situation is serious, certainly.



Obviously the irony of his statement was lost. Therefore, it is evident that proportionality of response is clearly not this Najib government’s.forte.The sad truth is that Malaysia is now viewed  as a third-rate , with a hyper-corrupt and dysfunctional government. We received startling corroboration of this unfortunate fact when  Najib’s cabinet ministers went ballistic in the news press; a lot of hot air was pumped out for public consumption to preemptively dispel any talk of Najib’s weakened status abroad. Instead of speaking in one firm voice, Najib delivered a belated and confused response to the Rosmah crisis. It was comical to hear one senior cabinet minister Zaid Hameedi exhort to the press,“Like it or not, Mohd Najib and his staff that run the ‘Bilik Perang’ (War Room) BN should sincerely, openly and transparently admit that their boasts had memakan diri (failed) and they lost to Abdullah and his Fourth Floor Boys.”http://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2013/05/31/umno2013-najib-vs-muhyiddinnajib-a-metaphor-for-family-run-politics-muhyiddin-yassin-is-not/

PKR’s N Surendran Criticism on Najib his activism riles the Malay voters


Obviously the irony of  statement was lost on the minister. Therefore, it is evident that proportionality of response is clearly not this government’s forte.We received startling corroboration of this unfortunate fact when  cabinet ministers went ballistic in the news press; a lot of hot air was pumped out for public consumption to preemptively dispel any talk of  Najib’s weakened status . Instead of speaking in one firm voice,  followed by the mindless act  that Putrajaya funded some of its programmes is proof that taxpayers’ funds are being used the   cabinet ministers  delivered a belated and confused response to the crisis. It was comical to hear one senior cabinet minister exhort to the press, “We are not a banana republic!” and equally disturbing, is the Minister’s role in this entire episode. The legal circles in  PutraJaya are abuzz with rumours Ministers ’s unbridled political ambitions. Apparently, he seeks a larger leadership role for himself may well have been the ideal sacrificial lamb for him to assuage any doubts about his loyalty to Najib. the unholy spat between  UMNO and PKR’s N Surendran  over  helping the right wing pressure group Perkasa humiliation have put some uncomfortable realities about  PKR’s N Surendran Racialist His hypocrisy in  demands that we take a hard look at these developments.Padang Serai MP N. Surendran should go after the brutal might of the criminal justice system like a commoner,  In the eyes of  the Malaysian Constitution  ,  Najib is not an ordinary citizen of New York, as opposed to what.Padang Serai MP N. Surendran   has been screaming to the press. On the contrary she is an island of Malaysian  law unto himself, bound by the laws and dictates of the Malaysian Constitution – and certainly answerable for any misdemeanors, but only within the confines of Malaysian’s jurisdiction. Padang Serai MP N. Surendran his personal indiscretions are Malaysian’s problem and our legal system is capable of dealing with those allegations. This ‘protectionto to Perkasa  ’ or ‘ immunity’ is a privilege granted to all Malays.  PKR’s N Surendran  shall be committed to prison, or be liable to any form of restriction on their personal freedom, save in execution of a judicial decision of final effect.for saying making  press statements against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.It does not take a legal scholar to understand the intent and effect of these making  press statements against Prime Minister. What is bewildering, however, is why.Padang Serai MP N. Surendran   chose to act like a vigilante cowboy instead of deferring to the better sense of his colleagues in the US State Department. Why can’t Indians — or at least rich, or middle-class Indians — live without  being  Slaves?  Slaves to Pakatan thundering press statements against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak   If it hadn’t been for this seeming compulsion for Indians to have bigotry feeling, helping in right wing pressure group Perkasa.  whether PKR’s N Surendran  was casting too much judgment on Prime Minister who stood accused of corruption, but had not been convicted.N Surendran says the people have a right to know the amount of their money that has been spent on the ‘extremist group’.PKR has urged Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak to declare the full extent of public funds that have been spent to support the right wing pressure group Perkasa.Padang Serai MP N. Surendran asked why public funds and resources were being used to assist and promote a notorious organisation like Perkasa. SyedHassan yesterday, dismissed the aid given to Perkasa as insignificant, saying it was “not more than what was given to other NGOs, including Chinese and Indian NGOs”.Surendran said that government funds and resources should not be used to support Umno’s narrow and racial political objectives.”That sounds like the theme from Mighty Mouse,” Syed Hassan  said, according to a Law360 report on the October  event, hosted by the Practising Law Institute. “This seems to be designed for tabloid consumption… there should be a question asked that is that appropriate at the pre-conviction stage.” The criticism, the report said, was seen to be particularly damning, coming as it did from  a lawyer who is believed to be equally merciless towards corrupt politicians and people in high places. ”Laypeople can’t read a complaint.” Perkasa’s admission that is proof that taxpayers’ funds are being used to promote the Government’s “divide and rule” policy. Selangor state deputy speaker Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad (pic) said this showed Umno-Barisan Nasional’s “true colours”. “We (Pakatan Rakyat) have always stressed that Perkasa was Umno-BN’s ‘tool’ to ignite racial issues. “Perkasa’s disclosure confirms our allegations. Taxpayers’ funds have been used to subsidise a racist organisation,” he said in a statement today. He also targeted BTN, saying that in funding Perkasa, it helped spread racist propaganda. “The 1Malaysia slogan and messages of transformation espoused by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak are meaningless if Purtajaya is funding Perkasa.”This is the first PM of Malaysia ever to use sexual intonations in many of his important speeches. It is not what you eat that reflects the spirituality of man but what foul comes out of the mouth.The newly elected top leaders have too much baggage to fight without fear or favour within BN. Najib … Read more by Paul Krugman@http://www.nytimes.com Paul KrugmanThis is a tale of three money pits. It’s also a tale of monetary regress — of the strange determination of many people to turn the clock back on centuries of progress.

The first money pit is an actual pit — the Porgera open-pit gold mine in Papua New Guinea, one of the world’s top producers. The mine has a terrible reputation for both human rights abuses (rapes, beatings and killings by security personnel) and environmental damage (vast quantities of potentially toxic tailings dumped into a nearby river). Butgold prices, while down from their recent peak, are still three times what they were a decade ago, so dig they must. The second money pit is a lot stranger: the Bitcoin mine in Reykjanesbaer, Iceland. Bitcoin is a digital currency that has value because … well, it’s hard to say exactly why, but for the time being at least people are willing to buy it because they believe other people will be willing to buy it. It is, by design, a kind of virtual gold. And like gold, it can be mined: you can create new bitcoins, but only by solving very complex mathematical problems that require both a lot of computing power and a lot of electricity to run the computers. Hence the location in Iceland, which has cheap electricity from hydropower and an abundance of cold air to cool those furiously churning machines. Even so, a lot of real resources are being used to create virtual objects with no clear use. The third money pit is hypothetical. Back in 1936 the economist John Maynard Keynes argued that increased government spending was needed to restore full employment. But then, as now, there was strong political resistance to any such proposal. So Keynes whimsically suggested an alternative: have the government bury bottles full of cash in disused coal mines, and let the private sector spend its own money to dig the cash back up. It would be better, he agreed, to have the government build roads, ports and other useful things — but even perfectly useless spending would give the economy a much-needed boost. Clever stuff — but Keynes wasn’t finished. He went on to point out that the real-life activity of gold mining was a lot like his thought experiment. Gold miners were, after all, going to great lengths to dig cash out of the ground, even though unlimited amounts of cash could be created at essentially no cost with the printing press. And no sooner was gold dug up than much of it was buried again, in places like the gold vault of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, where hundreds of thousands of gold bars sit, doing nothing in particular. Keynes would, I think, have been sardonically amused to learn how little has John-Maynard-Keyneschanged in the past three generations. Public spending to fight unemployment is still anathema; miners are still spoiling the landscape to add to idle hoards of gold. (Keynes dubbed the gold standard a “barbarous relic.”) Bitcoin just adds to the joke. Gold, after all, has at least some real uses, e.g., to fill cavities; but now we’re burning up resources to create “virtual gold” that consists of nothing but strings of digits. I suspect, however, that Adam Smith would have been dismayed.Smith is often treated as a conservative patron saint, and he did indeed make the original case for free markets. It’s less often mentioned, however, that he also argued strongly for bank regulation — and that he offered a classic paean to the virtues of paper currency. Money, he understood, was a way to facilitate commerce, not a source of national prosperity — and paper money, he argued, allowed commerce to proceed without tying up much of a nation’s wealth in a “dead stock” of silver and gold. So why are we tearing up the highlands of Papua New Guinea to add to our dead stock of gold and, even more bizarrely, running powerful computers 24/7 to add to a dead stock of digits? Talk to gold bugs and they’ll tell you that paper money comes from governments, which can’t be trusted not to debase their currencies. The odd thing, however, is that for all the talk of currency debasement, such debasement is getting very hard to find. It’s not just that after years of dire warnings about runaway inflation, inflation in advanced countries is clearly too low, not too high. Even if you take a global perspective, episodes of really high inflation have become rare. Still, hyperinflation hype springs eternal. Bitcoin seems to derive its appeal from more or less the same sources, plus the added sense that it’s high-tech and algorithmic, so it must be the wave of the future. But don’t let the fancy trappings fool you: What’s really happening is a determined march to the days when money meant stuff you could jingle in your purse. In tropics and tundra alike, we are for some reason digging our way back to the 17th century.

Singapore citizen Yang Razali Kassim with Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew anti-Malay thoughts



Johari: ‘I am a turnaround specialist

UALA LUMPUR: CI Holdings Bhd group managing director Datuk Johari Abdul Ghani said CI Holdings Bhd’s next acquisition target is one where management is weak and has limited abilities to raise funds. Size does not matter, and the acquisition target could even be a small company.

“I am a turnaround specialist. I turn companies around and bring them to the next level. It is not about the sector.
“I like companies with weak management, meaning that the existing management cannot convince bankers that they can grow.
“Secondly, these companies have a limited capacity to raise cash because of the background of the shareholder of whatever reason. And thirdly, this company finds it hard to attract talent,” Johari toldStarBiz after the company’s EGM.
Johari said he had a few proposals on his table and was in the process of evaluating them.
He was, however, adamant that the only two sectors he would not be touching were the oil and gas and property sectors.
When CI Holdings first bought Permanis in 2004, it only had 15,000 outlets nationwide and was a fledgling bottling company. At the point of its sale to Asahi Group Holdings last year, Permanis had a reach of 40,000 outlets and was Malaysia’s second largest soft-drink maker by sales volume. CI acquired Permanis in 2004 for RM72mil, and sold it to Asahi Group Holdings for RM820mil.
“When we first bought into Permanis, it was already a saturated market with many competitors.
“I revamped the business model and increased the number of outlets carrying our products.
“We did lots of promotional activites and strengthened our research and development to introduce more drinks.
“We put in the right people at every level. You need to pay people very well if you want the right results,” said Johari.
During the EGM, shareholders approved the proposed capital repayment of 50 sen per share or RM71mil. This dividend is part of the RM5.10 cash distribution that was first proposed in July last year.
Thus, 88% or RM724.2mil of the RM820mil paid by Asahi for Permanis will be distributed back to all of its shareholders, which translates into a cash distribution of RM5.10 per share. This was raised from its initial proposed cash distribution of RM4 previously.READMOREhttp://maztulis.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/missed-opportunity-earning-a-real-return-on-real-investment/

Note that this is not meant to be a calumny or attempt at defamation. It is an attempt to find the truth. The questions I posed are based on widely available public sources. I am willing to amend this post if evidence is presented to me contrary to any of the points raised. May the truth prevail. Joshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam, a lawyer, was the first opposition party candidate to be elected a member of parliament in Singapore, 16 years after the country gained independence. But he was brought down by a series of allegedly politically-motivated charges and fines that saw him disbarred, bankrupted, and prevented from taking part in future elections.

“He used to engage in heated debates in the house. Perhaps it was because he and the PAP never saw eye to eye on any major political issue and he sought by all means to demolish the PAP and our system of government,” Lee had written in his 2008 letter. “Unfortunately, this helped neither to build up a constructive opposition nor our parliamentary tradition.”

Former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yewthe longest serving prime minister in the world, having served in that capacity for 30 years . During his political life spanning a period of 50 years, he became one of the longest serving ministers in world history. He served for a total of half a century.Lee’s brother studied law at the University of Cambridge. After university they set up a law firm called Lee & Lee. This is the firm that Lee left to join politics later on. Lee had another brother called Freddy who became a stockbroker while another brother studied medicine at the University of Cambridge. The doctor later on opened a successful practice.There are many other members of Lee’s family who hold great positions in Singapore. Lee has a daughter, Lee Wei Ling, who presides over the National Neuroscience Institute in Singapore.

Between 1963 and 1965, there was a merger between Singapore and Malaysia.
The merger was proposed by the Malayan Prime Minister. They wanted to form a political federation consisting of Singapore, Sarawak, Malaya and Sabah. This was in 1961. The aim of the merger was to end the British colonial rule in Singapore. As a result they carried out a referendum where 70 % of the citizens were in support for the merger. There was a short-term union of Singapore and Malaysia. There were were more challenges than advantages in the merger. By 1965 Singapore was a state that lacked natural resources. Singapore depended solely on Malaysia for its water supply and there was limited defense capability. There were great challenges that faced Lee at the time when the nation of Singapore was created in 1965.

PM 1965 – 1990 Lee started out by seeking the recognition of Singapore from a refugee state as  independent country. The first step in that direction involved the joining of the United Nations on September, 1965.whether to challenge authoritarian practices in Southeast Asia were more of a professional and principled decision. So you fight on principle,“Now, it’s more of a business decision. They ask themselves, ‘Does it make economic sense?’

Why is there no demand for any investigation? or even an explanation? Why are no questions asked? Why are the allegations dismissed with a practiced air of nonchalance?What explains the thundering silence? And what is the price for this silence?

There is no bigger taboo in Singapore’s free press than asking hard and pointed questions of the Lee Kuan Yew Racialist family.  Few  journalists have ventured into this territory. Fewer still have asked the really uncomfortable questions. Questions that demand answers but have been conveniently ignored, dismissed and even forgotten.Questions for example  why Malays are drafted in the armed forces in Singapore apparently held under .suspicion……..This was done with the help of Israeli military advisers, who were closely  Malays were virtually excluded from conscription from the beginning of the draft in 1967

At the recent general assembly of UMNO, the anchor party of the multi-racial BN coalition, 1Malaysia was hardly mentioned in Najib’s keynote speech. Yet when resolutions were debated, one delegate sought to kill the whole idea, calling for 1Malaysia to be replaced by “1Melayu” – or 1Malay, referring to the majority community that UMNO represents.

Najib did not respond in defence of 1Malaysia. Instead his entire rhetoric during the assembly was primarily about advancing the Malay and Muslim agenda – signifying a major refocusing on this core constituency as UMNO gears up early for the 14th GE.

Unchallenged as president in party elections prior to the assembly, Najib has one eye on his own political survival. The still influential former Prime Mnister Mahathir Mohamad has been uneasy about the BN’s worst showing at the May 5 polls and may want to ease Najib out, just as he did to Najib’s predecessor Abdullah Badawi. As his popularity dips due to some economic belt-tightening policies expected in the new year, Najib’s swing to appease the UMNO conservatives is not surprising.

Party hardliners are convinced that the multi-ethnic BN’s political survival rests increasingly with UMNO, whose survival in turn rests on the Malay constituency, which is synonymously Muslim. While 1Malaysia was designed to embrace all the races, its failure to attract the non-Malays, especially the ethnic Chinese, at the last

Particularly ominous is the thundering silence around disturbing questions to do  Lee Kuan Yew’s daughter-in-law Ho Ching as executive director of state-owned investment company Temasek Holdings, Inc. , arguably the most powerful  family in Singapore today family’s interests above those of the country in Ho’s appointment, and that her husband Lee Hsien Loong and father-in-law were guilty of nepotism. The apology added that the writer could have implied that Ho’s appointment was made not on merit, “but in order to indulge the interests of the Lee family or for some other corrupt motive.”.  Why has there been no discussion on these numerous transgressions and apparent violations? None of these questions have been publicly answered (to the best of my knowledge). None of the allegations have been openly challenged or followed up – neither by journalists, nor investigative reporters nor the opposition.With the Lee family having won several defamation cases against opposition politicians and media organizations, involving large monetary compensation .

Leading Singapore media freedom advocate Professor Cherian George says Singapore’s courts tend to disregard the standard defense against defamation that it is justified in the public interest. Based on previous judgments, he says, the courts in Singapore tend to side with the public official’s right to protect his or her reputation rather than the need for open and vigorous public debate. “It’s very hard to find an argument to defend your client. In Singapore, the public interest argument has not been taken seriously by the courts,” he says.

In most cases, lawyers simply advise defendants to apologize and reach an out-of-court settlement. Nowadays, foreign publications find it makes economic sense to apologize and pay damages rather than contest the charges in court, says Prof. George. A prolonged legal battle, which they know they will almost certainly lose, will be far more expensive.In a September 2002 report in The Australian, Sydney lawyer and journalist Stuart Littlemore, who has studied several defamation cases in Singapore, said that no foreign publisher has successfully defended a libel action against a Singapore politician, and that when these leaders win their case, the average monetary compensation awarded is usually S$450,000, which is 12 times the compensation when the defendant is a Singapore citizen

Once you’ve read Yang Razali Kassim article you wouldn’t need to read the rest  in his mind “Don’t let the grass grow under your feet.”


As the new year begins, the big signal from Najib is that “1Malaysia” will probably have to be set aside as an electoral strategy. This is significant as it could mean that his vision of a unified, cohesive and inclusive plural society that was much touted in the 2013 GE – is as good as cast to the backburner.

“It’s a divide between the successful and the less successful which happens in every society. The successful have forgotten that without the peace and stability that made their education, their job or their business opportunities possible, they would never have made it. But having made it, they think they made it on their own. Some students from the top schools like Raffles Institution or Hwa Chong, they go abroad and they think that they had done it on their own. They don’t owe the government or society anything. They are bright chaps, but how did they make it? Because we kept a balance in society. With peace, stability, we built up our education system and enabled the brightest to rise to the top.”

“Will we alwas be able to get the most dedicated and the most capable, with integrity to devote their lives t this? I hope so, but forever, I dont know.

I can see the change in values and attitudes of a different generation who feels that, you know, I’m not going to spend my life in public service like my father or my uncle. I see no reason for that. The place is running, let somebody else do it. Who is that somebody else? Have we got such a plethora of talent, capable, honest, dedicated? We haven’t.”

UMNO’s three-pronged strategy towards GE14

This conservative logic formed the bedrock of the “back to basics” strategy that was spelt out by Najib, whose speech was themed “Fortifying the Future”. Going forward, UMNO will pursue three strategic thrusts – or what Najib called the “three messages from the assembly”: The first is a turn towards Islamic Shariah; the second is a stronger Malay and bumiputra agenda, for which, he said, UMNO need not be apologetic; and the third a “transformed UMNO” as a “party of the 21st century”. It is significant that UMNO as the “party of the future” will become not just more Malay, but Islamist at the same time.

Becoming more Islamist for a Malay-nationalist party like UMNO is an equally significant shift. Ideologically-driven Islamist parties actually find ethno-nationalism objectionable. UMNO clearly is positioning itself as the primary political vehicle for the Malay and Muslim constituency, thus raising the prospects of an all-out contest for power with the opposition Islamist PAS, even as UMNO – paradoxically – woos PAS for unity talks.

Umno's embelmUMNO’s drift towards a more Islamist identity was marked by a highly controversial drive to pitch itself as the defender of Sunni Islam in the face of what it paints as the growing threat of Shiism in the country. The federal constitution would be reworded to define the official religion as “Islam Sunnah Wal Jamaah” or Sunni Islam, not simply Islam. That this move is partly politically-motivated is seen in the immediate targeting of the PAS deputy leader as a closet Shia and therefore a threat.

The second thrust of a greater push for the Malay and bumiputra agenda is clearly aimed at solidifying the Peninsular-East Malaysia axis around the Malay core. Najib conceded the crucial role of the “fixed deposit” states of Sabah and Sarawak in BN’s ultimate win in the last GE. As many see it, if not for these two states, there would have been a change of government in Malaysia. With Najib’s renewed emphasis on the Malay and bumiputra agenda, the New Economic Policy that officially ended in 1990 but was unofficially continued, has finally been resurrected in all but name. CEOs of all government-linked companies have been given KPIs to realise this goal on pain of seeing their contracts not renewed.

To complete the three-pronged strategy, UMNO will go all out to win the young voters. In the next GE, some six million new voters will be casting for the first time. The majority are likely to be anti-establishment and anti-UMNO. They could make a difference whether there will finally be a change of government or not in GE14. No wonder Najib made it clear: UMNO must win over the young voters and master the social media with which the young are savvy.


Most of Malaysia’s mainstream newspapers appear to have taken a hit since the May 5 general election for perceived biased reporting, Singapore’s the Straits Times (ST) said today. media in Singpore loves to play god. To be the moral compass of the nation. If we find Lee Kuan Yew moral policing in Malaysia  to be unacceptable (public display of affection in with Rosmah and Najib,  we should find media’s moral politicing unacceptable too. Besides, its not just moral policing. Media also abuses its powers in other ways – by character assassination of whoever it wants to. It uses this power routinely with politicians when TV anchors become judges and pass verdicts. And now media has started using its power against private institutions as well.But we either believe in democracy or we don’t. If we do, then, we must say categorically, without qualification, that no restraint from the any democratic processes, other than by the ordinary law of the land, should be allowed… If you believe in democracy, you must believe in it unconditionally. If you believe that men should be free, then, they should have the right of free association, of free speech, of free publication. Then, no law should permit those democratic processes to be set at nought, and no excuse, whether of security, should allow a government to be deterred from doing what it knows to be right, and what it must know to be right..

    • But we either believe in democracy or we don’t. If we do, then, we must say categorically, without qualification, that no restraint from the any democratic processes, other than by the ordinary law of the land, should be allowed… If you believe in democracy, you must believe in it unconditionally. If you believe that men should be free, then, they should have the right of free association, of free speech, of free publication. Then, no law should permit those democratic processes to be set at nought, and no excuse, whether of security, should allow a government to be deterred from doing what it knows to be right, and what it must know to be right…Lee Kuan Yew, Legislative Assembly Debates, April 27, 1955
  • If it is not totalitarian to arrest a man and detain him, when you cannot charge him with any offence against any written law – if that is not what we have always cried out against in Fascist states – then what is it?… If we are to survive as a free democracy, then we must be prepared, in principle, to concede to our enemies – even those who do not subscribe to our views – as much constitutional rights as you concede yourself.
    • Opposition leader Lee Kuan Yew, Legislative Assembly Debates, Sept 21, 1955
  • Repression, Sir is a habit that grows. I am told it is like making love-it is always easier the second time! The first time there may be pangs of conscience, a sense of guilt. But once embarked on this course with constant repetition you get more and more brazen in the attack. All you have to do is to dissolve organizations and societies and banish and detain the key political workers in these societies. Then miraculously everything is tranquil on the surface. Then an intimidated press and the government-controlled radio together can regularly sing your praises, and slowly and steadily the people are made to forget the evil things that have already been done, or if these things are referred to again they’re conveniently distorted and distorted with impunity, because there will be no opposition to contradict.
    • Lee Kuan Yew as an opposition PAP member speaking to David Marshall, Singapore Legislative Assembly, Debates, 4 October, 1956
  • If we say that we believe in democracy, if we say that the fabric of a democratic society is one which allows for the free play of idea…then, in the name of all the gods, give that free play a chance to work within the constitutional framework.
    • Opposition leader Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore Legislative Assembly, Oct 4, 1956
  • Repression can only go up to a point. When it becomes too acute, the instruments of repression, namely the army and the police, have been proved time and time again in history to have turned their guns on their masters.
    • Opposition leader Lee Kuan Yew, Straits Times, May 5, 1959

The Star is the largest English-language daily in Malaysia, averaging audited sales of 290,000 copies daily between January and June last year.

Umno’s network of media outlets is wide, according to the Kuala Lumpur-based Centre for Independent Journalism.

Via proxies, Umno controls Media Prima, which publishes the New Straits Times, Berita Harian and Harian Metro. It also owns the Utusan Group, which publishes Utusan Malaysia and Kosmo!

The ST said Utusan Malaysia has been accused of biased reporting for years, and its circulation has fallen from 213,000 in 2006 to between 170,000 and 180,000 last year.

It has been overtaken by Harian Metro, now the largest Malay daily — its circulation rose from 210,000 in 2006 to 394,000 last year. Analysts told the ST that younger readers are drawn to its culture and lifestyle-based content.

Once the No. 1 English-language paper, the New Straits Times saw its circulation decline sharply from 1999 to the early 2000s, going from 180,000 to as low as 80,000.

The ST said readers shunned the paper for what was perceived as lopsided reporting on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s sacking as deputy prime minister in 1998 and his subsequent corruption and sodomy trial.

“In the rural areas, the Malays hate slander. My research showed that only 18 per cent of readers will believe what was written on Anwar,” said Shaharuddin.

The ST said newspaper readership in Malaysia is also facing challenges as younger people increasingly get their news online.

Internet users among Malaysia’s 29 million population grew from 3.7 million in 2000 to 17.7 million in June last year, a 61 per cent penetration rate. Nearly two-thirds of Internet users are aged 21 to 40.

There were 13.6 million Facebook users in Malaysia as of December.

The top news website in Malaysia over the past month was the independent malaysiakini.com, according to alexa.com, a site that tracks Web traffic, said the ST.

“Urban readers are more connected and compare content with the alternative media. They see that the same event is given a different slant in the mainstream so people question this,” said Hah Foong Lian, a new media analyst with Monash University Malaysia and former reporter at The Star.

Three days after the general election, electoral watchdog Bersih and the opposition parties called on Malaysians to boycott the New Straits Times, The Star, Berita Harian and Utusan Malaysia for perceived unbalanced reporting.

Analysts said that although such a boycott would have little real effect in numbers, the mainstream media should be wary of Malaysia’s strong civil society eroding their credibility, the ST added.

“All mainstream papers reported in favour of their owners but after the election, The Star is the only newspaper that has become more balanced,” Kiranjit Kaur, a media researcher at Universiti Teknologi Mara, told the ST.

“It was very biased (during the campaign) but since the new Cabinet was formed without MCA, it may not feel it has to toe the party line too much these days.”

The dark night between the sunset of a government and the dawn of a new election is a good time for rumination. Ms Aruna Roy, confidant of Mrs Sonia Gandhi and leading light of the most powerful NGO in India, the National Advisory Council, was struck so hard by the thunderbolt of revelation that she resigned. She now knows who sabotaged Mrs Gandhi’s schemes to win an endearing place in the hearts of the poor: Dr Manmohan Singh.

More remarkably, Sharad Pawar’s NCP has suddenly discovered that finance minister P Chidambaram has been “squeezing the poor” and that “elements supporting laissez faire theory” have forgotten that 94% of India lives outside the formal economy, according to a resolution passed by its youth wing. [The elderly wing of NCP was busy with cricket.] At least two elders have spent the last five years in the Singh Cabinet, nodding their heads dutifully at every decision. Maybe their juniors were reading Karl Marx at the same time. You never know. They should have been reading recent history instead.

Congress policy has been obvious; pale capitalism in office, and thick socialism on election-eve. There is electoral mathematics in this: mobilise minorities on the basis of identity, and split the majority as far as you can on privilege-poverty lines. This is not an original concept, but when you do not have a new idea an old one is far better than nothing. It has worked before. However, will it work again?

An old doctrine about communication strategy suggests that it is easier to persuade those who know that they are being persuaded. This certainly works in romance. Wooing is wasted on those who are oblivious to its possibilities. But neither individual nor collective assurances of true love work without credibility. Voters will demand to know what you did with the last five years before they give you another five. Since the obvious answer, according to Aruna Roy and the NCP, is nothing much, the minimum necessity for any forward movement is the slow sacrifice of a scapegoat. Step forward, Dr Manmohan Singh. You have received more than you ever expected from the Congress. All Mrs Sonia Gandhi wants in return is the death of your reputation. It’s a fair swap, surely?

This also explains the slow ascent of A K Antony in Congress hierarchy. He can be sold as a 1970s khadi-socialist, because he has a properly humble demeanour, and makes vague noises against America if needed. He does not actually do much, which also fits the mould of Congress leftism.

There is no confusion in Congress about who is Number 2; that belongs to Rahul Gandhi as long as his mother is party president. But an epic power struggle continues for rung number 3. Chidambaram did all he could to ease into this slot; he even stood beside Rahul, Gandhi cap on head, to salute the national flag at AICC headquarters on independence day, an excellent photo opportunity that must have caused much heartburn among compatriots. But since it is impossible to sell Chidambaram as any kind of leftist, the chair beside Dr Singh now belongs to Antony. This is not shadow boxing; it is a battle for the real thing. Senior Congressmen are convinced that Rahul Gandhi is not ready to become prime minister in the immediate future, and wants his own version of Manmohan Singh. He would prefer power without the responsibility of office in order to do precisely what is happening now: take credit for what goes right, and shift the blame for that which goes wrong.

We are, therefore, expected to believe that Mrs Sonia Gandhi truly wanted to serve the poor but was powerless before an obstinate prime minister. On the other hand, we are also told that when Dr Singh, displaying a hint of muscle, seeks to retain two Cabinet ministers accused of finagling and corruption, Mrs Gandhi gets them sacked by raising an indignant eyebrow. This convenient image repositioning is nothing but a public-relations caricature of government. For nearly a decade Dr Singh and Mrs Gandhi have taken important decisions together, in consultation, for better or worse. Bouquet and blame must be shared equally.

The voter’s take-away from this controversy is uncomplicated. It adds the weight of an insider’s frustration to a growing conviction that this government has failed those who gave it a second term. Instead of food security, Indians got corruption and excuses. The government could have passed whatever legislation it wanted in its first year; why did it wait till its last year? It was ready to risk its survival for FDI, not for social welfare.

Mrs Gandhi is trying to save what she can of the Congress from the debris of disappointment, but turning Dr Singh into the sole villain of the next script is not going to help. A dark night is a long night. There is plenty of time for some more thought.

UMNO’s eagerness to recover its eroded political ground has seen it responding in unexpected ways, with implications yet to be fully fathomed. Its readiness to march to its own drumbeat is a warning to friend and foe alike that the rules of the game will be set by UMNO alone.

To its ethnic-based political allies in BN, which are facing their own internal crises, the message is that the BN power-sharing system will be on UMNO’s terms. To the opposition, the message is clear: whoever controls the Malay and Muslim ground will control power – and it is not going to be the opposition, which is not homogenous ethnically and ideologically.

UMNO is desperate to win. Going forward, all communities will be forced to ponder what this means for them and the country.READMORE http://suarakeadilanmalaysia.wordpress.com/2013/11/28/singapore-owned-straits-times-misadventure-stings-itself-go-on-a-witchhunt/

Yang Razali Kassim is a Senior Fellow at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University

Happy New Year P119 Titiwangsa your sacrifice. through great effort, skill, perseverance and courage


Silent Night
Sigh-lent bright star Anointed Joe

Oh Titiwangsa,a poll’s had won.
you has Waken from slum-ber dee-eep,
End your con-fu-sion deep.

Sigh-lent UMNO !Deep’ning night!
PAS quaking at the sight.
Alarm bells scream from near and afar.
The allies don’t sing Alleluia.
Joe the Saviour’bo-orn

Joe the meek peoleleader
Had a very shiny pose,
And if you ever saw it,
You would even say he so humble.

All the other parties
Used to scoff and call him names.
They never let poor Joe
Join in any voting games.

Then one foggy polling day G13
Titiwangsa came to say,
Joe. with your promise bright,
Won’t you guide our Titiwangsa tonight?’

Then how the red-faced praised him
As they cried with nervous glee,
Joe, the brave one
You’ll go down in his-to-ry.’

Oh Come All Ye Faithful
Oh come all ye rallyists,
Roaring and triumphant.
Oh come ye, oh come ye
To save as from PAS

Come and behold him,
Must-be SERVANT of Titiwangsa
Oh come let us adore him.
you saved us from Pas by grace

Sing sing sing Titiwangsa,
Sing sulking PAS ,
Sing all ye cadres of DAP.
Glory to UMNO,
UMNO is the highest.
O come let us adore him,
Oh come let us vote for him,
Oh come let we enslave him,

A tremendous phenomenon of the times is the realization that each one of us has the power to bring about change just by knowing what we want and acting on it!

One of the most heartening things that has happened in recent times is the awakening of people in Titiwangsa. No longer do you see apathetic, deadened eyes that couldn’t care less what happens to another. People today care and they do not let go an opportunity to show that they do so. Not just that, they are more than willing to lend a helping hand, to make a difference.

This is an era when people have started believing in themselves and their power, and that gives them immense confidence. With a cellphone in hand connecting you to rest of the world, you are in a position to voice opinions that matter, take photos which make a difference and record conversations and incidents that could create a national stir. You feel powerful and effective indeed when you break news through twitter or facebook and add your voice to that of millions.

New Media is the greatest abettor and agent of change, encouraging and goading people along into discovering themselves, understanding issues and taking a stand. And so you never feel alone so long as your cause is just and clear — there are thousands waiting to hear, understand and support you! Those who earlier may have heard you out with sympathy, tut-tutted and moved on, are today willing to step out and support you.

Joke spoke of the rising of the conscience of the youth.  Modestly downplaying the role of   candlelight protest marches in  that inspired a generation, \ said, “A lot of it has to do with connectivity and social media. People, ideas and consciousness all get connected very easily. And the youth do not think through and weigh the pros and cons of a situation; they just act out what they believe in, unlike most of us, as we grow older.  Joe was at best a catalyst; things were waiting to happen, and so they did.”

“People were ashamed to see their own faces in the mirror every morning. They realized if something has to change, it has to change within them. You cannot keep sitting on the fence; at some point you have to jump in there. As parents, as teachers, as workers, we all have to start feeling responsible for the nation and to realize that nothing gets done on its own; one will have to get one’s hands dirty and do the work ourselves.”

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