Wan Junaidi:IPCMC treating our police like a criminal? but certain politician...
Rather than spend time predicting the future and excuses (not to create IPCMC) of a body not yet created, why not do the right thing first? Trying to predict something that has not happened. I think...
View ArticleThree idiots the art of bullshit, “Shit stirrers” ,cold murder and a scam...
Why this Kolaveri – Hindraf Wyatha Moorthy Version Always watch out for ‘The Big Obsessive Scam’ the media goes after. It often covers up a great deal more than it reveals. It also draws away our...
View ArticleTime to turn the knob on Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
Here is “equal protection of law”? Is there a separate set of law for Zahid? MAT ZAIN IBRAHIM, former chief of the Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department is correct to highlight the...
View ArticleNajib and his gangs are not above the rule of law but in Malaysia Law and...
Najib is busy in the humdrum of political one-upmanship and media searching frantically for new enhancer noises, for god’s sake, don’t mistake this to be the denouement of any criminal case. That’s...
View ArticleWoman dropped your clothes its time for me rape you
Padma Lakshmi went and did it. She dropped her clothes for American magazine Allure. Four other celebrities joined her in strutting their stuff, but Padma Lakshmi is the one significant for us....
View ArticleMahathir: Rowena or Ravana the grooming for an UMNO election Najib style
Ravana had also tried to kill the monkey king Bali, who was performing prayer to the Sun God at a seashore. Bali was so powerful, that he carried Ravana with his arms and took him back to Kishkindhya,...
View ArticleUntouchability, police encounter cases Home minister a ‘protected criminal’...
Deputy Home Minister Datuk Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar the truth is that you do not know enough to go into a debate with Gobind. You have uttered utter nonsense just days ago. You don’t even know...
View ArticleJudicial manipulation have encouraged the criminalization of politics Dr...
Judicial delays have encouraged the criminalization of politics, and indeed of all society. To curb it, the Supreme Court cannot depend on its two latest judgments. Rather, it must devise and enforce...
View ArticleJustice Denied the law is an ass
What is the answer to our political discontent Democracy is as depressing in practice as it is uplifting in theory. There have been so many corruption scandals in the past few years but political...
View ArticleChallenges to peace and justice in Malaysia
INJUSTICE ANYWHERE IS A THREAT TO JUSTICE EVERYWHERE this is what we called the unprofessional and childish behavior of HR practitioner.So sad on what happened to Katheriene just because didn’t attend...
View ArticleOur dear politicians more prone to womanising, can we ask for a little more...
So what is it that gave them the strength to carry on? To continue to fight towards realizing the dreams they believed in? Their overwhelming, almost stubborn, will to live, survive and thrive in the...
View ArticleR. Nadeswaran and Police Psychologists nexus Waiting for inspiration
“The things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openness, honesty , understanding and feeling, are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness , greed,...
View ArticleUMNO under Mahathir-Najib will hurtle towards failure
Najib has not used his office as prime minister to lower the temperature. Although he gave a press conference in London, he didn’t mention the attempts to oust the Vatican ambassador, growing...
View ArticleKhairy’s prejudiced mindset: Lame duck PM.
Kuala Besut will decide Najib’s fate If we do not do this we will be cursed by our descendants for having betrayed the our race If it looks and smells like shit there is no need to taste it because...
View ArticleJudge gets a dose of retributive justice the need for judicial restraint
The Malaysian Attorney-General’s Chambers had never charged any individuals who were detained under the Emergency Ordinance. Gani had disagreed with the home ministry’s proposal to introduce laws...
View ArticleDatuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat Khairy was right Kuala Besut will decide Najib’s fate
Since when do you need to get approval to pray at a mosque? Even a Non-Muslims are allowed tenter, mosque what an insult who has the right to permit a person from entering it, especially for...
View ArticleWhy pornstar Soi Lek was not charged why pornstar Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee...
Policy aggression replaces policy paralysis…. History forcefully made? Arrogantly yours… Soi Lek, Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee one must not react with a kneejerk but try and go beyond the shallow surface...
View ArticleRafizi warnning to DAP no more Malay bashing Don’t be anti-Islam
Rafizi Ramli has claimed that Centre for Policy Initiatives (CPI) director Lim Teck Ghee appears to only endorse issues that go against Umno, the Malay culture and Islamic studies.Pandan MP Rafizi...
View ArticleUnmade in UMNO Confessions of a ‘shopaphobe’ husband and wife
Prime Minister Najib Razak spent a staggering RM44 million on overseas trips in the 5-year period since coming into office. This was revealed by Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming. According to Kor Ming, this...
View ArticleWho Cares? Yet another Najibs ‘foot in the mouth’ minister and...
Yet another Najib ‘foot in the mouth’ minister Abdul Rahman Dahlan has accused that Christians have wrongly printed the Alkitab, thus has to be burned by Muslims. What an insulting statement.’Urban...
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