So what is it that gave them the strength to carry on? To continue to fight towards realizing the dreams they believed in? Their overwhelming, almost stubborn, will to live, survive and thrive in the face of devastating adversity? Their desire to live life to the fullest, given the realization that life is so short, and those without and even encourages then to join the mainstream? All of the above? Probably, all this and much more…
Here is a list of different kind of guys that interest a girl. Which is your kind?
Always wondered why some guys always manage to get the best of girls? Well, the secret is not good looks or a well-defined six pack, but the fact that women simply get attracted to certain personality traits and flock to men who possess them.
Below are seven of these “ideal types” of guys that women are drawn to, and an explanation as to why these guys are so appealing, reports Fox News. The list could help you understand what women are looking for, and most importantly, to make sure that you fit the bill.
The intelligent one
He instigates conversations that are intellectually stimulating, and listens to what she has to say in response. He makes her laugh with his clever sense of humour, and has an uncanny ability to make politics interesting. He can shoot the breeze with her for hours, and it will never get boring.
Why he is so irresistible
An intellectual connection is a big part of what sustains a relationship, and if you can show her that you’ve got that, she’ll be hooked pretty quickly.
The confident guy
He is totally secure and sure of himself. He is assertive in public, and gives off an aura of power and control. In a relationship, he doesn’t get jealous of other men; he doesn’t feel threatened by his girlfriend’s male friends or co-workers.
Why he is so irresistible
Women are attracted to confident men. Consider this: If you think you are great, she will probably be influenced to think the same. The confident man doesn’t seek approval from women, and this makes them want him even more.
The artistic guy
The artistic guy is spontaneous and lives for the moment. Often, he will use his creativity to woo her, such as with a song he has written about her or a painting he has made for her.
Why he is so irresistible
Every woman wants to feel unique and special. There is no better way to make her feel this way than to use her as your muse or your source of inspiration. She is intrigued by the artistic guy’s creative mind, and especially by the way he incorporates her into his art.
The exotic element
He comes from a faraway exotic country, and has a cute accent or a unique way of seeing the world. His social customs, and everyday behaviour can be a little quirky, but he always manages to come off as uniquely charming.
Why he is so irresistible
Women often choose this kind of guy if they are curious about the world, but most of the appeal comes down to a fascination with dating someone from another culture.
The considerate guy
He holds open her car door, and pulls out her chair. He foots the bill for dinner, and makes sure to offer her dessert. He always asks her out with reasonable notice, and picks her up at her door. He is generally sensitive to how she is feeling, and when she is ready to go home.
Why he is so irresistible
Once a woman has gone through her share of the bad guy, the rude guy and the not-calling-her-back guy, she will likely re-evaluate her priorities. It takes a bit of maturity on her part to realize this, but eventually most girls come around and realize that they want a guy who will treat them well in the long run. But, think twice before copying any of the above character types, for women can know when you are faking it.
Eternal romantic
He believes in classic romance. He is constantly bringing her flowers, chocolate and lighting candles during dinner. He calls her often to let her know he is thinking about her, and looks into her eyes and tells her how he feels.
Why he is so irresistible
A woman loves to feel appreciated, and the romantic guy makes this happen. He uses romantic gestures to show her he is thinking about her. As an added bonus, she feels free to reciprocate and act on her own romantic tendencies.
The free spirit guy (aka the Bad Boy)
The free spirit guy goes where the wind takes him, and the wind usually takes him on some kind of whacky adventure. He might ride a motorcycle, or he might skip work to take her on a last-minute road trip, but this guy doesn’t worry too much about the consequences – he just sees where his own devices take him.
Why he is so irresistible
Every woman wants a bit of a rebel. She loves his carefree attitude and hopes that it will rub off on her too. The bad boy spirit adds an element of youthfulness to the relationship, and she loves to try taming him, although she knows she’ll never actually succeed.
University students, who engage in casual sex – having intercourse with someone whom you have known for less than a week -suffer from higher levels of general anxiety, social anxiety and depression, researchers have claimed.
3,900 straight students in the age group of 18 and 25 from 30 different US colleges were questioned about their sex lives and mental well-being.
The researchers found that people who recently engaged in casual sex seemed to have low levels of self-esteem, happiness and life-satisfaction than others who didn’t hook-up with a relative stranger in last 1 month, the New York Daily News reported.
Lead author Melina Bersamin of California State University, Sacramento said in a statement that it’s premature to say that casual sexual poses no harmful psychological risks for young adults.
She added that the results study suggested that casual sex was negatively associated with well-being and positively linked to psychological distress.
The study has been published in The Journal of Sex Research.
The art of flirting is a tricky one, and it’s not easy to always know what the flirting mistakes are. Though for some women it is a lethal weapon, for most others it is complicated and difficult
Remember your limits
One of the most important and crucial things about flirting is that you make sure that you know your limits. Most social flirting happens at a bar or a party and that means you will be drinking. Flirting should be fun and taken and done lightly. Remember to not go overboard with an excess of alcohol in your system.
Don’t be a tease
Make sure you don’t fall head over heels for someone while flirting. Keep it light and subtle. Do not indulge in touching or teasing. If you throw yourself at him or are overtly sexual, it could give him wrong ideas about what you want.
Don’t play too hard to get
Remember that if you play too hard to get, it could ruin all the fun. No one likes to interact with someone who thinks no end of herself. It could make you look snooty. Try and be as normal as possible with him.
When most woman flirt for the first time, they get all worked up about it. This in turn makes them look ridiculously hyper. Relax and be calm. Flirting is meant to be fun. Try and keep it like
God forbade this should never happen to you but still for the sake of getting the message of this blog sink into your understanding, request you to please think of this unpleasant situation. Won’t you get extremely depressed to know that you are convicted of some crime in some court and you are told that the police are in search for you? Sounds harsh, isn’t it. Let me present a mild version, “You did nothing wrong but someone is after your reputation and is hell bent upon throwing mud on your linen.” You are told that the enemy has gone to different newspapers and spread ill-reports about you! Would you not be bothered about what story tomorrow morning’s newspaper might carry? Surely most of us will. As for me, even if a distant relative or a friend gets accused of something wrong, some part of my bone marrow shivers inside, but not so for our dear politicians.
Literary giant Ernest Hemingway lived, loved and died by his own rules, leaving a trail of exceptional work, but also broken women and homes Intellect is seductive… and is equally eager to be seduced. Women are drawn to intelligent men; the interest of a worthy man gives a woman an increased feeling of self-worth. And genius is a world apart. We forgive our men of letters many evils, and indeed many of them – most dead, some still alive, are boors when it comes to real life, however delicious they may be between the pages of their books.
And it is equally true that these men, when they get out of their own intensely thoughtful heads, have sought women like muchneeded tonic – ever younger, more beautiful, doting and appreciative. After the initial charm wears off, reluctant to settle with anything lesser, they have changed women as one changes clothes, seeking to stay on the high which the initial flush of love and sex brings. This keeps the adrenaline flowing, the ego sated. And of course, it keeps the ideas coming.
One such giant of English literature, Ernest Hemingway took birth and died this month many years ago (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961). In between the two defining dates, he lived life to the fullest on his own terms, indulging every whim, courting danger and flirting with death – be it on the battlefields of two World Wars, the bullfighting arena of Spain, the jungles of Africa, his regular trysts with the sea, or two airplane crashes on successive days! Ironically, he escaped these deadly arenas, and finally met Death in his own home foyer on his own terms, by blowing his brains out with his favourite shotgun. This last was the only tale he did not live to tell, the only experience he could not share.
Hemingway’s dangerous living is explained in his words from Paula McCain’s book The Paris Wife. Talking of the bull fighting in Pamplona, Spain, Hemingway says to first wife Hadley Richardson, “The torero has to know he is dying and the bull has to know it, so when it’s pulled away at the last second, it’s like a kind of magic. That’s really living.” Hemingway was a cocktail of contradictions, as history’s most interesting human beings are.
He loved with a passion that saw nothing wrong in chasing many women at the same time, and hated with a vengeance that saw nothing wrong in ridiculing and harming those who supported him on his upward journey. A man who was scared of Death and yet courted her repeatedly; one who had built a heroic myth around himself, yet was scared to sleep with the lights off. One who needed his space and solitude to write and yet could not bear to be alone.
Hadley, who probably loved him best of all four wives, says of him, “He was such an enigma – fine and strong and weak and cruel. An incomparable friend and a son of a bitch. In the end, there wasn’t one thing about him that was truer than the rest. It was all true.” For Hemingway, life was about honing his art of writing and gaining popularity.
A serial womaniser, each time he got bored with his wife, he sought out a new attachment while still married. Hadley was eight years older to him and was credited with grounding and encouraging the young Hemingway till he found his feet in the wetlands of literary Paris. Within five years of marriage and a son, Hemingway started an affair with Pauline Pfeiffer, Hadley’s best friend.
Unwilling to let go of either woman, he tried to carry on with both for a while before Hadley called it a day. He married Pauline in 1927 and had two sons with her. By 1936, Papa Hemingway was ready for another innings. This time, he fell for Martha Gellhorn, a war journalist and author almost cast in his own mould. It was a foregone conclusion that this union wouldn’t last as Hemingway could never stand competition.
Within four years, he started living with his fourth and last spouse Mary Welsh even before the formal divorce with Martha. At the end of all this, what did Hemingway feel? Ironically, in his memoir A Moveable Feast, he says about first wife Hadley, “I wish I had died before I loved anyone but her.”
One of Hemingway’s fictional women says about men in To Have and Have Not, “They want someone new, or someone younger, or someone that they shouldn’t have, or someone that looks like someone else… Or they just get tired, I suppose.”
Martha, the wife who hated him most, said of him, “A man must be a very great genius to make up for being such a loathsome human being.”
Hemingway was indeed a tormented man when he died. Much of that torment came to him; his own father had committed suicide, as did five close relatives. The rest he created for himself with his overindulgences, fickleness, huge demands on love and lovers. He once said, “About morals, I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after.”
The mental torture and his unending compulsion to be liked and applauded created the myth of an invincible Papa Hemingway, who ultimately died as he lived and loved – by his own rules.
I have never seen a politician crying or even worrying because his name appeared in the newspaper for some wrong reason. A lesson weak hearted people like me should learn from our politicians is to gain this skill to become mentally strong. Adversities should never be considered as adversities, albeit those should be designed as opportunities for future. After all isn’t this behavior similar to what Lord Krishna expected from Arjuna when in the battle field. Bhagwat Gita advocates the concept of “samdrishti” i.e. looking at ups and lows in life with equanimity. Of all kinds of people in India, I find this equipoise to be practiced largely by our politicians and hence they inspire me a lot.
It is said that in politics there are neither permanent friends nor enemies. This definitely does not hold true for us mango people. We make friends for life but when a friendship goes soar we also make enemies for life. It becomes so much difficult for us to reconcile. I still swear in the names of two of my school time friends named as Raja & Bappa who cheated me and looted a bunch of Indrajal Comics from me. Right from my childhood days, I have always considered books to be the objects of biggest treasure. Although this incident happened almost 30 years back, the heartburn was so harsh that it still throws a current of sorrow as and when I recall the incident. We all have one or more of such similar stories in our life. Our enmity continues for a long duration although this is a behavior best not practiced. Mahatma Gandhi said, love your enemies but we never could do so. Once an enemy, usually the tag stays for lifetime. Not so for our politicians, map them over a period of few years and we can see them dwindling in between stages of friendship as well as animosity. Our dear politicians are the real ambassadors of spiritual saints; they have the power of converting hate into love. Stretching ahead, I think they never make enemies. Should we not learn this art of living an animosity free life from our politicians?
There is a flood of literature and teaching available on the secret of positive manifestation in the self help shelf. Recall the language of any politician before elections and you will see the embodiment of optimism in every action. Most of these people are fully aware of the shallow political base available to back them but when they present in front of public and media the energizing language they use surely reveals the secret behind their success. Even a three times looser candidate proclaims that he will win in the forthcoming elections. What about you and me? When we lose in one game it requires so much of effort to restore our willingness to start fresh and perform again. Isn’t this high application of optimism a must have lesson for common man on the street? One more quality of our politicians which inspires me a lot is the confidence with which they take defeat. They might lose in the election but they never loose their heart and cool. They get ready preparing for their next opportunity. Their self dignity never gets washed away irrespective of the situations.
I also respect the power of memory demonstrated by a successful politician. I once went to meet an MLA whom I had met only once and that too three years back. In these three years there was absolutely no interaction nor on any platform did we even see each other. When I started introducing myself, I was astonished to know that the MLA could actually recognize me by name. He could even recollect the reason why I had met him a few years back. Having a powerful memory is a big aid which enables success. This is a quality not found commonly with most of us. I am sure I am not wrong in admiring our politicians for this trait!
Many businessmen in India and abroad become successful without actually having a degree in management. So is true for politicians, they defy age as well as education. To become a successful political leader, qualification does not matter; education does not come in the way to building a successful career. You do not have to necessarily get a post graduate degree in political science to become a politician. In fact you do not have to go to a college even to be so. In politics there is no retirement age; if you are lucky your image might be the cynosure of eyes for the future genre of politicians even after your death. Politicians teach us to follow our passion up to death and beyond.